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Show THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 25, rOB RjLLB For Sl, AolmtltflM FOB For Ba1 rpBSAUB BAIJ Antomobfle ro& FORSAXJB For Said rnniltord For &ft!d - MlacdDtltoOd saus . For Hil. Mliicllimwn . 19 1923. FOR SALE REA L ESTATE iBRTRTftd ami FOS flAT.rwv.AT. ZSTATB Ippifiti OninroroT4 FOB 8AL-2S- ZSTATB AIs Innyrprftd sad PiitmprowoA sod VBtimwred YFLKNlusLfcD APir "VMafiil J.' jK.NALSd r extrrdV A dAlTllL anlt pUtaf ton tUm" eatST 5. i! w. ocftiNO TO LIVE IN YOCRSMJ CENTRAL TRUfftT fXIMPANT. a ary bargatna: BcaaC g. a. dlaaf tot. Mu. fttripft, Uc; tanod ntaUm Ota ba at tod 4a ch Wat A bar Pepeftdftblft Card A iNOOMJft NET AND Of TUBER MODRRt H. BAKUAXNE. SPRlTAL SRI.L . W1IX . ' a wba L. illltalrtta riTWROOM ta tdt BO TOO BUI A CAR TO I'Sft OK TO 171 1. amattof f ftoe hoftot, tabto. 4 lea. re la aad Want fan iinat ftaOtO A TBAB. WEST or MBRHTT 4. thaitw, apMial, S&d; etwf. Ape. aelto, wtl Tjmg Warehama Co, m.VGAJXIW, pw (ft., m . B,. A. W. TO LOOK ATI plft Close to on seat aid, aa apertmsag prato--r- ri THAT HOMWX rBRLCNO When DIRTASCR PARK AND WALKING yoa net to Period $9U0 If for an, dining dutlfa, refttor ftftTft yam toft APW.M4 KIMIKIKU CASH that apptoa. itoap. Bring UKUSUKU.' y ef two separate brick nartarat towl FROM WWR. A CLRVI6RLT bungahvw you lep lata this la Jo,! thft MftM er fort, ftoftrenl qptrltl, 411b; waL aad mahog. ptrid din-la- g our tom, aad 47th Owe. tft tftfth fta cm Ttaftft 1, ,1,1. ,t.. urafcrtl fuutaft. afl fari right at bams. ltea, alcsty arTaacad qomr Tbata becauaa Urn af four 4 room d n ftroft aaaMltty tft ftUT ftf CANA wkllbvilt chain, tog. up ta flf ea., tpactol. 8 BeaC. t. Loft Ohl p43al talMteg, Itamwtan ta MUCUS DINmodern rooms AND built' tea (baffeis, cubtosas). gas are eeny-tooLIVING LEASING F WITH aad tto tag, large a4 ta 4ft aach; 4324 raavb. pncctltia range, S ft P dfttlft ftfted Cftftft H' thftTft I Mata tfttlftUi, T1CTOK AIIIIMO KLBCTRIO eaka aiifh. ING ROOM FINISHRO IN OtIMWGOD tot ia UMtooally highly Improved urltk town, range, etc.; ewe apt. ef fear roruno to ftftft. ftdft; Thft fttaftftft af aradrl taft d aad atoht bed taiaft KATIONAL per oftta ta social, day Lrftkftr, " AND OAK. 9 Nattaaal eaah ragtatara, TWO aet to edhtr- - leta - tlwa ftlwhr. ftovren, shade aad frail trees; fceced all akeiy famtobed (aar atom RsaaeK Am add!ta! m jftft -- to ftftrttrftlarly a Bnywinghn adding mnebtned. regiamru Itargaiaa to to atara flit aim AR FINR BEDROOMS IN ENAMEL. . It ha ftot featrayad ft tot of arauad, and garage far tto ditional A room cottage da lariated. WR RUT. BRIL,' BXCUANGM. RRNT. rtrythtog artry da. Wa aadarttU tba Hsatael,bargalaa 114 W. Broadway. w, WITH Mnteft Vtrftd. KITtHBN l'LPMIIING. oto tog" pi Bt'FFRT Tto home la of brick oea- - boildxaga are ef d irable brick emmftne AL tft Tft loft W ad thft old oerft Katabllahaft ftft faars, PHUM Iff ft prlca cut tft L t ALL 6MKNT tion. TRATt'RKn BULTSN ft aaatotoat aet well e Tto TYPMWBITKR Two total are pu anally ftmllt. irdetma ismnw after ((jadarwomt. to tft yaa. A 0. JffifKINS rURlflTCRR 00. mo arch 3144. Rot, w totally tt U ft aaS III In, u M .Itto BASEMENT. DOT AIR HEAT bedraoms aad torieaed toeeplag parch, four) taxes, etc., are paid, to ftMOto a ear. Rato fftotod to Inin ft. Ml rwuilft ftfttoft aad aa to appaaraaea. WAS hapa aMchaatcaU 344 Ato Ptata tt, pftftW a ft 13 FRONT. SOPTH nth ton rtoto and Snpnr X ahrlto, TARD. urwkft to a Tb at ftftft. Addreaa ctottoa riseaia, shower la MUueea, farwace apt. baa separata madarw bath and find ta STtftftft fttodftL Mftfty ftf ft deftfttaftble bargato imni af tata Aon Uanaa da. FATRD RNDtTKD STREET RRIPR A II, Tribute. MU tote perfect pattaraa. p4U4 . rod beat. IWla ksmi, aet aa H la sa a ft by riaaa tot water beattog system. Lot (7ft ft. are 941 OCLDt OAK DINT HO SRT, C1ROASS1AH Bag SAVIN C8. Hopper. 149 R IN to FROM $6750 TO $4750, BI T $A00 CASH 161 fast let aad located tort KAdftX therefor. aa Ldnoola by 7 mda) ample rasa or another baQA gBRYlCE TAUE VpLAft and awaat elder. Bring bases aad WALNUT RKDIUHIM S HA Tft NHTESRAHT. PALL WAS. 1A, SHT, LAHGR winter apploi. AV bushel, picli a $16,9(10 tto raduced pries ana ba torn l flew of tM ipirMcbtHl bM asatb sf SMk ftoath, la 0 real A. Bow Cat haw. luga. d. HO aappiy IOC TWO LABOR , yrnt LRATHKE tX . 83 SOUTH MAIN. ato Uled ea raaieat terms toeaasa tto turn sc d to R. 27th South, pi (kid them abla a ire at aad to yourself, itni fteaaiaa ta Raad, fiad Sftrd and home, ard. 4fttb Saaih bargaia tapartally BoDlda, 33-R- TO PIANO LAMP. MABOOANT . PARTICULARS. F0H ftaarta, tret d mom roally ncfftioaal toft to ftod CllAIRto TA4L&. te awet other baaimaa fasettosa. la r eat $4790; aea tarma. f Holliday car Una. ntlR ALMOST hew 1167-Jbaby bugiy. baby bed, parrot PIANO, V HJTHOLA AND . .Toarln (3ft rora. Tto ij t.RAjrr 4m to the MAH m thee rare to nseebanlenl . apect this an usual taveatmaat today. 0R U24 So. th M. 1418 V sage- - Hy. iOKOO fttT. 417 BART 4TH SOUTH. P1RRPKOOP fllifii case, cheap. 1.1k TOR.B .. Inquire 4129-W- . ....Tft ta, Cf ery nilfbtroving 4T HR. ONLYk-4140part to mdel tor tkta Hy. 4568, By. 1310-,aedera Hy. mTS6 0. Perkins. 1IS Bo. State f FUH KALkrt umptete KeeflUiUl'l act pa 71 lSItBUlCX ftoad.tr, change, and ait tochange, as toriflM toms la very large earner tot, waat aid, ano-w'- . . , 1817 Oftft MAXW1HJ, Language, phaa aseihod to study tbe Gercrotenra or grant . foarin, Cftft BARGAIN; leaving taws, ft ruotna t faruT WONDMBPIL heaur and kuln range fw man ftftaat bate ftttoO cash, baiaaea te talk yea. Address kkx 3V2, Pocatello, a is at 91 South 4th k&aat. Call Sunday, GHftVBOUtf Toartnc ON TO t7B. language. tare for sale. Too caa rent apartawat if A FIVE ROOM rot ONIAL SOUTH OF ill Investment Department. Cftft Idaho. 1939 ( Too fin, p56Ki 1817CUAXULAK aedaa body UMBtol ro lt!i yea desire. Call 3ft Waat 7tb South. LR OAAN18 RICHABDR OUM13T GILMBR PARK. FINISHED IN 1421 4 to ft p. ul., or wwakdaya aflor 6:ft9 A APARTMENTS AND STORRHTea comIMS TOlUft Trwta cfeitot, to perfect eeedittoa and witliHyUnd 5087 R FINE P9 The. new VITAMIN FOOD. OAK AND ENAMEL. alt reated. 76 Waat Be. Temple EL Waa. 49R1 tflL rCB.NintlB far aato. &d Gregor Place. pletely furnished apt rtm ants, ertU toew tirea. A demonstrated TH.R RIB 'KM B. PLUMBING. Sold by Mr Tl extract 3JHM Joaathna apisa. ' Onwaa 5 SaaUA rinse pausd aad store two ranoa. Steam vegeUb'e heated, toe yo f this car t worth pMd H 1 . lift AIN. WELL PIANNRD KITCHEN ftth West. So. ana to mild, west Granger KaUtoriae NoU. 1111 phftll hi; Income $823 per month ; price $27,509, RING rWAB. S9I," 1111 aadaa, folly equipped ; iIm Bock-toCHllA'8 bed complete, buggy with top, eak schoolmil home. TSo W hftC ffte WITH EVRHV CONVENIENCE, mlSST FULL P.W12 have or will What trade. terms will windtrouble rent and arranged, your !. axi. shock absorber. dining aet, Leonard Vefngeratar. Singer moat ftft ftolil. to (300; BASEMENT. FI RNA( R, HOT AIK WINTER cabbage, Wt art exclusive 9699 lb NKW FIRIBJLKTK PRACTICALLY agents for siany you! shield wiper, tto. dHAP. aaplea af all kinds, Let t try It ta a 3laSnW awing machine, davenport, cotton mnttraea, ftfttonl to carry tbota Dl BIN LOCATED COAL un wftftp scuftot ! SRR L8 H2 I67I7 Highland Drive. Murphys Lane. Temple WITH FIVB ROOMS, FINISH MO Bdtaoa pboeograph sphadid lawttfceat proptrUea. blit Price with attachments and aOmr ON SIGHTLY AND I.ARUH LOT WITH Mil Mur til. 192S FlUftl IN GUMWOOD AND OAK FLaKVRS. A fls GET yuur waiter cirreii cheap. calfWsa 1 NKVUFASSKD DATTuN bo. 11th Skat. Hy. records, emipe, slightly used, 6 tirea, eattera. ebcaae mt eara. tat Jmt yon hlrker-prtc-a OVER acauS, MEW CITY, CONTRAST TO THB ORIH and ahipehape throughout--- I 864A W toillai' meat grindera, meet aiknra, bnUM-r- a ASSWSS- PAVED STUECT AND ALL piftJD p6dos theft U yon ftftftft ft tot for Real .Katate Dept. UVIICG AND DINNARY BUNGALOW. ICl crape, lurtir, dem. rims, tpeed TN both men a Tft anppben. 2 SALEftonr FOR Morrto UBBAHT paid chatr 7tt) leather cu.hton (better rockara, tshls, CENTRAL 7KllJtT 00MPANY. ACROSS THE FRONT, ING ROOMS ttaeter, dart toiap. teat cavera. tto., CALL WAS 13ft. riUt'E AND TPUMNbargain and dining aet. No. ft Lund apt., 148 ba. Bargain In rebuilt mark! nan. atata, one vacuum cleaner, one fire alarm aod tha arigtim tUH LOT 42XI Mala at Fuat South. Wasatch 456 BUILT-IBlfFTET; IRffC, paint 42 SO. Day ha office, 323 So. Stato St. AHiiTON JENKINS COMPANY, Tlh Hat pA Bt tart aad took at thit mTIM box, one flasher sign, four large oil paint-togov p9( inciUdino MAIN. improved, TO TftRM highlyand cement dujvbwax. BX electric hanging baskets Suitable for a tt PM KITIiUHN CAB1HLT iALiXeUR). IIY ft AND $18 HAIM ON SALM tor YALK A KNtfl HOME. kagm BBEPOltSUiLB cast-iroPDRCHAgBAS. Rraaa theater MHft-Um equipment. railing, lies 1488-- J EVENINGS. p5fl7 trite, flrt tlrta. fully equipped, FTUB PARLOR. IUHM BIX 4 AND BIN aad poor ftreaaea also la misfit 5; 80(1 AT ftewhouae bargalao budding drtcaa 360 milet and rtpottetted. 4X12 BCG, dreaaers, chiffonier, brtw bei oook nom, 77 K. 4th South. OWNER J.RAVINO BIU UK Hi MUDIW GOOD RYE RENT a 785)9 frame. Addrva DATS W peom o priced WAA. T!9U HUM. fumed eak diming VICTOR AND WILL ftAtntlFim Fltt IMMKDIATB TBMPUn'OM hiattrena, brings and Oalumbla-VIctroiaOpaa Saratoga. $8490 AND ONLY A RMAI.L PAYMENT a ttrter, and I'sJsnalr record' food tirtt, slightly at ltlf tonrtof, ,, records HAJ.B 46 ptat tabia,. ft219; A. & TOU&I8SK. AUCTION BALES tiiih Kxrieu.BNr uomk. Hj DOWN MIRK YOU THS OW.NRR one Ma top aad in eery fair con- and, 20c aach, ft' for 65c; piano rrila. HI 8. So. Temple. mft47 JS7S2S77. Wftft. HAUDWtHiD RKAI. FlOOKft BAIU3AIM. ft TlllULonO!T, Atotn. $13 a OF THIN ltd M Muato VHKY ATTBACT1VR bn la 25c a ditloa Fishera is, grab. to mi a m . at si rulDAi.' arm, ROOM uit I4V1NO W0KTH OUMWOOD FINIMH, t. tasao MHA HI NGALOW .WITH FIVE RUOMfK SLNU your old furniture to our upbolntery 1923 rod dater, atarter, deuu rims, food (ore. Ml k Sdwy., 4 doors oast ef K (KLN8 4 ta BKT Of UH:ORY FRONT Of THE KNTTRB toodora f Lot mo ahow you HATH. AND AOKOHS TWO m7ft4 O BRDROOMfl and ntwiy recovered 1 IU department and have it madet ever like Urtt, tar Mr. Mur-tar- . top TArr IN BA6 cos with beattog plant, n nces new. ON oiodenita. HOICK LOT HOI 6K, AMIVKMK'NT .ROOM workman; patoted (AR rLOOttft, BLANKETS tad rtgs on your own terms at of alee kipert rata furniture. coasuaUag FIRB-li ft rooms caa bo rented. La waa, ftewia HUNT; PHtfmi.Y DruOttATIfD; AND PAVED KTlimST, AU. Other models tad ttytod art priced well Salt Lake Mattrena A Mfif (to, 536 West 2 4x12 rugs, classy brans bed, 121 HRMSTKKBT BUOTBRUB. 8(2 cimags and TniRKR NICK IARUfl and deep lot; ear liaa By tha tear. Call HICK (.AKADk, eMIft West within their ralae. Plume Wat. 8299. 442ft PAID AND IN A Broadway. Pbooa Was. ISM. matt, Iron bed ccntplete, pedestal d. table, Temple. to bathroom. Was. 2102-oroutaga or Buaday, tile door CO VBt BALLARD MOTOR CO. BRDttOOklS, pStoto gnl HY CHOICE llOMB D1BTRKT, o. f d. 00 126 bAVBD TO chin.. buffet, $16.00 Vlvwued With iXNKINb aucucr: .OtaM rnktra, very pood I ted ford On a torew .loft, kieatod to cboica 4KOOM frame 32S TOED OOTPft, KCH.UWT CONDI-non- . MM W K KMNG8 7 Ttta Depu a small billVf furniture We Nr, aril Itfrulture. ranges, etc. Follow the crowds. curtains ami drapery, lot new window gharica.I Wat. AM au reaideotial (ditnct of fine liotnea on paved 3th So tad Id bus. aro. lNOK aimoot new, Bgiupcny with NOYKtt. k T;EAI.TORR,m terms. stove In and bole excel-9 new for C. good X heating Col. uacd; Wilt range ftftft. Wat. exebange Jenkins, HY 1133 KVKMNUH. 42ia rf'y a tree t. PBBDOM.CTJIK, NEW BXTRA TIBS AND 2241. WAA BLDG. TKMPLhrrON eat cuod , SCU ARHOl BS, M. D. betMschignn .No. large lot of auto tools, Ftano. And Acrtav O0OK k NOT KB, 'ttKAIiTOHB, UA&AHE, HIM. 0, phono pipe wrenches,speria. lMJUlBB NKWHOUtiB p90)4 M36 60U b ALh Woodrow washer, rtc . lot dishes, bottled fruit, tle. Mgr. Hyland 1 721. WAS. 2291 4TU SO. Xn1 TBMPUJWN liLIh. graph, $50; IVafahmlar range, $11; WEST .TEMPI.. CSRD cars. lea driwand, bevel plate mirror, beajttv; SIM.AIUKH SR ElKMTLRR tX)., 1004 K. ctuer furniture, alt tn gOod comutUm. Call pflifll drewftag table kit. table, lot potted plants 21at bo. large stock of oned furniture, at 468 W. Nocth Tampto after ft p. m. two atkes mum DommriTU SHARMAN ACTOMOBIUfl COMPART. HOHU RIU4)EH3 CO. BWrriLYON fmit jam. hoer bottW-1 pur $300 CAFH m3 17ft and feraa. raiigea, bedsteads, etc., at half tha price of Jtnt off mato pavod highway. tierea. hoolenm. 6 gsl crock, aaaitary couch 1 am offering 4 and 6 room new modern Old new. Paul. Mr. for 489. (toll Hy. ak brick bnona, ahto canga. FOR SALI CHKAl OORT One Hosier fireproof 1HTH. OOS'T taTIIBHR IT men Any ear an tbe fo Dewing Hat la ready furniture taken lot A aad fral-riaafurs, ftovih UVI In bantiful near matt, home hrirk new. pftPW district, for in s measure-meatexchange In Fiaoat condition. fine for afe atrenueua expendiTOI'K garden nett, naming water lasda service without any can ftira, ceoktag uteaeila aud YOl'Il ,HAVB 'nU'KBS'R, other TATLOR A R1CBA&DR rtMd and yf line, tie finished 1a lataet RA1RB CI.ORR to boaan. Will taba $a99 at down Tbooa Waa. 825. articles loo numerous to men turn maay OHM baby busgy and bed, ope Vlctrota aad 46x28x10 luctoa. ture m Addition to the purchase price. TOWN. IN MIKT I.HAfB OOta. here floor cement (toy basements, atyle. with good 28774 NO RRKKKVM 9x12 mg, practically new. payment or rraadlm small auto Uy. 4810-W- . a THAIJOK M DKHK1UK. drains, awer connected, liaT, A "Why walk, when yon cat ba ilHpla. wr-- brlrk gaa on street; rai .nA old, 4707 bits to trade, Mr. Mtobny, WnM Oor policy is gmroa and our terms AUtTlONBKR. Bll TURltM ttAKAt.Ei constructed right are ike cheap need Pord on terms? Toor neighbor does p8rBl. hraa, Ml r living and dining rooms flnihed to gum 4284. cwsh Ton may he Interested tn aad borne, Omrr W0 SlJCIlTLT lieat. Built at acd It. and yoa art lost aa capable td bt to always reasonable. built-iyour WMii rot l.iao used ranges pftMO wood wtth oak floor, buffet kltcbeua, beater, dopllnita et m or taruia. W eaten Don't stand aa a earner aad wait fee a In knowing that we trade ufcd ftr Whit cmauucttoa Co., Was. W. H. ADAMR. AgUiooecr Today. 19 30 a. all ma toia. at bargaia pricaa. taakta, Wc raertflra fr loiinisl.. Ml,2l They ar ironing boarria linen cloaeta OUR SERVICE nr EXCSr ANThTOft .4 mldlH 1682 ilnwu eaf; eotna ap aad aaet at; wtU fit you used cars. Prices from $3509 to $4000. Only AMD. ,u Fxrbange. HM So. State 'at. .cal homes ra., 969 W. 13th ho , 7 rm. for Mr. Taylor. ING etty bomea for farms will bn fill -wU tA, 8JW rtah. Par intUnce lun BMUth; Call ap with wbat yot want." Uka w rant K'E .re mo and balance alor-agchairs These $290 uut came par Mk'TY of down, counter, at table, half Just fumitura Pay goods price, Keyner'a valuebio tn you. Cadillac Suburban. o will qnlewi, 126 1st rlsht. Prl R. room J. 480 So. 8th A snap. p4l fixtures, showcases. including ,rly. arranged in $hls borne for the sale, Hr 4Htl U. piano. Cadillac (toipea. ft J 66.0 $597$ Jfttft ItabM.allal tram- -; twu l.re tram,. ,ti,k. 4092 Touring, Went. t of aUiff ml l(nga extra goNl, RICHEY k COWTAirt. good tbdiliac Tour Inga. tot ltatiia). 200 Oft Touring, 1023 Mi also all of the linen and bedding, blankets, F1VK SODA FuCNTAlNR. 99 ftiatot Mm, larag. .ml fruil Irwi, fine DRESSING and table very OadllLe chiffonier, Phaetons. Od 826. 3,17; It,. Caupe, 1421 Call fur.aoon,. Dnnfor, EDO curt ; lota of etc wonder ftOAS cases, chairs, So. cash 225-25th lUNOALOW Wasatob 42S4. ; ROOM abetving. Stearna-Knigb- t TOIDNIAL qutlts. Bldg, bncabrat, furniture. Doug. FOUR register, 8edao. 360.00 Coupe, lftift booo. 22. - post popcorn oiacbma and poek tabtoa ttosp; ful eomb.natlou gaa and coal range, saed CEMENT Past WITH PORCH, p2l30 HLKRPINi; Daxlxnd 0U 373 Hport. Sedan, l2l O. Place. P. M coet tarma. H. an extra J. fJlA easy It's ,9 hloMr, months, BFWKR only LAltt.C FOR BARRMRNT, a IDT, Fro of Oakland Tiuring. V flulo, by anw, a bargai BEAT. P 0. 1. set and lea rocker . braea 74. 0 CO.. BIIUMSM IIOMR Sedan, 1914 BffTTlLTON jtftdS for Iloow rvnt, $40 pT OAK FLOORft, good section. tONNWCTKD, NEW; f 17b acres good farm toad, all Oakland Boadairr. bed and spga 310.09 6(0 Eaat Zlat So. pHll? Runalioutf 1430 45 B Brradwij. 7 room modern BRICK KITCHEN. Bt FFKT S4l mea, fet month, BlblNfeSH men. wusing borne, eeroeat IIW2 fenced hog tight; good 00.00 Ton truck with bed FlMHD-oaW. II. ADAMS. AUtTlONBRll buffet, library table, libiary drem ptttoQ BUILT FOR A HOMK. made . nifty, SPRTTAL BARGAINS. walks, maebtto abode, eonpa, ole. burn, large 4M7 desk, rocker. xcan rr, HOI BB CAN BM ALL CABII Ilk! 4.H450 WILL work S1Cl UBNTHO RE, shirts; ULKAK .NO . C1430 durable, quality 50 'a OMomobile to ft good arc acrea shirts; JRNElNft. $30.00 COL. R, R., g from Touring Bow about om of tbtoe, ar twenty otof crop, dft alto RENT. PAYMENT. HOMK. BALASta LIEN all kinds made to order 800 09 skirts at reduced DO I BLK SAV1NJ.N Get my guarantee first. block a from achool. Ail far $4609k Waa tloueer. Will elect cars? Let's not be an "alto ran." U'2l Oakland Tatirlng 11 ASHTON JENKINS CALL Writ' 123, Call A ,W, Morrtooa, Hy. llft-M- . coat of line 1921 Script-Boo- t our 250.00 .4ra7in-on Waa DM 2ml reduced ........ Jtoftl lat ISTtaO, o, H. f. h pphO. pln, for Addroaa trade city prices, proporty. Touring Un.e today. kam- -. m2617 ( 0., 32 801 Til MAI. 1921 Oak Aod Roadster 260,00 heaters that gave more heat with leas coaL ,Ui. Ora-too- HKAT.8lmlld Jorgenaen, 879 W. 7th Ba THALK6 M. J)lfT;UIOK, Anctiuneer. ut LOL. ' NICK TWO 76 to WITH RTtaAM FliiHr-CLANBuick UhLlAliLR Flit.VmHlH (X , gas range, very cheap. Call Toming MOTOR CO. yogr sale ateana more money fur you. Ap-highly im proved, wott irrigated 1JVINO IM Uti B Phdua Waa BKOItOOMK. plWJB 1houe W aa 4289 aad see at 71ft Sacnd ave. K. Bdwy. aad guariioteed rraolta raise I fret, (all pglftt farm for salt ar trader wA14ft R AIX BWHNTIAL AND cMhR 161 8 J We charge a atraight 8 per edit interest ItOOM. HARK otiprtunit.. located within walk Mfl-W- . mlfttl A. ly. ter aacrifteo. 497 Waikar Bank flit JNB very good ua& Oldsatoblla track. 60110 Lot let. OORkOUTH. annum on deferred paymeota. Ask wkat ROLL-TOIn Owner cat ha per distance tog price i t office desk, large library table, (OuH where iuey grow, flue Jmtoihsn TUB mu that gera the mvj for yuu 2 ton international trucks, bargains. I.RAVINO 8TATB; will oor coopetltork charge. OWNKIt cf h.a 4 rm. bungalow with ripping porch 1901 K. 21st South. Bring boxes sectional P. U. Newman, the reliable auctioneer bookcase, flue dining room aet, 1 Nath truck, $100. 1. HI foe Immcd t. to $3150; term' to suit Tto home bat urrlll 1. I. daenette, Utah Auction Market, 343 ft pi 906 Phone 4841 g 4x12, 8 Sxft rngs, g 1 1 ton Commerce TEN acrea Irrigated load. 4H mtlag tram track, fair shape, $240-BVHNINU8. SHAftMAN AfOMOBILB 4RIA COMPAHT, licet newly decorated throughout. If you chifkdTHt rockers, Ilooslar k cabinet, dresaar FMW I MLA1MKD A TAlLtHtklA 15 fttate r Interu.itioowi Hotel Utah, cheap; will taka gar at rebuilt. "RBALT0BS, Oaklands. (Adhlac a houie, dont paaa In the market COOK KOTKS, are fur 217 Ho. fonier. house bold Other furniture SPITS FOR BAl.E VBRT ItKABOK ABI.T eu trou4119 twv hum to home, Wpa. ftSftft. W AN i th- -r urauar. 61 South State St quit . Ai Easy Terms. V 6707. West BLUM Phoue Wat. SJSL Temple. p5!5fl GOLDIE A VIE. TAILOIJJ, HI SO. MAIN ble. Call Salt Lake Furniture, Waa SMI, tbia bargaia up. M'all Uapaua, Mat. 4M9, TTMTUfTON International Harvester Co. of Am.,- ittVSHAL THOtSAND ACRES OF THE Opeu Pundaya. p5674 mHttft cwioh. M3S 48ft Weat 4tb So. living Rm aei. veleur FOR UTAH SUMMER IN BEST BANGS iW liOD p4M8 B ALN1T NKW; OWNKH VllX BUM. W t mahogany dreooer, ftiinuiun led complete liOHAhT L KALLV, Auctlomer ia mas w&e UAVB a Chaadiar touring car tnat I apeat choppn., I h Slicing ma4 room, .ml ,1 pin. pore,. SALE OR LEASE, PLENTY OF RUNNING BINGAI.OW No 12 Was 8804 M. kitchen furniture. Regeat et. CALL WM. H. yoa tbe money WATER AND BROWSE. chines, scale, butcher tupphea, McCray , gets KV44fl oa for mechanical $83.11 fsooo. IM-- ra work, $40 for A 9TII FAST asaort-uient3468 W LocttU mi taorn.H Ttalrd Bait, ri&dft GIVEAWAY or Htadta Was pfl7(2 counters Hy and PHONE BLDG. aptk or Will KKRSJlAtt, 801 NESS refrigerators nrootta. largest p- -r Mint, $83 foe a top aad 470 for two Ursa, for A CAR TBAT WB DSJTA rARAVTP. ON ao K BRD BUNGALOW BEAUTIFIX 114 I, , 'iXr lowest prices F. llamosel, 43SI OR HY, 477VJ. WAS. i il OAK. tllning ftKMa aet, mi all about ADAMS revolts $200, with klea cf drlttag ta pi849 Auctioneer, WM take will er buifei, metuding dona 1. A IS soiall payment IAT accent STREET, PA4ED (OKNRH 9 hotel West 88 bMg. a at Peery Broadway 8t4 309 anteed reasonable. jiff tallforaia. My plant ire new chanaed and State r710 tsb'e and and $25 r "as DAC1F10 t chair; RAILWAY CKNTRAL tends, TilRSB A HE ALL , V A RA NTKED. NOIini AND VFfrr MX POST KE. " touring, ra In good coodltlnn I seed The mehey 1 apeat on ear. Will aeli Waaatrh 4f5. pfi7G7 WOOD t 6f, aud bark red oil yiaint, $1 CoTey Wta. iToN aAl7l3ANi M.KD and Nevada California. ajwrtmeots Hodgaa, DINfall Splendid balance, AU Utah, AND Ml 8IC atoalh LIVING, for $.00 and ftiva soma terms. Call By. 1013 Ford Rutith ftroa., Hytavd farm and grating tends; large ar small any quantity, del. ING ROOM. $29 LiilKAHV Sale today at lOt So 3rd Rail Is IN FINERT G I'M WOOD Touring, many exlras table, Iwass bed and Kprug, 8189-1961 M. mt 14ft 1118 P rlMf avuldabiy 0 box 819. rancelled for 89 days. Col. H AND OAK FLOOR. BUFFET KlTCtl-K.N- , herolet ioitriAc, cvcuidetc ga tracts; eeay terms; M yoara ta pay. Maga tabl. $Lft birUscye inapie drcMwr, gateleg modern bungalow, pretty lot. ear. Al iOMOBlLB ewaera, aarngemea, inecitan-uw- . 2 W17 Ford Tour.ug and extras. .. .$99-3and pariteutern. Soother II0T-AIAnctWvneer P411 25 large dia.ng room table. tv.o bicycles in UKKfliSG HALL HAKY1N eafaa and vault jerkins Pk. LandBo.Agency, CEMENT BASEMENT, ckwo ta street, off Juat rags, 399 Mato. tend for free copy America's popular 11)19 Buirk H 49 Touring, new eq ....$.196 good condition mA179 room 690 Royd Park bhlg DOl RLE GARAGE. HEAT SIMILAR doors new and r used. Cali 3J0 8o. 4lh Hast Jack Flower, 60 Hy ft472R. 5th Beat g0. yijl Was. 3141. motor magasine. Conteiua heipfal, moaey-sarin- g 1920 llupmohile, rifitl WORK CARPENTER XV. MtoD nftftft Homes Broad Was, etc P'H38 ufvv $396 way. have sold forFORnearly t tots. ILfbtead Part, -- lwo rdRSAIJS artirlea en reiwirlng, overhasUng, Alo lAnlge, Pli jr, Buicktra, CAN DELIVER $7990 ate. room 4 TEN $520; and wura. bam acrea, Bug, ceuienl boono, velsouwcuiuui liLft. FOR Ww elastic Pbubo eue ciU i( TWO carpenter stockings, son, term. ruga, 9x12. one Aim luster, Aubomroitc. $560, nice TO TERMS ARRANGED. FOR ignition, carburetors, batteries, ate. H Own Ter ft. Birr lour 9003 Call Wa ait. good water right, all feared For cling supporters, plastering, etc. expert truss fitters. vet tajw-strlarge leather focker , sew 93WOJ. tomobile Digest, 269 Butler bldg., Ciacin-aatt- . CALL FI LL PARTICI LA K6 WA6. riWO fto. Btate at Bow mar Co t MfH5 art for K parttcnlaro pbeua Waa. 6741-M- , p.V 21t bate-a- t lag machine m7i27 128. ABHTON-JKNKINU L. ( UAHAM CO. COMPANY, 42 d uk( br.. osat aid, a lea lot, com. ParkiNoa. 4 Nat. cask A uiutam7 9 botsl raagea V AUOH.V BKOft ?OIj rcaiMiellnK. Building, fl., ui nonv Maui 6 st SOUTH of RK MAIN. flat V KLLNin W6 Peanoylvaria ;U!l So VFat lempie 8L 8A B 4ft lU fiO PR CRxVf ON fr ALL uad drink luack wot eouatrf 849 Hv. free. ACRK8 soft far hardwood cstimatea floors, kawi oat, very t Improved, registers, Dr Conger 2(7 Main snle. $ PARTS FDR VSBD CARA, ACTO SAL Iowa at. Writern Furniture Co., Broadway 4 tW NM Hy- - 5405 W. outfit Who, 3553. p212ft cheap. pH 53 P6C79 luctMI Ju.t rV8 TAUB, 734 STATE. KM klftol Waa U2 fnari.r, bri- - bun.lr, at fttste woe a, and F&onoRraptis Fttnos borne "near Liberty" park; Sals For RF.HODKI.lNi hrkk arpetiter ; k o.k floor, first-claa- e of 7 FAAg. NASH TOURlNti. Ubrrt, e,,t (.Tiandleri car a second band condltlop, Ph. work. IS for 477AJ brick Pall 4964, handle. Hy. n p4207 looking XlVOO will V t m4 er asms. Hy. in front trrara $385 0 plasuring, BPE BPBC1ALI "pix o. $y9 Would taka small eovpe. overhauled $350. has Ii'h lot. rultTonra for l Repainted, mechanically, Apt. 2, p3099 nsge, see this at Hectleti before making ftAK) Armstrong player, slightly used. 33 35.0 K 3rd Sooth. 8al or Trgdtt Farms For roar, ratra lar good urea, aud dirt cheap at $559. 184 E. Sod Booth. pi 779 fiv p69l your 300 ftAVgk-Xptirrhsw WAR 2Ht sxe 4SS59. small all Wa. . hints $609 Piauista ptayr, ttKMObLLING, garages repairing, JlWI TWO ACUKd and Uy. 1604-Wtaal.nr, llkrrrut. I'atl bo better Hudson in Tertga to reaposslbla party. BI DRON Knpev brick nouaaTlaal 6 rm. buff brick bungalow. g4 uila atu overcoat, $HO0 Weber piano, perfect condifion .. 383 i Nc ALl.Ku tbb alcaonUnOw; rail m5483 built, cash or terms. KstUuatea. for tar.,-Ilr- ,l Will accept car ta trade. Call ;mi .ra, tookta, city tkta aid of Boontiful off mala paved 106 and up. eleanuig out. Subway Tariots, 111 Was. T584-ane. guoi tone Undolf jJG4 OAR FTaOORS, fireplace, ditto draluaard, JUtaT tha W ptar, flrrtarfrk. S r-r- aa wtam raoai of won, rubber gooa. $126. $,V0 plaun, p good tone aenMl chicken Fiaoak . ( p214l k'UKD hug. oveiiuulod, road Hy 4167 M at. 100 lAgent gardes CALIFORNIA COOLER, Went biwment. p796 Floorwork Estey 13 Phene Was 9732 it flnlak aaf aak fam; 1 mm tata; coops, ranniog water la boaaa. WUi aell dash light, tpaedom-eferwowSerfal 1921 FORD touring, bllnda and linoleum; location, " nairw. Sonft talk SODA kOLNTALNM. taa.es and chairs, Vlgtor. Ediaon. Brunswick. fraaa acbool; M tararla, fro! I for 4490 rash, hatehra. ar wUl "TTouni ,1m, and hard luada of term, soft wowi HOMES. or ALL NEW cutout ; la real good coudftloa; $275 LIST your used cur with us for sale. Ex- ing machints. slightly used, Dg discounts Small neighborhood showcases of ill kiada. countera. etc., etc. ALL aod fripra. ..... atraofcrrrlrft raapttarrtra modera bom No stor-ag- e autoauibite ox- AHuity la sortoced take maeklaory. f i ko it by 20c each, Hy, dvwa payment. perienced salesman In charge. Salt Lake Cabinet Victor and CJulUtnbta records, (all Hy 4167-M- . New aad second band p140 Bontta. 23BI A Mrd PtataM lrao.Ua I4J. iftOk L WaA 44 Wss or Mr. In wr trad ia ttwtomr 24S1 4JH4, sale made. C'llleu yftft Rieboy J, J8 3210. city at. Waa. 83 cdriT Oarage. Richards 3 for 55c. k Flitnre Co., Sdllaat conitlleS,1 nWli 200 Clift bldf. cbitpa. E4094 Aak for Mr. Cutler. g!596 Moat tell. $400 caah. Was 90K.1. U74 RI.WtTLH Tiuor an ling ef ail kiada. Uy FISHER'S MrSlO fTTOllfl tirea, 2 bumpers cklrkana a farm, ale OWNBB, 751 !X)A.N k TRUST BY FRITBiU 4 CO., 6 doors 1U9J 9 af m. eari Anerbarhs. land acre of eiroUeat tend, FORTY AL 141 ttfr E. pi hPLi.1 8Lkh IAL p. al846 farming fait Hemn hotel, Bdwy, SAFiiS. vault doors, office furniture, new and row., with good ratrr rlht, a tao P4R26 REALTORS, miles northwest of Bleckfeet, Idnbo, Dead 1923 tole 6 7 pass, tour.. In fins Uami uard. Reaenbaum, UcnenU5ontractor watrt water aad Judge bMg. Builders 122 CHSVHOLlTT touring, first claaa mu 5 room modern rottar, with oil 806 Fait Bidg 8697. eebeota and Wa. all a nlr, as improved, nesr. at j sairifire. good P2067 great Cord tirea, $385.90, term dltlon. Was. dr. regular $126 00 our price and rrmrnt ttarwalk,. !, 184 W. warehouseright,and beet dump adjacent. WUl brlcaTcw lTourcnMleha Will trade TWO phojiograpba. Sunday, Hy. 41N4-tarjafniei work, Must be seen to be appreciated onr . 027 J. mftH6 in price Ai'lLKh Positively Dm b st JunatUsos $62.60; H regular $200 0C. . raialng. call Ifi. (J. Griggs, p2991 iMh taoutk. car ns pirt payment, terms on in smaller trade for bom or lota la Salt Laks. Firat-claa72 goods. to Wnwent,1187housing, $100 0C. giitranteed Ui n. e. mod B graded, carefully county priced C IT. Tribune aauer 144 p891 p68U ttY balance coita, p287 Hy plMM Main St. Phone Was. 5234 go R1NT A NRW PORD. Bnilt-lmake each grade a renl bargaia. Delivered garage, lawn f featnrra, our I' FINK COLONIAL oet nvf evlisuaieo Tftis 6 TL M'i nrilAKLU rufH 1ST, CA Hi HOME, gkFNK SalB or Xtoagto -- fewal Edtatd repairing 44M I For $67$ casl for a gijd piano,' either to sll parts $f city. We ship. W P. Gsrd-UH k. Hy p nd Wild. Paouo fallow. other ttoa rail tto lltoW. $.wno.Oi PUB DB31ONHTUATI0N IN A I eilAPR Ett. to. 3202 Drive It TourseU Co,. 17th or Give p2U95 Hy nef. grand descripHmail payment dewa upright, player r734f WHY PAY RENT1 TUILT FOR COMFORT A K)OD, PRAC-TICWaa. 1606. PHONE HY 1916 W 85 West 4th South. p23 tion, Address D 26, Trih-imname and price. rrooKiiiix..ATn6mo!. an Foil SALH- l.lord ivverMbie baby bucejr. R t. DhlGi.K for an'itec work and reATPR ATIVL. M0DKUN HOMK, puta you In your own home, an1 balance 4345 DV OWNER -- Overland pAUHfi mad 371 Vo. State st. Ranches p7745 range, near Wtone area. doyiiu bT 7 paswn Call Cortot 7. Was 4236 rent pt OAK like WIT1I LXCLVT! OVAL brick '.FLOORS aad work cement. Call modeling. 11 KN WHO KNOW. Make me gn FROM will ger. very good coril tires Rev.; carry 904 eattla or 10 999 dALK-Ru- ik ref a WW7-and polished, mSNftfl PUCTT1I.V twia pbonrarrapbs range, FOR niROUC.UOIT Was. DKCOllATKD, BKAUTIFIX jacket. $A. mod. rm. 6 bungalow, T'mhI and new narta for all cars. strictly Hy. 3". J. 747 I1AN8 R, 0. Riiaa, ftM- Front offer, miust all today. PrL.es Partlcnlara, beep. reasonable 130 McClelland. FRRVCH IHK1R8 hum phonograph, $19 Hied and reiatxed. FBKT, l)TVTLII7HVftX100 Mh school, ft airy bedrooms, at.. Bate Francisco. Cal. Honey back guarantee terries. Ho 2nd Hast near Half price. ptWvS Hr 24130 NJ. FURRIERS AND TAXIDERMISTS WTHI GAftAGK PI.A p38li6 TO LAWN, j 94049 p5g4 Sro this boat 3 ruts., garage. ri'AH A CTO WBCC&A(2B, floora oak cord house with modern PoKD coupe. Kellv F0H LEABR PLOW RRB AND BIIUI DN. WITH A tlra, good mans dark , j uhti a YOI M bays tuMi pistwa K overcoat, site vi , u'iuttJi uM'AlxI 'vi. l.v,uJi..4.lU A. 428 Malm. Was. 3281. end make ua aa offer. Call Evans, Was. lawn flower and leal condiliou, gotnl upholstery $1IM porch, fasten, OF HY Sleeping THKliH l.H$7 IT MAlxU musical WE Fill UANT reedrda. laatr IF THKkl ns. coat ETOKAOS. tailored, almost new, $46v. nicely ttlUlog maebiaet. blTTJ balance $23. Was. 5 AHA W 4to electric stove. No children.- - 198ft W, ftrd pt r mouth 3ST1 aftftlft EPl BVBNINOS. LIKE NEW WE DON'T W is fur $12 .9 ; also lady's latest style all w'oi LOOK WMB-I nick TON room cottage, near with coal body, all 1 Was to4ae Mel OWN ttK 'Roiit-rBY PRfUEfl ltBALTOnB.M NOIIW. JOfl 6UFrtAI. FruifKR P12 THK k and Norfolk tweed knickers, outing suit, grand cheap, cash Un JM Tellowtin Park garage. 2nd gN'AP Keo 1918 mmiel for saie 717 w SLIGHTLY used Rtelaway for It UALL PHOS TEMPLHF0N WAS. 82fH. , NOW IN EFFrUT BLDG, Address park, nicely furnished, 460 or will sell re 2K. never worn, $12 50 lwll Hv 3848-or terms MONET TO LEND p8l42 and 5th Ho. Ask for Mr. Allea. zvt- U;rd p2243 Hy. ro. nunstoN clirap very rtu bay Va waft I 9118 W No Temple A0 pool Tribune. p4494 40 pj7ft VX7B4 kSl oiuNEY 10 LOAN urn Ueo truck, UNH for safe 'or Wanted Pianos and Ptionoiiraplis lfcU, gclUUI MAIN " AKK you looking for a snap? Her It te. 132 1st bAT.H Upright pno. $50 "lui "on Redoote 'kta., ON IMPROVED BEAL KBTATfl, 80 W iwt BFAI tifuli.y HKAD trade for small touring ctr. GAUK For Sal. FotiltrY and -- Prt Stork lUMMi-- h hii, piSiHik We weed eev FOR ANY Going to leave, will sell my 7 room modem MuU N LT buy XVi Phone Wk 31X3, ave pMDI tea oa. m No core Na attorney's tee of weet East. 3th No WORK p2196 MOCNTKDGfABANTHKD; Vk AN lh vral need piano for renting pirpoees. Will I win cau tot It ha S closed it sieepisg J.tve poultry. home cheap facing eoulU, jmit No detoy.. No Eastern rwnpany. AREKl-CAapples. 2.V a bushel and up, PRirWS Realtor. 209 link Savior VBRV REASONABLE Utah Miww to., Nu. kUeren Beet JOVA1HAS 50 DOimE roa3ter with itex ail year yiririJ pay cash tbeu and pay tbe top price. porches, arranged for 3 families; ra be used bom l ttevia, Wa No the Attractive term, Fast at Bench CO complkntlooa. 27V. varieties, FI KPTKH8 FUR A AND leading IT1DK other Bida. Penth s467 1 in i flee condition; Juat the thing let as well; hat fine lawn and Shade k Trryt for top; car pl4 LOAN 3202-M- . TRUST R. TRACY k 21st 4o. 1636 CO., Farm. Uy. Fruft WAS, tree, ilouhla Was 1224 TAMNKRB 156 W BO TEMPLE. mb46.1 block from for cold weather. cotoolai houee left mr 161 Mato Btreet. LAYlNtr breeds, aem Gardiner. A ft4!44 1781 vrtng fteae et aaFarm R For Sale Sewing Bkaclilnei 1663 ad street rar end in floe rood! tion abower Nik aad wired Cat OOCI S body for Tord, sew paint, good Prod net! for sle. It ha R. I., Whites and Red a. MONEY 9 PEE vet Molai and mo- HCNTFftH THDMAS KLKt'TlUC to HAVE be bought with or without furniture. Small for the range, full baeament. vfTTaraoversttK kvtl With used machine 4.N SPGHTNMKN, AM) gaod e3786 W 7th No Wss M71. $125. Call Dmehl, Waa. 2915. To and l'tah Irrigated farm roefc payment, bal. to suit, tea owner, 47 Liberty perk loretton; Jnt completed. Now (s your uppor tor armature winding, electric appliance. Bsay On Idaho delivered and waat to unload Yot It TPOPH1FB VOfNl FD BY m3o WA N Pftie--Li- ve g, U $128-R- . piwitry. ail kuMta day titia ie tom 58 W 3todfto 173 Money 72fl R. Hryeneve TAYIDKRM1BT 12id b649 we Hy. at in SMITH Was to rail p2709 ct buy fart, right prices; fpiop Mar-ra(unity HEAP 4288 mania allowed ton ye r. State at. Phone Adams. cyL 63 h. p. c pay Partial Rt OWMCR 9I 23ft. HY below as pftWVg we cost, most them WHOAPIVAI. priced chicken in 1 AL and a modern cotFUR bALFr uiuH) to fuur room brtfk bunIncubator, BHOOLElv. 2ft bargain Twin Fails, BiaeHbrt ftl'Kt 1VI4 have at good tirea, ftvw tap last Cor Murray. Utah, speedster, respondents AU makes the room. 4.' 7 FI'RNI-TI'R28 N. 8th Weit. Waa. 8141-R- . Binge?, all lot 35x165; alrop-nRat 21 at South. porch, cemented galow, STrcKOFT A PirrKHBON, 217 Brooks Ar Kes It CALL Waa. 9975 W and 1 will eoma exl have tageIdaho Falla, Bexbnrg aM B. Ahthoa, year, good paint, Alamite system. and ALL furnishing given FRBS to bnaement. chicken coop and garage for two THB HOME INVWTMBNT k SAVINGS 00k P4202 Remodeling, repairing cleanstyles and prices, from $7 50 up; White cada bklg. at 301 Houghton court, between 6U aad 6th live to have' sell. what you poultry maov others get style; distance, northeast; $750 take everything, gam; w78bg party buying equity. rotary and longto shuttle walking m337t Olea Miller, Prowl deal. , Bast on 6rd Smith. iriSOft matewst, .eea ing novation. Come la, bring RAKGAINA in buiidog too DDmemui Walker Beat Bldg, famished; including all furniture, taouira at abwa addrero ar lift (iarft-1jCM Ret chum Build ftTPt remrtdeLnf ladiea tar screen doors, etc. ttBPAIKING. UWNKH will sell Chevrolet ruAdstsr, (; cart. Gaddis Xaveatmeat 90 APRIL hatch White Ltgtmru puD1-Farmile money and yon will own a good edawire, vo. $1590 hS209 Bo. $7699; W. 4th ftiL2. Was. Devrel 799 low nly car looks and runs like new; flytnnaaiuia price It at right terma bupply. Special White Prod nets Co., 46 W. 7th South. Was. fvniog machine. office, 73 bo. m6W9 NEKD moaeyf WaA. tenn 2421. We call for work. Ml BT BB HOLD. To., Waa. 4B40. 4 tmm, np update bunWa. Was. 4441. C471. Richter ertate. gL29 on OA. Shop, Tailor real 9 BoetE $1U0 worth ef extras; terna. 3244. Waa. Rent aad Ihone mftftjf Main. try P4IP4 Fed Veto. rax if par galow, double sleeping porch, excellent 9 BOOM house coapietely UMUrn, la locaapple. 69c per bushel; aWo pl66? JONATHAN TWELVE thoroughbred Lt Brahmas. Get if tou hka, buy eral Flcighta, near acboola, perfect west of furnace, garage. A $5600 borne for $1000; Uj mile No. 1 Kuaet potatoes. Ubecni p UN 1920 OAKLAND sedan, just tbe car for all UAH art Idaho farau; 309 East 40th So. ONW drophead sewing machine, good enudi TYPEWRITERS stock. Prlca lat. Was. baaotlfil your breeding A and wonderful down. Call tion gariO bouthR. BU2 DarUaim bargaia. 46th U. WM1 sell cheap and give good Miller k Ytata, Rearm BMg. ttaaa. westhev 6151 . pffTftft TayloratoUe op o5M9 tion. 24-W('all Was. 9342-Murray 118 3. Waa lOtoto GI AHAN iKkl. p5H04 MAhhS. P44V4 119 terms Call Hy 4167-p58T.5 6 to 75 per cent below mfre, BACHirUB. modern GET your TMnksginng ducks or breeders r hot awaer Flve-robrick, atoe cord medara need for By ceat BARGAIN. first 9ALI6 RUN I'KU rxiDOR In fine FOR matey tirea, ABOUT, SALK arnTtgagea m altghtiy 3797 lu MUDELR W. now 2nd RasUat RENTED TBKMft 567 Bo, IjITB for 64P3-Murray, to boilt furnace, p640ft Hy, 713 garage, street, aa 35x5. paved price; property features, Oruaa lot bangalew, 34x4. 84x4. noodlttoaa. 33x4, with 32x4, rity air aprlftgs; worth cwndHtjpo, 4901 Richards Vl $7 60 up. M B. 17U 4874 moat proved Tuttle Bra. Caw, EU9 M t4678 I mootha. n fttate. now firebrick HKAUTIFUL prtvilegea. Call WANTED -- 800 lieus. Call bunga- gftco tewM end gsraga. fully 300; will aell for $600 cash. M922 WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO., Murray 379. 28ft flowra rornlck Bldg. low ; bnrdwoud all xPlt p2418 tbrmigliout, Waa. ftNOl. Pbooe Waa. 2767. I HA K a big line of unredeemed ocaats, g2ivft So. Main 9L Ea st 56th Soufh beef, veal, poulp 4786 EKLL and buy milch cow GAft MEN. In features, ATTENTION! cement fall on built real ratal. Was, kma the te Call fireplace, rests. lent at her MUSKY a4lSv mackinao. motor hao! We cows, keep bulla, service 19 FORD touring, good tirfa. YOUNG canaries, $7 (Ml try. on ov now cbece corner, sate let. cornrr lease, suitable lama bawrneot. siogwra. Trust lawn, Bran, 169 k apiece. K. 33 paved t. Hoffman for pAfttH Cti, Regent A. T. Eaundera, one man fop. Terms. Hy. 2114 M. p4S28 ftft, 227 Eagle lioan To.. take Hull V rent. rtar a U make of typewrttera. atreet. Owner leaving tows. Terata. Furnl Call Hv 4QW M Phone 170-- J p5410 uprebuilt Booth. for service atatkrn, to Provo, sold on easy term, m70Oft MOUNTAIN anil and fertiliser, pronpt So 8tafe. Hv 2690 typewriters low mileage. C. E- - Davtea, Provo, Utah. 161 tlarvenl special r020 STUDEBAKBli . for rale. aloo ta pA87ft 90 tore write Vi. r now SALE to leghorn pallet, New Royal Cnroua Balt Lab 1012 WaohingtoQ at. Ii' you ar steadily employed Was. 9951 M. atate agent f tirea. new paint and top; Full WANTKD to run oft shares or wtU P1144 exceptional beautiFOR FXCHAVx.B TYPEWRITER quick aa! wa are offering wa will teen yen tfte awmar to pa H844 an t CO laying; also one coop 20x28. r8M Roll'- - HHKK.U tlAH a tond to winter. Have good waterms, of trade. Farrington garage or call wood ave. ful Arm, att. modern brlrk home to the $UR gAlJfc BenuHiul apt. Uuuae. 14 apt.,. ontstandtog bills Phone Was. 4639, to- - Main 4t. pfi78 tertake eoanit I nLD lfti excellent T. and 701 178ft 6 tirea Utah. Howard, rims, rant-and pit Nepbi, evening. Hy. for ovtly $9749, ea very located, near capital bldg Ownet INDl 8TUIAL LDAN k trYBBTMJSNT diatrlct 03 fS2M nWeralty centrally s RTBBN chtekenk 3 months old. 8 fta. Main itcift 439 FtU Westers Ante Service, p3ffift Oakland bug; Waa. 4769. (Iwrop for cam, Kearns Bldg. LBAVINO city, moateU. lot, all movlnd 1 falifdrnta. and 6 cockerels. 46c each, 40 Wiiitr vb9964 We build. easy terms. Urge TYPRHHriMtH KBMINGTuN Rear $47 So. State. ia full. If you waat to live port pay meat aad term te autb Ph - I iooka aod runs fine. breeding tww, cheep. 44469 0NW and two-yepan! 10 R 70c a each: hens. them. White Manufsctarerr eerv-jereat. repair f4Adl Fhuuwker k Sptroa, care of FOR quick sale, fur rape Mink ov number. p48! 1 Legh'n bent aad male birds. $30. Wss. ALAKJBD PEOPLE: , Late model near tho onivcrelty you abould Investigate fvmglas 45 from trained uterbanica. ycarhug Make an offer. 434 CosaUtutkm bonding Bank. Ogdni. I tali. Call Mr. Dahlquiat, Was. 4 M0 hKW p4509 rou rtowid know that If this home nnck bungalow wuu cement 23 K78H--J with fenders, 32 model, Reraing-topdrnfO Ogticn Htite Ita Important BULK. rented Bpoelal rate 39to arurteute mMlt 1HMJ to $99 la strict aet con ftdraro hardwood 1V4 at and fkmrs, pftgTft water B. 1st com$4 Sooth. wlrt basement Phone nickel plated radiator, you orIly. meter; 2jr.old turuey bull, first Muh'l t LAHH Jonathan and Roman Beauty Apewriter Co., ABOUT 200 White Leghorn pullets, Tan KM.lHrDRLD $375 down aad $87 per we'll let yog bare It far tbe asking with14th Be. at. ftvwi tt. fair. ft. Box state teed-FBe ItKNTI Murray, P, prkw own Cast IAY WHY Wa. firi your prise plete with a general all overhauling, Just cred strain. April hatched, started t ali Mr. Bari, Waa. txt, or call out accurity at cheapest ratra and nasi rat Will take small car part payment applra. 59c to $1 bu. Frank Fra tea, 39th ochcme raH Corbett, Was. 42fH. Bimtb. pftftSJ lord. $8M). w pftP'jH 2JTL 243 Fern at. to iy . Irake. fthft fteotf Bldg. 04769 Was 4750. P 24 4ft repaymrota SECOND HAND CLOTHING lOghtend Dr pi 231 W ?gd So M pftftBf FOR ftALjT t vow, 6 year old, 3 hciPnT rkin at tho home. Uou-'fo- r east on WVt UHRHAL LOANS on gwod fra- - acute eo- - . will ana .1LVAUT from will In car. facing ta ItFAUTIFUL BUILDINU SPOT, Mlq cheap it gr cpruuig aiorc, pay 2 years old Sale Machinery al) freshen within 2 to coUmial bungalow. Airtight good shape, For jXMH.H Bros, touring Plp K )ut Ttenpie 351 h Ho., No rampHcatkma er delay, Hv 4403 W. 1197 6 3rd pft&ftft enritlea. I pay front by 790 and Goes! milk stock. $16 for oid auits modera Impure lir.3 good tirea, ew top; price $250; H cash. L HKD pIpeTod fittings in all siacs, all 3 month. finished, equipped With 1 FLETUHBR-LUCAIN V, CO., 49 W. 2nd ' am a tailor and hava with water right. Hy. 9494-M- . Call Mr. Schofield, Waa. 1779. iuL terme. LKHL ll()HPn'AlIlav deep pfl746 your dolls fixed highest prices, as AU can be Went 9th fto . UHy. features and ou the 3th Beat boulevard; - CSOlf newly threaded and coupivd. Was. 2M. them So. kftftftO Waniro OdJ very repairing we expenee doll rush. stock avoid the $5500; termar'Call aoly now; easy buy: pT80 uacd just the same aa new nine. Durham Largest One good HALL yoang Foil bull, ali haK olioea. trunks and Jrw MUBT BK LiBhRAht testa oa watchoa, diamond Uut prices. Klein' Bataar, cwmta pants. Owen. Was. 40; after 9 p. m. W. OWN Bit J,LFT FOR UALI. with 24 sucklings ; in tbe city. brood aow 3 Dona 10.000 ft. 1 la. tone on band. NRW Buick 24 Six 64 apart roads Ur. Was. at ooce. alto Morris aoared i . elry. $10 for 10c; $25 for 75a. Urga 49 K. 2nd to. brick bungs Beautfful BOfD p4156 p3976 10.000 ft. 14 in. nine on band. 7062 will trade for good milch cow. B. F 1of pbftlrt Waa T71. fM5Q 4Ht-t. 176 Rragrant tera. fttnbridt. trass CaafldentteL pro port teostely n an ton H4 music band. room, 1O.0U0 ft. low gtanaed-iR3. sleeping porch, Lari Broom (oraer p57i3 CO I NTKUB. ebowcaeea, gren, phone Doqgiaa BY OWNER 719 e 1924 rORD Pmnng. rfta 9 weeks, $ASft era lea, etc. USD HAND ( L0TH-INfFrevtoant Leaa aeatety, L3ft Broth WM HO t M RN ft 10.900 2 io. pipe ea toad. 14-ldouble garage. built In bookcases, sideboard, bnffet kttch t oakefioora. sleeping porch, So. Stats at., apt. 8, at 170 Bo kM Fact t m7rti VALUE AND TAY FULL OR to diameter. AUCTION sale of dairy stock, Raturday, M27-and all rises from tt-teh. full cement basement, rood furnace, gaWat 701 2nd eve k$2!4 WASATCH condl-tit330 CA1L fa 10292, one W. mile n.e, of Park Ulty: ROUND Omk iieutei, in fine comiitma t coups. 1821, TVDBBAKER 946 T11RJJ m.. All for immediate delivery. per cent asMf. Bankers' roaerve sfa rage. large improved lot. fruit trees; south-ea- t BIX mdP9 with cord tlfeg, bompef, ft KGOR nvatern buuaa fur sale cheap, ihone 10 head good work homes, ROI TH TEMPLE tem 9 per cent Ioann ro city ar farm 69- fine, dalv-coK equipped 4th ftotith Could not be built for price Hy. 69?t. pM4 location. salt Lake uipb co. 9744 M. P427ft Wa Bankers' Iterarva Pep salt Oo and algnal lights; car mast be motor-mete- r etc. Cor. 4th West and 6tlr ftontb. tout good SHAM' K property. for suits, price wagons, terms, machinery (toll 313 naked. highest Uy. WILI easy now. Very par pm&t large daiiie. itumpn, Was 3741. mftOtft acre Irrigated ranch, n5E95 een to be appreciated; moat ba sold at JVne Waa. 5418 autreanea. cfe. Tall WIM lake a small car a down payment gift BMg.. Balt Lake City. Fb. oboe, tranks, bay to 12 alacka,W. GOO Dower cheap; get th4n where other 2ftc, H 148,-4owner can Gar sale. it rtthto 71 frattnftve Sf Waa. Vo. concrete leaving Adams, Anctlofwv Uw-Utkir brnw 5. creditors mixer, city. nee, curVrm. Regent st 4A71 UNI little wmder ftrd Maot Mnrroy tag-the- ' advertined time grow. CLEANING AND DYEING strictly son. vt am au 666 fvu-re- r - uaH H to own at 143 W Ut 5outh 2711 ranter ofWatown 4B19-leMae priced at $1900. Call Filter fHfiftf 409, modern bungalow, gnmwood finish, hardrLXT2' liTEKtaTtSTlii C 1675' Ukcwls men t aecoud hand Dowell. to. pM72 wood floors, iii.i NHW' Star coupe, rtn ouly dOO mlle. Call Y0I NG fuw, fresh amn, and heifer, cloae-lih ft UOMPLdki'K atmlent cbmlral lalxoratory aouthetKt loot d,. t LDTlllNuetc good 4.VI1. Wk to. Bt. Ciptat TtaWtar. mm Will pay hoe w brick and sleeping tion. $3700. for $75 if tnken at once; also large spring pftftiW highat i H A I h clothe, Hyland 1594 J. lear-(iVery easy term. Call Mr. Djc nnle cheap ehemlrale and atatta.. mt .4 .wl For SaJo Motorcycles aud Bicycles docks. tatfta,Party 1W 7120 (nit at. Wa 5453 So. Winchester Regent t t WUl make I'beral term SFBLTAL PMfl (im, SPECIAL ft44 1502 tto. Wrat Tempi. H viand prices porch town Riley. .Was 8619- fteitbove bargamVtoreboni Afttd o $1 andeach.7rt Woto V;0 tepcsny. roga. te. hied, Mr. 1662 TO Et Htfhata. Wt. FOR p69H7 people. $5 $15 aadau cua to had at a OVER. Jewett 4HH2 NW IU Brand-nelook and run like new K. E. p5580 WILL PAY ladten EstatB Roal Tra49 nod or suite. pceoa and Sals rootercyclee, 111 For rkia gratr AND SCITCAEKft p419T TRLNKS Will trade to touring csr 69 one COATS. TWO ' one Dur 140 hulk, redaction. of hits-drJersey, 99r. Mato ft Hopper, watt. House jouog Bdwy. deem big ISlNTGlt potaUiea. Al 1rarl. $1 j er tertu. pwatofPr while yro TO EXUHANgE. t ale cheap, or trade for pnrv pft4d 5 ROOM brick, eur. haima'. 208 E. th Ba.; bam. for 174 as down payment, terms on balance. Hv. F 11. Mar. Riverton, Utah Drive W. 1RT 80 and easing Iteft li 9. Main 9L Fbnaa 323 acrea land, all under ditch, 140 toebro lug 8- cbeef. Phona Murray 161-H Italian 41 Wilt rail. 9th 44414.- all Improvrmrata; isodera. Hy. TUft-Waa 67m VOt'U old clothing. 1 mile wrat on 128th So. from Redwood Road, uOTORCYCt eaaea. 26x4, FlrvatoM and or town 2 from miles water. deerhri of good P ftoath. Was 46th and 3187 ndfi9 Plicnc r?lU Army 1932 ffTm WBA HER special six sedan. p696 Goodyear, $8: I, ft., $7. House of Hop-Mmate Itwg df ' D.K' 9 L' ll. S.I 90'ierea - Veatoetiro. ' evat' vide, AND BUG CLEANING CARPET income ind W model 41. BNe'K.-Vi990 roodstea. 3281 So. Xtroet. ftoath. 45U) BefmT 1921 jBaick sport MAN tm "W. Mala atrewt Joroy.cow, gentle 460U9 Intt B In) ' AFlifca North owavero greMitoga.-bna been broken out and fenced. 4. uartogta real cumbrance. We bey rocood hand clothe rDui,'"eoS 7X35 pcofri at ieaa thaa mftdWI fad iVtH Grime iE3 4lda. golden, 7te bnhel. Price $14,009, Will trade eqeity LACHl C.rtat CtaiBio, ftUOtT fndtiEitoWrtyto for aal chnp. pick them ratto: $16 rt mpmtm tmmmmmi, mmmi na. Kytond I73B. egr6 rain top price Brand new Jewett sedan. 67ft R. ftOth Nonfh 7H Weet. x36Kft 1(4477' rwiorta,. stock of merchandise, tor te at to farm picked. Taontre For this Salt Sheep .TO. Studetokar 1 Mill 14 W. m 44h Wewt. bet. Tth-it- i JSi Hy. 1921 Big Si MB,blr. LO'f. a If waat of kind you farm, De4awcre Red We have Wtoroap, property. ay CHIMNEY SWEEP FORD bag. ahm tonrtol ear. rar croKiTi Call Hy. 1969 M; B. eannofr eweabrid AiIMtakii Bo . cheap far cash. .taetrta Packard twin six ftrd werica. Foil SALlf Writ Box 228. HJiMUTON-BRACbeat this one. ve You York. Imperial. Baldwin and Gaoo. 118 J to c heap mftOhB Greeawald to Hamft. bueka. for Feb. aad Mar. lamb-la-g Warn Nash 7 pa as sedan. .. IU6. 4637 taatad. tt. Btta and Idaho. itad,a an J She farnaee sweep Have ic: burtel. Rigby. Thimuey per GRirri ptrftrd, Foreto reserve. outfits and ptrh. camp OOVflY BALLARD MOTOR 00. 20 yra. Balt Laa. We one steel MY taadara bunaatew. nroriy new, VERY excellent beet, potato, 9tflt CLEARING PAPER bub teodiela Gano to our btoa, aotM, free cleaning WAiL aad frnlt or aell all. Will grain Write pflftTO or from worms, but too part honuau Gwarawteed Hv. 8095-- J nnfnratehed. la tbeiaa locafonriabed m7W9 taaa. .mark; tail!, IM. Greenwood LOI UU mMorliMt. light to color for hrwrte farina ta Paymm, Blberta tod jnrrvKHN ii'ir7ijQL.siir'TrwtaS wtt. Bennott Brco.. Mountain Hotne, Idaho k617f Hy. 3164-4 burtel for $1 Wa meke ' Wa ttadt. wTTT 1921 A18BEL touring; car 4a la hesatiful Cantak Carpat Will lea.- - A. J. Dona, tor city property. iUlRNEYrt ana furnaces cleaned nnd te tion aoutheaat. rrltatal., reatoMbW; kaiawntotag. Waa pM(S2 shipping.Redwood road. price 4532-W- . YV1. good ttrea. top. upholsteriag oodTHon, too Heat-te... nod Rlcertnq. res Hv. able. g Page are 6334 Edith p5S27 pA531 22$ JTT4. paired, guaranteed rjv- ,- a Coat $8769 hew; will sacrifice. OR ftALB We are offering about two TWO crate eulteble for MODERN HOME Bervlee Co., Waa 4991. BAST BENCH. 9EOOM 19 to 1ft, perkilrt I, and print. 6475-both girl BOUTHkHN property, (atlfornia gangUFFAPKK ricaalag. ftPr Aatlggi HOTELS city ftftHRft thoosaod head of good brooding ewea for FOR BALE, CLOSE TO rEITBnsiTY, Call y. Call Was 96 VJ U. p57F.) CHIMNEY awroping. furnaces cleaned and Bltaa. Hr. mlaLake Improved. fect condition A. Salt for ad coaatry, ririlt work ai rigto tetooa. one teteveateg, addreoa Balter k EBAU-T1FCWASATCH L SCHOOL. M. Any L to irotb9ift te rtaOBiI.B WJt,. taw tai.t. top 9ft? 7th at., Earn Diego, Li N CO LN MO tlii, 99 fall Corta. Hy. 167ft. miftuft EAST HIGH, blit Balau, Melroee. Mont. rape trod FOR BALE Doe tratew, ih"m cutter wpl LARGE GA- R, A 9. fteilty Cm p45P4 HOME. DKHP IX)T. ljnIIH1 mmMtarta. r . bmdta .room, 45c, toe. pot aad 9hci bath, r t miftTft .. . Emlth farnacea Chimneys GEORGE nbow case and eountrf. 442 TT, ftrd Booth DEAL DIRECT. CAU. fAA Calif. PAPfltt cleaning and kalanmiping; prices 90 HEAD of pura-bro- d RAGE. CotawoU nna X rates" by wort ar groatA. Waa. ta ftpeoal Ba. add 7ft Pbema and trail., ftll Hy. IWNi. Job. work or APPOINTMENT. ta, pftTft Hy. repaired, dose gleaned hornet guaraatead. good Xort cheap, right: 7619J FOR d 2 yeara old. liberal discount if taken p409 Btate 1 Was 1793-OAKLAND fcuf. Wt u4 elasy, $13. B,r IJfiW. aetofinoblte an4 difference aaaaa an rent. mJNrif HOl'OGBAPHB finished to oil color. pflfrift rate foe winter. HciL ft onee. Phone Wai 8141 MSI M7 tao. Sura. k77S GET our ffriwn . Wa 426 f. T44 W. te. Temple. pfMWl Btote 4AC1UF1CE $18U9 CABEFl L and tiptft wtU ftp ftoaliifc 2.2 KJGIT Y IX Waa y5. KLB WILL F0UNACE8 FOB rictiy pr4 W. W. Far FOllDi roup., uraltatat Mailtos. I kalaaoiHliiig and patotlng. 1821 boaaa, ft large sleepier porebea, ATT0RNETB POTATOES. No. 1 graded. guaranfcM not 9 BOOM STRICTLY MODERN DOrsE p4dft WAHM A1K FURNAcKB INSTALLED AND FOR $9to). BALANCE $59 PER MONTH. Mutar. WIU aell ar PIANOlkOoiSaS'IT.UCTION it ley Phone ITviawd 33621 enri tirra, ,Joe. Btata garage. Bo. ea 11th East. fl 'YrurnHsr law. ft to boll away. $1.90 per hundred delivered, NEW AND OLD TIN WORK. PART BENT ttttPAlHBD ittamiMt 44T 812. FOR Hr. for PER 106-NM. MONTH. ether AM property. trade plMt delivered Wi urat. lota tal WAREHOUSE AND TRACKAGE ltlNG rock $L40. Hy. 0T3 TrTJST3Z uTEn'kj r FakI' uita 961 Judge bklg, MIDDLETON BHEET METAL WORK9. r u 3953 B. lfttb Bo. IT WI1A, PAY Y0CT TO 2 LEAVING CITY. brick ACRES to city limits. P4653 WAB. U1A La ns mod.l Fori )Uta wit. Karlra, MOrJiT RMFUK8H. PIANO. fOKSW ANU 749 BO. STATE 8TRKHT. INVESTIGATE. 235 BO. 9TH EAST, plflftft SB i. M TBOMAA, rag laterod U. E. patof rai WB bava omverySaT'Sica tioi weTUwtored W . iitk R ehkhe oondlUoa. run, 99 ATTEMION Trj bouse, MNOPHONK. Jo Tine, " tofge. APPMBE plTUE 41$ a tovaatlaam oar boot ent artovaey, Wfk-eli to aad permanent water BnRiNNRK,. rrvmo. 133 m. ao ; trackaw tait yciMK lota to Bagdy or Midvale, auttable for tenet, twn spring 4ST9 tbaua, free from worms. 99 and 7ft roots Nat. Bank BMg Pout r- -' A to tor mr-bmaa WUl to trad for tewa.0Waa. arty. trad automobile, W Bo. ranch, ebtekea VIOLIN IN8TETJCTION right. State at. TtL Murray 9496 0VBRLASD 'taUta; win tak, m,ll 1821 per bo. XtMBALL B BtCflAKDfl, IWPW7 n-ta-. p44rt E744-FEBTOJZEB paws GBOrVlRON EM toll ntotPara mouhT Waa. WW. fir 1b tr.de. 011 nrLand Mere bants. I REPAIRING SHOE ta bu moderm house, with hath, pea-tr- y WllX exchange my equity uu- 3 te ft BY OWNER riae rea- nrr 11J inJ- 44 Main. range. RKPARtn aoU fur potted pUntaT kalba,' ClrtRfdflWwT palet .till trai. DorKlil toartiHTI W1.IM laprou; gtttdlo 15 H Bo.torMila F. ) rvoaoaable 4L and toad aaoogh for 4 building iota; gatew for good car. Phono gvu&lhga Waa. I uOOD work, 1091 flmer- a. m. TaL Waa 4291-. adnabke. appaUFment. pttet OaQ Hy. flower firtek baa d ronton g. J Wto. 999. for 800; taw m Will Mltti Wa Call ftbaa Aa, bum. 93099 riant to UdB, . S&9-- R $714 EE-f24 mm arm W19 VtmUt tnaeklotota Tbrnw Am iiinif. ' MOTOR1 CO cd iL P8B u in i..ul 'ii wt Par-l- lit . Sf w rkl lr fw, 0f r Jl (R, ans lc t , .ll tlt B! i.tI - watjj by nta'; rh, ul: , - t iii. Urij girt; Uf Wrt7 $. iii lt 13 I.. rrfi r Ft j r im. yj mm ClrA m ru rf .d 1. E. ... ". !. Jrf fij. AJv w |