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Show 'THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER georgette crape, with a veil ought la bund of brilliants. Th, guwrta w.r. received by the parents of th bride. Assisting la th r, dining room were Miss Artiat. Helen Miss Ran Smith, Min IM Raddon- - nod Min Llaa Duka. guests numbered seventy. OB B hue train for Th, eoaple left Kmm City, Mo. Th.y will b mt homo after Nov.uafcer 11 la th Coroy apartments. Members ef the Bo Bo club entertained at a miscellaneous shower last RognightB la honor ef atMis, Marcella the home of Mike fall bride, ers, Etna Steele, lit Emerson avenue. -waaA vellow and black color scheme carried out la the house decorations Marigolds la a basket, tied withforblack the mallne, was the centerpiece olan-ternsupper table. Pumpkins. JockIn honor witches and black cats were In of the approach of Hallowe'en evidence. Mrs. The hostess was assisted by Nelson Harry Warber, Miss Thelma , Twenty-siNelson and Mias LoRue guests were In attendance. FURNITURE Rot-Ite- Bride Is Guest Friends Invited at Evening to Farewell Tea Party s, IS8 EBMA GIBBON, who wlU k ML HAROLD B. LAMB will n- -t tnarri 4 mrij in Nev ember le or tain at tea IX day afternoon IB In SterMnc B. Itaoker ! Cottonwood her homo at Un( Beech, Gallic the vueet of honor of her mother, Mr,. J. W. Houst a handkerchief shower gives last ' honor ton, wbf will leave Sunday for hew by Miss Beth Sheets at her lerk. home in the Bowdeil apartments. 0 a The rooms were decorated in a vaDr. atd Mra. W. Creed A entertained at dinner laet Haymond riety of fall .lowers and leaves. a at yellow and black cofcr scheme was their home, 211 14 street, la night honor of Miss Leona Webh and V!w Gladysa carried out In the decorations for the Captaia and Mra Parley D. Parkinson last night at entertained Fellows pper table. Marigolds In a basket, of Oklahoma City, who are here on at the vveoD miscellaneous shower street. tied with black and yellow mallne, their Tallow crysantlte-mum- o home. In honor honeymoon. 150 Ninth East formed a centerpiece for the table. for the of formed a bme centerpiece Miss Miriam Jaooheen. Ina fall Hallowe'en devices which were need dinner table in The other a newel guests, oat the and the refreshments carried supper! Kormed Hallowe'en scheme. on, were Mra. Georgs C, Parkinaoo The hostess was assisted by her and Mtaa Aleida Parkinson. The host ease were assisted bv Mr I'foother. Mrs. A & Sheets, and Mrs. Mra. Preeton Nlblcy will entertain F O-- Webb, Miss Helen Webb and numbered Ben Rtppe. The guests 1363 at luncheon today at her home, Mra Thomas I. Fellows, The guests twenty, Butler avenue. In honor of the bride numbered twentv Mr. and Mra. R. W. Young. Jr., will Mm Marjorie Stevens, physical di- entertain at dinner Sunday etening in Mrs Harry Green entertained at ata rector at Rowland Hall, baa gone to honor of Captain and Mra. Parkinson. miscellaneous shower last night of Dillon, Mont, to remain seven! weeks. her home. 117 F street. In honor Miss Kathleen. Strickland is filling an autumn bride enterLavton. were Mies A of Marr number parties Miss Stevens place in her absence. In onri-golMiss Strickland wfH chaperone the tained at tba weekly table d'hote din- The rooms were decorated A bowl of leave autumn and East ner Fifth the Hotel at lat hike gins of the department on a canfor evening. Bridge and Mata Jongg fol- marigolds formed a centerpiece Saturday to one of the near-b- y lowed In the lobby of the hotel. the Supper table yons M. by The hotes we assisted friends Among those entertaining Howard lavlon Mrs and Mrs I atolls Glade. Thirty-fiv- e Miss tsiYon Gnofft, a fell bride, will were Mrs. A. P. Bliss, Mr. Green Mildred Mia and C. R. Mrs. and Mr. A. J. Tabef, be entertained at a minrwUaaeous O'Neill, In attendance. were Lucille Francke. Mr. and guests Vhower tonicht by Miss Margurette Mrs. A. Mis B. Young, Mra C. C. FaPrice at her home, 1347 Ninth East entertained The R. C. Pslgtetsch bian and Mra Curtin F. Parr. Mr street. were decorated in a variety of the Wednesday Five Hundred cluh at tables fall followed flowers. by luncheon, NotWo JtrTZ t ftw t home, 909 Ninth ehriw tad terlsl awthp sreats ef the peat day afternoon at her Ideas were carwewk for pnhlleatiea Is the Boaitay In honor of Miss Henrietta Bird, a avenue. Hallowe'en A crystal out in the decorations will set be received later the November bride. Miss Kathleen Harms ried formed the centere'eleek Friday eftemeea IPPt rtefiewe entertained at bridge tea at her home, bowl of marigolds candle ta wrltsea et all ttsaa table. Orange the for were piece fables Three avenue. IU Hrst end were In silver holders at cither bridge, with tea follow- cf arranged for were in the table The place card were were decorated In ing. The room laid Covers design. Hallowe'en bronze otHyaantbemuma. Tbs ffuasta, la addition to the mi eat for the twelve club members. of , Included Miss , Ellen honor. fsc-nlt- y Schramm, Mies Rachel BaHlf, Miss Mias Alice Macdonald and the lor Anna Dailey, Miss Frances Qibbe, Mias eighty yearsof Rowland Hall will entertain In Miss Beasts osrRuth this evening hall Jones, Jennings, at dinner at the haa relied apoa Miss Louise Nobeksr, Miss Katherine honor of Mies Margaret Gunter, a aad't Oriental Cream Mliot and Orem Margaret Harvey, November brlde to keep the akin and Mips Lorna Garrett. complexion in perfect of the TT A. C will Soto! eororitv Mias Bernice Ro setter and A L. Ha condition throaghth IW the annual luncheon married vesterday entertain Hubbard were 1 o'clock at the Hotel Utah stress of tht aeaaon'i at of C. C office at the Mayor morning committee on arrangements activities. Whita N eaten. Mayor Nanlen performed the The Mrs Qtilnnev. Mra Fred Flesh-Rache- l. 4 ceremony. A reception was given last Mathews andJoseph Mr B B. fesreen AH of the brlde;s Ttlal SUt SmJ lOt evening at the home Reservations Invited are parents, Mr. and Mrs George A. Ros-slte- r. member RsvVwt be made from any member $f vy (imeraI'for'th see ".' 00 Society orr fr Center street. and white chrysanthemums the and autumn leaves decorated A basket of the chrysanthe rooms. mums formed a centerpiece for the cupper table. The bride wore a gown of white 0 Yellow may the commute. 25, 1923. STORAGE PACKING SHIPPING We will give yeu genuine satisfaction when It cemse ts (taring, peeking er shipping ycur household goods. Our firm has the reputation ef being the leading warehouse In the Intornteunteln region and fee giving aatlsf actory servlso. We maintain this reputation by living up te It. No More Stains on Children's Teeth M. A. KZYSER TIRE-PROO- A Real Genuine Sale F Cfto STORAGE CO. .South Salt Lake City, Utah. Phones Was. 6722 and 6721. S2S Warn Second I In Order to Stimulate Business, We Have New Harmless Liquid Quickly Dig- solve Every Stain Whitens Teeth Selected From Our Regular High-Clas- s Stock Nothin spoils a childs whole Appvtrancs qtrickor than stained, dull or yollowish teeth. But now every child ran hava teeth that are perfectly clear and flashing white apd keep them that way always. For a new and absolutely safe liquid has been perfected which instantly diseolves all teeth sterna, mn even the dullest teeth a marvelous sparkle and whiteness. This new liquid, called Rlearbodent, contains certain harmless ingredient which actually curdle or loosen the atamlnub Stance, so that they may he inatantly removed by an ordinary tooth bruth. Even the moat unsightly stains usually disappear with the first application of Bleachodent. Highly endorsed by denttt. Cannot possibly affect enamel and will not act on any except surface stain. Fine for removing tobaerb stains, etc., from adults teeth. Get Bieachodbn? today on money back guarantee. Coft just a few cents at geod drug aod department store everywhere, such ait 1 V M fc Iroc all Srbr m i John a Van terea. Owl Drug Co, aod liavidaoin WHILE THEY LAST 1 play. Jongg and bridge Saturday Belvedere. see the Indies The reader section of The hospital committee of the Path club will meet this afternoon olle Uterary Woman s leAgue will meet at the Tha elubhouwe. at 4 oclock at the this efternxn. study of MAa You IJke It will hegtfi Holy Crops hrmpital Rt. Anns parish circle will meet this afternoon at Kearns St. Ann's orphanage. France Willard W C T U. will meet ihl afternoon at 230 oclock at the home of Mr. T A. Holman, 761 Hawthorne avenue Reports from the state convention held recently in Ogden will be heard a The Missionary union of Salt Ike ha postponed a meeting scheduled for today at St Pauls Rplcopa! church until November J Mrs V S SMI Chinese Pirates Loot Boat Hongkong-Kowloo- n 23 the Oct. (By Press ) Sixty pimtea,. heavily armed, Tuesday night held up and looted the Ch.nese Reamer Running. en route from Hongkowt to Kowloon, seriously wounding Captain MoKechnle and Chief Officer Spittle-robe and rttobed more than 300 paasengers. many of the latter from Amorica returned Juet having with the savings of a number of year. The vessel had just entered ihe channel near Hongkong when the pirates, who were aboard in diagutse. overpowered the crew and disarmed two Indian guards Captain McKech-ni- e and his chief officer put up a gallant flghl. but fell before a fusillade of bullet The pirate maintained control of the steamer during the night and In the morning compelled th Chinese crew to row them aehore. thee they made their escape The two wounded vtaken to a hosship s officer werecondition is said to pital where thetr be critical. Medium Brown Hair looks be4 nf all after a Golden Glint 8hampoo. (Adv) HONGKONG, at the Associated will entertain Kle club member their huabanda at a Hallows en party this evening at the home of Mr and Mrs George Hoffman, 87t Second avenue. Bluhill Tnebi fMiaaaa cent trtp abroad aa a setting for the Mr. Harry L. Bracken and Mti IJNIan Staines will entertain officers of Mizpah chapter, O K S , at Mah Cowan left Tuesday for a 25 SILK DRESSES, values from ill LlUtVJU a deliciousspread (Adv ) Members of the Officers club of Fort Douglas will entertain at a Ha! loween dancing party at the poet is In ball. Colonel C. J Bartlett charge of arrangement $35.00 $49.50 to $69.50, at HMMWIMtNtlUMU7 s Si. B. Palmer will give tereoptl-co- a views which she collected on a re- Mr $49.50 to $69.50 at 25 CLOTH DRESSES, values from lkf Drug atore (jASSic.Shop 25 OFF ON ALL WINTER SUTTS DRESSES ARE IN ALL SIZES AND COLORS Sale Is for Two Days Only' THURSDAY and FRIDAY Every Sisle Final. No Returns. Ohl-res- Shop. 022-05616. 270 SOUTH MAIN. TH Hotted of Orlfimd Mode It visit to California a Mr J R Rronki and Mr J B Kfttiffht of Yankton, P D mother and of Frank M Brookie. 26 IVwg-l- a slater avenue, re vWIt'ng at the Utter nome. Mr Brook!' lter, Mrs A C Yoder, of Goshen, lndh, ts also a WOMEN! This Week Only DYE Free ' V Boxelder Getting Ready for Christmas Seal Sale At Your Store See Coupon tn Tlie Tribune. A few BRIGHAM CITY. Oct. 24 davg ago M R Parker of the Utah Piddle Health a.wrdatlon was in lVvx-eldcounty organising Chrlstnv seal sale committees, and the following were chosen to have charge of this gfxvla) sale; CblHnstor Bernice Mh Bird, Mr Aileen Whit J J White Waists Skirts Kimonos Dresses Sweaters Coats Draperies Ginghams Stockings Miss Mr Wa I Kthering-ton- . Iyeda Cali, V. J Hott. R1veridi Mr Ijoulsa Bigler, Mis Anna Neddo, Robert M4le HtinevviTle Mr. Pansv HunwiTer,' Austin Tolman Mr Loura Hunwtiker, Mn Mary Tolmcin Fielding Mrs K H Packer, John Beneon. H M Welling. H Oenevfbve Plymouth -- Mies Dewe-vvIJ- Mis An Unusual t IX See the whiter teeth appear when you combat the Him Dia Earh 15 rent package of contains directions so mond Dyes Tubed for Yoor drargiit thia week baa y Clemouth Whfttcott, Miss Ioila simple any woman can dye or tint new sen. of teeth cleaning. MiHioni now employ it. even way faded new, worn, thing any old, S C Mrs Rchnlder. J P. Garland look Gunderson. Mr M Felted Mrs A if she has never dyedYjtcfore. Drag Yon aee Ita result la prettier teeth whatever yon R Capener Mra P. E Manning- - Mr stores tell all colors. (Adv.) todsy. George Henri. Mrs C. D Hallidnv Now we urge you to learn what h means to you and Tremonton Mr. Thoma Waldron Lee Nebeker, Mr. Harrv Woodward, your. The test id delightful, the results art a mating. C R Rterren Mrs Charle Go find them out. Wilaon. David Holtrutren. George Chrigtensen. Pear River Cltv Mr Ad'un ArchiSEASON SOCIAL Tb fight oa fUm bald. Mfw Pora Neff. Iiind Metcalf. Earl F Wwlker. science Dental has fat late years started a fight on Oorfnne Mrs Sarah Allen, W. R. film. Film Is that viscous coat yon feeL Under did R Holme Nih Mr MrWr. W IT Perrv Perrv. Don I brush inf methods, much of it clings and stay. Soon it Mi Zvlnhia Simmons JenPen becomes discolored, then forme dingy coats. That Is Willard- - Miv Charlotte Tarn, Mont TTarmon. Me Verda Nebeker why teeth lose huter. Mantua Mr Ma Austin A. E. KLEIN Praesntlnd Xelon, Film also holds food substance winch ferments and Laren, Mis IJilie Jepneon forms acid. It holds the acid in contact with th teeth The committee for Britrho m Chi v REVUE RAINBOW THE to cans decay. Gerais breed by millions in it They, wll! be selected and announced later OF 1924' "A Year Ahead with tartar, are the chief cause of pyorrhea. Permits Fewer escaped tooth troubles, fewer had listening FEATURING under old-titeeth, brushing methods. Mlaa Bonne Adair, captivatImproving of Stores ing prlma donna Now research has discovered two'effectiv film comLITTLE ARL1NE PEPP The H. W Baum company, contrabatants. One disintegrates the film at all stage ef cf, tvncooetera, ctor, obtained permit yesterday from formation. On removes it without harmful scouring. Patlta Betty Rohar City Building Inspector W. D. Jfnnev Eeoontrlo and original Able authorities proved these methods by many danoora on for additional work the tiev busitooth past was crecareful testa. Then a new-typ- e ness block of the Auerbach comAndrew E. Klein, producer name la Pepeodent. them The ated to daily. comedian and apply pany and company t Careful people of some 50 nations have sow some With a bevy ef Orangeland State and Broadwav The AuerMch Beauties, In beautiful dencee, to employ it, largely by dental advice. call work for aggregating Fermft and costumes and eonge additional iob will amount to EnSerged orchestra for dan. Night-ond-diith con v aid cern had taken out perrmts cmg during dinner and eup-pfor other work hour. the of th saliva also alkalinity multlpBes Pepeodent The same contracting coimant obCover charge. She and 60c, the neutraliser of mouth acids It multrpUe the tained n permit to do brick repair and respectively alternation work on the American starch digestant in the saliva put there te digest theater building to the amount of dinner, I tv I Datty, $IJS, Starch depSsita. 10 te 12:30. 1 6000 The repair are Supper nceary of damage incurred Those factors act as agents. Kvriy by a fire aa of Pepeodent gives ithem manifold effect. recently. SPECIAL SUNDAY 1.S0 DINNER, COUNTERFEITER 8ENTENCEO. No Cover Charge. ST Vt'IS, rvt 24 r.sorge V was found Rulttv of third Enamel Protect forgerV In connection with counterfeiting of tlJOO.OOO of interim tbs lw, tiaa . ,.JPepsodeat Nw FVoaoh S"wenTnnit"hnnds. far softer Hi ass (moves it with aa agentfilm and hts punishment ffxed at fiv, jrewrs cosnbatzmt anamcL Never ose a The verdict was Imprisonment Blackreached bv the turv last night and which contains harsh grit. . Squeeze court tn circuit read today. Them t Han- vent For Thursday, Friday and Saturday Diamond Dyes Look in Ten Days 4 il NEWHOUSE 200 HOTEL .T Trimmed Pattern Hats Granted for New faS-Bo- them. Present the cettpon for a Tuba, Not how dean the teeth feel after using. Mark the absence of th viecooa film, fie bow teeth become whiter th y disappear. One week will bring a revelaton. benefits, both t yea and now. film-coa- ts 10-Da- appeal to the women of Salt Lake. om tuba to a family) aa iierma Shea . luirl yew name te any Store bamod Wtew. pea this s . Yen vtt he Tube el FspssSenL ptsssats sHlh a If yea live eat et lews, mail ssa,sa Ss T Seat cvaafaay. I1S4 So. Waheeh Chtuaga y ay it lake will be aso by previ-ou1- f Efe-tfa- Cat eat coupon Tube Free i y (Only Kelth-O'Brlen- 's er It may bring yon Kejrh-O'Brle- n Such an event as this for so early in the season is sure to comes booty bs Pcpeodent brings prettier teeth. That It WKf of wo employ it. But those srhiter teeth mean cleaner, safer teeth, aad everyone should bare esete eegea 4eaa o tooth-protecti- Unusually attractive Hats for sports; picturesque dress types, curving,,, flat-- . tering street hats all reveal an interesting array. . See Windows. Appropriateness, . newness , and smartness are equally prominent in these hats. - We Advise Early Selection jT the diJnfitp. ee heads GORDON CIRCLE TO MEET. Members of th)S T H. Gordon circle. will meet toIndies of the morrow afternoon at the homo of Mra. 724 Green Marshall, atreet, to Young hold a new Ins Party. DANCE TO BE GIVEN, v Trlheae. gpeetst te KATSVn.I.E. Oct. 24. A dancing In the opera house party will be given tinder the p tiNHces tomorrow evening of the Kayevtlle. Canning tratioe. Rummeipe sale at the Cine Center. St., by SL Mary's Met hod Let a, chureL ID (Advertiaesment) 00, 4th South hud fli - DAYTON' DKU (J, - 2nd South and Btatfi. EOHSAMM-J0HKS0DEUG3 Bocoiid South tod M&iu. , r, Third South find Main. , Tint South had ISaia. Tint West and South Temple. Xlerenth Zagt and Twenty-lin- t So. Also itorea at Eureka, Price, Pay-eoHelper and Bingham, .Utah. Z. 0, M. L DEU0. W N Dissolve Squeezing and pinching out blackheads make the pore, large and cause Irritation Blackheads are caused by arcamuiottona of dtied and dirt and accretions from, the akin, and then Is sure way and one only one safe and to get rid of them s that never fails simple way, too that la to dlseolvs them. Juet get from any drug store about two ouncesonof cakmlte powder a hot, wot cloth sprinkle a little rub over the blackheads briskly for a few aeronds wash off and you'll be surprised to see that every blackhead tuu disappeared, and the skin will be lefftaoft and the pores in their natu(Adv.) ral condition. Bute. xwimwi so -- Dont OAR. OGR DRUG STORK IS AT HI-11- 4 SOUTH MAIN ST. rruoDt C00MB3 DEU0 Hal-liH- - n, The New-Da- y Dentifrice - K scientific tooth peace baaed on modem research. Now advised by leading dentists the world over. (Trikaas. SaM Labs.) di I I |