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Show THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER nr OF SUD Tale of Young Marriage, and How a Washtub Changed Their Lives 17, 1922. By INEZ HAYNES IRWIN Hhmtratad by 0. D. Batchelor - (Ocettaaed from Pnasdlng his) 'Well, you'vs tailed. That' the truth melted on a mountain at lc . , great Sixth street station on th Sixth avenue and oak . . L tonight at 7. the matter. Poulter knows - tt and plates of sandwiches . . striped awning Thank you. Miss Draper, Keen anHeyward know it audI know it EveryNomeslmes Incongruously her father' swered apathetically. body know It but you. Why don't you wan, creased, waa.thw-bea.te- n face IntrudHe had. Just come from ao argument, ed its tired but tac it-which Dad become a quarrel, wit h Heyunderstanding Elsie Sawyer paused In smile Into the picture. She would bear ward, and he was going to a quarrel which searched mentally for further herself asking him for money. , . Or would become a good-b- y with Elsie. On vitriol to pour Into tha wounds th kntCV. he would be saying, "Go light this month, aO side of h m e saw only failure. Failon ure aa aa efficiency expert, failure a a of her wrath were making "face It like daughter. Things rather heaped up me last month, you know. Father was husband. I'm a pretty poor stick, I a man? ah finally concluded. old, she told herself Ineonse-quntlgetting he concluded grimly. "Elsie had guees, be no made but tn were streaks Sawyer reply; his Kjen whits the dope this therg all right. I can't fixed hi wife With Ills blank, bright gate. blond hair. think what ehemorning, a stopping off at Eighty-sixt- h More often, however, appeared her street Hi ailene seemed only to whip her to if she's for, leaving tonight. for ahe mother' faoe: stIU velvet-eyeHe had long Perhaps tt a some errand further frenzies, The Idea! The conceit ' smeared artificial shadow of an asago given up trying to understand Elsie's of It! To think that jou, Keene Sawyer, tound ng verisimilitude about her lashes; capncea, and he gave up this hire with a the euperlntendent of a baby motor parts and still velvet haired, for hw dye waa tired eigh. He bent his head to bristle of figure. fhetory in a little town jn the middle west, remarkably successful. Much more often could come to New York Slid sweep ad than to her father, ehe seemed to listen When he came down th piep of the before you' sKffeien'y! Of all the men to her mother, to the tales of her past elevated roqgoman cam forward to meet I ve ever known to think that you would love .affairs, to her vlraripu. pride in him. She waa from the figbe the one to take up efficiqcyl A man her daughter's conquests, her daughter ure he had viruoitzed in hie mind that who cant put a stud in hi own ahirt clothes And somehow all these monoKeene stared In astonishment. He had cuff without fumbling H! logues ended in the same key: expected to Me Elsie in a traveling gown; do when "And you suit case in band; the took atill in her marry, Elsie dear, Again Keene Sawyer made ro reply. of a raging defiance. What you don t get," Bleie s voice I hope you'll pattern your married Itf Instead tt eye was evident that she was not leaving that after min and your father's. You can , whirled on, 'but What I do, like la see I. we re A it for what devotion town was a vision of that night ah you nnd protecting me. I'm proud of It. I hate thia citv. on hla part, accepting devotion on mine. She Ware a light ruffled silk gown, J hate It! 1 hate It! It waa bad enough No harsh words no quarrsia Of course, such as he had not seen since last summer tn Weenana. a transparent block tulle In tyi winter, and now that summer has we've got good dispositions, both of ua; e And to stt but I've mads It a point always to try , turned it into a tat, through which her hair glistened like sliUed candy; accessories of gloves and lier night after night, waiting for you to keep as young and as attractive to corns homo. Never going a nv where here Mrs Gammell drew th Inevitable Stockings and shoes, all of the most sum- Nowhere hand mirror, alwavs easily accessible, order. It wss true ehe carried what Nctoody to go anywhere with. 3ery like traveling paraphernalia a big to go If there waa. Well, you can do from under the 1Hafghan and studied herhealth would permit. straw hamper. This she Immediately "as my what you please, but my mind la made self ? handed to him with a up. Im not going to stay hare any longer, 1 on don t think I've failed, do you, Elsie You nan go with ms child , I'm going home "Oh, here you are, Keene) Take thto, to I Failed? TYUth their lovely horns and a take or follow or not I don't cars" kke thought youd please. little walk with me before dinner. She came to the end of the breath from the small-tow- n point of view their - There wo in her voice non of the whloh had volleyed those boiling words luxurious home a focus for every socialInto tha dead air of the midsummer Impulse in Wee non a ! Failed! Borneraging acrimony of Che morning. Indeed, it waa soft, appealing; and her eyes had morning; atood panting. But before she t me her father' e tired face Intruded Itself at this moment; but Elsie always that misty starnness which experience caught It again, Keene Sawyer spoke. had taught him trailed her weeping. If you go. you go alone, he said gave her mother and gave sincereiy 'We're going to dins out tonight, she But he said It tonelessdy; and for the find the reassurance she craved And one thing vouchsafed gently, and proceeded wet. more, Elsie, dear," time since their quarrel began the auwould her "remember mother out hi this: voice of He went arose, Dont add, talk, Keene! ah added. "You're thority scan hlng glances Never step down from your pedestal, Elawfully tired. casting mechanical, B idsal. sie vourse.f an room. f fell eves Ills .bout the Keep always n'tlly They entered the pork at' Eighty-fift- h street. . And following what waa apparon the rim of a straw hat, protrurt'ng sure to inlst after marring on ail thoa from under iaet night's paper. lie seized little attentions he's given you before ently a familiar wara Elsie conducted him south over a rweu of tree-gromarriage. Why, your father waits on me rock, It; made toward tha door. down . hollows and up hill . , . curving, Elsie fixed her eye on h!a retreating by Inches " But Keene Sawyer How did It hapback. Keene was a alight, angular fig dipping, ascending. . , . Soon- a green, cool world encompassed them. It was not ure, nervously made, nervously organ, pen that, out of all th men In Weenana, lied. His eoat. falling over his round she had chosen Keene Sawyer? For she yet sunset, but the shadows brown In etwlfUv had fallen love with him, lances thrown over ,th glowing emerald shoulders, alwavs creased down the line of the grass grew longer before their of his spine "C'oms home or not. 1 don't snon as possible after that dance In which care what you do'" ehe called after Jum she suddenly realized that of all th men eyes. Presently - on Keene's exhausted tn hud A11 met she Weenana. Keene Sawyer ears sounded th trickle of water. A litquick to perceive her advantage. ax to on eh different" was the who had voice her tle managed only along keep quiver of excitement seemed to run . ever ESsie's slim figure. low. but now a cutting shrillness gave It What constituted th difference It waa of scream to the a hard for her say. Other people said "There!' Here's the place' She exsomething qual'ty of "You'll find me all packed and my ticket he waa visionary. . . . But tle had She stepped off the asphalt claimed. kind of charm. . . . Physically, the difwalk on to the grass, threaded her way (Copyright 1922, by Chicago Tribune.) bought for home. I m through! At this his slim, nervous hand or ference was obvious enough. His hair, In among the trees until they caught up the knob Keene turned. For an Instant coqtrxst with th slick locks of th young with a tiny flashing brook which dropped But he bll mem In the bunch," was always storm he seemed about to speak from a pool near th reservoir and, mak- roaring holiday of , their nightly ritual, a word tn rim with His tossed. the of the off the contract his Ups; eyes, of Its leaps from rock "It wasn't a cup of oold water it was a very ing threw his wife one of his haggard, hope- clear calm of their eves ;had a Elsie to rock, ended finally by trickling Into tub of hot suds." less gkinees, opened the door, slammed described It to herself as a wild sweet ths lake. Elsie found a soft spot near ness " His whole makeup. In contrast th tinkle. In the frisdow of a tree. (Copyright All rights reserved PrintIt. disappeared. with their square-cFor a while Esls sat on the couch athleticism, was Sit down so ed by arrangement with Metropolitan There, dear'.! she said. d nervous a'most fragile. Oh. yes, ehe motionless, her slender f sure bent that your back Is againzit the trunk. Take Newspaper Service, New York.) at almost right angle, her' elbows loved Keene , . . still loved him for that your coat off. If you'd like. 6HE WOULD LIKE TO KNOW. ' supported by her knees, her facs lying matter.' Kneeling beside him, she opened the in her scooped hands. Then th heat Well, of ell things If tt ain't Della 1 have com td consult you, sh hamper. Appeared a picnic meal, expertdrove her to her feet. She arose and Do'anl But for the love of all the blessed said her lawyer. ly packed, delicately organized. moved listlessly over to the windows, saints, what do ye be doing here?" "What is th trouble? Elsie spread a doth over the grass, These words, drifting across the where she leaned out and looked at' th I have redelved three proposals of d on it eggs, sandwiches, placed came through the window which day. Th high city, pressing tt Into a" salad which came, still - crisp, from a marriage and I do not know which to th long narrow box which waa her uni- opened Rbove Elsie s head into her bed accept." preserving Jar; a small bottle of salad "Which man has the mom money? verse, almost shut it away from her. 1 he room. Elsie recognized th voice to be dressing; a thermos bottle of Iced coffee. 1 "Do you Imagine, she asked, "that if top of that box was a etrip of sky, that of Mrs. OConnell, the woman who Talking busily, as though to forestall I knew that I would consult you or any brassy with heat; one end, a band of one a week cleaned the halls and stairs. wit hit hat food the die oomment, arranged to a exude river that seemed hot, blue Another voice presumably it belonged detailed daintiness which characterised other lawyer?" Exchange. steam; the other tha dusty dang and to Delia Dolan answered. It had nothher. clatter of Broadway. Across the way ing like so pronounced a brogue as that Keens had not yet emerged from his as though she looked Into a gigantic of Its interlocutor: nevertheless, there daze. But suddenly h found himself UENTKO-LAXEN- E was an unctuous softness here and there, mirror, roe the south side of that box hungry. He stt with the air ravenously a high apartment, exactly like her own, aa of Ireland tn the second generation. ate man. with Elsie a of him, starving eslookIts "What do I bo doing here? Why, front with fire algiagged aong but more slowly. Muah of- th tim she capes. Ths bottom was a slatternly street ing at an apartment, to be eurel" was talking. t , STOPS COUGHING lined with rows of ash barrels and gar-- up 'Booking et an apart Its Well, 'Tv mode tip my mind. Keene." h In the world ye are!" base cans. weather-sen- s said, "that as long as this hot spelt lasts Protect yout ehQd. Save enrf member Informed her Kbit Tp In the world Is ltf Its more up Fm going to meet you every night, and Mentfao t the family. Home mixed it had become double acute after n ne in the world the children are! What . . You In , eat we'll the here park. lc elmcaU Lexene months In th rKy that today waa g with my Theresa a stenographer and my cough h dont need hot food In weather like thia afforded in fresh cold, tbo Quick reliefirnp to b warmer than yesterday. And Mary a milliner and my Tim a ball and you ought not to take that awful ourhs, bronchitic, hcarceftesc and other yosterdav ths last of three days, hot, Oliver, sure its on K.v etreet we llv. tn the rush hour. . , . old troubles. Use tt, and sold inflammatrip In the subway hotter, hottest had seemed to scrap the Tim Dolan and me. Why, Mrs. O'Contion vaalehca with all the du treating Well have our supper here, and then, nell " very mlta of her endurance our at we'll ooola home off, It go wheq Thera followed settling sounds a of Moving languidly, she walked through let ure." Sh rambled off on a descripthe small living room to th smaller bed- hlghlv starched skirts crackling, the faint Ootne ham or cot, I dont care what yon do! tion of how, during lonely walks in th room. to, smallest of all, the dining room. groaning of a large body lowering Itself spring, ah hod found this spot. of a Everywhere on the furniture thick laver with care and dubiety, the scrunch over-oAll the time Keehe at and listened of dust hnsed glossy surfaces; every- hastily moved pail, and the slop of If liberal treatment oouid men who peddled them colling in hoarse nefl, sand Mrs. Dolan. "I remember" the shadows grew longer, the little brook where on the bare painted floors thin ng water. Finally Mrs. Dolan waa perlntendentcame of her interstices into melt the to end voices midsummer seemed seemed its what song She It; voice purled prevent unintelligible paeans paused; her rolls of (Just, like the shoe's of mice seated "Mother, I'm getting six weeks' vaca- to Fan.- - Balloon bloomed miraculously away and merge with oncoming re very; talk. flurried back from her fvnn ng skirts In "Walt a moment, women dear," tion Keene in had thle eaten, produced a childrens hand a It takes After he but she pulled herself out of It. year. You see, I haven t taken the first room the bed had not been came Mrs. O'Connell a cracked voice, o I've got all for three summers, to the begin- clgarot. leaned back against the tree and Oh, yea; the spring! . , , But the sum- me back twenty-fiv- e years n In the dining room th made. while I fll me pail at the hall sink. any vacations . saved up. I'm going to Chi- mer ning of my own married life. I shall listened asaxi. breakfast had not been cleared Just a moment I'll be laving you. Then my The ateps by I which that soft sweet, never forget th first night Tim Dolan - "Now, theres something more, Elals cago. There's a man Ive been awav; the stiffened orange husks, the w can talk." : which by in Interval Oor a with or work. s aald four New York after three his Before cam fresh, home after long year day dried-u- p spring merged fragrant oatmeal bowls were empty. Th Complete silence Re Mr. O'Connell' m. turns they had quietly talked and quietly now an damp-acinot he's with know He woman New the dead did God. I expert. efficiency stagnant, dear, hail lav died in down ossified yellow pools beside trundling footsteps eggs the to be interested to show me some York summer were bevond the powers of I was looking out the dure when the meditated. "ItS a special treat I'm going Keene Sawyer was an only child. His seemed In strips of bacon, soldered hv their own Chicago, and he's Invited r m Elsie's analysis to follow. And yet ehe gate opened. I looked up, and at firwt to give you tonight. I'm afraid w can't fat to the plate. Their undrunk coffee, father was clerk In Dike Gammell's bank. plants . come on and see him. could have stood even that if Keene had I thought tt was a naygijr he was that afford tt every nght, though. cold and repellant, fired the cups. A There Is little to say about him. Hi to The to the. efficiency expert, there been successful, and if visit But he was not black with the coal dust. But when he She led him In the direction of th little mound of toost sat under a film mother waa his fathers wife: there Is w ttia.t It was successful. kept on coming I saw tt was Tim. It lake. Pf of melted butter. Her rark'n, barely even lees to say about her. As for Keen I H11 rowing An hour ktter Elsie waa Poulter, the senior partner in the firm, gave me a turn. When he came Into ron ci2.1!! crossed, on the table, Keene's a balled himself he was a strange lad. as If It on the miniature ocean. Other boats the arbared of Interested before Keene's my kitchen I felt strange-lik- e manufacturing heart Chicago theoretically wad In the corner, lav where they had on mathematic, which he seemed to Keene. It filled Keene with new idea. rival, had on acquaintance with Keenes wasnt my own man. Weil, he washed passed, but they seemed to belong to anbeen thrown when the quarrel begun w.thout effort Into hie system, and to It resulted in a friendship so strong that ideas lost all belief in them. Heyward, his hands and face at th sink, and w other world; to be sliding along another the night before and resumed on r elng the brief tepid wash of disjointed fact on Keeneei announcement of his engage- th Junior partner, waa interested, but m down to the table to eat. You mind dimension. Th sunset had long ago reached Its climax. whlcn the Weenana h'gh school present- ment to Elsie Gamroel I, Adams suggested he was difficult, a quibbling, quervtng what a clean creature I was" faded away, but a line of shore lights She had let her housekeeping go in ed aa science. H was correspondingly that h go to New York; offered to get bully. Keene had fought for hi idea distant gay ety to their voyage; "Never have these eye gazed on, the gave th tropical onslaught of the last three weak In literature, language, history and him In the a Job with the Boulter & with every power of his belief In them their reflections stood upright like, Mrs. OConnell reassured her. davs; now 'she went to work geography Hi teachers recognised that Yeast Cake company. The salaryHeyward with like I with water strange-llfelt "Al tong golden comet1'-rockthat with looked, tact, firmness, gentleness, evening and wiped the he waa brtllant and original; but thsy from Weenana's standard, with obstinacy, with the courage of hi And ok that night in bed I kept think- Stars, pricking out on by one until they large. dishes, stacked them tn the built-i- n cabi- were puzzled by him. There followed marriage; the honey- despair and the despair of h s courage ing of Tim lying beetde me covered with lay In dene shining masses, had cooled net; proceeded to the front room; began Keene had a faculty rather d.fflcuK to moon to But he waa losing losing inch by inch th coal dust. The next night, when Tim (off the sky. A delicate breeze floated New an the for hunt York; trip to mop th floors But this was not un- describe. In a sentence, tt was a power apartment; the came home, I hod a great tub of suds on about them. Keen skin lay back In the Guaranteed moat economical making of the horn . - . and day bv day. aymptotha. conscious protest sealn-- t the maric-nl- v of doing any bit of work in the briefeet In And then, in addition a much mors the floor In front of the stove, waiting bow of Jhe boat, hi head on the pillow after Elsie's and most aatisfaetory. Millions of bottles chapter chapter ways into which she had fallen; It waa possible time, resulting from what was steady . . . resistless stage serious matter their marriage, aa cerdindisillusion need. A regular bottle of tha essence book of I had his 'm and Elsie wouldn't which extemporfor miraculously 'm, give merelv a translat on of that ferce, Inner apparently a driving passion to perform on a ized from the hamper, mixed wHh sugar array his face, from stage in Keenes experience of despair. tainly aa Keene'e theories, waa develop- ner till he tuk a bath!" protest Into action. Afterward she dust- tt with the fewest possible number of maka a full pint of tha gstekaat acting All the poetry had "There now we can hav a talk'" ing Into a failure "Oh, the strange crayohur you oref which all the tallowy fatigue had evaped; made her bed. All the time the hrot motions. He waa a mother's boy. He ouch medieina to ha had. Ure St fall Mrs. O'Connell, returning from gon out of it, eH that romance, all that Agam Mrs. O'OonneB laughed with an orated. turirW up to h stars. of her body grew. Yes, unden'ahly this heped about the house in th most trill- th Again strength If desired. Full direction with sink, broke stridently Into El- high glamor of Idealism to which Elsie exquisite enjoyment, "And what did TimA "I had an awful fight with Heyward was the warmest day yet. Still, some ing and doolie way; brought In th wood ute ' hall ec bottle.. Sold by. dfUCfkrto. Adr -Had those long, long had determined to hold so punctiliously. say? meditations. ( today, Elsie, he said. 1 And I thought of that heat thrown off from her and coal, washed and wiped the dishes, "At first he wouldnt, but in th end I was going to tell hlrt tomorrow that Why, Keens showed thoughts oonoumed but thee fear brief Bit tie attentions'. own mind the result of her swift, violent. made beda swept, even, and dusted, moments no her did.FA Mr. Dolan paused. Again attentions, little or big. He waa he get through Saturday night. But I Intensive thinking, for he kept whenever domeetlo erises demanded these nobody coming up the stairs, too absorbed in the business problems "And the next night, when be comes see now he wasnt all wrong, and that over and over again he- - quarrel going with services of him His, mother had first thisThera's Fll but I confronted of him be was was suds tub Just another a good deal to blame. Of course, that Her hour, there my home, daily. having long pail days . . , Keen thinking of more bitter noted his "faculty when tt cam after here handyllk if they did. Now tell me were lonely, and sometimes tt seemed to wetting m and the next and th next," II come Into the office this morning In th rwre she could have said. meals bo tha carting of the dishes from all about everything, woman dea. How her that-hThis coolnee and quiet were Tim did like mood that?" And lonelier how that long evenings ja She After a while the Ice man cam . . . the dining room to the kitchen. 1 do mind me when w used to till Keen got home too late for them "At first not at all. But I put my foot has given me a chance to think. What her duties and respons bllitles were herself always brought them out as they often Felton do he of while wore couldn't a hall together Sure my to think down. And after you've Just been saytng now about margoing anywhere; or, over until dinnertime. In the bathroom, came to her hand the meat platter and work inwaa broke when Tim Dolan still, so exhausted from his dally struggle without tt. For, aa you eay. the scrub-bln- g riage being different from an engagement she turned on the water tap optimistical- the cream pitcher, cheek by Jowl. And heart JU yea being stsived to death? Ara off long enough from th coal with Poulter that he ooulj do nothing craychura I am! How I used to . . . about th give snd take 'of it thrs re ly marked cold, It coldest was mere'y everything went Into the d ahpan to- stopped to court you right under jne ayes yen towns etrength and weight dinner but stretch out scrub his hack! And what fun we did be and the pulling together . . . mokes me his after wagon apethetlc waited As the silver. house, until need'.e stricted tepid knitting dieting? D you know that by S gether. china, glass qnd you might say. Tell m about the on ths courh; and then drift from his having! Th two of us laughing Uk a realise that. A business to Just Uk marVestbe ena Jet half f lied the tub dropped Into it keepers, go, she was clean; but she waa achildren. too European dlnovery great When last I seen you, young newspaper to troubled. Intermittent nap- pair of children! And sometimes we'd riage. No on in the concern can have Still wet, he resumed her nightgown and far from scientific. ed (or diabetes and etiil et .3 the food yaa Mi. Sawyer hapwas getting into throubl breaking ping get to throwing soapsuds at each other." it all his own wav. Im going into the kimono . . . lay down on her bed . . . pened upon Keene once, standing immo Tim seed? Mia. O'Connell office tomorrow and tell Heyward Ill give windows. Elsie often contrasted her marriage 'Throwing soapsuds! fsnaals for A Wee tin rat A reiMrhzbl a palm-lea- f fan in her hand . . , lay. her bile before the dining room tab', stUl 'n on half his points if hell give in on Tis true! Oh, th money, w paid with that of her parents. What would repeated. "Go along with you! d it betei has bees diteorared after yeat eyes wide open . . . the fan languidly spread with the remain of the devoured out for was hall On ten mother that But Tim her what tong my Tim kept half of mine. He'U do It, too. Hes A her It father years playing. say? lea tell, boy's work f March by Dr- - Stein-Crt . thinking. ruin the swaying . aavrory dinner, contemplating tt was an investment; for now took would sar, tt never occurred to her to on the coal wagon before they put him square guy. As much as he Irritates me, o which enables diabetica Is reeeiv a She had told Keene the truth; her mind with the fxad eves of one in a trance. says A ball player with hla name In reflect. Well, she would never give up pn the weighing. But after he'd got on I really like him. Some time, EMe, Id ml at STARWITHOUT treatment, ene was made up. Just x soon as she eou d admonlahft. "Hurry up, Keene!" she came to to him when DIITINcL a th like take dinser. Invite he the the newspaper to little up. Oh, Elsie, you you keep weighing, every night ecrurgl its attentions, VATION, OR RESTRICTED pull herself together ehe must pack her "You tl never get them diahee done, leJ every public character be is. Why. th tod te hold bee place aa an ideal " The pile home there was th tub of suds Just ths have don a lot for me tonight I can't Roulti hae bees prorea to ban died, si trunk, get to th 'station and make her I of Keene's laundry, which had started earns. And the difference tt made In 'ml tell you how much. I was ali in. gagging line this"' earns Caere tbruoot th conn try. reservat'on. . . . Two days ana she would 1 m he retorted. not lallygagelng!'" was was hurt conto Dolan's of Mrs. on You've he end voice sank tired He'd be as ahe at that chiffonier the the rope. Juet how thia treatmeat perform Hi sosd my ready - drop night's wrangle, lay he in 'Weensna . . . Weenana. . . . Just Im only trying to figure out how few fided financial secrets of a momentous corner. worm came hard But me round work ia explained in t Httl bosk eotflled, In. a set. thatafter You've Phe he when .would Her out helped lips top. carry avirg th so Vrd brought, a sensation of trips I can got 'em. all out to th kitchen nature.- - And for an Interval the two her threat If she went ahead to Weenara tub 'twas like a fighting cock he was. handed me a cup of cold water. "Fat sad Get W1L" which ia aafiad coolness, sharp was Its connotation of in FREE to dlabetipa. If yea siw s ssaonr Keene waa bound to follow. She would Then, when the children began to earn voices, relating intimate goseip. kept to "No, Keene. Elsie sold; for suddenly g the town a green quietude This made no impression on Mm. Raw. a uniform level, a bit above write sow at one to a vriiisper. go. ,8he would go today. money, they teased me to move ird an she had a vision of two in a kitchen, a In yecs mind, but a few night later, passand In New York' What an exShe rose again to peck. But th oon. apartment house where there was a tnth-roo- big Irishmen hand a big Irishwoman, That M. RICHARTZ g& voluntarily, Elsie stopped her fan aa ing through th kitchen, hog attention perience!yearBitterness welled In Elsie's remat'on began was across man as Tim each a when suds mad other at 'Twas elevator the proud throwing shaft they though to aubw tnte for its feverish gusts was caught by something that did. heart as her traversed There wss he took his first bath in a bathtub, I the Mrs. Dolan was speaking that Clean western air, Keene's performance, on this occasion smoothly oiled thoughts groove of memory. something pleasant, almost cooling, hi scrubbed his back every night (or 'm Just had something of the rehearsed milttary come had alxvck th voice with Its round th First of rents that ghost of an Irish the same." Was different in Oh. that morning freshness of Wee-- , prec'sion of a vaudeville set; glasses matched the them days, "Marriage soaring buildings, then the accent. nana' silver neatly gathered; ta piled; neatly Tim notch of se old to Mrs. OConnell sighed, with a rich, alwavs her standard lowering, by notch, It lav, the bn by city, on a ridge In plate neatlv stacked came In that order of marIn comfortable living, untJ ehe young Tim, Tut ut away, b'y" saying folks fervor. space eh As "Young getting g broad vallev running north and south from the dining room plump Into fresh clutched gratefully at the combination quoted her husband, Mrs. Dolan's voice ried thee davs think only of themselves. The vallev funnel, in cooperation with of hot water. But, dried, they of tour cubicles out of a In thickness tt. relays their of be assumed do a built What they cheaply apartbrogue normally getting the lake, first drew over them all stray returned In a different order; glasses ment In a cheaply built The timell com when you selves, la all they asks. Silk stockings Thousand of other have gotten rid of their WITHOUT DIETING uptown neighbor alien te It. northern breezes, and then delicately first, to the glass shelves tn th kitchen hood. Then followed her and shoes, and feathers and OR gradual real- will want ut mo'ztened them The Yeenan an were china second, to th china cabinet in th ization of the EXERCISING, often at the rata of over a pound a day, nnd of the dollar In "How is Tim these days? Mna OOon powder end paint! Cud ye imagine any proud of a city which mainta'ned d nung room corner, nearest the kitchen; the astringent shrinkage J"tly methe tell water of them one of every th WITHOUT atmosphere PAYMENT until reduction ha taken place. heating questioned. a green crispness when surrounding towns silver last, to th sideboard under th tropolis. "Fine," Mrs. Dolan answered. night of their Jive bo's to give himself a sweltered, wilted, scorched and finally a Indow vou say Molly Ryan isn't making bath when he got home? When the Bawvers ram to New York "An licensed practising physician and personally I am perched her kitchen eras trans By degree knew nobody: and after nine months Jo a good wife?" "Marriage is a quar thing. promulAnd Elme Cammell. who had become formed. select the treatment for each Individual ease, thus enMrs Sawyer s house gradually they of Jiving there they still knew nobodv. from tt' There Mostly th women a moment gated Mm. Do bun. "For not Elsie Sawyer bad held on averted that will produce not only n became the beet systematized in Wee- Nevertheless they were young. vTy much that the two be together that they're gets the best out of tt. Mostly it's hardabling me to choose remedies but In the Weenana heme of which will also reliov afternoon he would in love the panorama of that first year'll not quarreling nana Then on a loan of weight harraletsly, Two this way: Molly est on the men. With a family coming To be daughter of Rhoda damme!!,things a Keene came season would almost have sufficed if tt was he pretty and in three month a girl aa ev- -r along there need for a lot of money the troublesome symptoms of ovsrstoutness sll of yon moqt invalid aril c no th most beau-- t graduate I home from the public brary with a book, had not been tor th summer. It is true you seen. And at first she kept th And It's the man who bos to Caro it fill woman In the town, was such as shortness of breath, palpitation. Indigestion, rheuto somewhere in whose title appeared th that the winter had seemed a house as neat aa a pin. But then Joe Women has their bethers, the blessed Viraeromt for ths; tn add t ion. enough to be the word matism, gout, asthma, kidney troubls and various other afFor of the th rest of when g but herself said came home alls all a agony eHcleney. white and every night know; cutting winds, gin mnphter of Dike Cammell, the bank evening he was deaf and dumb Book- - bitterness almost flictions which often accompany overstoutness. them. for th softeeS It's she If done from the and were lived and but personal; they Molly work, duety president, the fmct and perhaps the they ali bore th word "efficiency" some accustomed to cold winters. d And th to scold 'm for dirtying th house. Jo don't make tt as pleasant for her obest man in town end, finaltv, to rap where in the title followed ope another sprmg compensated for everything, indeed ZS. ildnt mend hie wave it's the oon as she can when he's In th house My treatment will Telieve that depressed, tired, sleepy all. to be EWie GaromeH herself E;s,e in steady proceeslon into the Sawyer the spring she' no true wife. And If she don't trary lad he' always been . And then had Inherited not a'l, giving you renewed energy and vigor, a result feeling, much, of her houwnoid, With the author of one book to bone to ths seemed Kate 'm to eh hands had Molly had a perveraenese, too. And after work her It Sawyer that keep of the loss of your superfluous fat, mother beauty, not all, but much, he opened a correspondence. The cnrelsse-ltkresult so seen handsome and never and a now she's while she young And pagrew healthy anything poignantly of her father t Uomty. was letters, which every month grow, on thetic, o occumvilatingly lovely as that you should see their house a pigpen it no true woman. I have no us for these ' , Picture of her past self flitted before You are not required to change in the slightest from and longer, New York spring. How it came looking lttil sJlpperanlpe who thinks they're h Me s set eves BJ Slowly she wielded Keene s part at least, longer cam from thia friend, pamphlets, back at It now was a puzzle; its first "Tis a piv! Mra O'Connell sighed. queens, and tries to- make 0- tired-oyour regular mode of living. There is no dieting or exorthe fan, gar afternoons wth "th bunch books catalogues. He haunted the few msru timid approach waa o tentative. Its final For wane they go that way, H' not working man watt on 'm by Inches every - the email evcux.ve core of cising. It is simple, easy and pleasant to taka. n Curso boasted' One swift. Weerana oft-minute dav feronrush the plant air living x ouh they get loving again.1 go'hered on the piazza of the factoring W elr's Mr. Sawyer' s box factory, ran " an acute automobile with "Mr. mented the Mrs. soft word true Sawyer! 'Tii sold." you sweetness; overstout, do not postpone, but sit down right now and send for romfortab'e Jgsiwed house Mm Garo-rie- li parts, Darlington Keene Savyer looked up blankly from mvif you are when she walked tn the park tiny. hard, Dolan agreed creamery. a mas of bdlovvv chiffon in the Came TRIAD TREATMENT and my plan whereby 1 am to be PAID ONLY was like wet tallow came In t.ght-rolle- d his face His y- -t Job 'tie desk. Were to privk-in- g his Jade have tuation, green "And very onnoving points in a irisp hammofkt Elsie out from bare brown stalks An- S nran com home and tramp dlri all from heat and hhrd work. "Yes. Miss APTER REDUCTION HAS' TAKEN PLACE, if you so desirs. George Weirs automobile parts factory the porch tab' s , with a ol nv of came three vear of work and of promo dav and whenever she looked over a chine house," Mrs. O Connell ob- Draper," he replied automatically other DR. R. NEWMAN, Licensed Physician State of New York s the bg tow!, m t on so uteadV that it was apparent down from her window tt wax on wagons served per.eiveiv "A telephone message from voir wife wnicli ail ocean ol f.uit punch gradu.,1 N. .Y. ' 'T.s VSelr had no intention of kstltig his su Desk 286 Fifth Avenue, NeF-Yor- k, loaded vvuh bloom ng spring flowers, tha r'giit jou art again, Mrs. OCon- - She says you re to meet bar at the Eighty- . mid-breat- h; y; I d, 1 amall-town- cool-ne- er hell-hoi- e. each of his big shoulders and looked bin fairly In the eyes "If you knew what I really think oi h whispered. I don't koow wtai you. you went to say, of course, but . . , I do' . . . You may say It! They didn't say anything very seneihlt after that, heid to each other; klsed laughed like two children; talked foolish, lv. Harry had two hundred pounds left by hla aunt, "and Interest, but I don't know how much. Buy a ring for yout finger, perhaps. Which one doe tt X on. lady-gi- rl Molly had half stare is a house, "and I can do housework, boy, and I've never hod very much tilt now! So , I shan't mind being poor. 01 You were a bad, boy to mak me like you. But I don't core!" They eleo war very tat for' te. Ths Millionaire and ths Flapper were only half an hour lata prepared th meal while they waited for the other. Then they sat down and talked about their future. She was to have exactly th house sh wanted, he told her. and furnish tt Just as she liked, gd he would teach her to drive a motor, and she should have her own little ear, and call It what she pleased." Eric?" she suggested. But I think IT keep that name for. you. You find a name for me. I like things best when you do them for mq: a very Short tame." Pat, he thought. "Yea That's it. I say, Fktc? Well be all right when wet get off. but how about th ethers? What are you going to do for them?" What you trij m to, I expect." "Of course! But you tel me what to toll you!" . . t the "I think. be advised, Tf I gtra men a fair start and enough to marry decently on nature will do the rest. Ye-- s. . . , That's someone gaming, darling. Take your arm away. . v . I dont think tt mattera though. Bosk at them Wicked 'old i&tura has bsen doing It. . . , Theyre leaving go. Eric. So youd better. . . . Theres Stella and Carter, too. This ought to be called Bov Island. . . . O! You naughty people. . . . Molly! You, too' . . . Aren't w sk happy, dears. . . , Now well 'have tea Erie, you have to be clever for both of us Make a nice little speech. The Millionaire rose with cup In bond. "Dove island!" ha proposed. May we soon, have a shlf) to take us away, or a to oast a parson ashore1 wreck Early In the New Year Providence sent a ship. There was no parson aboard, but theyTseon found one when thev landed, and gave him four Jobe! The Millionaire has bought a yacht, and, if business will let him get away (his merry young wife ays it will') he is taking them all a trip next Christmastime to Bov Island, T I baby-waterfa- ut fr-wrar- air-sha- ft, hard-boile- V 9 gft-In- 1 w half-eate- -- porre-epondl- ng d, v j & ?.. syste-matlcal- 'y k. d Menthe-Laxen- Have You Diabetes? er core-mo- a-- ... 1 wide-fUin- xn&RS dew-chille- d. ... GET RID OF YOUR FAT reml-nesce- nt high-heel- ' t pow-tio- ut front-bitin- hue-ban- -- ed t,t e. i" ut tte-rtan- as m cut-cup- s, cut-e'as- ' is H-14- |