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Show Friday, June UINTAH BASIN RECORD, DUCHESNE, UTAH 28, 1340 Arthur Zylo & His Band LOCALS Continued From Page 1 ing two weeks visiting there. and Mrs. Herman Hellnckson son and daughetr, Norman and Eva Jean Brown of Daton, Nevada are visiting at the home of her mother, Mrs. Janies Birch. They expect to he here for a month. Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Jacoby left Wednesday evening for Idaho where Mr. Jacoby will have-dentwork done. Miss Hazel Jensen of Roosevelt is spending her vacation from the telephone office at the home of her parents in Duchesne. Mrs. Axel Birch stopped for a short time in Duchesne Wednesday evening enroute to her home in Roosevelt after a trip to Salt Lake City. Mrs. Mabel Paramore and two children, Katheryn and Karen of Salt Lake City have been visiting this week with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. M. Mickelson. Mr. and Mrs. Clint Mickelson stopped in Duchesne Saturday enroute to Denver for a short visit. Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Jensen and son Evan of Salt Lake City were guests Friday of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Mickelson. Wm. H. Ruppel and Fred Fer-ro- n of Roosevelt were In Duchesne on business Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brown of Midvale were guests from Monday until Wednesday of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Price Sr. J. F. Hoyt has moved his family from Roosevelt to the Blue bench. Dr. R. C. Dalgleish of Salt Lake City and Rolph Walker of Roosevelt were transacting business and greeting friends in Duchesne al ? i ' Saturday. Mrs. Minnie Hamilton and dau- ghter of Tabiona were Duchesne business visitors Friday. Fred Ferron of Roosevelt was in Duchesne Friday on business. Wallace Young of Rock creek in Duchesne on business Friday. Mr. and Mrs. I. Sander of Heber visited in Duchesne and vicinity Friday and Saturday. Mr. Sander was transacting business in connection with the Continental Oil Co., and Mrs. Sander, P.-A. was o district vice president, was visiting the presidents of the Uintah County Land Use Meeting SOCIETY Hears Report On Continued From Page 1 Uintah Basin Studies score prize and honor prize went s AssociaBasin tions. (Continued From Page 1) Lyman Burdick of Bluebell was in Duchesne Monday to file his Mr. Blanch, which he contributed c o u n ty candidacy for partly to the fact that many of the commissioner on the Republican lands farmed were class 4 and 5 ticket. lands, to the shortage of water Mrs. Hillery Holder and Mrs. through misapplication and to Palmer of My ton were in Du- mismanagement on the part of the chesne Monday visiting friends and individual operator. transacting business. Another evil he pointed out, was Mrs. Rosie Fabrizio of Hanna the fact that approximately was a Duchesne business visitor 150 days were only spent in actual proMonday. ductive time on his farm by the Mrs. Orson C. Nielsen and dau- average owner, signifying in many ghter Elouise and Mr. and Mrs. cases Lhat he should have a larger son Vernon farm unit to A. E. Edwards and produce more revenue of Bridgeland went to Salt Lake and occupy his full time. City Sunday to attend the funeral Presents Facts Only of a relative. They returned home While some guarded recommenTuesday. were made; such as the dations d Bridge-lanof Nielsen Miss Lila of transferring water advisibility left Tuesday for Salt Lake from poor lands farther north to a take where will she position the richer soils of Blue City Bench, Mr. with the State Tax Commission. Blanch said that the studies were Mr. and Mrs. Vance Larsen of not yet completed, and that his Provo were visiting friends in Duchief purpose was to present the chesne Sunday. to offer solutions. Mrs. Preston Nutter and daugh- facts, not at the meeting, Also present Lake ter Virginia of Salt City and Nine Mile were transacting to listen to the reports and to enter into the discusion were B. O. business in Duchesne Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Max Sands and Colton of Roosevelt, chairman of son, Malcolm Jr. and Mrs. Sophia the Land Use committee of the Baker of Oakland, California County Planning board and Counvisited from Sunday to Tuesday ty Agent Carl G. Davis. About with Mrs. Charles Barton. They 40 were present at the meeting, are returning home from Yellow- mostly from Duchesne and surrounding territory. stone Park. Del Mecham of Mt. Emmons was a Duchesne visitor Thursday Price Mayor Seeks evening. Governor Post R. W. Mills and James Lowden of Tyler, Texas, business asso- On G. 0. P. Slate ciates of the W. D. Dyess family Continued From Page 1 who wrecked their car at Gusher two weeks ago, passed through American Legion. He was CarDuchesne Tuesday evening. They bon countys first volunteer in the report that Mrs. Dyess who suf- World War, spending two years fered a broken neck vertebra, is with the war department and doing well in a Denver, Colorado maintaining a commission in the Officers Reserve Corps until 1935 hospital. J. E. Wiscombe of Roosevelt when he resigned. was in Duchesne Monday evening In private life, he is a successto attend the meeting of the Land ful insurance broker and realtor. Use committee here. Mr. Lee was born in Price 41 Bond and Mr. and Mrs. W. J. years ago, a descendant of pioneer family spent Sunday at the Jessup grandparents who arrived In Utah Thomas ranch near Tabiona where with the first handcart companMr. and Mrs. Thomas daughter ies. Married, he is the father of and her husband, Dr. and Mrs. N. two daughters and one son. Parent-Teacher- to Mrs. Johnstun. Jensen-Mill- er Mr. and Mrs. George L. Jensen of Duchesne announce the marriage of their daughter, Nina to Arnold S. Miller, son of Mrs. Edna Miller of Salt Lake City. The ceremony was performed by Bishop Harry T. Oscarson at Pine Crest Inn in Salt Lake City June 24 in the presence of a few relatives and close friends. The bride was lovely in a formal dress of yellow net and carried a brides bouquet of tea rosebuds and pink sweet peas. She was attended by her sister, Miss Hazel Jensen. Miles Miller, brother of the gToom was best man. The young couple will make their home at Pine Crest Inn where Mr. Miller is employed, until September when they will be at home in Salt Lake City. Birthday Party Mrs. Lynn Casper entertained on June 17th at a lawn party for her daughter Bonna, in celebration of her 15th birthday anniversary. Guests included "Ehid Goodrich, Judy Gerry, Ina Oman, Donna Fitz- - UHL STEW 3 lbs for UU 2Ibs. Fresh side pork per pound Beef Pot Roast PORK ROAST .... per pound per lb. 12c and their friends, Dr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Hamsie of Omaha, Neb' raska were guests. The two visiting couples had arrived at the Thomas ranch last Wednesday and left Sunday evening. The group enjoyed a day of horseback riding, shooting and fishing, and ended the day enjoying a roasted lamb. 15c ESScrystalwhiteLI COZY THEATRE JELL, GIANT 5 SIZE 9 $ Sc any flavor, MAXWELLS. L Tennis Matches Slated water, Mary and Katheryn Marvella Moore, Sharon Poulson, Marie Buckalew, Vivian Barton, Jacqueline Gerry, Barbara Laurel Hair, Bonnie 'Mortensen, Wilcken, Calvin Powell, Keith Duke, Norman Caldwell, LaVar Fenstermaker, Bob Sexton, Paul Young. Mrs. Casper was assisted by her aunt, Mrs. Nettie Barben. , Visitor Honored Mrs. Nettie Barben of Salt Lake City left for her home Sunday after spending the week visiting her Mr. and brother and sister-in-laMrs. James Hair for a week. While here, Mrs. Barben was entertained at several family dinners. Wedd nesday, June 19, Mr. and Mrs. Hair entertained Mrs. Barben, Mr. and Mrs James Hair and Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Casper at dinner. Friday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bell entertained Mr. and Mrs. James Hair and Mrs. Barben at dinner. Week Enders Mr. and Mrs. Jess Johnstun and Miss Dora Winterrose spent the week end at the Avintaquin camp on Indian Summit. They were joined by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johnstun of Price. Mr. and Mrs. Lotus Fisher, Mr. Ode-kir- w & Sport Togs Groceries - SHOP AND SAVE AT - . I Take This Woman WED. & TIIURS. July 3 & 4 Russell Harden & Jean I MADE! k 1 Duchesne, Utah MOOUCM KUrrtti COMPLETE SERVICE DUCHESNES - - ONE STOP - Rooms Gas - Oils Meals Accessories MISSION MOTEL & SERVICE -- - ffP'fWirj, yjuanwn -- f CELEBARTE PATRIOTIC PROGRAM, 10 a. m. CHILDRENS DANCE, SPORTS FOR CHILDREN, 12 noon 11 a. m. Best Bucking Horse, $10.00 - - Best Rider, $15.00 Best Calf Roping, 15.00 - Milking Contest, $10.00 BEMHl F.Fv2. DANCE Horse Races Mile PONY, Mile Saddle Horse ft Mile 2 Yr. Old, ... PONY PARADE Ladies Saddle Horse Parade Boys and Girls Saddle Horse Parade Indian Horse Parade PRIZES AWARDED on ABOVE, ( Blankets, Bridles, Boots & Etc. ) Purse, $7.50 Purse, $20.00 Purse, $15.00 Purse, $10.00 Purse, $63.00 Purse, $100.00 (lAdmission at Park IG DANCE vs. HANNA Iaj Winners Hu nee Tickets PICTURE SHOW IN EVENING ... Parades at Park Adults 50c - Children 15c MUSIC AT PARK BY ALTERRA HAND Childrens Races, Pony Races, Novelty Races PRIZES FOR ALL EVENTS Contest PREMIUM EVER Parker IN LUNCH 12:30 P.M. Isiser to nt COM. IM ML fceirT KOHLS. ft FREE FOR ALL, ft FREE FOR ALL A WEVE STORE CLOSED THURDAY JULY 4TH PROGRAM 10:30 A. M. - KIDS DANCE 11:30 A.M. GAME-TABION- FOR FITTING NAME THE BEST Fishing Tackle Lunch Meats RELAY, SOFT BALL HlW- -k Everything You Might Need For That July 4th Picnic Parade, Led Hy Tabiona Band 9:30 A. M. ' Vi..-- '' and Mrs. Wm. H. Case and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Goodrich spent the week end on Rock creek. FishCarman Mr. and Mrs. Max Peter- ing was good, they said. son, Roy A. Schonian and sons and Among the Moon Lake visitors Mrs. Ernest Schonian. Ed Mrs. and were Mr. Sunday Iledy FLAG RAISING AT SUNRISE T Matches were played at Roosevelt last Sunday when both boys and girls teams from Roosevelt defeated Duchesne. Norma Rae Kohl and Jacqueline Gerry played against Helen Wiscombe and Harold Carma Dean Harmston. Eldredge and Eldon Wilcken made up the boys team from Duchesne, and were defeated by Elmo Colton and James Hall of Roosevelt. Lamarr IN A H jLdJ Tennis matches will be played at the Duchesne school courts next Sunday when Roosevelt and Duchesne players will contend for the honors, it was announced Thursday by Mrs. V. H. Meyrick, county recreational supervisor. Zane Greys Knights Of The Range A SjPOfft tkJn For Duchesne June 29 & 30 Silencer Tracy AT RODEO k, Le-lan- Y 4th SALUTE AT DAY BREAK Open Air Floor SAT. AND SUN. PETES GRANULATED SOAr per pkg. 27c 4 GASOLINE mm Fredrick Hicken of Salt Lake City Saturday Specials June 29 Utahs Finest At Nite - Music by PATS AT NIGHT IN NEOLA GYM. Dance Until 2 A. M. S- - Piece Band fc j J i |