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Show TI1E ' gfr att afcr gfttran. UorMBc If lmH Sttj PobllfciB t tikt THhug U or IMUUiTlU. imms fa ttab, Idfche, evi a4 Wywitji- f-& PHf vad 10.41 mm Datljr aid gvadar, 0. nlt SAlr a late spring does not pinch basi opment of a wealth of natural reness here and 'there. The livestock sources, great strides have "been made otthestate are said to be i only by both the native and foreign popfairly good condition because of the ulations of the islands. There are slow neELdif lhe Spring fiLrageand today more than . 5000 primary they nre being held off the national schools, attended by more thnn 600,-00- 0 forest range later than ustulT two pupils; more thaa 300 intermeweeks in plares, to allow the voung diate schools, and more than fifty When the forage to get a good start. This is secondary or high school necessary to preserve the pasturage government of the United States growths Men bants have ft just first began its educational campaign, as summer the vast majority of the teachers cause for complaint, stocks' of merchandise lime not were Amerteans, but so many of the moved rapidLv; and those engaged natives proved tbeir ability to ae tmr and culture that to trons arc getting a slow start with day a large proportion of the teach-er- e tb summers luisiins. employed in the Islands are naWe are reminded in this connection tive born Filipino, r tht h cold spring or cold speti at As to fhe development of comtime of the year la no criterion merce in theislands, it may be noted for the future. 860 may that there are today more-thayet show much, iNotot Ynost, of its miles of railways and more thaa $000 It Is miles of publis roads, and that the weather warmer than usual good season for gosiprng about mineral production ofthe islands sunspots, cosmic dust nnd the like, has, ip the last four yVar, circled but when scientists dijgree as to 000,000 piyear. la idOa the tothiir Influence the lav man should tal imports from the United States not worry. "These conditions have and other countries were given as been with uv before and no d.re re $ 10,87$, "50,. The totals advaaee suits are traeeiilde to them" steadi It each year, reaching, In It is a fact, however, that unusual 10g, the enormous sum of $149,438,-82- . conditions have occurred elsewhere to the United The export The entire eastern States and other eonntnes show an than ill, Vtah. part of Ibo Inited Mates and Can- equally favorable record. in 1905 ada have hat an unusually cold the total amounted to $12352,815, - LAKE TK1EU3E, MUNI? AT HORNIMJ, DUNE 4, 1923. Planning for ike Next War . By :: -- By Frederic 3. Haakla. Dr. W. A. c Braaa. WHEN THE EOOC DULLS. fcvbr 1 9 There is no certain war to tell when IHiij sod ftaadaf pet 'WASHINGTON. IX June I. & feilow is clipping or now much he C, KmIWltly Tyh,m With the United States apparently ha slipped. If there was. every is ea laic la ct!7 i it TrUu; portt Viiat. beaders a7 11 u po fit)rertai (b CaJfad about as war far from a pnzefrnter soul everyuse professional agmu Mi iif City by teieptoia bail make of It openwould elble for any nation to be irj modern, ly orplSYer Mb office under an alia several time a time there actually is more war1 year Joss Willard would try It before Ihe Iribuao t her of lb Am! bmi Ttes. Th AaovMrrd IrM Preparation eolng on, today than there he put up a dollar cn training or a f lotiilrt to Hw ate for ri$ufeUctto cloily and it is a safe bet that was a few months before She country a side bet,would are taparrfee errfit4 f It hive one of the ma! Dempsey lM v)a erviiTod hr ibH paper a4 sttuxV thd entered In. 1317. chines in tbs attic at, bait or European pcwi pniMtahcd bo roly treason Th some where the sport writers for this lesson piece that ths it I a kewb'r iif 4b"AdW li iribuaeirctilattoa B jfTH of of preparedness was learned In that trouble him least. loformatto There er certain procedures- - by lot tfaTha ATritaft a l tmiUtioo aril) b wpp(H4 war, and Aha government id bettering which we form some sort l of an opina ud.t Bttreaa ai CirdeiaUo, Coatary n bid ion. Tbs the Instruction. one IS the tenbitofo dency to put on weight. Shrinking 'iw C L. bowttb ftpoeiol ABy ol The war department has embarked of eoiena adrcrtitUit 0jaL JAwM. bklf Nf thyroid gland Is another one, on war planning activities on, a large but the foot MpatB an easily measured one nor Tribute seals and ha detailed a number of one not bWf. ft t Louis.kWiAto, ford bUif , DethaiC C.H- M is well known. The sport that its most efficient officers to the prep- aritinw experts is ksbmo City, M ; have certain in tanty , lac aration of ths nation for instant ac gible turns By which the Parifie iVail WCM1' 4 They a rmaeioe. J1J1 Ezanioer bid- -. tivity in case of emergency. This is say He a lost his edye,Judy. or his stirs dco bkif., Los Aafeios; Bocurlty blat fccauR any war clouik hangs ovg or "hie speed,! meaning- that eye," the country, but because the armv has somethin has chan red Just what, is i onas r - af- Tb for u ft boftl u come tq the conclusion (hat it is do not know, Barlfc Yrifc arc $ Rn Lamsrtte, to await the sppearanc of they e 12A nail ball Led. KncMnd, l such a cloud before getting ready for Later 4a I fade, Barho, Oersaaay One way ot Selling, after a fashion, what it might bring. HMI Rrtm Ifoly is of .the spirometer. use A by the, Not so much is being done fn the is that old, alma museutn. Wasaieh OM. Tokyboa wav of direct preparation of large spirometer t your Triton, tel Tneb yj fail t side show we fake hicks bodies of soldiers The preparation Is tested our lungs Inby thewhich before phone the city rirrltk old days. The industrial in nature The great war present day Jt) ettark a m. aad copy Will b I as a machine spirometer as no Ton-- Pt weMa one had done proved previous not so very different from the that modem warfare depends for katerod at the poitofflro of Sait Lake City lung tester, but the scientific upon the industrial background gentlemen matter to who now nee it correct It of the armies. It takes five men beby factors fdr weight, height and body hind the lines, the experts say, to surface L equip and maintain one soldier on the In "Tha Archives Industrial fighting front. The prparatknnpw Medicine" Rowen telle for how he has swing on is 4n renpectlonwith these used the spirometer to test effect the teas more or invisible ageqpics of war of age and The- record shows a spring and manv of the crops have while in dh-jobesity on what is called B M Baruch, upon the vital the lodged hy been retarded and some plant. ngs are total of $151,123,8.56 capacity.. a chairman of the war resignation industries of this instrument. Coboard In the last war made elaborate standards Manila ha become, an up THE CHEATED GERMANS. reported lite It is also savd that an rrected tn the ways referred to. Bowen recommendations for jhe lndystrj4i found that men retained their vital extraordinary amount afice his per progressive eitv, with metropolitan preparation of the country for war and up to (0 on an average After TfieTIiTman mark has'msdc a now sistcd in the Atlantic oirau in the wavs and habits of life, as are being followed largely Thp capacity these that anyone work ha capacity gradually dealready progressed far. clined the Atvital of 33 it was down It has cast and southeast of Newfound may prove hy perusal of the daily that the army, ri'i ord fur wortnlcssncss, officer now aa that 59 per cent. theTheageage In which h also Northwestern land the is manufacturers of Mini the' Cnrted-- the rate of fail waa decade papers published there. moat rapid waa dropped to .1 valuation in the et States, depended upon to furnish 50 to 0 had an unusuallv col'i, ra n . ring, oboe a. The had deficiency 4oioi 72,650 to the quarUrmaottr supplier, cpnld get Into of about -- 6 per cent when compared HTge-anarket and certain streams in the northern NEW PARTY PROBABLE. hours With men of about the same production within twenty-foaga who lar. JThe (.etman people Ire find Sahara have been tilled, though tor after the word went out frosn Wash- were not fat. The poor wind of the ington. r.amhnn do Valeras recent procon waa obese more and have'been thernselvci this basis explained growing The quartermaster corps hj organ- Whan it wee fonnd that a ing tliC.pfyt fat person nore diz cf a Ykitfrfv arc caugh. ni dry. Oh the other extreme it is lamation to his followers to desist ised vthe country Into nine sores, pre- waa especially d, breathed sided over hY depot quartermasters. an exreptionav early ffom further military action heavily and panted on slight exertion, against They are at Boston, Brooklyn, Phila- he theieiou circle of new depreew reportedhas oecursrd showed, poorly oa the spirometer. New Orleans, Jeffersonville, in delphia, northwestpru the Irish Free State eems to im- Ind.; Chicago, .tjon in jhe currency, followed hy spring flowers St. Louis, Sam Fort bloomed A gen bit of practical cllnlcej advice having highef wholesale and fben By higher Europe, month or two a Houston, Texas; and San Francisco. came out of this series of experiply ihat within a February. erally wrth TENTATIVE CONTRACTS MADE. ments! consequent Bowen advised fat men with rctjiil prices, polttuaL party, Republican in aspiThese officer, through conferences heart trouble and low vital capacity, niand- - for moro'fi ige,, then a repe to go as Massing rations 'if not in name, will emerge. with manufacturers of ali sorts of slowshown by thl spirometer, globe. Tition of the same cjelo of ereota about reducing. It Is all right material needed for the army, have To Elections aro be held in Octo- made arrangements for the turning for them to reduce, but the number of The German government and fi Frank Munsey bids fair to become of Whole planUTo war production pounds lost each month must not be vwwannal leaders set about to delib- known as tho An twenty-fohour1 notice, In great. Amerii.m news ber, and nd republican could stand,jNvec great allies A mans working efficiency depends the cheat cases contracts actually have by depreciaterately in them vvliilo a regular campaign if 1 ork New killer. Tho entered paper pub to take effect on in great measure upon his Job. A few Into, re"The nation-currency. ing the frtvoo of' some marathon e ahe .FattedRtntes dsyw ago pressed- by- b cqJ3eagv1d week- the beeit a' repndat7 of the imber announces-- hit imt-li- n will the ' Umgdrawnnut racers who had finished fairlr wriL to ejimlnate A even alera dearly hopes This procla- bidding ana competing which delayeth the front, though they were well ho recently do government's pbligatioa to, tie Ger- New I ork Globe, in years. An old man would prior to the last war All along will provide not only fer the production mation man people. The internal debt lia that work ha been done in advance stand a better shovY in a marathon purchased, will erase to exist after honorable peacehe desires, but and now ail that-been wiped out by the simple procnecessary to start race than he would in a hundred-yar- d a continuous career of more than a for the mills on army production is to say dash A man could carry off a desk for an electoral the ess of stealing the wealth of the lob efficiently for thirty years after word This does not mean that the goods he has passed his peak a & prizecampaign between now and the end German citizens. The worthless out- centurv. Kew will of be ready for the army on fighter or as a ball player. the of October. In his latest interview actually Munsey is the owner put of the printing preaaes, working e York Herald. Mouths ago he bought he said the government did not want instant notice, it means that producovertimo to supply the bales of tion will begin Some supplies are on IT JUST HAPPENS. the hand in N'CjW iorkun, mado famous by an en dof hostilities because it feared adin considerable which German the quantities Ia J, H. writes money As soon as warm peo vance, but onlydn very few cases are weather Charles A. Dana. For a time he ran my hands and feet dt the polls. such supplies anywhere near adequate grow hot comes pie are forced to aeeept, cannot, of no rash. What is and warfn, two the as the Sun and There 'is certainly some support to the Deeds of an' army on a war the cause? publication course, be used in Germanys interVarying periods would be reREPLY. national transactions; and her repa- Herald; then he concluded to sup- waiting for him among those who footing to furnished the supplies Six I do not know, any more thaa I of the dislike the treaty oath of allegiance, quired months from the' time production know rations payments, also, must be paid press the morning edition why other people get cold hands, started would be required for uniDana and much of but that support is already hyphenated Sun, in gold marks. hands, and chilblains as soon Itching beand hats is This forms, legging. the celebrated a weather gets cold. W'STWay that newspaper exists vested in the Labor party. What cause the distinctive kind of material both have disturbance of the groups used in this equipment does not have wsometer THE IMMEDIATE EIl'IXfTti. only as the afternoon appendix of is 'left appears to be dimimshjpg. but that Is Just a regular commercial market and the scientificsystem, the Herald, retailing, however, the De Valera can expect no support therefore way of saying that their Is not manufacregularly hand and feet get "hot and rweli in The question raised by Oovernor name of Fun. So that he killed the from the farmers as a class, although tured, The cloth would have to be hot weather or turn cold and have before the uniform frostbite in cokl weather Smith by his action is indorsing the morning Sun Irior to that he hail he may retain a few followers among manufactured It means could be made Shoes would require so far ns realty saying what on down through nothing dry ciuorcement law repealer may bought the New dork Fress and the younger men who are dissatisfied four month, and So fcf cause The scientific the. way of the whole long list articles whh h like the ordinary way of be expected to have a bearing on po aterred it la the newspaper grave with the new land act. go to make up the supplies for the saying it, leads no to as to a.rd. His acquisition of the Globe it, suggestion saving claimed both the it is However, quartermaster corps. Iitioal developments, as the wets ahd it. 11 his afternoon Sun au Assort The war planning with the Indus- what to do about and his S president gives republican trie must Include a determination of drys contest lor control. Of more ated Press franchise, long desired chief of staff have left loopholes in what BABY WONT SLEEP. will be required, how much will imp&rtanee Is the immediate effect Having no fattier use for the Globe, their proclamation th rough whieh be required, supplies already on hani Anna writes- - I have a baby eight and where the goods .ere to be months old who rarely sleep two t is to disappear of the New Tork affair on the regany irregular could creep back or when, delivered and how they shall be pro- hours on a stretch. He can sit up The New Globe , Com York and his gun. duced. and remain wide awake for twelve ulation of an illegal traffic in New In J917 there was great haste to hours without a bit of sleep. While mereial Advertiser, to give it its York state." the army and get it oversea he is asleep he stirs and eeems to be "aErIL-ALA- , AN equip A complete withdrawal of the po- full name is the oldest daily news- QUATRAINS OP Inexperienced officers were in charge on the verge of 'waking U every ten OF THE ELEVENTH of much of the work and the ARABIAN minutes, at which time wi shake his lice agencies from enforcement of paper in the United States. It was men who came to AVashtngton crib And be goes off again. While he CENTURY. the still existing law for ths repeal founded by Noah Webster in 179j knew nothing of war Where com- H awake he is cross and wants to be ' hr did not and for many vear cnqoved the petitive bidding was slow, contracts held all the time repeal the Volstead act (Translation of Amwn F ' RihfnJ from, were on a cost plus basi. a lie has no teeth yet, but seems to or The' srstemawarded is. not to be expected. Assurances rather cumbersome designation of d be normal in every other wav. He is which has been since 1m Unneoewary , as evitjr of What inasmuch hate come from state and municipal tho American Minerva, Patroness it practically pernicious plump, but very pale, is DouhletUv, Paj?e Co, 11HK raged war contractors to make the white, not even a pink color. Is he Peace, C'ommereejijjJ the Liberal Our Nihta and authorities that they propose to fol around cAch things anemic msnufsetured coat a Iayt they career a which othrr aptn It has hud Would this wakefulneau prove much as possible low, to some extent at least, the in Arts. They received a e Ifce Planet nd a ir bKla their And U per ceftt oven and hunger, or simply spoiled Junction of Governor Smith thattke runs almost the full period of the .Our-frare orr tha heads of those above profit. seems most unnaturaJ. What what the He material produced Volstead act must be regarded as existence of the bepuldie Its disap that passed cost It therefore increased their would vou advise me to do with him? And a the Cradle cries, the Graves profit If the materials Vojt a great Can he improve as he should on continuing applicable to and en pearauee is forced by the trend of all sffiT deal. The necessity fur 'haste led to such little and auch reatleaa sleep? forceable in the Empire state. The modem competition, but its pas carelessness and a failure to count the REPLY local courts nre required by gen mg will bo regretted by newspaper This Life span will between cost, with the result that the war cost Whether or mot he haa other trouble e er shore more the than would it swinj?; a he K government spoiled, nervous child and is eral law to deal with prohibition of workers who at 11 retain a touch of e. croM it, and who knows what's had. such planning as now is going on headed for trouble So are you. for sentiment on their win the bdlore them. Re fenders brought been done, profession. Get you a book on character train- and I turvy-- could, --though long upon the SURPLUS go to work on SUPPLIES PURCHASED. ing ot shtldrewpeal of the Mullau Gage law does You are beginning eight your job bndp, FILIPINO PROGRESS. In 1917 officer in charge of the pur- months lAffce fcrUaaa moan.-a- h sot relieve New dork district and met BOIT wtnd- has not a&yiuh but taps late, chase of a particular kind of material d like s.ng Neither has tattoo. police judges and mayors "from- - the Tdanila dispatches Of last he alrakl for shoes, instance, wpuld and start him overcome anemia. To Saturday duties imposed by the revised statin teething, change his diet and keep and griefs each other oft That theyonmight not have large enough of the killing of fiftv odd itoro Our Jot told over and therefore hand, supplies in him ret utes. the air ile, bought so they would not be accused Give more bread, cereal, soup, "pot and go, enduring but a of It mhy be conceded, however, that fanatics in a battlo with tho ion They acome In licker, failing in ttfew preparation and vegetables. hi!e no war of there is leisure to qmb a a otif of the certain results of the stabulanr of the island of Ihti and The Cloud , that shed their tears time ble orer such matters The soldiers on land and so i WATER CONTROVERSY. THE Mullan Gage repeal wiJ be to still of the surrender of more than an-to be equipped quickly at have Niio whoa Haie Ltcrhtmng hpM, laugh the cost 0 T R writes "Is it good to further add to the congestion of pro Moros tears beguile after the conflict was over By means of this advance plamnnx drink water during meals?" hibition offense cases in the federal REPLY. to the when has time al-- o government the olemnly the Funeral passes bv stating that onG think it is, though many people eourts, since the local and district aboutmessage shop around and make the ben bar- do1 not 500 of the fanatics were stul The march of Triumph under this gains easiest understood proof The a 4t and what determine nUety courts doubtless will, wherever pos same sk, is the fact that everybody does. will be enough to supply & given numat large. The prompt quelling ot Come in both its trail vanish Into for v The throw for ail ber and of war units, the confusion drinking fluids sible, argument rcsponsibtlit poe this outbreak of the pagan fanaies, Night waste is overcome When an emer- wih meals would be strengthened If eutions Oino tue I n ted Mate re To the the one, Sob, everv man Gladstone and if imitated Joyous ever it are dominated almost entirely gency of war now rome. Or eourts. does again, the whole industrial ma- chewed hts food well bv ignorance and superstition, re chine will be rradv at a nod to carrv Another aftermath will be found ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS. out prearranged contracts and withaddest, the davs of twenty five veirs nverv abode to riuin Dfnalt probability, in increased ap calls when Le it a pa ace or a sparrow n nest: in twenty-fou- r hour from the time v were the ago, stead not th for ill uprisings build, (Anv Iet reader can t the answer to is the tho mighty given supplies propnatiohg by congress for suppie dut of a thy beginsignal must go to flow smoothly Into the quar- any question try writing The Tribune large part of the island mentary enforcement officers. no fair with that he Information dove, like will what termaster There Bureau, Frederic J Has-kithey depots population, and also furnishes eon Direct&r. Washington, D. UL This hut!J to ret. argument over price, for thev mill all elusive rem.v-haevidence of e the tn offer been determined have applies strictly to information. adfice The THE 1ATE SEASON. be foreknown and the Th bureau cannot (five advice on growth and development that has Fan thoit the fire. and then behold the quantities willestablished. medical and .fm octal matters. quality duly light la pite of the cool weather 4f fomn to the Philippines since The same sort of jfannlna In It does not attempt to nettle domestic Fan tho but ashs, and bemoan thy nfip to nor undertake exhaustive process In the quartermaster cnrfls Is trouble. the last week, the month of May came under the icntrol of the Call viht research on any wiblecL Write your thou the living and they will being don by the ordnance depart United Mates reent, the engtpeer corps apd other question plain! end briefly Give full r"8ond goes Info the feeords as being warm It is no exaggeration to sav that Put wo'n thou callest is as dead as branches of the armv In thcaae of name and address and enclose two rents in stamp for retwn pontaaa er Jbaa usual, auvordtng to the re the adv aneement munitions the task is somewhat Night. bv the poop c pf All replies are sent direct to the in4 ha- - tunes -- of coperatro rt betmre-rn. Her porVof-dh- e Amt in The TsTihds since Angus weal quirer ) . Whence rome o Firmament, those tween the munition maker, the and the government arc'more lights? fpite of a comparatively warm Mav when Manila surrendered tq the Whememyriad How- does an aeronaut measure Q tomes thv Jnire, O Vtne on closely knit, there being a natural hlsHpeedJ. B. G. 'equals that made m 3 Mi it I tah, the unusually cool wca'hor Americans, working affinity betweep these groujw rosier height A. The speed of. bn aeroplane la which Is It the nt quartermaster corps Whema cme the perfume of the Spanish regime, the ntv of measured St March and April has left agri years by the rate of speed it has the most difficult task. Roue and whehed1 Manila having been founded in Colonel J M WamwrtgM, formerly makes in reqrard to the air. It is posflesh forever Soul with The this that dt v elopoient sible cultural an in for airplane to be making general T571 assistant secretary of war, is given tights' a about two weeks in arrears. much of the credit for this forehandninety mile anandhour against While it was essential that the an hour ah ed In out yet cover only fifty hairman t action carrying BEHAVE! A late or retarded season, such as first Jour vears STRAWBERRIE&, rmlrs of an hour actual dlntance The a ami of American control recommendations Baruch putmeasured hy a speed meter. this season has been m I tah, being t'f the islands should be military m Two darkle In a negro regiment ting the srmr on a business ba&is speed wer about their ie on a There dial situated bodMing company dash war the the B haa from departdevoid of killing fros's and in lem G long wit you, boy, said ment toresigned hiraiter, it will be recaled that bugler. enter congress from the of th aeroplane, In front of the art-etno booglera W This dial It connected with a Tweqtv-flft- h district of New Turk entitoTms, has so many favorable j ,n .l,.lv of 1902 (he cmigrev of the one. vou amt got and when at bov hut still takes an active interest in speed meter and the meter Is conis got the booglce, - aspeet that one find it difficult to I sited Matos parsed An act tom wraps hlM lip around that horn and the war punning a ad gives the army nected hr mean of tublmr with a it sounds jrs like d such assistance a complain. The farmer s props arc poranlv to provide for the afiairs Mows par-rait desires from Vltot tube placed bn th outer strut. baud Th Boston Symphony playin him. getting a sturdy thrifty growth, it ot government in the Korarv What to the difference between Under his direction, fifty officer Q pot a rank and luxurious dexelop-jnent- ; MwidV and that nnder Philippine replied the spent nine months in figuring nut the a homer and a carrier pigeon 7 Teh, T beam you, the proothrr 'Talk up. talk up. To is industrial mobilisation plan which has E U and delicate fruits, hernes visions of tins a t riw! wadm deep into trouble eorapV A. The department of sucricultnre been adopted by the general staff of - pnd thcr ropa on which Ttah do gov t rnraent was established An' when h sounds at tatao the the army, and this plan, in its amail-cw- t mys that homer, carrier and flyer through Aneiie enda agrienlturaUj have advanced out the Gabnel hiasclf is tendin' a ear, Is being perfected and soon piaeona are the same. Homer is th detail. arrhipdago, except in such bov will be completed. standard name. alowiy but sturdily, parts as were inhabited Well. If yo Itkea mosik they is all the more water haa been con savage hforos. Then, by another r ght, bnt If vo Is yearnin' fo food, I Irrigation BAD POR BOTH. How can acratthe be removed Q by -- R. H. yo want a- - boogies- with a hypnotic aerved by the absenee of desiccating art of congress, from pi "Michael Ckesaidv. Grocer," Ah sign that was supported by two rather when approved 28, not Ilka we Boy, got. August A. scratches mav be par. weather, and the mountain streams 1916, the Philippine commission was hear o Custard Mouth Jones dis- unsteady looking poets The board ttally Blurht polished out of ylare by rnbblnc his biaL Ah looks at mah bearing fhcee words was about all the pert have behaved themselves unusually abolished, there charge wet with water with bring subeUtuted as beans and Ah says, fftra wherries, be- that remained of the once flourishing upon a piece ofroore toft leather. IT it la well. The banka have been nearly the upper house of the will a have yoaelvea: yo Is crowding ths shop owned by Michael Cassidy It a have to he scratch. legislature deep dtxb Ytiii for eome time but there baa senate Composed Casaidv" poor man. at on tho pave- rround out with the finest flour emof twenty four whip cream oot In as sucir ment with his face tn by outside, buried eptloanamand ery, been an flooding of consequence, and members and a boa ,ued of represent his hawdw when he was approached tho spot polished with rnuite end the crest stages are pawing ui a few lives of ANOTHER SHERLOCK. and patted on the shoulder by hie -ter .upon a piece of reft leather. one members, while ninety e 'remember friend and neighbor, Pat Sullivan "Detective "Tou can't Borne of dhe governor plaees, it is understood. general, who remains whar this happened: mind, never nrlndTie said How are Irnmucrants treated for Q ihej3rgriJ(mgf r trcamvbowt as the, head of tho islands, is ap- - IjadynightNo, V waa so excited at the aoothingiv. of .traveler era conclass lice What are just coming into high water pointed by fhtf "Ah, begorra. B. - M. remember I was In my time I groaned MichaH- - sidered- lmmljn-sntpresident of the bath " only i staring me in tbs fare third-clas- s A. ptarvaUon nty paeeeoser are Itage United States. rwtertlve 'Ray no more, lady 1 "Is it," rejoined Pat. -- Well, it Cer required to f to Elba Island. Th be Thu u not eayinghoweverthat U have cant it very earviaa tatnJy .fur health Bight. pleasant public say ahat tmmi- Ia education, commerce asdlevel- - Lifa lllAr yrttntMRftftfiiing ln jtkeg aw-- ye. Jjcndoj Tit- - Bits. "a ul ytfw , 1 . , brrt lae tr, 1 k- 0orj ! dprtet oecond-eiaM- i -- Ixe best-know- - e, suc-cs- e, . -- -e- ur y tat short-winde- -- or the ur j s -- - wr-reud me-ct- i hLsiy ' one-ini- i. , -- dollar-a-jre- ar lecog-niae- ( en-o- - By Irvin S, Cobh. J AT REGULAR INTER-VALTHE EVEN1NQ ROMP. The warm eprtnif evenlnss brtnff out the children for their evening- frolte. Sota yurs ago a New Tork milSometime it gets past bearing for the lionaire of varied matrimonial $4 or tired people vesting on the porches ventures had a falling nut with twe under the trees a homebody a et an old tin6 puli and young person of the chorus. The disbegin kicking it along the walk, its agreement reached Its climax at his din J The grown-up- s apartmenth on an shattering evening when they ers with them. called, bringing-revo- lt along the street groan and murmur. Thats that awful bmuh child. Be-d Shortly thereafter he wee remove to lieve me, if that child was min, W hospital suffering from bullet warm him so he needij't take such wounds In his and the young sirenuous exercise! Qn a hjft fumrntf ladle were takenlegs to Jail. 'They were evening, tno" indicted And tried. By reason of tho see like that re aunder'grn of tho victim tho trial waa harder to bear than they at on the prominence what is called a sensational trial. The cool nights. If children must ryn and newspaper were full of It and tho derace about In. th twilight which"?) fendants became, tor the time, being, doubtful, couldn't they have- a bail-- oelcbri ties oft ball that will not hurt if it hits their release they were Upon a child in the dark, nor break windows vouchsafed an opportunity to capitalthat cannot be seen clearly. ise their notoriety. Under the title On the lower corner there is a group of fi hooting Show Girl,-- ' they The playing with ado?. He barks furious were taken on for a week at on of iy and cha&es them, madly up and the with the Broadway Jhasireet. ..gresmlns like wild a more extended booking men, they hurtle aeross rhe lawns promise oftheir Justified It. For provided t Yow, end dash around Ore corners nights performance a cabarks the enthftsiaxfU. the opening !row, yow' la ail. scream the pacity audiencs gathered, but. lound. thftt-- th chart tt be tr, imH children. One of fhpb children Is going to featured act. proved a disappointment the facte that neither ot get hurt dash layabout the streets like theAside fromcould stars, dance; or alng, or that, grumble the watching porcher or wear her costume herGinea. It a wonder their parent wouldn't speak and of them suf liift effectively, thaboth them. Yelllnarend screeching top that! And that deg! the Come the block in back. From wheese of harmonies The small boys have gathered on Wells' Adi porch and they ere givin; a concert to the Heads wagging, Audience unwilling little girls shrilly feet stamping, chanting, ' Muetc fills the air. Mercy me! Dont they ever go to bed" groans a euferer as the wind bears a whiff of raw melody, louder than usual, to 'her aching .ears Should think their mother would put them to bed In Mothers are deaf to the children the teacher dryly. Only noises," says the other- - mothers cHildren make" noises that are unbearable Each mother hear oqly music in the tones of her brood's voice.' Children must romp a bit before bedtime of a summer evening. But violent play is not the thing they need. Chasing a dog or kicking a tin can or playing hide and seek through the house, banging door after door and screaming as each slama .behind them. Is not the setting fur quiet rest. Y8 ThsTnarmontca. concert.- excruciating it Is, is understandable. The chil dfen are working off their last ounce of repkrfhiou energy and doing It But the racing, without! violence. are bowling group getting past point and they will be hard to - 1 W - n n. tte I- ald th bright youth, stuttering tn his anxiety to air hia superior knowledge, please, miss, the lodger Exchange. rp-pi- u, l," r awix&uSUK -- quiet- - c- -' la the Consider the neighbor eve- play-.- It ning. Plan fitr a quiet brt-t- rf will make life a little pleasanter Bell (Copyij&ht, Syn123. bv the dicate, Inc.) bv th following method, First, clothing is itaomed by submit- steam to under pressure Those ting articles that cannot undergo this treatment are subjected to dry best. The patients are then treated with mixtures which kill the parasites. Vinegar and gasoline and various other solutions are used for this purpose, care being taken not to burn the pa tlent. In many cases the beads of the immigrant are shaved. . Where are the largest teleQ R G F. scopes in the world A. The naval observtory rays that the three largest telescopes are reflectors; that is to sav curved mirrors are the means used to bring light Mount Wilson observato a focus. tory haa a mirror 100 inches In the Dominion obeerrtory. has. one seventy-tw- o inches iri diameter, and the Lord Rose telescope in IreI still la existence alland, which use, ha a slivered though not In laae eeventy-tw- o inches In diameter :n a refracting telescopf, a lens or combination of lenses is used to bring light to a focus, the largest refractor Is that at Yerkc obnervtorv, the lens measuring forty Inches In diameter. delooned Q over? What K. D 1 Resinol : A Luxemburg still W. M. Ik The European state of LuxemIt Is an Independent burg still exist grand duchv. The present ruler is the 11s popuGrand Duchess Charlotte lation is estimated at 2$3,S2t Q. I enee A. see How many eggs should a hen A. M. A A A typical - tandard-hr- d hen lays annually approximately 175 egg of uniform size end cpIql 1 Q lay a year Dont neglect the little one chafed skin or the patches of rash or eczema, for children ore bound to scratch and minor troubles may result in stubborn sores. Remnol Ointment is widely recommended by doctors and nurses because it so quickly stops itching, and will not harm tha Under skin. It soothes as it heals. Resinol Soap cannot ha ax celled for tha toilet and bath tending aa if doe to keep the skin healthy through its unreal cleansing powers. At all druggist. ThtmtatuU of mother prefer them to ofhore" , ETRADE MARK KNOWN ov w y HAMiretdiimdA rashes of childhood use meant by labor turn- Labor turnover Is the number of workers employed during a stated period tn order 'to maintain a force of a given number. Thus, if, for a tear, it I necessary io hire 201 to teep k regular force of 1600, the turn-over is 100 Tent for that period thskin For IN E?ERY HOM m LANDERS. FRARY Ot CLARK-Jk- W BRITAIN, CONN I What the UNIVERSAL Trade Mark Means oh n. Vacuum Bottles 4 i EVERY bottle or HnM4 Helps sold hy A all good dealers LANDERS, FRAJLY ft CLARE New Britem, Coon. r - protected by One of the many UNIVERSAL il uil I- 1$ patent shock absorbers. Every filler which is the unseen heart of the bottle-r- e is of first quality, insulated by an efficient vacuum, inspected and sbjected to a rigid twenty-four hour temperature test before packing. You cannot see'these things in buying. Insist upon the UNIVERSAL Trade Mark. It is your guarantee. fl.50to J15.00 line of UNIVERSAL Vacuum Complete Carafes, Pitchers, Jugs and Accessories. la f ir ii; i . ATSd. - FM I Jkl jet. - , 1 mmahita! 1 - HE KNEW. . The teacher had been Instructing her dare' of bright young hopeful hi the habit and characteristics bf bees. We have bow, she said, "learnt about the working bee and the drones, but ther 1 still another be& in every hire. Thhr bee does no work, but it others. always waited upon by th food to They are very kind and bring pay.sod H. provide for all Its wants, can attention. Now, it aav'boy -- r everytell roe what tt is csClert girl Thera wo a long pause, and them ap5..went on hand. aid the teacher Well, Johnny 7 , - i JL By Angelo Fatrl, V kly Favorite Stories OUR CHILDREN How to Keep Well they did fered from afMe-friffvery well, consider! off. On the following night Jim ton, the old vaoderiiif comedian, He stood at th present to are them.watchln the scene hack of the house on the stage with an Inscrutable manager The presston on his face.him ran red up alongside "Well, Jim," he said "what do you think of the girl, heh Thornton cleared his throat prresively: If "If," he said magisterially. young women desire a second week engagement they must shoot httw again:" (Copyright, ?.;?,- - by thS'MeNamW Syndicate, Inc.) . 7 W. . I |