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Show V T Monday, TH WEATHER. muck generally fair,changa la temperature. Local Settlement P rises. Btlrar .... 5Ke v; Lead- et Tribune t Want As form a small but influential financial and. industrial thqir.owu. j : ?en-tero- ,.....7 .....3U.Ma - 23 Copper (cathodes) yOL. 107, NO. 51, SALT LAKE CITY, MONDAY. MORNING, JUNE 4, 1923. Americ?nization of Households 7 Is Strongly itr'ged in Germany Laws of5 Nations Requiring Ships to Carry 7 Liquor Will Be Mef Under Medicinal ' Regulations. ' ' Only Possible Solution pf the. Servant l MammHmamaM Conference Created by La Follette Will .Insist r That Law Be Applied. V Commission Strict ' Com-plian- Commerce . Contends ce Is 7 , Impossible. By GRAFTON WILCOX WASHINGTON, June proceedings arainsP tha Interstate rommerat commission to compel it to ascertain and report tha original coat of railroad property, may bt the next step of the national Taluation conference created by Senator I Follette, Kepubllcan, Wisconsin, and hia followers. A preliminary move probably will take the form of an appeal to the commission to "comply wtth tha aaaertlona are law," but confident made hare that tha conference will not stop short of court proceeding. The valuation act provides that the commission shall "ascertain and report in detail a to . each, piece ,,pf property owned or used by said common carrier for Its purpose! as a i ommon carrier, the original coat to date, the cost of reproduction new, cost the of reproduction lees depreciation and an analysis of the methods byi which these several costs ace obtained and the reason for thelrc difference. if any The commission ha been ascertaining original cost to data a far as enpossible, according to official gaged In the vaiuation work. They howa of in number cases, large sty ever, there la nothing sufficiently relish's cm which she commission can base An opinion aa to that element of value. Plead Impossibility. Valuation experts of the com mi salon do not see how the original coat of each piece of property" can ba ascertained and they have given this construclaw in tha broad phrase I tion, Original coat to data of whole properties generally cannot ba definitely ascertained from accounting records alone, owing to incompleteness of hooks and accounts 'and supporting details, to insufficiencies In the descriptive details and to tha failure on the part of the carriers to record, aa and uch, all outlays for additions betterments to tha' peoperttac mads In their development, it Is declared. The act, however, directs tha commission to ascertain and report- - In detail as to each piece of property, and on that the la Follette valuation conference probably will base its demand that tha commission must do what it regards as a thing impossible of accomplishment. Railways Make Appeal. If the case against tba commission Is carried to the United States supreme court by the valuation conference. the belief obtains that the court sould probably tell the commission to do what congress told It to do. That is what it did in tha mandamus suit brought against the commission by tha Kansas City Southern when the commission refused to ascertain and report the coat of reproduction of carrier lands on the bams of what ft would coat the railroad today to acquire the land and assuming that buildings, would have to be condemned to get the land now occupied hv the railroad.. Tha commission decided congress had told it to do aa , thing. impossible A special committee appointed by the American Railway association to assist the United States coal com mission filed a report with the commission today urging adoption of a policy by the American people which mill insure the railroads of thecoun-tr-v fair treatment and enable them to Vbfk 'oiit' 'their "problem without fear of action of a confiscatory aa tura. Tha report supplements a prelim Inary one filed five months ago by the special committee of which J. E. Roberts of Albany, N. T., superintendent of transportation of th Delaware A Hudson company, la ByThlversal Servicer "Strike in Barcelona , Puts. City in. Turmoil Destroys 30 Villages Bv Universal Service, I June IjONDON, i - , Twenty-fiv- e hundred persons were killed and thirty villages destroyed by tha earthdevastated the region quake that around Turbatl-Haildain eastern Persia, May . according to official reports received today from Teheran. Tha quake lasted fifteen minutes, shaking buildings to the ground and It left the crushing their occupants. entire rich vallev, . surrounded by mountains near tha salt desert, stretch of ruin Because of the isolation of the die trlct. made more complete by damage to toads and passes, the complete extent of the damage may not be known for months. rl French Train Blacks in African Colonies Vni vernal Service Cable. LONDON, June 3 News of tha World. Iord Riddells newspaper, a aa maxing story headed prints France a Black Legion" alleging French that tha tens of are enlisting and thousands of blacks training in tha African colonies. The story declares that Prance, in the event, of a future European conflict. expect to muster 1 000,000 men from this source, and theorises on the problem of marina transportation of this large force. The story declares that fhl huge armv-w- aa the oause of Frances at-- t tude at tha Washington arms conference. , f H J t New York Requires Spe-.ci- al Corps; More Cask ) Mut Be Forthcoming. . By WINDER R. HARRIS, Universal Service Staff Correspondent. June 2 OrganizaWASHINGTON, tion of a special corps, of enforcement agent for ia th P'n learned today to be under consideration by soma of tha federal authorities to combat the sttuatttrrrTeFUir-ln- g from Governor Smith's approval of tha blU repealing the state ."dry' taw- - i this ''without , A way to accomplish withdrawing a sufficient number of agent from other states to cause eertoua neglect of enforcement work there and, in spite of the apparent lack of funds, has been hit upon It will be submitted at the conferences-thiweek between President Harding, Secretary of the Treasury Mellon. Internal Revenue Commissioner Prohibition Blair, commissioner and Attorney General, Daugh- Haynes -tr fhi proposal In a' nutshell Is to revise the apportionment of the 00 appropriation provided for the prohibition bureau during the fiscal year beginning July t so aa to make a salable a larger proportion- during the months Intervening before congress meets In December than originally was planned. This would make it possible to add to the force of 200 agents In New Tork and at the same time keep the bulk of the 210 agents in other parts of tha countr. Of course, some agents will be transferred to New Tork from communities where they can be spared without danger, but in the main the Increase in New Tork under the proposed plan" would be mads up by hiring additional men If this plan ia adopted, as now Indicated. the president will ask congress ss soon aa It meets to provide supplemental appropriation for the remainder of the fiscal year sufficient to continue the special New Tork force and take rare of the work in other sections which . otherwise would be unprovided for because of large expenditures In the first half of the year. A big increase in the appropriation for the next fiscal year also is certain to be recommended. This lain additlosi to the fund given the department ef justice for1 prose eutiop-'W liquor case Representative Madden of - Tlhnots, chairman of tha house appropriations committee, who returned to Washington today, ia expected to be called into conference with the government officials working on a --solution of the Chairman Madproblem this week. den is a staunch supporter of tha administration and without doubt will back up any plan the president approves t ths full extent that the law permit' Budget Director Lord and Comptroller General MoCart-slabe consulted Under the general law goberrfing of appropriations bv the expenditu executive departments, the anHua,! fund provided for a certain activity must ba apportioned over tne twelve month in advance. It Is unlawful to Incur a deficit except In the case of the army and nary during an emergency. But In the event of the development of a condition which, in tha opinion of the department head, constitutes an emergency warranting such action, the apportionment requirement may be waived and aa much mors than of the fund spent in any one month, or other period as may be deemed necessary by the department bead. In this esse. Secretary Mellon la the department head to determine tha question, under the direction of tho president. of course. To conform to the law It will ha necessary to wait until the situation in New Tork develops sufficiently flagrant violations to constitute an emergency However, reports already have reached Washington that manv places in the state are wide open and It is not believed that many day will elapse before the emergency clause can ba invoked with full justification. waterage- - "" theDRRd-gtares.'- " liquor for nonbeverage purposes and for sacramental purposes or like religious rites may e obtained, possessed transported, prescribed, told and ufted on anv United States or foreign vessel within the territorial waters of the United States, in the same way, to the same extent and with the tame limitations aa on. land. The medical officer of the public health service to whom under these regulations an application for medicinal liquor for vessels is presented, will decide what supply of liquor (If wnyf is weeded for. medical' purposes, provided that if it be shown that such vessel is, or during Its next voyage will be required by the laws of a foreign country, to carry medicinal liquor in - any specified kind and amount, the certificate for medical need will be made to cover such kind and not leas than such amount of liquor. War Vessels Exempt. In accordance with the law of nations. the, war vessels of foreign na"within the terri tions. even whed torlal waters of- - the United States, are to be regarded aa exempt from the operation, of the local laws of the United States The provisions of the national prohibition act do not. therefore. apply to foreign Teasqts f war. act applies The national board war vessels of to persons on prohibition the United States and the navy deas authority to 'taka appartment propriate measures for enforcement thereon- there being arr addition to the measures taken by customs officials under the customs laws and regulations In connection with such vesNo seisure Is to be made of sels, liquor in the possession of any persop in the following classes fa) Diplomatic officers duly accredited b a foreign government lo the government of the United Stale (b Diplomatic officers of a foreign government duly accredited to another foreign government and temporarily within tha United States or its possessions. (c) Persons attached to or em ployed by any diplomatic mission whose names have been registered with the department of state. - -- 7 oHhe Housekeepers. League! th F. W. Upham tdiRemain Secretary to u. O. P l CHICAGO, June I. FTd W, ham, for years aa aetirt and influential figure ta national politics, has not resigned the treaourerehip of the Republican national committee and he will not resign at least until after tha " Iron Ore and Rhine Coal Would Be Formed Into Trust. Alsace-Lorrain- e Reparations Then Would Be Paid in Shape of Dividends on Shares. By MARK June LONDON, 5, On plan for aohin? the complexities of repara tions and the Ruhr situation, which oars of our latel) has come to correspondent with Increasing insistence, has complications necessarily d sturbing to American business men. To follow this p!fen and to follow anything concerning the Ruhr mith intelligence, it tk essential to understand one basic fact, name. that the iron ore which ia in .AbuMe Lorraine and the coal which Is in the Ruhr compose. In wature, a single industrial unit, and an ideal one. It is ft case of coal aad , iroa mutqiljh adapts ed to each other closer juxtaposition than anywhere else in the world. So soon as both came under the ownership of one nation through the war of 1871, Germany proceeded to rise from a negligible position to that of the second steel producer In the world, leaving Great Britain behind in the race . But with the recent Near the fron e ore of went bark to France, while the coal Tn the Ruhr remained with Germany. The kco nomic integrity of the unit, with Its ideal effectivsifess from point of iew, was cut in two Both' the, French industrial magnates and ths German ones were embarrassed. Aim of Business Men. 'Bark of the quiet negotiations for the settlement of the Ruhr which have been going on between German and French business mert ia the thought of restoring an economical unit which is divided politically A way to do this, and at the same time make it now is political!'1, proposed palatable The plan Is to unite the Ruhr industries into one great trust, or carteL as thmEuropean word is. A certain fraction of the shares would be left to permany. The remainder would be allocated to France. Great Britain, Belgium Italy and the other 'allies In proportion as they are entitled to CwasiM m Bags Two 5 -- Aisace-ljorrain- - (OetisM Three.? . f Fighting Between Sun and Pekingese Continues CANTON, June 2 (Bv th. Associated Press.) Severe flghGtfifis continues In the northern pert of betweeii the force of Sun n and the Pekingese, troops from the north Bun's- Tunnenese reinforcements. unit A- the commend of General (Tuing left here last night for Bun's temporary head, quarters at Shekhing to djrect personalthe operations on that front An Important shuffling of official positions In Sun s forces Ia fSbedlcted 'Wal-choYat-Se- Kung-Leon- Waichow was taken earlier today by Sun's armv It Is shout miles oast of Canton Sheklungelsfifty approximiles oast of Canton, mately thirty By Universal Service. OOTVINE. June 2. The etrik us I Ion in (he Ruhr remain serious Tljfi communist, a general strike If their demands are not complied with. Five hundred German expelled from the Front h occupational tone arrived here Raturdxy. The British authorities here are some hat worried over conditions feartmr the effect of the communist announcement thst the strike wave (a to spread to the British xon Mon dev. Jjjreel-io.oai- More Than 30,000 Nobles ' Welcome Imperial Potentate at Washington. - . r Universal Service. WASHINGTON, June 2 Shrine week wea opened In Washington today. Imperial Potentate James Sutton McCandleae wee welcomed thie morning by ipmn 20 000 fexzea at the tnton station, and an additional 100.. 000, it was aaid, arrived during the day and early evening. Downtown atreete of the capital, usually almost deserted on Sundays were filled with Bhriwera, and-th- e air overhead shook to the roar of United State navy airplanes performing for . j Png of San Francisco Ft. Paul, St. Ioult, Cleveland, New Orleans end Honolulu arrived during the day on special more are due Seventy-fiv- e trains Monday, and the remainder will arin time for the first bua.nea rive meeting. Report from towns along motor hlghwava leading to Washington tell of roada choked with Shrine automobiles, and the streets of the capital already are overrun with car bearing license tags from distant states. The first Shrine service of the week was an open-a- ir religious meeting presided over by the Rt. Rev. Thomas F. Getlor. Episcopal bishop of Washington. Two banquets, one by the Royal Order of Jesters and tho .Other by their ladies, were- -' held ia the eve-nin- e. - m President Herdingfirst participation in the attain of the week, will be tomorrow afternoon, toheR he will accept on behalf of the government the "Zero Milestone. ehlch will bo unveiled epd dedicated fn Presidents Secreperk, near the WhlteHouse. tary of War Weeks will preside at the ceremony. -Tomorrow morning Imperial Paten tsto MoCandlesa. accompanied by past potentates Scd othen, will make a pilgrimage to Mount Vernon. whore they will ley wreath upon tits tomb of Washington. if J Th first session of the imperial council will be he'd Tuesday, when President Herding will deliver ao address. The remainder of ifit week ia crowded with iwwsions. Ceremonies, banquets and reception -- t 7 i - FIVE CENTS ' If) Prob- lem, .Says Frau Margafete Caemmerer, Strike Situation in the Ruhr Is Serious -- l next Republican convention. Thie was definitely eta ted today fey John T. Adame, chairman of the Republican' national committee in WashGreek Princess Will ington Ur. Adairs at the same time aet at rest rumors that Mr. Upham in London and tha chairman were not on good , terma. A'nlversal Service Cable. It is untrue that Mr. Upham has 2. Jun he said, and then, calling IGNDON, prtneees resigned. Christopher of Greece, the former the former by hip first name, hd add Mrs Leedu la returning to her fa- ed; 1 talked to Fred for Quite a while mous lamdon residence tomorrow and before he sailed for Europe. Our re Jt IB said aha la planning to entertain iatlona are most cordial and we are. extensively In honor of her niecea, tha aa we have always been la fuQ accord ' on all mat ere. 1'nnceise Theodors and Margaret. Entertain June ReguU tions to carry out the supreme court' decision prohibiting vessels of all nations fron carrying intoxicating liquors Into the territorial wateracf States mere made public by the treasury department today. . The regulations are timed to be effective one tulnbte after midnight next Saturday. They raise a complete embargo against the entrance of any beverage liquor upon any vessel under any flag. Diplomatic liquor and liquor for me dtctnal and sacramental purposes are left untouched, although proper cer tiflcation must be made to the authorities before the entrance of such liquors will be permitted The provision In the shipping laws of certain foreign countries which requires the master of all essels to amounts of wine or oarryapccifted rum to be doled out in dailv portions to the seamen will bv the regulation prescribing what constitutes Under thfa regumedicinal liquor. lation the master of the vessel may make application to the public health service for a permit to carry liquor for the crew, specifying that it is needed for medicinal purposes and this permit will enable him to comply with the .law of the country under wfaoscUa hi sails ' Health Officer to Decide. Similar permits must be obtained for the carrying of nonbeverage liquors on vepsele within the territorial WASHINGTON, Universal Service Cable, 3 BARCELONA, This June city continues in a pandemonium as a result of thee dockers and charters' strike. There are daily killings and practically every one ia carrying a revolver or other weapon. The' police are impotent in the situation. Tha customs register gives the Msy deficiency as 2.000,000 peseta Tha Spanish Transatlantic come pany denied today that, owing to tha United State dry law decision, it had decided to cut off its New Ytork service. It will await tba ' termination of negotiations between Madrid and Washington. L f ' , o Earthquake Kills 2500; .12 - PAQ ES ForeignVessels in American Waters W ill Go Pry Sunday , fin i f J hi V l.' I By eARDUTNE 'VT KERR. Universal Service Staff Correipondsht Says Banquet Ce&te; Released Prisoners Report BERLIN. June 2 'The' AmeVioan-tsatiCDishdk Are Emotional Resistance ortl) of our household is Ruhr Held Until Gcr-masolution of the aefvant probConditions Camp possible say lem in present-da- y Germany Morrarete Caemmerer, drna Pay; Improved Since First. Frau the moving spirit of the League of condiWith German Housekeeper. tions as they 'are, nothing remains Door Left Open for ConOutlaw Bands in Paotzuku for the (lermsn housekeeper to do set b but emulate ftfceexaraple ference on Reparations nr amen and dtspenae witji Declared ? to Be Prey American "hei v It is not Only- - that domestic make recondition and Allied family budgetary Obligations. ing Upon One Ahother. trenchment imperative all along the line, but another factor to be taken into conjuration is the general deBy FRANK H. BIMONOS. TAOCHWANG, June sVBvihe terioration of bouse afttanU ,ln reJune 3 While WASHINGTON, Germanv In with publican ) Press Interviews Ayociated there can be no real basis for misThe influence of the soviet system a correspondent -- of tho and i strongly felt in Germany understanding the exact situation of Pes today, the four foreigners re- household servants , have sacrificed th French chamber, and. for that their once proverbial efficiency to the leased yesterday by the Suchow matter, th senate "a a well, with r- -' drmknd of their unions, from ivhtch of th the condition affreed that isaue the orders concerning working apect of th German policies of K qaptives at the Faotxukfi camp had hours and sarnie performed Point re, it perhaps to be regretVifc.tv FYiu Caeromerar if. deplore since they considerably improved ted that th row with th stoat not So much .the elimination of do-were first, taken prisoners over Cacfiln coincided, with th field mastic srvV, but the pertinacity Th former, captives sa'i'tj there is with whiclu-the 'German housewife day In tbs chamber ever th Ruhr. (lo lack of provisions, or oauduct to the supplies clings Th regret will flow from th fact news of the outside world at the of her menage X camp that abroad and particularly in GerGerman women tfUU cling to hand Major W. Plnger, they said, of x methods deplores the absence of something to made housekeeping f many th senate's course In tho Cooccupy their time at night. To a cer- whereas in America eJeo tricky and chin row will be taken aa a sign that tain extent the captives have been machinery are th driving forces of a M enabled to occupy their time at night household. Id tYlUTufilxll VJr Poincare's foreign policy la losing Every American' woman by taking messages flashed In Morse who before the war had as epporto' ground both in Franc and In th codi from the Tsaochwang cnily el getting iouck witia the light,! chamber M dputle where it tt thro mines. ' By this smiled means the captives German domestic at problem were kept Informed of what trans- the aiitiquated methods etflt in vogue sumably strongest, Of course, the fact la that th dliv pired outside their camp until they here and could not understand whv domear were brought down from the summit the German woman had not long put ever Cachln ia a purely tie matter; the parallel. If any paralof Poatiuku mountain to the temple since cast overboard all superfluous II soma In lel could would bo found, at the base wtth other captives. ballast in the way of traditions and repudiation of a republic a president fetishes. household Increased. Freedom over f tho BAN FRAKCISOO, Jan I. Oar by tbp Republican sanat Great Chanoa Takes Plaee. The captives are being allowed more Dehe pardon. No on would or eoutd freedom. It was said, although What amused them most off all Phillips, convicted hammer murderess, pretend that this had any bearing Solomon, gc merchant of Shanghai and was the sacred and solemn ceremony heard the rude clang of prison ravollle upon th American senate's views one of those still held, shy In a let- of our Grosee Waeache, or periodical at Ban Quentin for the first time this with reaped of foreign poHciee Or of ter that the bandits show no respect Big Washday, Always spelled with morning at 7 o'clock. There waa little the league of nations, And th cases whatever for their priioners and spit capital letters by reason of its importo remind her of tha frills and satin of Cachln and of Debs hav a certain ' on them If annoyed, and. if the pris- tance. .While this was In progress of her former chorus career resemblance. oner objectk think nothing of point- the entire household regime was com slippers Indicate that In the bins gingham uniform and The Parle dispatches hta Ruhr polof ing rifles and revolvers at them and pleteiy disorganised, - the house was hr justification regulation shoos which ah donned Vn icy htg in tha. chamber Poincare had a threatening to shoot them. pervaded with the aroma of eoapeudo, common with th of the notable euccesa.- - Th Idea that there Manuel . Veres, of the otherwise Immaculate maids were other iron cot In th occupant manufacturer 12x13 cell, a considerla any real minor llyr-aGuadalajara. Mexico, one of the four transformed Into veritable furies of burable or Influential element opposed to released yesterday, told the Associat- the laurnhy kitchen, and every family glary.old girl "doing time for chamthe within ed Press he had been freed In time comfort was subordinated to the exith Ruhr occupation Clara had ta make her morning ber haa and again been proved to spend his wedding anniversary with gent demands of the great god of toilet without rouge. Ban Quentin a mere again teat last th and hie wife In Shanghai. He said that utility. legend women inmates may buy powder puff seems to have been th beat demonTodav we cannot even enjoy the and being captured by bandits was not a powder from the commissary; but stration of ths fact that th cham- new experience with him, as he twice luxury of Big Washday as the all other aids te pulchritude nr bar la behind the premier In th had been In the hands of Mexican cleanliness which was akin to godli- - taboo. whole Ruhr proceed! ng or. at Mast, outlaws. ness In Germany is now tragically on 2 o'clock At breakfast there wea while a majority has always backed "The big difference between the the decline, owing to the shortage and Mexican and the Chinese outlaws" consequent prohibitive price of coal, little In Claras manner to distinguish him, oven there who opposed th ad- her from the fifty other women pris- venture are, for th most part, conVeres said, "were that the Mexicans soap and labor. so I am told, is oner, who rhattad and laughed at vinced now that there la no way out wanted money only and the ransom Housekeeping, was speedily paid and the experieme more or less of a side lseue with the they sat about the threa large table of It, savs to hold ea until" Germany long dining-rooProbably surrenders, with th Chinese bandits was more Average American woman, aa either In th beneath the metallic calm of her fare she u era." Commission position, to .maintain Qermgn Qef eat Evident. wee other of a aad modIf thought in days Arrive. menage n a krirseealeer. Evidence of German defeat oontln-ne- e bode breakfasts ber to make brought able is tq erate circumstances, Th only thing Senor Versa broffht to Increase. The present "red' aide, by attentive waiter. from the bandits' camp , which he did use of all the modem mechanical In th Ruhr are only on But If there waa her face hetrayet disturbances devices Tbe change of ministry In Britnot take there la a pair of cttfRInks algn. aa HT of no it aha at tho) table ain may doubtful sign Frau CjwHmmerer thinks It can hardly prewhich he purphaaed for t! team Regdelay, d'hote fare ef tha state ef California. vent a new andbutfar inald H. Rowlatt, resident of BirGeattaoe m Pag gw qior considertho Clark of her able German spent part greater I who proposal. Yet all pro- . still! being mingham. England, (Oetama Tern.) time walking about th women's posals now mutt held prisoner. fall, unless they are courtyard today. She talked freely accompanied by a pledge to abendon The captive my numerous bandit wtth her fellow Inmate, an of whom paaatv resistance forthwith. This IS bands ere keeping to themselves In manifested a sympathetic attitude to- th crucial point now, for tt It tb the general region of Paotauku. gainI ward her. one point In which! Poincare haa coming their subsistence by robbing other her cellmate appear con mitted She and France up to the hilt aad Belbandit genial. The glrpts aerrlng an Inde- gium haa followed. . The International military commisfromon to of sentence terminate But this means acknowledgment of sion sent here to investigate the banfourteen years, of which she ha a! defeat and th surrender of th chief dit situation was received by a guard San If occupaQuenweapon of the Gorman ready paased six months at of honor on Its arrival today Brigtin. tion of the Ruhr demonstrate that- -t adier General William D. Connor, I. Mra. Jackson, In charge of ths th ezercie of coercion, - ran bring 8 A., who head th mission, 'exnot "" otherwta women, has not yet aadgtted Clara to results obtainable, plained that It had come tq obtain than It Is plain the. French will j any duty. accurate Information. V Inthe their hands five hare wait We remedy "Aa military men and trilined obdays after always haa said with ths arrival of a prisoner before giv- Moreover. Poincare server. General ''Connor saftl "we are th Wench . that explicit!) aaid. "The great shall expect to obtain infoimatlnn ing her any doty. aha stay In the Ruhr until the GerIr very light. Th women keep will which It would be Impossible f r othmane pay and not a moment longer. in Hollywood work ers to obtain--- . We shall have no deal- Wild t'bqlr cell clean, do thalr own taun-dfSo two fixed principles of French tha on In wait table wash Inwrlth dishea, or the the bandits, directly ings of paanlre womens dining-rooand sweep the policy are abandonment before directly, but will merely make a reMem When any Broken by Germany Up courtyard. port to the diplomatic coun ;ll In of terms; occupation ef th "Clara acta just tho same aa tha discussion charge xf negotiation. Ruhr la lintil completed. payment It tv expected the commission will girt," the matron said, "aad Th Germans have still the hope, of Police Arrive. other remain hot to exceed four da r aha IS bearing 'up well. ' m. that hardly warranted It would th new British mlnletry will prove more last and than th that Airman kindly Norwegian Expedition Mystery British Intervention win sere the By Universal Bervlce. our- of Pc mlpy ppoints LOS render end the emharraMmentubf dewood arose this morning with a feat. They have loet the Ruhr war. T--ts PARIS, .f pcraavovvl ynlvrsalRervIce Cable. arrest Gabriele has Paris by the earn again. but ttmy arts zee king some aveoud'" Juna 2 The Nor- vere headache folfowing' tb oh COPENHAGEN, which will, a did th arml-U- c th After every news association and of escape film of Glass, Gaston star, which wegian expedition goo, to meet of 1(18, let them claim that they newspaper had announced his arrival, surrendered Captain- - Roald Amundsen, carrying charge of being, a social vagrant. to Mr. Wilson's Idea, escorted by twenty-fotwo aviators to assist In the attempt military airto Marshal Koch armies, and The headache waa Intensified by planes, and even Qua! DOraay had not to fly over the North pole, left Horown army waa undefeated. their that the fact that Louts Gasner. promi- asserted that Bignor d'Annunsio was ton Saturday for Advent hav. CehdltlOn. Poincare' Three film producer. was arrested at coming aa a guest of Franc, the Th expedition wa recently au- nent on the same man of mystery shows up near Milan, ' Tet It la almost unbelievable that thorized by tha Norwegian parlia- the same time and ment. The fleet stop of the expedl-tion charge. flying In an airplane In some direc- Poincare should consent to any newterma-whic- h two fh notable of tion, nobody knows wtth Arrested Included tha abandonwhere. xili be at Bergen tomorrow. the film colony were Helen beary Meanwhile, Part subway! sre full ment of either of hie two fixed Tork New of the Moreover, for the' Brttlah he MoCloakey. beauty of posters carrying ths name of Follies not more than three seasons D'Annunzio In letters a yard high, an Tw Crattxaed ea Pas sued wnd for who here ego recently nouncing that he would speak last (Oatzma Thraa.) divorce tha Garibaldi anniversary. at night Alma woman was other Th Rhode, Signor d'Annunsio did not appear, who told the police she was a motion and the crowd of 000 listened to picture actres Murnlor' singing Instead. According to the police, the quarA persistent rumor Is that Premier tet at an early hour yesterday morn- Muaaollnt, jealous of Signor dAnnunz Aatoro Mrs. John Jacob, Mr "Babhmlan Vining were conducting effect on tho public, forbad him cent and Lady Aetor, the latter chat- revels In th house at Mra MeCkwkey sio's to come to Part on South Fountain av.enue. with Hollywood ting Captain Dennad, a British war hero The arrests were made by three The knitted sweater ha's become Bathers Reginald Vanderbilt aniT htrf bride, officers of the Hollywood division of Three an essential part of th the former Gloria Morgan were pres- th ."purity aquad" end all four priswoman's wardrobe. ent as usual, Mrs. Vanderbilt wear- oners were placed In jail, where they Drowned on Coast There is no garment that can add o much brightness and Individualing a marvelous creation of beautiful were kept aeveraL. hour before reflowered organdie Mrs. W, K. Van- lease on bail. REDONDO BEACH, Calif, Jun 2. ity to the dress of ths - modern The arresting officer say thev had derbilt. who ia rarely seen at the race woman, - -Three aurf bather, member) of a only to gaze through an open window pavty And the best part of sl la that of picnicker, wire ck tight In a nowadays, wea also - present well llghedroom to obtain Mre Lydlg Hove- dlsrappomted her 4t the out la negligible. For a tew rip tide and drowned here today alt the evidence needed. friend dollars you can make a beautiful 22 by departing from Parla yesThey were Ernest Goodpavtur. revel Is asserted to have start- years that you will be proud tl . hia and Victor. terday. explaining that "the news edTb early brother. old, garment the evening before, with of made it neraaaarv own and display. William Park and Huntington that It waa to has concluded Lrona, It is understood she Is p.annlns a eigne You can vru do this even of bod'ea Th 3. Inglewood. houa party affair for New Tork In next forenoon - M lores have had no experience though in knitting But who romplained - they wore notandrecovered. Tbwill our in November, at which Jascha Helfitz has could neighbors aid bureau alatere. CTtno, the laorette youi Dorothy "th wild orgino work consented to plaj. They are great longer stand Huntington park. wercught In induced tbe police to ft th of a same th It chums here. free for distribution but has wererescued tide, by hour at about 3 am. Ilfs After the race the society folk re- adjournment guards. knitting and crocheting manual AI1 four defendants will be arto Finisher th Tarn restaurant. the by paired prepared. "My Slater raigned In police court tomorrow. Th This booklet explains Garden. where Oscar Mouv rompanj-has men With tbe charges and hare re- Sloop achieved tho miracle of reconciling his taineddeny all there Is to know about knitting . counsel. prominent and and give Illusbrother. Maurice, with Harry nicer crocheting, Cargo) of Liquor trated directionsas for both appearing for th first time on the latest Volivets well as numersweeter models, Causes the same program. NORFOLK, V.. JunL. The fifty-to- n ous crocheted articles. Mrs Vincent A tor had a table with Glen Jteulah, of Brltlrh regTrouble for the ....Thie booklet If kA Captain and Mrx. Crankahaw. - Mr City istry,sloop with a ' cargo 'of liquor " xai Ing - Fill out th yours attached coupon and Mr. Gueme Munn entertained annk late when she Trtbano-Saltwo In enclose t cents night Saturday and Lake Chirac for Tribes Wire. stamp wlh Harry Ihr. Mrs. John Black was rammed by an unidentified wa hoatess to A party. Others noreturn postal. WAT'KEGA'Y, 111. June 3. The flag steamer ten miles southeast of th ticed were Mra. William Havwood. of Wilbur Glenn Voliva's religious Charles lightship. The nine Mra. Madge Oelrtch. Mre. George cult, flying above th federal build- Cape men of the Glen Beulah s crew were Gould, Jr., and Mra. J. W. Converse Ftrederl- - J. Hekin, Director, ing in Zion City in place of the rescued by the coast guard cutter Stare and Stripes, hat caused a rum- Tama craw, which was anchored shout' The Balt Lake Tribune in Lake Information Bureau. pus that to county JOB yards from the rum runner when promises Service Memorial reach to Washington. , Washington. D. C. collision occurred th The sank sloop Recently a Volva adherent was ap- fifteen minutes after the craau. I enclose herewith two rente Totals $18,056 pointed postmaster and almost simulIn stamp- - for return rostage cn taneously the .American flag cams a free copy, of the Knitting and A peels! to The Trikes down and Voliva a went up. TomorShip Dcanaged by Crocheting Booklet. POCITELIA Idaho, June A row an Independent citlaen of Zion total of 213,028.73 has been aubacr.bed will bo choern to carry tho complaint Loss $100,000 L-- . Name so far In the campaign for fund for to Waahington, aa Sheriff Edwin ths Bannock county service mens Ahlstrom, an man. refused xys ANGELES, Juno - 3 -- Fire memorial buUdltig. Th drive hes to act following near riot Saturday. which Street started last night In dakum In been on tine Tuesday and Will be th war, Voliva persisted in cargo of th freighter William A. continued for several dev, so that During hi flag above the 8tare and ths was toflying Izt extinguished McKenney City . th workers may hav the opportu- Stripes, hut General Moffett of Fort after damage estimated at more nity of seeing every resident in the bheridan led an Invasion of Zion day 31 00. OOu had been State . than done. The city .The goal set for the campaign CHV and forcibly lowered the cults steamer arrDed at ls Angeles harla JuO.pw. bor Friday from New Tork. V Harriet Mutt at ns Lett Debt J ban-di- ts 1 le -- ar ng -- l I , -- Party y, m ber of GpestoAidLAnwndsen ur . Peggy Vere, Star of Screen, .Dazzles With Window Gown By C. F. BERTELLI. Universal Service Staff Correspondent. Unlverml Service Cable. PARIS. June 3. Newport. Tyxedo, Piping Rock and Westchester, attired In the latest and smartest summer stylos, vted with Kankakee, Oconomo- beautiful Chant v racecourse loda) when the Diana stakes was run off. to the epplause of the largest American crowd of tb season. The greatest novelty wa worn by Peggy Vere, the latest arrival in screen stardom. It consisted of a "win low gown" having a cape fifteen inches square suspended from the back of the shoulder, with a tiny roller fastened by Jeweled rosea, giving exactly the effect lat a window shade. When the wind la too etrong or the crowd too dense, a si m pi s touch suffices to wind up th window shade, which then form, a neat roll on the shoulder, and leaves the back bar except for a transparent Tell of chiffon. One thing which was manifested definitely today was thgt society will not have tho long akin. While other on ths fringe of fashion ware wearing exaggeratedly long skirts, some of them sweeping th ground, the real n smart women adopted a ru'e that no skirt should descend)1 nearer the ankle than four Inches Colonel Phil Lydtg waa noj'red acbeautiful Madam companying th Michelin Seres, former. wflfe of a French naval officer. He IS reported engaged to the beauty. Hawkeworth. extravaMargaret gantly gowned, we escorted br Clarence Duncan, nephew of Emir Frycati The bdxoa were distinguished )or their number of quietlv but beautifulladud-n- g three ly gowned women, 111 -- cast-iro- , 1 T Why Not Knit a Sweater or Two? Surf - Sank Flag in Zion Mens Fund l Fire; a |