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Show UINTAH BASIN RECORD, DUCHESNE, UTAH Friday, June 28, 1340 UINTAH BASIN RECORD E. J. Schonian, Publisher PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY ADVERTISING RATES My ton News Mrs. Grace Roy A. Schonian, Editor AT DUCHESNE, UTAH Entered as second-clas- s By STRAWBERRY Dalgleish By Romanza Mott matter The Myton Literary club held weeks vacaton tnp through Yel- May 26, 1922, at the Postoffice at Display Advertising Flat Rate, For Plates, Per Agate Duchesne, Utah, under the act of its regular meeting at the home of lowstone National Park. They reC. Mrs. James Dalgleish on Wednes- port a most enjoyable trip. Line, 2 March 3, 1879. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Kronquist day of last week with the followPer Column Inch, 30c ing members present, Mrs. Reuben and Miss lone Bird left Friday Classified and Reading Notices Snyder, Mrs. Hillery Holder, Mrs. for Salt Lake City. Mr and Mrs. For Sale, For Rent, Wanted, Lost SUBSCRIPTION RATES Charles Meranda, Mrs. H. K. Pal- Kronquist returned Saturday, pre10c per Three Months and Found, Miscellaneous, 75 mer, Mrs. Emery Neilson and Mrs. ferring the heat in Myton to the line, first insertion; 5c per line for 1.00 Robert Wells. An Interesting re- intense heat of Salt Lake City, each succeeding issue minimum Six Months of view The $2.00 One morning is near us while Miss Bird remained untill Year charge, 30c. by Susan Glaspell was given by Sunday evening. Mrs. Meranda after which refreshMrs. Hillery Holder and Mrs. H. TIME TO GET ments were served by the hostess. K. Palmer spent Monday in DuThe next regular meetmg will be chesne on business. held July 10th at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gus Solmonson of Mrs. Wells with review assigned to Arcadia were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Murray. Mrs. E. L. Jumer Saturday. The ranch home of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. S. Wells vsited with Mr. Arthur Larsen west of town was and Mrs. A.Wm. Seaton on their the scene of festivities Thursday ranch near Duchesne Friday while Wm. members when the of evening Mrs. Robert Wells and daughter Sands post No. 5 of the American Renae visited at the Wm. Case the with and Legion Auxiliary home in Duchesne. bara their guests gathered for The Myton baseball team played becue. About sixty persons enVernal CCC team at Vernal the and barbecued the joyed pork lunch which, was arranged by the Sunday wth the score of 16 to 3 in committee of Legionaires and aux- favor of Myton. Other scheduled iliary. Visitors from the Roose- games are Roosevelt vs Myton at velt post turned out in numbers Roosevelt June 30th and Ft. Duto help intertain and be entertain- chesne vs Myton at Myton on ed. Music by members of the Lar- July 4th. Mr and Mrs. R. E. Miller and sen orchestra added to the pleasure of the evening as they ac- Mr. and Mrs. Hillery Holder were companied the crowd which sang among those from Myton who atthe old songs as well as the new tend the Republican county cenones. This was the first barbecue tral committee business meeting of this season but will be followed at Altamont Friday evening. Leah Holder accompanied her parents to by others during the summer Mrs James Dalgleish entertain- - Mt. Emmons where she remained with her cousin Jean Hol ed the Duchesne contract bridge En- der. club Saturday afternoon. Jean Wells spent the week end gaged at the bridge tables were In Myton wth her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Jacoby, Mrs. Jess Mrs. George C. Kohl, Mrs. Mrs. Robert Wells, returning to Du Blaine Foster, Mrs. Ed Carman, chesne Monday where she is spendMrs. Ollie Schonian, Mrs. Nellie ing the summer with Mr. and Mrs. GOING! John-stu- n, Muir, Mrs. R. C. Dalgleish. Refreshments were served at the close of the meeting and high score prize awarded to Mrs. Foster. Floyd Lamb returned Wednesday evening from Colorado where he was guest of the Colorado Hereford Growers assocation on a stockmans tour of pure bred stock farms. He reported a most TO HAVE AND TO HOLD enjoyable as well as an educatonal INDEPENDENCE trip. Other cattlemen from this Next Thursday is the Fourth of July, Independ- district who attended the tour ence Day to the millions of United States citizens. were R. S. Lusty, Scott Lusty and Gilbert. Doubtless there will be the usual run of rodeos, base- Leandrew Mr. and Mrs. Charles Meranda ball games, holiday excursions, etc. calling the accompanied Mr and Mrs. Martin to Salt Lake people from work to play, from serious thought and Campbell of Vernal to represent Myton City Saturday action to the fun and frivolity the day usually in the good will tour of the two-stacaravan which publicized brings. 40. But to many this particular Independence Day Highway Mr. and Mrs. Mont Poulson and will have a more significant meaning than it family of Duchesne visited in Myhas held for a long time, for the thought is becom- ton Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs Titus Jones and ing pretty prevalent that our independence is per- Miss Marjorie Crocker of Duhaps not to be taken so lightly and thoughtlessly. chesne with, Mrs. Pearl Gough and While it has not yet been directly threatened, its Miss Robin Gough of Salida, Colorado were visitors Friday principles are now being threatened in other parts when enrouteMyton to Uintah canyon, of the world and our own indepencence does not ap- where they planned to picnic. Mrs. Helen Poulson of Duchesne pear so secure today as it did a year ago. a Myton visitor Thursday. There are many serious problems which confront wasMiss Eldarene Settlemier, counus, and which it would be well to pause and consid- ty nurse was in Myton Friday. er along with our celebrating not only next Thurs- Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. E. L Mr. and Mrs. day but every day, until some of the serious prob- W. A. JenningsJumer, and two sons Tomlems are eliminated. Some of the very principles mie Meranda and Jack and Don on which our independence is founded and which Cooper attended the joint Sunday Episcopal and Preswe hold so dear can hold danger for us. We believe picnic of the byterian churches at Randlette in free speech, yet this same right extended to the Sunday. Wm. Stewart returned to his fifth columnists can constitute a threat to home Wednesday, accomour own form of government. We are going to be paniedatbySalem Mrs. G. H. Holder and called on to do some mighty serious thinking, and son Larry who will visit at the and Lynn Stone homes draw some mighty fine lines, that we may still pre- Stewart for several days. serve for ourselves the freedom of which we are so Dr. and Mrs. R. C. Dalgleish and proud, and yet control the action of those among us daughter Anne and Chester Dalwho would use this freedom to wreck our happiness. gleish arrived Friday from Salt City to spend the week end We may have to to determine just what consti- Lake with Mr and Mrs. James Daltutes a fifth columnist, and what if any treatment gleish. Theyi were accompanied by Miss Jean Walker who visited he shall receive different from the rest of us. in Duchesne with Mr. and Mrs. We are going to have to decide just what lengths Ed Hart till Saturday when she our preparedness must go and what sacrifices we accompanied her father, R. C. of Roosevelt, to Myton to are willing to make to build the national defense Walker tlie other members of the parjoin which now seems so imperative. ty. Mr. and Mrs. Dalgleish and In short, while we are celebrating our independ- their guests accompanied by Mr. ence and freedom this Fourth of July, we must also and Mrs R. J. Adams and daughter Bonnie of Roosevelt spent Sunbegin making plans to defend and preserve them. day on Yellowstone river where they enjoyed a picnic and the men CELEBRATION TIME IS HERE of the party enjoyed some excelWith the end of June conies the beginning of the lent fishing. Dr. Dalgleish and celebration season. Neola and Tabiona have al- family and Miss Walker returned to Salt Lake City Sunday evening ready announced their completed plans for Fourth Mrs. C. J. Neal, Miss lone Bird of July celebrations. Roosevelt will probably again and Miss Alice Todd attended the offer a program for the Twenty-FourtVernal B P.W. banquet in Roosevelt Wedevening. has stepped its annual rodeo up a full month to the nesday Mr and Mrs. Anton Verholc reearly days of August. From ail appearances there turned Thursday evening from a - te far so-call- ed try h. will be no U. B. I. C. this year. Wm. Case. Wm. Stewart, Mr and Mrs. Hillery Holder, Leah and Larry Holder accompanied by Mrs. Kenneth Sargent of Bluebell who returned on the bus Saturday evening from a trip to Kamas, went to Bluebell Sunday where they visited at the R. A. Murray home. Mr and Mrs. Owen Jakeman and children La Pearl and Harry arrived Tuesday evening from Salt Lake City to visit with Mrs. Jake-maparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Broome. , Mrs John Zirker Sr. and grandson Warren Odekirk Jr. left Tuesday for Salt Lake City where Mrs. Zirker will receive medical attention. Mrs. Don Lewis who has been a guest of Mrs. Maud Watmore left Friday for her home at ns n. Mr. Alvin Baum came home Friday from Pleasant Grove to spend a week with his parents. Mrs. Ella Sweat of Fruitland attended Relitf Society meeting at Strawberry last Tuesday. Mr. Ruth Adley of Price is here visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Dean Pulley for a few days. The Relef Society Sisters gave a dance friday night in the ward hail Tut Jones and Sherley Ekins of Provo are helping Clarence Baiun with his hay. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin White of Utahn are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Baum. Mr. J. G. Ivie accoompanied by his two sons, Irvin and Rawliegh and Mrs. R. D. Yuony and her son Paul motored to Jensen Sunday to view the Dinosaures. Mr. and Mrs. Harold King and their sons of Salt Lake City were at the home of Mr and Mrs. Roy Eliason over the week end. Their sons Jack and Earl are staying here for a few weeks vacation as a guest of Jimmie Eliason. Mr. Eva Olson, Mr3. Jennie Clark and Mrs. Dora Tennant of i Sandy and Mrs. Ella Smith of Daniels were visiting Mrs. Marie Baum Mrs. Romanza Mott and Mrs. Catherine Williams early Sunday morning. They were enroute to Bluebell to visit relatives there. Mr. W. J. Williams and Clarence Baum visited Arcadia Sunday as Home missionaries. They were accompanied by Mrs. Clarence Baum, Misses Jessie and Elva Baum and Ivy Williams. Mr. Myron Mott and Mrs. Cath-em- e Williams are on the sick list this week. CHANGE TO ELECTRIC WATER HEATING Mrs. Tracy Roberts Mr. Joseph Wilkin made a bus- iness trip to Roosevelt Friday. Mr. W. D. Campbell of Clearfield was visiting Mr. Floyd Roberts Wednesday. August .Sandstrum spent a few days in Hanna this week. A bridal shower wa3 given in honor of Mrs. Olous Johnson on Friday at the Hanna Ward hall with a large mumber of ladies in attendence. Many nice and useful gifts were received by the bride. The afternoon was spent playing games after which lunch was served. Mr. H. A. Pierson, Mr. Mrs. Ed Holder and daughters and Crystal Allred of Ruth Jean and Betty of Mt. Emmons were visitors Saturday at chesne were Hanna business the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hillery ers Friday. Meri-deit- h Du- Hot water by the gallons the instant you want it - day or night, hot or cold weather. Safely, cleanly, automatically And economically - electricity for water heating is cheap lc ONLY Per Kilow att Hour WHY NOT ENJOY IT NOW? UINTAH POWER 8 LIGHT CO. Electricity Is Your Most Efficient Servant call- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rhoades motored to Provo last week .They were accompaned by Mr. and Mrs. George Clements and babies, Florence Rhoades returned home with them after spending a few weeks in Provo picking berries. Miss Emily Moon of Provo is By Jeane Holder spending her summer vacation at Mrs. Olive Miles gave a shower the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nephi in honor of her daughter Mrs. Moon at Hanna. Loyd Shiner, Formerly Miss Inez A dance and shower were given Miles, Thursday June 20, who was in honor of Morjorie Moon, a large married to Loyd Shiner of Altonah errowd attended, everyone having in the Salt Lake Temple June 19. am enjoyable time They gave their wedding dance at Mr and Mrs Leo Defa spent a Altonah Friday June 21. few last week at The young couple left for Steam wheredays attended the Parson Lazenby they to boat Springs Saturday morning Reunion make their home, where Mr. ShiMr. and Mrs. Jay Lazenby and ner has employment with Calders. family spent a few days visiting We all join in wishing them a long Mrs. Nettie Defa at Hanna. and happy married life. Mr. Frank Defa and Mrs. Rosie Miss Leah Holder of Myton was an overnight guest at the home of Fabrizo motored to Soosevelt on Miss Jean Holder Friday night. Monday where they had some denMiss Mary Wilding and Miss tal work done. Alice Smith, formerly teachers at Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Fabrizio Altamont are visiting at the home motored to Park City and back of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Hartman. Wednesday. Mrs. Madora Mecham and son Mr. Charlie Fabrizio opened a Blain and little Jean Mecham were small grocery store at the River Afternoon visitors at the home of Park Hotel last Saturday. Mrs. Ed Holder Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Roberte moMiss Beverly Holder was a guest tored to Duchesne and back Thursat the home of Miss Belva Thacker day. Saturday night. Mrs. Lavar Pace spent Sunday Mr and Mrs. LaRaine Thacker and Monday with Mrs. Irene All-reof Heber were visiting friends and relatives here Saturday and SunMiss Crystal Allred of Duchesne day. Mr. and Mrs. Hillery Holder and was visiting Mrs. Irene Allred at son Larry of Myton and Mrs. R. Hanna Monday. A. Murray of Bluebell were guests at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Holder and Mr. and Mrs. S. K. Daniels this week. Holder. Ambulance Service For Sickness or Emergency Our Special Nash Sedan Ambulance enables us to give prompt, efficient and com- - fortable ambulance service any time at a mo- ments notice for invalid or emergency trans- portation - - anywhere, anytime. I ROY A. SCHONIAN j The Uintah Basins Only Complete Mortuary Service Business Phone 271 Residence Phone 241 Duchesne, Utah Legal Advertising The Record Office Specializes Fine Commercial Printing ! Notice For Publication UNITED STATES DEPART- 8 1 CALL d. club Wednesday evening, it was decided to sponsoy MENT OF THE INTEROIR GENBut what about Duchesne? Last year the DuERAL LAND OFFICE AT SALT a dance July Gth at Rovoli park. The Rovoli opera- LAKE chesne Labor Day Rodeo was incorporated so that UTAH, May 24, 1940. tors expressed their desire to cooperate with the Li- NoticeCITY, is hereby given that the usual preliminary promotion of getting ons in entertaining the State Press Association at Harold Behunin, of Myton, Utah, annual celebration started would not be Moon Lake who, on Nov. 2, 1933, made homenext month, and they are really going a stead entry, No. 051374, for necessary, but we have heard nothing about any long way in the cooperation they have offered with WiaSEi, S'JSWU, Sec. 17, Twp. meetings of the rodeo officers or any plans they this dance to raise funds for the entertainment of 4 South, Range 1 West, Uintah might be considering. Some talk has been heard of the Special Meridian, has filed notice visiting newspapermen. of Intention to make proof, to the Jaycees taking over the celebration this year, establish claim to the land above in Lion and Uintah the Basin, Every every person but even this has not gone ahead with any vigor. before the clerk of the who is interested in the advancement of the Basin, described, District Court, at Duchesne, Utah, July and August move ahead pretty rapidly, and has here an opportunity to do his part in an easy on the 16th day of July, 1940. a lot of planning is necessary for a good ceebration. names ts witnesses: toward helping out. We honestly believe there Claimant Whether it be on Labor Day or on some other date, way Frank Roberts, Arvene Cooper, is no in of the state finer our section N. L. Peterson and Elden Behunin, way interesting plans should soon be underway for Duchesnes cele- than state the over its fine of Myton, Utah. by bringing press bration. There is no time to be lost. roads and into its fine recreational spots. Do your (Signed) A. S. Brown. THE LIONS PLAN A DANCE Register share by helping support the Lions dance at Rovoli Date of First publication, At the regular meeting of the Duchesne Lions Saturday, Date of Lest publication, July Cth. Du-chens- Dont The Newhome offiw immediate access to the many tilings to see and do in Salt Lie City. Perfectly located, svith large modern rooms of beauty and comfort. Four famous restaurants scrwng fine food. In the shopping and center - you mil find it more convenient mi cionomual to stay at the New house. es unlit? |