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Show UINTAH BASIN RECORD lr By ED WHEELAN BIG TOP MCANVJHILE. DAD WAS IRVINS To EXPLAIN TE ROPER TVUHGS TD THE BEVJtLDERED QUICKLY HAL CARRIED MyRATViRUTHE BACK DOOR TOWARDS THE HOSPITAL VlAGON lON5 AS I KNO'i) thatWas "WAT VOU LOVE ME , 'DEAREST, SAY YOU TORGNE ME TtR I J MyraMATTERS1.1 i VELSE stay way COURSE YOU'RE op FCRGIVEM! HAL AVID MyPA ARE IN LCNEv ! "TUEY HAD A LITTLE- - thank?. PAP.- MIS UNDERSTANDING-"tvu- s MORNiNCG. AND I GUESS THATS WHY SHE SPOKE-TVOO ABOUT HAL AS SHE DiD x savvy TEX .darling-- , mowing . -; I RECKON NOW iSSif ' I u LALA PALOOZA By RUBE GOLDBERG A Visit to the Stratosphere Ruth Wyeth Spears q3P of the pad, the two end cushions and the center cushion are green lighter than the floor. The cutl down table with the tin tray on top is painted with the green floor paint with some of the cream wall color added. Next week Betsys mother solves another home dec- " orating problem. NOTE: Betsy is now making's hooked rug for her new room from directions in thesitting Sewing Book 5. It also contains for streamlining an old couch; rockers; dining room chairs and other attic ILTERE is Betsy again that Send name, address and magic. 10 cents clever girl in Sewing Book 3, in coin to cover cost and mailing. who streamlined an old iron bed. Send order to: 7 In her house there was an enormous kitchen and her mother MRS. RUTH WYETH SPEARS hated big kitchens. So, a partiDrawer 10 Bedford HiUs tion was used to divide it into two New York rooms. The half with a door into Enclose 10 cents for Book 5. the front hall was for Betsy to enName tertain her own special friends. Address The old linoleum was painted dark green. All the walls were painted cream and then pink stripes were painted on the new wall. The neat and efficient cot cover is cream chintz with pink roses and green leaves. The sides rebuilt Factory trumpets, saxes, clarinet trombones, etc. Play like new yet save yea from $10 to $80! Send for free list and Information. Mention instrument yoe want Bargain Department. r Box 162N, Elkhart, Indians Wealth Possesses Men J5 T 5 rl4 ja lal ia vo 1 ee jjn ck.il ret The lust of avarice has so totally seized upon mankind that their wealth seems rather to possess sir J Falsehood Flies Hel A lie has no legs and cannot j li them, than they possess their stand; but it has wings, and can s. wealth. Pliny. fly far and wide. Warburton. f Jai Wf . t USHHWfl SMATTER POP-W- ere smokes the By C. M. PAYNE Next, Pop! m uhii nivggiMwvyy slow-burni- cigarette ng Joi rii I'd jmyyuw ijy rr ifii in nil n v m WANT I All THE MILDNESS! AND FLAVOR CAN GET. CAMELS I BURN SLOWER AND GIVE ME WHAT WANT, ALONG 1 WITH EXTRA SMOKING, TOO! MESCAL IKE bt s. And It Served Him Right, Too l. huntley TO PETER F1CK -- Worlds Champion Sprint Swimmer 0 In recent laboratory tests, CAMELS burned 25 slower than the average of the 15 other of the largest-sellin- g brands tested slower than any of them. That means, on the average, a smoking plus equal to ""NTO SPEED for me in my cigarette, J-says Pete. "I know what a difference there is between a smoke g and a one. I stick to Camels. Yes, Camels costlier tobaccos and slower burning give you extras in mildness, coolness, and flavor and extra smoking, too (see right). N g slow-burnin- EXTRA SMOKES PER PACK! FOR EXTRA MILDNESS, EXTRA COOLNESS, EXTRA SLOW-BURNIN- G COSTLIER TOBACCOS :ta( in conversation. And we make Judgment and Company Associate with men of good another mans judgment ours by judgment; for judgment is found frequenting hi3 company. Fuller. vei fat e. con ..in bound this year? THEN FUEBS MACHINE OUN TEFU6EES hospitals Bombed SCHOOLS BLOWN UP What are your ideas Tangier about the European situation? Neut I haven't very many, and what I have I am keeping to myself. Hopeless Youth Daughter But, daddy, why do you object to my becoming engaged? Is it because of my youth? Daddy Yes, he's hopeless. AMBULANCE shelled TAIH FOREION WAR AltWi CERTAINLY MARES MV P10OD E30IL CHICKEN PINNLKWILL HbSrfc'VED BVTHF-LAPE- S Aid NLXT TutiW To complete r Bell WAKK UF RESfltSS ON HOI H WHIMPER AND WORK UP A MU COME . NIGH1-CKV SO SfARfS MOTHER N Frrw that euen imt 15 a m w bubv n ode ht It) KNOW BETftR Than to make a racket LIKE "TtlAT piness? Christy In my case he's about five feet 10 Inches. Choice Landlady You'll hava to pay your bill or leovel Lodger Thanks awfully. My last landlady made me do both. ( i h h, e your i 'tn 'll, it i e 'S( 1 Ihf HEARS WAILS FROM HOUSE NEXf MUST BE THAT NEW BABV jggSMua r 500R. the jury? Defendant Well, 1 think I can lick that little guy on the end. Happiness Outlined is the height of hap- it it e enjoyment stop at Oaklands Syndicate, lae. His Choice Do you challenge any of Urma. What Hie ooj fcr- - Judge .th a 'on juI, see OAKLAND! FOREIGN SECRETS Cheerful News you must t r 'en The merchant who advertises must treat you better than the merchant who does not. He must treat you as though you were the most influential person in town. NrerR REALIZED BEFORE HOW PEAUV WFAKTitE A lOSW WAIL CAN SOUNP fOSlUVELY CHILDISH a matter of cold fact you ore. You hold the destiny of his business in your hands. Lie knows it. He shows it. And you benefit by good service, by courteous treat As ARE AN INFLUENTIAL CRiES DIMINISH ONE INIDHIM. SiNCma somv )HS MOTilt R NOSE HAVE VE5, HE can HEAR MIX No HIM Of COURSE HE'S TOO fcHOWN llPIfi CRV LINE liilrf, BUT NFUERTHELF55 WISHES MOTHER WOULD COME IN to HIM. AND TO SLEEP so PERSON nent.by good value and by lower prices. ! t lh d 'e ft it a r k c . c ' t |