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Show THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, MONDATMORNIN ( T empIe GarnientS;GreatlyjJilodif ied Upar -- 7hcT QQ 00 (00,, Ch itfChPrks idenfry Gives Permission oo Oft) oo 00 00 0Q . ft L. 2. Style Change Optional With Wearer Problems cQssel With Communities of Southern Utah. Dis-- Highway ' J ' t v People Assured Project in Sanpete Will Be Undertaken Soon. Moroni to "an order, nor Tomlnff AfOrant hat no right to change U, th rile Jo te rigidly enforced, but rather PlanaWon wa made that th perm .s.jve in tharacter. i. a recent first prealdency had merely iseued outgiving of foe first presidency of permission to those who eo deeired to make the modifying change; that y tbe Church of Jesus Christ of member of the church who preSaints. It concerns the gar any ferred to adhere to the original style members' of the chu?jh was at perfect liberty to do o. nients President Charles W. Penroee'aayi iwHovh4e befji mar.ned in the tem- that of the garment. J mrJ or ano participated In oth- - electivemodification with each individual mtmbe emf.n ley performed orV rites ob- of the church wholhaa gone throu; the The change in served there. n permitted for various' good ,reaj tVhll' initmi modifications of tht chief which are promottoj among temple garment, U Is Haiti, have been freedom of- - movement in made at vartutis tunes during past and cleanliness. Formerly the'Teevea long, reaching to tjgrjggfUta. vara the latent order in permission were While doing, housework is regarded by ouilger members of would roll 'the sleeve If slehyev the i hur h a must libera! and acceptwere to b roHed up wetl be .made shprt in ihe Arn-..nable the older .membership c for convenlipoe.. It wa argiied. Per the Dprion.il f.hiUig w arioiifilv remlsaiori to is npw given, to k hujt ,tt is 'abbreviate ceived. Nome oJTie jiimer an order avid la not l.'.ik v"J't- Is explained. upon inv deyiatKoi from Trom what oil trl i av a depar-tuIs Generally Welcomed. Hu bad alwaM regards) as an s of longland- Knrgarfig the lower linfls ttb!h cm m rng tlu (hmh style garment reaches to the ankies it iluthunge a a" e niovjuifniJeJ to ami is looked upon by yourfg memadd to )ijgrtm bers as baggy, uncomfortable and , ptron4l cbm fort The young of the gentler ungalgjy. Old Style Uncomfortable. Sex that to wear the okl Tn th did (lavs the temple gaiment style fomplained witfh the new and finer hosiery a made of plain, 'Unbleached rat- gave the limbs a knottyft0pearance. I nbleaijieci ion hnc u uat us It of the in not, a a I. 3 L'E-i- - : - . Visitors to Salt LaiceMore . r' i Than DoubleDespil RetardingrJnfluencbs. .. . rT! nju" ' w; o. BisHiL. . 04. touiJata 75. 192?, tour fat a registered rease more than 0 per cent. These art the figures shown by ac tuaf leouat of the tourists registered At the touring bureau of thec I'ua State Automobile association. P!aclt and every tourist residing outk.de of who applies lo the thg state JSf associaMuft for road- Information is given Hy dame, together' with Ujt ps, by the' association. No record bept of residents of the state who spply 1m- touring Information. ThAngures given, therefore, form a basis upon which one t'on&cVatiye may ..estimate the value of tourist travel tek (he state at large But ww tht, neavy increase this year? That tw a ' question one must top and analyse. Jn the first place, the roads have been bad, much worse than a year ago. Heavy and steady rathe, have made, roads almost Impassable for a greater part of the month. Tet In spite of this condition the travel has Increased, more than SO per cent. Of courM, (he nation, .1 and this parks 'are not ciaasedSas sightseers travel cannot be openietv out to visit the national scenic attractions of the west. Thih travel is, y therefore, just plain travel, going somewhere people who have spent The winter on tfov coast and rdturnlnk home, others goXty? to th coast for a visit, still country, (hanging rcidence?but all coming under general head'of tourists. And all spending money passing through. tat and are therefore valumbl A j an asset to the state. For mors Mian a year a cantpalgn of alander against the stats n I' tab has been waged by tha Llncornjsjjigh-wa- y association. Other trail organisation have waged a campaign again) Salt Lake. Small towns have organised boycotts against Balt Lake because of Imagined differences Vet tha year of 1FIS opens with an t on tourist ofooser. 0 ' :. l .rr?' . V. mer; , Reco - C unendationfor Leniency I V ; , Verdict of Jiify W I Y , ung i rom tputy Webb Price. Case Is Or ' Killing f YYa.ivV Train r . a - miles were ny , Symbol Ttkife and John Kri- Governor Mabev anJ party in a three-daof th' Cai arit,i1wo trip to southern Utah and Hnu ergjrho' have leeq which endei rught jyt Canyon, killing VCDcput f Sh irjff A. P Webb, tnd of road onJitwna and of dewere fhtind gui ty yesterday cf man. resources A.f velopment of slaughter, when the jury reti rned a o&thern Utah, with pa'mrular refverdict and res ommkhded th minierence to the plfins of the Union Pa-mum sentence, whi h is. one year.reifio railway ini that direction, were TJia case, whe h hgs lasted nearly ' the purpose of (the trip. Results atto the jury wa gi tained or partially attained during ,45 o'clock by Saturday' nffcj the expedition will appear within the rUtensen. They Judge George next few days. t shortly befoYe reported an a The personnelof the party, which nohft yesterday, vw ymbarrarming Included state officials, Jooa! business far afield as thedevotee The two men are ) jnenfbers of the In'flnry accepted sanitary shorter wen and representatives of the ,r No "buttons generally permitted to go group of thirte ?n irSners who were kirt. Permission ie therefore grant has already 'been announced. Hath, were ued on the armrnt Ad by the first presidency to Shorten to Bait Lak& for trial on a brought Of the governors guests thoroughly took their plage. The gar the lower garment. Also buttons are Tlfjiy group of men change ofWenu enjoyed, the kaleidpacopici change oiT ment Itself w.is uncomfortably orki ig ofUrge had been to take the the permitted place renery 'and of problems presented and hagg hut despite thce se of of In to Utah marched the The baccalaureate as the service graduates they proceesit miners and werj University fee which waa inevitable in a journey 'the is . garment men of the churchy especialyesterday, . of sugh length and of ho man conadhered to by many t?f th ly Young who take efercise or play those, ferences and meetings with silt h, u 7aithfaiiy Webb. devout nicmbers gameR at gvmnasiumi, oWtr'arvd fever the' wide variety of personages and of thW' hurch.ncely I'hese regard the ,htla acting as guard ' shorter garment. The pefiylseion E. Davie InstructiT Rev. G. within three dajs With air an a safeguard ytrsKUnt diaeae s of strikebreakers. hailed y them as . , rage of close to 200 miles a day d Uulflv harm, iuid they believe fgrantd-i1 Were tried and coj and brogresalve one.. Alby automobfleXjn addition Ho these ajl thaf ty alter either the texture of acceptable and nic Und are 'np in Graduates Wis fewr. Inexcept Whero together, .various seasons. there was but HtM loth or st b. - to abandon the garsuf stances, th permissive modfloiton apart, tifne fo hang heavy on the ment altogether .would .bring esll is welcomed as a sanitary move and hands of any member of the entyr-ft- . upon too ' the m. Be Found. a change looking to the comfort arid -Shall dne good woman ot long member-J- h health of those who wear temple garSanpete Project Assured. the hun-hearing of the ments Friday was marked bv a sethatfha tVrnt!y tome about, instead of the old style, coarse, unries of meetings which ended at Rich- change went to the rhurelf offirei and at bleached, Intel"W'isdon la more than-nteIrritating material of tvhich field with a dinner and then a con- tered fervid objerttun. shall not temple garments were once made, Tvhe ference which Issued nearly or until alter my garments, even if President lectualknowledse inforroatiortyfiner knitted good, and even silks, Preston O. Peforson. tirant ha ordered me to do so. My are Midnight. prudence.' KnowledrB Is a comprenow lined. These materials and chairman of .the. state road commit garment are now' were madela they modified styles are officially approved, t hension of facta d whuh Aarnay result in when I was married In .she endowbut such alterations are with n ri ! a n Creen ment house in. rt o - Oirough Southern intellectual pride, fit sees hat is long-- ) before the temple each Individual, and bv optional no means .junior senator, had Moroni that QuNiteuS'fr'Sifs buUt The pattern was revealed compulsory,-- , church officials desire. It worth while,' but' ofttlmes U lacking .'eturYiddf foKalt I night from h. r da u K scicg .if rolui. tli round' ii,''-- to. and Brother . understood. In initiative. sees moral i both Wisdom Cal oL Ywhere forma, With &gbeen spend-H- e VltU7 flunofiini gvs.awrf.ad thorn And connecting reports mg a fewwd'eks chooses the better jvarY and roe he left rt:Xs k'S everything1 Creek canyon roe imL ectation of with Ithe 4he Pigeon Hollo gUecfuiU ' What I the atiawer?-FafKai&Wjiy Washington, trim he summer . will a continued lull U moWiihah jnsee mind -- he qr to elt. ready to advent' ,Jt 4 : a months. tomoiiow, according to exbectations InLarieLiM'V111 J can t ajrtd5jieaL-etrrrg'amtr2 rd no lat wheh he left the offlre. Smoot Senator Hide will tion that he is goihjj t eigrt: Se satfified only in kind. Do you he opened fifteen dlava laterl and eon-- , the Brip of thrt we but keep our roads in condition Specie! te The Trihaae. "William Will details as fo and Jennings Bryan mt blit exu P0 assist atruction work ehould he tinder wav president, all the would-b- e knockers in the WASHINGTON, JUngYl Stephen desire to, begin this process of learn- H. Havs, t and entertain- foio Republican b July 1. arrangeme Dempat making can't keep him away. You may, if you T. Mather, director of national parks, ing true wisdom? wl in Sevterf county communities Utah twere Snappy respectively, agreed unanimously on ing Mr. Harding entertainment. sparkling n The 0r,t day of Balt lake's and Representative L. C. ,hampton are willing, by learning the wl of one particularly interealed In th project, with the ,la test song and the brightmost important of th-points waa a sucGod " Brothers of Michigan, chairman ofTtlW subcoveting el mile, of hard surfac e est wittii isms of the stage and closing cess. street car Operation to Inspector J. H. This Waa the message of the Rev, brought up at the general assembly work there thin year, and Also in the with a animal act, forma Lament,according on appropriations tfiaaJhant George stationed at Second South K Davies, pastor of the First of the Dresby tenant church at. In- -, Overturns committee r the Wilkes bill On the fiaJinalRichfleld'project. When this week. Main streets and bv. Death dies Presby-tenahurch of Salt Iaike. to Lturtkior the for tht county official, end Vepresen appropriations There in an ait by Barton and Mali, 14 In the'heart of (he busy trajfle and dianapolis," said .R. B Quay, 275 gowned gradtativa business men are strongly urgthe approximately will extend Just an a make ot Rehearal." full R. Baxter. !4 veirs department, of that subtle pedestrian loading district, street oar Lynn East a age. Fifth South delegate, street, lay of ing hard ddrface with federuNaid uates aa ihe of Claud Utah G. Freebairn) 23 yiers of age, I'niverslty touch which differentiates the worth- service on without delay 59 Fairmont apartment, suffered a topr through the park ion p State road officiate find that A waygoing row ater row, in who has returned from thelgathering. died of at 3 while vaudeville artist from the usual and running dislocated left shoulder and his southern UtahJjp about Jx 'tnonthf they sere aeated,esterdav on the new schedules. "On the matter0 of intrekwing the fkient amount of federal aid la hos- to afternoon run gymnasium jte The comedian, will a The 17, Baxter. brother, broke meet at Salt LakeMune 2$, Wayne They card for accompanying the for wustentation inspector report fundg available, nor likely to be in a heed as and their tinal He. provldlnliving taken V himself on a guitar sings with a pe- dav was & blank, as far as spiritual when car collarbone which the yt in and from to Lund. there Thetr for they and go ministers of their aged an complaints were time, blrt! Liiay, May as undergraduates hard Presbyterian twenty mile' culiarly fascinating drawl, blending were, concerned arid any delay driving near Iraper skidded on route carries them to Cedag City, guVAhee face pavement there. They are a id an I Arc; solemn, expectant, they families, from 1350,000 to atout $50.-00- 0 Idgnified. into a "yodel wet paxement and ills solo, occasionally turned over on through Zion park, south across the v orating a I! ravel eurface or t worked together in perfect during his shift appeared to the thev, 636 Mr Rev. Seventh the intently "All the Ji.; made state o'clock a big hit last be caused by the public not noticing By Myself," last Arlxona line to Pipe Springs, bn lhe tavle. highway at I road at thia time, leaving the Both are harmony practical, brainy ht of realising The comedienne tiaturg has a whether the cars were operated with night. Beven people were in the car, route to the north rim of thd Vrrftftf-y- , hard eurface to come whenever traf- evening and devoted men, sincere A1r. Freebairn was of Wit ied the charm and vivacity whUh captured one man r of the old atyie fic condition! justify. with the driving towards Balt Letke from Provo, canyon. Thev will then turn ' owes to hign and the lief. Both have a large and gnthu-- Like He attended tl when an automobile directly in front society rear entrance f Thia will be taken up at a con- the audience visit Bryce canyoi), great ajyWrancendent duty with siastio Kanab, the members following among for and wai then he that of jed them applied the brakes, forcing street car operation in Dudley Gordon clog dancer, has an ference June 11. In the meantime Richfield and east to of the denomination. Na- ate the tah to and owev by veralears Ip car follow gravely Baxter to K ie probable (through' the imparted same Salt unthe a excellent and toioe could be not l.ke here that the eurvey of thia limited will travel, by the by course. wellnlgh judged hi defeated for. d the they wentto "Bran, bank. tisnal although final a later and grtidWtoe The road was wet and also warning ariet of dances. His imitato yesterdays operation. It was stated, project, which had been ordered disnatural bridges. blessing natured frnia. isnere he bv moderatorshfcp, wacrxd them out into about to one aide, causing the car Bluff, and thencethe bforsehding mF continued. may be reeumed The tion of "Th$ Drums" us particularly as the passenger carrying was by no slanted sec into Colorado to common and it lie worlf Trusts! (Ttixenri bak igs the worl'to-figthlr battles. means heavy. but the smoothness to turn around as they the Mesa Verde National d project will re- well done. as good disinterestedly. deHveHig. a re- of Los Angelew- - He 4 about park. ceive a gravel eurface its title. "Cons to the with wtych the car men handled th skidded before turning over. !ebonalr Flndingjif 'wisdom. this year and markable address along prohfbition a year .ago to Salt 1. They plan on spending about two p enter The" injured were brought to the weeks the 4ct of 1 jk. Rose and traffic .and their cars showed that experience with it mav be a large in Mr. lWies chose as his and moral lines fhe night after hiw ing the employ of Utah. The h fetatfe Rgv! Representative Balt I Ake factor in determining the tvpe to be lame la a dashing bit of song, patter with further experience will come emergency hospital, where Crampton Is utilis.ng the summer text Job xxviii, asdnused for his sub- defeaU. To show the esteem in mhieh National bank A and step The clubman, armed with greater perfection In tbs new system. they were treated by T)r. C. finally adopted. he is held outside our denomination, himself Be h with Where the Wisdom is He familiarising west, survived Its ject, by Nyvall. a lantern and a light ;ag, saunters Hotel Site Viewed. and Mr. Mather took advantage of hia Found and how truly great he is, he was by four brothersand manv a snd to through i song called to Jke-this to Mr. nafore show Kansas hh twice :hfb address at .Salt iftoulsittve, opportunity hy living Crampton F. City from "Map Saturday the Oren trip' Sergeant Civilians hat Utah has to offer in the way life is largely a road to fib' discovery Southern Band Richfield to Hover canyon was made hilarious "verbal enooun'er with hia Raptvwt (onvention (bairn, Jr., Me v i The latter ha a a of scenic attractions. bv way of Clrclevllle and Fangutlch, musical jumner. ebal rt. Mrs. The visit is of trqth His natural mailer iv not therg, although they had such men asG. hYeebairn. ''Owen Is Made Master which blends voice Into pleasing a libto calculated Norris of Texas, able afid inspiring Viola Undsav, JWlwi eeba jrn, the party reaching the rim of the to beiv content. With pick encourage gfeater Concert Douglc hYeebalra in Miss Ruth inVolvKoadick Zion sb vlr- wonderland by noon. Here, tn addi- laugh at certain moments in a pehe toward mer. congress The foe erality gl cae, speakers. ea'rt, park explores First Sergeant Oren F. FJnyart, W the and hYeebairn. beliefs the tncf- - microscope rim tion to railroad..offlclais, large dele- culiarly pleasing manner. north fundamental of he suriji ktng highway, and, the'ginia h Thirty-eightfrom Civilians Salt Lake Joined Animal acts occasionally Infantry; are well eompany. lenominatlon move to of the the the a gations from Cedar City, Paiiguttoh. worth with filling dentaily. may encourage pnd mal: at Fort Douglas, has been pro- military at Fort Douglas last' e, baenezer and Widtsoe and other southern Utah have Bryce canyon made a national heavens with t seeing eriivtenan pulpit by a minister ItoVlc'krn'Va h another of th r the title of one which is good moted ofto the grade ofto master ser- nlg and enjoyed towns were present to greet the vlsi- u (or the nowjnJft&f haw an innate WftnaUy a Baptist, but in reality & park. Thirty-alsrhth that fill the geant by 0ft regtment, tore. man infatry Mr. Mafher. seeing the possibility the yet unknown John T. Oldrovd. state land all around The dusky partner of the created by the retirement ofvacancy in belief, was settled siiafh He ' goev 'throir Masreklmental band. Th following ' Met commissioner: 0. D. BUgson.. h.ts chief mule and Its "planter owner form a ter amicl!fi having congress create the Bryce life ImpelleddEjtoward this pram was given under the dlreTtlon of Sergeant Edwin W. Elliott. clerk, and the governor went over combination which affords a treat for 'said na the assembly national oufilook Quav canyon a the ural certain lor U. state of Utah willpark, ishopeful Sergeant Enyart first enlisted in of Warrant Officer I A. Yost on the ground the proposal of the the younger members of the audience. IntehVi-1.800 000 Presbyterians of the t First Lieutenant Irvi not make an out- truth, and superior afid the army June 7. 1SS8, at. Princeton, 8. A.: I Virion Pacific Interests, which, as a Musical Snlrlev is an artist of abilon the nra of knowledsre marks his progre4 tn his IVted States. He said that theath Thirty-eightinfantr. -March.-"PorMo fot service in the Arthur" (Seftover-ture- . right sale of itsto lands was preliminary to an extended develop- ity why well deserves the applause Fort Union the Pacific, Bryce canyon Inspirational lvuglas, wws war. throughout erig took "Italian He development. In lr Alulers" (Rmini): but. fourteen part ment program, has made application he receives for his act. in Us by orders from the cp lease those lands as tands thus kiowjedge and-- et that instead, in extremely "But practical in Dnmibo'"Blue waits. se the engagements Islands to punchaae gfortv acres of the --school Philippine iBtrauya); The motion pictures include a first-niHe added that the the Ninth corps area Y against the Insyrgenta. He has served loctlon. "Faust" (Gounod); jlutte in are leased in national parks. Should mav result fo a better individual and morkrtd policies land aection which commands the fot which ths convention was Fort Niagara, New Tori picture, "Black Shadows." depictcontinuously, ever aineg. He was ap- four parts, "Atlames. the Lbst Con- Bryce canyon become a national park a better soHety, it mus fceds beit" manneAJn best view of ths canyon from the ing the South Sea Islands cannibal iovcFfdtov the of IndjanapoLs porary duty with the p; the would press to have without later government a sergeant in UkX and has tinent (Safranek) properly guided, guidance (I), "Ntocturne" do as rim. The remainder of the rim Is a Harold UoyU comedy and pointed team. It has done inv other cases -- mav wither awav, aw did the knowlwa? graUlying held the grades of first 'sergeant, sec- and Morning Hymn of Prase; i2l, In the Powell national forest. Careothers Lieutenant Compton ha all private holdings ond sergeant, first lieutenant, captain "A Churt Function; (S). I edge of such who in days of ivore Ixve eliminate ful topographical 'surveys have been an expert quahfiqation in On In In recommendation of and the Prtnee reserve time 'the wasted and secretary the diVj1 Thea' major (The easuirtry. Arna); (4), of the made and the railroad project has corps during Auto Strthqk by target practice held at bMH the world war. Ppon his discharge on of such Irrelevant . suMects' a Th Destruction of Atlantis; MexiBoy Interior, President Harding has been worked out in a preliminary Services Are Held . has heeo selected to request established by proclamation the Pipe 'How Many Angels Can Dance on thd from confmlsaioned h s reen- can song. "La Paloma I Yradtrr); i grads way In some detail, under the direcBroken infantry In the national v Leg Springs national monument, contain- Poigt of a Pin. march, "Across the' Atlantfc tion of S. G. Lancaster of the railnort Niagara MAtchc will Laban Kyes listed. This promotion to the grade of masing forty acres The monument was road forces. ' KnowUjdflfe June 10. and lieutenant andPrudsnje. ffr T Krogti ter sergeant as made by Major L. of age.", 735 wHl created primarily for the benefit of Wt-ths situation fresh In mind, leave Salt laLke today wisdom be found snail for Trahan It "Where Services R Kve AirfVred of between J. Windsor Nathe a broken his arrivab Zion frnotorl?ts traveling iptreet. Rennett, the executive officer of the governor will today confer with at Fort Nlaga d Short Line ticket office were the Thirty eighth Infantry, on account Roosevelt High tional park and the north rim of the is not Vhtirely knowledge, for right leg S,unda5' Aftpgnoon when an report Commissioner Oldrqyd. at which time Dregon to the commanding not held are wisdom Maof synonymous; automobile dnvenbyM. F. the distinguished efficiency, galGrand canyon; aa it contains the onlv yesterday afternoon at the something 'definite may be formuone of Candida the selected knewl- n Part sonic temple by' Argents lodge No 3 lantry and soldierly bearing of Ser1072 West JFftHrth Boufostreet. Joameu Issued pure water Along the road between I combination lated. shoot. frhnt him on rifle ige and prudence A IT i eaiallA turned vround-X- n Hurricane. Utah, and Predoifta, Ariz. those who registered a,t; K. and A M ? cf which he waa a geant Enyart. Anmg from Teams tha If any would be wise Dt saidSiuth State aw he Tourists Real, the present hdlri at memhfr for twenty-fivsouth navy. (Piarpie corps , nation, miles The 'years. of the a distance of sixty-tw- o promotion mmtJbfr nd ch a roof man The Rev Klmer I Goshen, pastor become The first wise a taken Roosevelt jPsfwki'f motorcyrDj,Kgi Bryce canyon, on the day of the'visit; in is famous Utah Outlook, and thei publiinnuel Pipe be repVftjrfmted in this me brings Salt Lake & Utah to nf the First Congregational In additlon'ToNitate and railroad cation of the Roosevelt Junior high Arlxona history. It was first settled is humble and contrite because of the ftp the' mrfcncv hfygfGaklJkd dater church, will Lieutenant (ooipton How shall we enter removed to the lyfiy anl members of the gnvernuNs delivered the eulogy, and J. H Cornchooi. has been issued and distribin 1893 by Dr. Jamea M. Whitmore, little he knows Ho yspitaL nietionof this tournament Make Convention It Is not bv the uted to the' students jt the school. who owned the place an$ waa later the gates of wisdom' party. wAre wtlfortt Day of FarowdtA wall, worshipful master of the lodge, Fort for dut Douglas process, the The book ts dedicated to the prinkilled by Indians George A. Wood. L T. Jones and was in charge of the services. Music President Brigham mere intellectual Runs Into Girl Auto. A one L . A. ( Thorlev of Cedar rate of was be will h R. mu and as bv needed furnished truth fare for cipal of the schoo a male quartet from Harold" J. Young of the Mormon churrh purCity; A. F 4 If a man and contalnri a . complete chased the claims of the Whitmore as the intellectual lor Haycock of Orderville, Allen Camer- the Oregon Short lne ticket office th round trip has been announced Steam Logan Business Wo ne, Sustains Broken 1 on. 0 H. Uangum, J. T, Jones A. fort. would attain higher wisdofn he mutt 0oThe pallbearers were .J A. by th traffic department of the Salt record of the school's" activities durIn 1870 and made it ranch headestate M lajke A Vtah railroad for the con- ing the year. Jack Coffin wss the quarters for the rancher in charge of possess simplicity of soul and surrenBMdlaon. M. N. Riddle and Mrs. Reeves Ball, M H. Brown, Club, Will Meet T mi Rindle Vf BTdtsoe: J T. Partridge. X Realty, K. R. Gibson vention of the United Commercial editor (and Theodor Jacobson the rhoebe Houston, ft vcarw nd U herd of cattle belonging to the der to the truth, for as our lives are agev jtr Melt Hatch, B. Cam )A llton. the Travelers to he held in Provo. June busine we In Edison WH. Tjfbbs, with shall .manager. truth l2f street, In the upring of 1870 there sympathy church lal ti Th Tribune. 9 - In conrection with 7, nose and contusionssustaijpedgbroken The took, replete with pictures of wax erected a atone erothTrr, .1. E. Excell and I M. of hn Heft this ye y and known have wisdom. lAflA JunP 3 MembeYtf'of Todd. Jr. of Panguitch. J A. Gould-Inthis ..railroad also will run ape-c- a classes, ectivjtiea and members of the as "Windsor castle. asbuilding, l.irgply determine what and forehead Sunday ra). a refuge from L'fopery new Proffi informed Business ofHenrieville and others, while traifis to and from Iron ton from faculty, is divided into six sections, the Indians, with portholes in its we hellexe if we could have the she ram in front of onV automobile Fiona! comm Vomen's club an of ubose present did not regi lITTtoW-brovo on or sen! v a underclassmen, Jane 9, in order thgt the dedication, Us. of fundV stifftC! It was also a atation of the moral rejection of our sou! on a and into V car driven, by R. the Blue Bird tl at peet athletics and tdsight and mav arts crafts. we be af would Bouth ngen in able Seventeenth more to and the join traveling screen, celebs Deseret Telegraph compan, the first needed, PHdgeAibicJi will assi rooms uVmaKp their plans forlll idtaoe Visited. tion of "Steel day, ' which Is fo be attain to the real tv4dnn which Klevenflr in Ar:sona. giving a gootTroad, at4eat tn Ijeaders In Ithe held under the direction of the Cora- - Jackson The girl reHwd treatment at the program of descends from aooo Thre ran be mer, all The At two are stone old there ewni.wPCjssoner Fork present TVm Balt Iske anl OgdcK High 'Merclal club of Provo, i&fctty rjfouested Thai ffTe'SaYVvTi hospital and later returned ganlzation gtfc buildings, and it Is planned to have no wlsdofr in scientists who hae no emergency Kingstorv' beeh limited to attend) have hei home to return bv wav of Widt ' announced the old fort restored as it was foF apir tuar apprhersion gricultursjr and stoc Those spec From Bryce this nhillktrtis theSEVT Today roerly, "Winrlom demanHs knowledge that rivsl th Circi' with a wall connecting the two "Hryrnti M Cla Flara f the canyon, and then turns acisvse'Nviile i, o ifNnnuirf' Before one' Thomas A. Edisot,-7Is based unon sympathy Ot)rtihgr H t'orav of rTm pNneFm country on an automobile trail whtch d one of Ttry trouble ' wom t i Mudc Hundtev. While for a portion of the distance it tWe antomobil6r'aY Marysvae, the ion in Salt June 8 9 partment..,v n mi leciricaL-JnejL Odetba ae school will la not improved at all, and for the others stopping at Richfield hold school the and to thl at the Pleasant Grove snkind Strfc It is the private claims. remainder has received comparatively night. Yesterdkv the return Saturday afternoon between 1 and 3 o'clock.' certain of si mpllci t y"of soul J was berry day" celebration June ?0. d citizens In teen men o' little Improvement, vet proved to hefmade bv wav of Mt Pleasanttripwhere program followed by tea tentton rsarrl??; hearts In concord with other mrf A comparatively adll b given In connection with the Utah to recompense the present claimeasy road and arjMhc visitors were guests at a banquet Parents;-DennUKVJvme 3 Hale and NR "The hgcest problem in thcJworld ants for Improvements made, in order exhibit. Vocalisf the Mare. Hotel too 'road everrthv seventh . year. Here, jet todav." ald the Rev Mr. 1avies In hrartv in the of the that interior department will be, furnished bv the waa found to be a young matters were discussed Nazar ertfi Ijjssiaya A to do will Thomas of "is the Edison, wizard of God JohnGKincon liison. over the active admmlstraDriven to Seek Dt th domestic science, art and Industrial mav take 00 inhabitants in derson ?ty. with possibly out of his eatern is toastmantm and that will. coming Mayor pray f Thy monument. hope the tion A large number of puthe town and vicinity at present. The Thomas Brabv. sren N " departments 10.000 to address done electrical Nielsen, laboratory Lord, be (Tildrrns Dav" was! town already has a water 8stem, and 'stake president K P. Anderson ar registered in each of these nf MiNEW YORK, June J - ReporlA that pils mri from .ill orerthe United Stairs the Nnxsrene iAicille Blngle. S3 vearsbf age section e. expects aoon to have electric lights. Moroni. Governor Mabev and Places and Canada w,hen thev meet in the street, yesterdavjjntsskin, The exercises ' r. n I at Services oon eocely girl and .vocalist. Who was tirwoofl under th direction of. Mrs. AR ipcnlng jSesmn of the fortv-ixt- h cnent work by W. 9. Holt of I xs tn entertainment The Sanpete apoakers seriously injured In a plunaA from a given. mention of, the National Electric Lght Downard, wife of the pasfor; WtlllW (the speakers One in Niglft la fotirth-sterby Burglars geles. who. developing a reservoir voiced here tomorrow. from window of her hone Special to Th Tribes. A. MdUr of a good urgent of the gun Cyril R. Stringhcm a04laton t p.n 'ake. and will upply imtra-Ho- n road totheconnc t up had leaped out Jn a autcl'al The appeacsoce of t the hoa Mrs J J. rj(j da- - srhohl. snd Mrs. Miller.' June KAYFVILLE, Spring Otv, Mt. last night, because acre busv Saturday night aater to help out the dry frm-tn- . Pleasant and Fairvew. Burglars considered man who the is farrfllv the Bowman arHstheis attempt, XTuh entertained the and the and Ogden objected gn rec.tarions formed tlVe chapsnd Bundav morn.ng. rntering four Special to The Trtknii bomethin like 50 ft.) acres are emor said that to connect these comto her entering a car rtf In nuiaical ter of th Daughters of I'tah Pioneers of electrirlty bv hW vounzer fol- program The pastor, efoe A.R: homes and bttsness houses June 3 Funoral se ires lowers, beinf placed under cultivation, Mr. munities one of thn main wU M'NTI, hr Kings t her home the present federal aid comedv. were denied toe with memaftrrnoon. by read the scriptures. The yesterday, I Holt having lerse holdtoas Office, 33 Wet Second South for (vril Rav Stringham, son of Mr. An elecof the convention. Delegates are Downard, .'tn road running through Moroni would bers of the family. were members which besides offering Thirty to went present missions, tric power plant ia planned for the be most desirable, if there Is street, was entered and a number of and Mrs. Ray Stringham of this city, not'promlsel a more Interesting trrit. amounted to $21 S3. The voung woman daughter of the guests of honor. Mrs Emily S gt.ns, any East fork of the Sevier, and from this wav In which tt mav be watches and clothing taken; whoe death occnrrei Thursday of Other electrical men who have Mrs. Susannah Burton and accomplished Edmund Rmgle. wealthy head of a Rarnea. were held this afternoon ben engaged' in the de rlopment long D. Ramsev 311 East South Temwill he furnished not only lightme This Miss of pneumonia, was Mrs. left Martha for of whom future manufacturing rompAny, makers of Weaver, all suggestion In 3 30 o lock th at Mantf service, but also power for a grist development. riectnc light and power look upon him ple street, reported that a trunk hnd firework (She fcfn a hospital, suf- are old Kaysvllle pioneers. mill and similar operations. Madson with Keen of not as the Brnejst Bishop hrokeo dean the valued and only open Life and Character Beading clothing industry, fering from s broken back and fracRoads Generally Good. Interment took place in but also aa the possessor of a dynamic at 1100 stolen: Peter t Aokl. 347 Folarm and leg. Her recovBridge Lean Sought. dav a.so a portion of tured rlaht was mmet the som the Oltv that ery creative During a even "mocthat avenue, spirit mystifies reported Governor Mabey delivered a ery tonight reported as extremely hnrt the partv studied the Mr. Stringham waa horn )erember while In action. casin" burglar had entered h.s home JUNE 4. doubtful address at VVidtsoe, Court It will he the first time Mr ?7dson When a, boy sympathising about 2 30 a m , taking about 3 in .N), 103, in th' cit projet t, and heard thb arguChildren boht under this date should . with th aettjers who have endured ments for short sections of hard surhe attended the public schools of has addressed the opening aessinnjof be associated C. E "Nelson and J. D silver: with persons who ar In pioneering hardships He was graduated developing ths face pavement at Gunnison ami Mexican Boy Killed this a National. Electric Light association quiet, calm and but Not the Floor of the Sharan hotel repor:ed tKIs cty restful. Thev ar community, and telling of benefits from the burner department of convention His belated official debut often J year 1131 the of room. from theft thrown Into their fit and women Into that may be expected from the return From Mt Pleasant th return was the Wasatch academy at Mt Pleas- will be made, before the grevtet gath- hvsterta and undue A prospective ef prosperity throughout the nation made of eltixen the Playing Bullfighting Dinted States walked Into the er ng of electric representatives ever nervous disturbances. excitement and ant. by way of Moroni, Nepn.l and He spoke of aids whim the state can Pieces Greek At the acidemy Mr. Stringham was held. 4 The best training for both old and snd to render and is rendering through the county building MEXICALI. S. recently Cal., June held inhigh esteem in his school work the Ramon oung-o- f trip the partv Enrlauex It this date bom under the become naturalised in Judge Q college In developing spe- - found the roads in good Agricultural years of age, was killed and in athletics. Ho was a memhe Premier Mussolini Has Church Stolen condition, as of Gi ....... A. oemlnl which govern this s'gn of Iverson's division the Third while playing at football today the of. both and ' basketball mPted at la 'this to Prhn!' learn to talk slowly and to district court. ib). for dry land farming in an Judge Iverson s e season of car. While stdrms with a number of o'her boys a few cultivate ca'mneas, Death Narrow courtroom is la room 4M, fourth PORTLWP, Ore , June 3. The tcms. where the season is short. The have been the Escape south of Mexicali. Mr i:?, Julv In the north, mile enlisted Stringham preialent A union id marriage with floor. Greek Drthrdov Usthnlic church here In the medief corps of the t nited governor complimented the commu- there ha not been sufflt While . taking . th posttibn of a moisture horn under Atauuriiie or Virgo Isperoon ! ws entered bv marauVrs Krllav States armv and served one Dahls 'Sey, where I th naturalisaService Cable. nity in honoring by Its name Dr In the south lo permit lent Ramon waa Picador, I'nlversgl thrown bv of his year. to prove most finishing porv. He landed on tion court?" asked th man of a lohn A. Widtsoe, who has done much the Mar'sxale The offspring night or Saturday mornoig snd He was stationed st Fort Dougins.' ROME. June 3 Premier Mussolini of th a union willhappy. the horns' of a Junction protect as be clerk crucifix both lor agrlctilture In the state by reason Travel is boarded snd deputy valued ah st gifout strong and bright chain, bull, whieh toaaed him under the fnnm being Recently. Mr. Str.nrham hnd ac- had a narrow escape going over It., howelevator. $J56. were stolen from the altar, acIf an Intensive study of the subject. ever. A ITIready ,n5r olhr in of the fore is at work on pony's feet. cepted g clerical position with the caught In a serious wretk Mils after- Sl2f7,a..!rlh "U'a-o- n not prove so successful tha fourth floor." the to Information made From JAiotsoe the party returned to the fore-s- t large cording road commi8inn road project through Clr. state noon. was to While and was the waitfar as riomestlc premier clerk replied. life in function by way of East Fork can- cleville ranvon, and at by the police today. LEGION TO MEET. have reported for duty at the slate ing to ehter a train for Venice, at which will be very restss places there "Oh, no. rm looking for the ton. the road being found in good The attack on the Greek church wss canirol end n . but was stricken May with the Vittorla station, another express out satinfactlnn. heavy going, though the road Is ' KATSV1LLK. Jun 3. The auxilon Third court th dlatrlot third fifth with the exception of a few is the such desecration to not the dav preoedmg reported The work is train ran Into the Venice train. far iary of the local . American Lesion floor.'1 3rhstever have vou lost now f A In the past four days. Two pneumonia sulea. where the nw location has not enoughImpassable.to show the pd.ee Mr. hU is survlxed exnot an Stringham had The boarded what by along poet will meet at the horn, of Mr. the In spite ef It ba waa admitted premier lowing something, but. gracin Seen improved. Tha county eompiis-t- j tensive tmorovementRoman Catholic, a Presbyterian and and two brothers G. Glendon train, but waa just concluding a conwill be mad In A M Bamea Monday dont you use the Want at to cltisenebip. oners negotiated for a loan one Isutheran Church edifice have been parents Adi? from tha canyon. ' 'evening ' 30 o Clock. Ptrtnghamof Portland, Ore., and versation preparatory to entering the why soon locate nd rciuio y ur Thev eate-e- d wuj coat h. Walter Htnngham pf this city. necklace. CToee ) y e ptf, s, Itnper-Oort- e -- tah - YY:Y - - i a (- croSs-countr- gar-nje- pt v h 4 enter-lame- e'' trrrtekeii itDa Brings Laughter to Patrons of Wilkes Man Car - per-cen- dom re Coast Trip Prt State Planned rrovei 1. w4 Them Successful one-ma- , uni-rer- o r Injured first-cla- Car lnt-te- influenxa-pneumow- mac-Ada- ba iL t One-ma- n Cih-iye- (iunnieon-Redmon- half-wa- , y ," well-sun- g Enyart Sergeant e Enjoy at Fort I ata-tton- ttypo je pW-ha- , h t Bpanlsh-Amer-tc- - n at . -- for Hospitqk J. jars Junior Annual Shee-Yii- n. e Fares . spfr-Itu- one-thir- d ,T ninrSTyn oP-J- x) Junior jojljold Exhibit W 7 Tk. ress public-spirite- . -- ; v 1 Four y Are Entered Funeral for Held nt -- la it Ciizen d "'A frs-tur- foher-nacl- C.unniSnn-ned-mon- Childrerit'Dc at e. Knew at Altar Orthodox of 'WVth-dat- c, iiiii-tud- N - .7 y J |