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Show Till- 20 - HALT LAKE TKIBUNE, SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 17, 1922, TO BREAK WITH I British Refusal to Approve French Destruction of Germany Causes Rupture. , We Are Closing Out Our Complete Line of All Toy AT GREATLY. REDUCED PRICES . Gallic Fear of Teuton Re- turn to Power Intensified by Difference in Births. By A, G. GARDINER. Lake Tribune Copyright. 192- by IjON'DON', Iec. 16 There Is no longer doubt that the gituatton between ' jury critiTiigUnd and France ha reached a cal stage. With the recent change In the Jlnglloh government, premier Poincare fa-of France probably looked for a more vorable atmosphere for hts schemes on the continent, but he has suffered disillusion, The notorious London conference, jut in ended, revealed Frame and JKngland decisive antagonism on the centra! isthere H true is sue of the conlerenre. was a unanimous decision to reject the true German proposals, But it is equally t these was ready to that England agreed to reject proposals and finally an them onlv as a means of preventing a Had rupture occurred open rupture. the forthcoming Brussels inconference would have been torpedoed wouldFrance, have and France and England been left tn undisguised antagonism. -, ao-ep- Folding Leaks Regular 111 W ?, rablest with Chair fcr auue Rocking Kngukir $12.00 W IttdHup Trains Ware Tin Dishes ..... .. Kkkiie Kars Kegular $3 50 Red Tables I Chairs Oanvw of all kinds from Horns Special Special .. $40.00 value pedes Autos Special Wagons, roller bear ng Best grade Sleigh $3.50 to $20X0 $7.75 to $20X0 - $5.75 to $10.50 i $1.60 $4.45 $5.65 $6.45 $11. DO and $15.00 China Idrtiea Sets Aluminum Juvenile -- Chairs Talking Machines. MI 'IIC Hudson Bicycle complete, very Pest grade. Kegular Hu.OG... Vek- wire legs. top Drums Breach in BaJance. $9.75 $1.35 $3.45 $7.35 60c to $2.65 30c to $1.10 40c to $1.15 $2.35 75c to $3.25 55c to 95c 20c to $1.25 ?5c to 40c 55c 50c to $2.85 Roltar Skates Ball Bearing fee ...... .......... Skates Foot- balls Flash- $1X5 .. 75c to $4.75 $1.35 to $4X0 43c to $2.35 . lights Fish Baskets No. S Fishing rods Air Guns Pop Gusts .Shotguns, Kegular $26 Bike Tires all grades . $l.80ta$ILCD $1.35 is $2.75 35c to 75c 10X0 SO Two weeks remain for M. Poincare to Childs . . decide whether the breach In allied poli- - Trunks ctes is openly to be declared and become narfinal. The issue now has plainly OPEN UNTIL 9 P. M. UNTIL XMAS. rowed down to the question as to whether Germany is to be politically and to l IF YOU DONT BUY FROM US WE BOTH LOSE economically destroyed or to be helped recover and brought back into the European system. Poincares policy frankly is for the defor struction of Germany. The ground a rethis policy Is the French fear ofultimate vival of Germany with the power and will for revenge. This Tear 355 SOUTH STATE ST. Is aggravated by the sense that four sears of merciless treatment of Germany of revenge has deepened the spirit All of this represents the growing feryond the Rhine. France take possession of the Ruhr It The longer the failure to establish Is universally agreed here that no offer- ment of the public, ft is plain to every more ineradicable the peace continues, ing Germany can make will he accepta- mind that the destruction of Germany becomes. that spirit ble to France and that Poincares heart means the destruction of England. The Is set upon the occupation of the Ruhr paralysis of English industries, with Its Birth Rate Scares. valley as the vital essential to a per- consequoncs of hosts of .unemployed, is a growing menace to the very existence of A further cause for the Gallic fear of manent overlordship of tJermany. Furthermore, It Is recogAgainst this policy the whole spirit and the country. Germany is the tremendous fact of the mobilnised that this paralysis Is the diret t reof is the birth French English people the in opinion decline continued . France's most sult of French policy. While that policy rate. Six German children are being bom ised, Ev en Earl Grey, to one French child. Hence the French friendly advocate, realises the moment continues England will continue to perish. come This week In the presence of this Indisputable for ha of since speaking. the plain to policy refusal disarm, means the holding of In the house of lords he accused the fact no English government will dare arming Africans conthe flankers' of French Here you have breaking up yield to Poincare. Such a course would Germany In subjection. which was the last be a death sentence to British industry the French determination to complete the ference in Paris, He and English life. Here, then, is" the destruction of Germany as the only really hopeful move toward peace. gulf between France and Enmeans for the future security of France. demands that there shall be peace with 'counInclusion of the and of lamdon that the Germany failure gland. France believes she can only live the This explains nhtions as the only by destroying Germany. England knows league of conference and Poincare's rejection of the try in the German offer; also the demand that means Of saving European civilization. she can only livs by restoring Germany, $1.30 to $4X0 KNUDSON NOVELTY AND SPORTING GOODS CO. -- Brunswick Hear them all- - you be the Judge xx xx xx XX XX XX n nxx n XX XX n XX u XX tx XX xx XX xx XX XX XX xx u XX V XX tx B xx XX XX XX XX XX XX XX a XX XI XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX n n xx xx XX XX XX XX Tha BRUNSWICK has forged to the front through sheer force of merit. Today it stands alone, unequaled, unrivaled. When YOU select YOUR phonograph, you want the best. Yon cannot be satisfied with less. INVESTIGATE COMPARE XX XX XX XX LISTEN tx With prices and terms about equal, you owe it to yourself to get the best in TONE, APPEARANCE and MODERN REFINEMENTS. We know it to be the 100 per cent Phonograph; BUT, do not take out for yourself. our word for XX XX XX it-Wi- II XX XX - XX OPEN- EVERY EVENING UNTIL CHRISTMAS XX SOONER OR LATER THE BRUNSWICK WILL WIN YOU and through Germany the restoring w hole bcbric of European society , Which, Is to prevail? If Poincare will not yield if France goes into the Ruhr, then the rupture will be final and irrevocable The two countries inevitably will drift farther and To farther apart what fate? That maybe left to the imagination Will Poincare incur that territic responsibility It him ha reached rests with . England the end of her tether No change in government can affei t our position. This nation wants peace and a restored EuIt wants trade, and is sick of rope" endless conferences that onlv reveal Frame standing obstinately in the path of all these things. England believes that a reconciliation between France and Germany is still possible. It believes that French security can be effected, not through bringing black armies to France, but by giving Fr.mce the guarantees of a real league of nation. We are prepared to pav any price to The English people achieve this end have taxed themselves almost to the limit of extinction and are prepared to continue the burden, but .only on the one condition that France will let Europe get on it feet and live and breathe again. . Man Beaten and Robbed by Companions Recovers Special to The Tribune. MONT PEI, IE R, Idaho Dec Tedor Borodgoff. who was robbed, beaten and left foe dead by two unidentified thugs In a box car on the Oregon Short' Line Wednesday, is slowly Improving Borodgoff was "beating" hi way In the box car and his two companions, learning that he had $10t) in money orders and cash To the amount of $90, attacked and robbed him. Not satisfied with the beating thev had given h m, the thug dragged Borodgoff out of the car by the feet, so that his head would bump against the ties until they presumed that he was dead, when thev released their held The vrew of a later train discovered Borodgoff by the side of the track tn an unconscious condition and brought him to Montpelier. ID condition ha been Critical. 16 -- Defunct Fruitland Bank May Soon Reopen Doors TCK'ATEUaO. Idaho Iea 16 In view of effort bfingr made bv the director and depositors of the defunct Fruitland banks it is thought that a plan may 8tte be worked out for the reopening- of the bank on a stable basis Hank Commissioner J. Frallck made the propoKalthat the directors put in the f 00 neeepsery to open the bank, JVKK) for the reserve fund and $10,000 cash neceafarv to opn the bank. in this proposal the depositors will be afeked to majve 0 per cent of the deposits indefinitely, 40 per cent for a ear. and aree not to cherk out more than 10 per cent of their deposits at the time of A committee reopening oompoeed of A. K. Mqhler. H O. Gardner. If Is. H B, Strewn and Mrs. Ruioiph Pit ken. Hollenbe k, was appointed to work out a feasi scheme th the bank examiner SSSSi for the opening of the bank c wit 7,)i LIZ xx n hxs xx xx n xxxx xx xx xx 0 uxx SBSBSS. . 4 I I GOLD CROWNS 4 4 and up RUBBER PLATES $8 and uP Do you grasp the real significance of these prices! Do you realize that nowhere in the state are they duplicated? WORK IS GUARANTEED just as fully as though we charged our And, best of all, prices. regular j PAINLESS EXTRACTIONS, 50c Painless extractions of teeth for fifty cents per tooth may sound like an invitation on our part to induce you to have your teeth extracted. Quite the contrary is true, however. WE HAVE ALWAYS OPPOSED EXTRACTING TEETH THAT CAN BE SAVED against the faddists who advised fought wholesale extractions and have lived to see our stand single-hande- d We NEVER extract teeth that can be saved and made useful unless the patieut demands it. However, if your teeth ARE PAST SAVING, we extract them without pain or danger. EXAMINATION AND ESTIMATE FREE PAINLESS WITHERS CO.. DENTAL HOURS U 8 :30 HI i hiin 111 i P m 1221 MAIN ST. . a. m. to 7 p. m. vr SUNDAYS 9 to 1 vZ5i V DR. W. L. WITHERS Manager U -- i |