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Show T1IE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, SUNDAY MOItXING, DECEMBER 17, 1922. Unmarketable Used Cars Are Declared Main Evil of Motor Vehicle Business , SPEED PROBLEM SOLVED. ' Solution of the speed regulation problem combined with proper protection Of the motorist oeems to have been reached By St, Louie, nording There is no speed limit n St. Louis. The tjgaUon made in that city recently- at an extraordinary rats of buly crime that the motorist can commit by for this are most severe. therunning peed is that of reckless driving," and sn penalties hour is presumed to be evidence of miles Sneed in burden of. proof is on the accuser to show that the TeckleM driving, miles an hour constituted reckless driving at that of twenty-fiv- e particular poinL In other words, there are times when fifteen miles n hour are other times, on sn tould rightfully be termed rcckle.se driving, and therethirty-fivmiles an hour and even open boulevard, for instance, when thirty could not be termed reckless. Tuthe e Death Rate Low. fart of this method of handling the speed question are found in thedeath city has a lower that, according to figures of St. Louis officials, that of th major citiea of jrat per capita from automobile accident thaa any other appreciation of the United States. The motorists it is declared, show their by displaying unusual care when ahat might be termed the honor system" csre is needed. The traffic officers have no trouble at all in eontrolling and motorists tnd police work traffic, even during the heaviest part of the day,maniac and the chronic recklesa together for the elimination of the deadly speed Result rlV Miich of the credit for this method of regulation is due to the Automobile Club of Missouri, which has cooperated to the extent of its 20.000 member in and aiding the police department to eliminate the speeder and reckless driver which demands that anv of it members accused of any violation of the law must come into court with clean hands if that member expect the support of eigns the organization. The club ha also cooperated by placing safety-zonaround the eitr, marking directions at the variona corners and ia other ways detaking the burden of answering questions off the shoulders of the traffic partment. e Traffic Swift. that traffic moves swiftly in Rt. Louis, and the rirtit direction, saving time and patiench for the driver and for the visitor. The taxicab drivers undergo the trietsort of examination ns to miles an hour, driving abilities, and are allowed to apeed tip to twenty-eigh- t provided, as stated above, they display no recklessness and take no chances ia attaining this sneed. It is certain that the speed regulations of the various cities holding the motorist to eighteen miles an hour or less will have to be revised upward eventuvolume of automobile traffic, ally in order to hsndle the vast and cities to give careand it would be well for the officials of the ful attention to the system employed in St. Louis. American Motorist. The result of this system is fnoves in g MISCELLANEOUS. on our city by an act of dishonesty or will never bring disgrace We cowardice. ;r We will fight for the ideals of this, our City, both alone and with many. will strive increasingly to quicken the public sense of eivie duty. Thus, in these ways we will transmit tfiis eitv, not only not loss, but greater, better and more beautiful than it wss transmitted to us. This was the pledge of the citizens of Athens, and it was the carrying nut of this pledge that made Athens at one time the premier eity of the world. This pledge has also been sdopted by the members of the Chamber of Commerce of Phoenix, Ariz., and, reading it over in the monthly bulletin of that organization. we believe that it is a pledge to which every motorist and ped entrap can unhesitatingly eubseribe and endesvor at all times to make their city a better and more safe place to live by rigidly observing the traffic rules. 4 We ) ' More than 97 per cent of the 10,600,000 motorists in the United State are complacently accenting the benefits to motorists for which less than 3 per rent, the organized club members, are fiehting and contributing. Men who refuse to accept any other sort of far or from their fellow men without doing their part are content to sit hack and let the small army of club members do their share of the work which has resulted in lower taxes for motorists, good roads and numerous other advantes. This is the season of the year when safety campaigns are under way in many cities and state, and while these campaigns undoubtedly save many lives, the r best possible safety campaign is the attention that you personally to traffic dangers if you are a pedestrian and to traffic regulations if you give are either a pedestrian or motorist. all-yea- What may be considered one of the foremost steps taken by automobile manufacturers for the benefit of motor ear owners is thp promulgation, of what " system for repairs, whereby the motonst knows j known a the exnctly what any operation should eost oa his particular make of ear. This svstem, which is being put into effect by all the sen-icstations, will tend to the advantage of the service station and the discomfiture of the because the will motorist shop, take repair ear his where he pirate" knows that a fair rate is assured. The little booklets being issued on various makes of ears put the ordinary layman in the same class as the expert mechanic in computing the eost of repairs, and he has only to refer to this booklet to know exactly wbat he ahould pay. The system certainly fill a long-fel- t want. flat-jnte- e d Dealers Advised to Hesitate Before Allowing reasonable Prices for Old Machines. or Angtmasf c5ou tion for baqk credit, end It'e time the dealer awoke to the fact that he Is about the only one In commercial America today who regards the used car as sa as, set. We are bow making a survey of the Of used car situation In Pennsylvania. 3100 dealers addressed, complete replies have been received from 252. Replies are being returned at tho rate of about 3416 fifty a. day. These 252 dealers hadwhich used care on hand on December 1, they had acquired at a coat of $1,614.32!. The present actual market value of these ears they estimated at $844,043, or a flat loss of $169,074 to start with. By the time there Is added to tbs figure the cost of conditioning the car for resale, the selling cost and the legitimate Items of overhead expense, probably another Forty-tw- o loss will be suffered. $100,000 dealers reported the actual value of the ears the same as the acquisition cost, forty-fiv- e reported an acquisition cost lower than the present actual market JOS dealers reported the acbut value, quisition cost higher than ths present actual market value. "The truth of the matter Is there are a number of used cars on the market that cannot be moved at any price. They are mainly from factories that In the dealer organizapast have glutted their tion and who refused to give proper serProblem Not Difficult. vice. or even build the right kind of an This will not be a jlfflcult problem. automobile. Ninety per cent of all the motor cars manufactured are being made by fifteen Price Attraction.' The remaining 10 per manufacturers. Used cars must he moved mainly on cent are being made by 10O manufac- price, if they are to be moved quickly. In numerous cities I been turers. have The price cannot be too high for 1mm of this country .where from six to ten this is done ths customer Is atautomobile dealers would be able to sup- tracted to a new car of a lower new list motor of transportation ply ths volume and ths ussd car goes for that community and find that there price ' is no particular reason why ars anywherb from ten to thirty dealers, the There dealer should be ths goat in taking all overhead and all with a tremendous a used car off ths hands of the original off. trading their shirts who made a mistake. If the buyThs truth of the matter is that there buyer selected the wrong car, let him pay are too many factories and too many er There Is no necessity mistake. his for dealers In the business, and for you as a dealer to do it. If the ownthe public Is paying for this economic er one of your new wants car thatof waste. let htm leave his old car with The automobile dealer must pay cash vehicles, to be sold for him at ths best price for all merchandise he buys from the you obtainable on the market hut get his factory, and 90 per cent of his sales order for your new car before you make to customers are on time. Anywhere kind of an agreement with him. from TO to 86 per cent of his total tales this called the attention of the InVane n, trade-iunless used and car Involve a diana dealers to the growing menace of the dealer can acquire this used car at legislation against the automobile and a price low enough to make a profit he urged the dealers and tradesmen to is trying to row upstream without oars. strongly support the state trade associaJoin tion and, if they could qualify, tg assoAssets Questionable. the National Automobile Dealers' business In the big share no and ciation are bankers any The longer paying great amount of attention to the used dividend that is being provided through ear as a resource In a dealer's applica the service features of the association. to The Trtbo... LVDIANAPOLifl, Dee. 1. Quit trad ins used ears that you can't Bell quickly, was the advice given do automobile dealers here today by C. A. Vne,-en-ra- i manager of the National Automobile Dealers association, at the annual convention of the Indiana Automotive Trade ' association. The dealer who might otherwise be reckoned financially successful has met his Waterloo In hs own usod car de"Many dealpartment,now Vane declared. ears ers are they will carry! ns used never be able to dispose of at anywhere near the pries at whirh acquired, and the longer they ars held the greater the loss will be. As a means of remedying this condition fT do not suggest it as a curs for the used car problem'), I recommend that every dealer who expects to stay in this business and who hopes to make any money out of It will make a survey of the sales possibilities of his territory and determine in his own mind just what used cars he can afford to take with a reasonable assurance that they ean be disposed of. 8prUl 'Tripjs j jive, th&Jnmilya T greatest of all cars for travel in our western mountains and valleys. Imagine speeding from Salt Lake to Boise, 489 miles in 10 hoars, 3 minutes an average speed of 48 miles an hoar all the way ! If youvq been over the road you know that such a feat would require a ear with wonderful endurance. NASII made that record easily with an owner t the wheel! ' v In a marvelous run from Salt Lake to Yellowstone, 386 miles, a Nash stock ear maintained an average speed of 45 miles an hour, covering the distance in 8 hours and 39 minutes. These are only two of the 11 on equaled records that Nash holds. It is without question a car superior in speed, endurance, long life, and performance on good and bad roads. Wont you let us take' you for a ride in a Nash this week and then deliver one &t your home for Christmas? Nash Leads the World in Motor Car Value Distributors for Utah, Idaho, Southern Oregon, Eastern Nevada, Western Wyoming. wwlorp Plans Considered. The financing of good road i receiving careful consideration from financial experts for the purpose of developing plans for the building of good roads on a good roads Queproper financial basis. Beal estate exoprts are also giving the stion serious thought, for results have proved that good roads increase land values, and vice versa. The old idea that good roads were fot the sole pleasure and benefit of the motorist and that hia interest in them was entirely selfish is being replaced by a broad appreciation of the value of good roads to every man, woman and child in this country. The educational conference in Washington is referred to as conclusive evidence of this fact. Oldsmobile Pacemaker. SALT LAKE 3-5- W. 4 SOUTH 3 OGDEN 2439 HUDSON AVE. SBC A Cold Weather Necessity! Lawrence Bran danger: In each case a careless motorist was responsible. Nelson said, "their "Incidentally, average and their condition today not only shows the advantage of being outdoors, but certainly blows up the old grandpa tradition about motorcycling being hard on a man's health. too early nor too late in the season to consider the qnestion of Christmas bnying and Christmas givinri and in this connection it may be pointed out that the most useful present that can be given a motorist, and the one longest remembered, would be some useful accessory for that motorists car. There are dozens of useful articles on the market today and the Christmas question can be easily solved by looking over them. Exchange. I1E Because the Nash has broken all records in this territory, it is conclusive proof that it is the BEST car to meet conditions herer It has made 11 records, which no other car has been able to equal. is receiving careful consideration oa the part of the women of this country. Their influence as voter i bound to be felt in good road legislation within the next few years, soluFarsighted railway executives see in the motor truck and automobile a tion to the problem of handling extenaions and feed line in place where the Sooner or later every operation of a branch line railroad could notbepay for itself.electric lines or automorailroads, man engaged in transportation, whether it tive hauling, will give full recognition to the motor car and motor truck as big factors in the business, and will not hesitate to use them wherever and whenever he can, as important part of hia own transportation system .44 it . Un-- . LARSEN ADJUSTABLE , MOTORCYCLE EXPORT. WASHINGTON, D. C. During September 1360 motorcycles were exported from this country. Their value was $321,731 In August with, a unit value of $230. POLICE CREATE PROFIT. the total was 1011, valued at $241,676. In Minn. Seven motor- September of 121 the number was 684 MINNTVAFOTJS, and the value $151,165. Parts of motorcycle policemen netted the city a profit of at leaet $30,000 during the 1922 ridcycles, except tires, exported in Septemto a now close. were season, valued 1922, drawing at $6,288. In Auing ber, During October alone they arrested gust the figures were $100,729, and In 203 speeders, who paid a total of $5600 September of 1921 the value was $158,721. In flnea. Kaeh motor cop costs the city on an average $2oO a month, counting WOMAN ARTIST MOTORCYCLING. $170 a month salary. $10 a month for Vice President E. K, Gordon of SyraoU. a for and month $3 repairs cuse. N. Y., reports the purchase of one gasoline. and depreciation on their machines. Sev- of his company's machines ty May Palen times $200 is $1400. The seven cops mer Hawkins. Ithaca, N. Y., Importance Understood. a famous during October profited the city almost artist and decorator and member of the Economist and sociologists now understand the importance of good exactly $4100 at this rats. fully art clubs in New Y ork and Lonroads in the further development of our daily existence. We know now that To make the showing better, during leading don. Her pictures are hanging in the roads season a the have this months good influence on home life, on achools, on prosperity, three motorcycle galleries of the world. were kept off the streets much of leading ,on health and on recreation and entertainment. In a letter to the company Mrs. HawThey aid in eliminating time men the time, ready for emergency calls dur- kins says: and distance an detrimental factor in the progress of civilization. I am having the time of the railroad strike. life with the motorcycle. The whole Engineers now recognize the fact that road construction methods are not the ingClarence scored as high my MacLaakqy I have it now and it creSimple questions they once were, hud that modem transportation requirement man this season, fines resulting from his town a knows deal of attention. My friends great call for the highest type of engineering skill and training in the solution of the arrests totaling $6009 up to this writing, ates mil stop and question me and people good roads problem. The demand for trained engineers for highway building is an average of more than $1000 a month, whom I don't know will cluster around reflected in this meeting of educators and investigators to consider wavs and for actual riding time. His records show when I stop." he rode his machine about 1000 miles a means of providing the necessary courses of instruction for the training of these month, so he averaged a 31 fine for every COSTS. MUNICIPAL MOTORCYCLE mile. Oscar Thobiseth made arrests reE. H. Lueck, dealer at Eau Clair, I sulting in fines that totaled 35540 and Women Interested. has Just figured but the seasons turned In the biggest single month, $19.15 Wi. cost on the two city motorcycles purrther evidence of the continually growing interest during April. roads In May. chasedThe machines have A. Z. is shown by the activity of the National Nelson declared his Lieutenant Federation of Womens Clubf along this and were ridden by scant seven men are the moet efficient traveled 25,000 miles roads la helping the farmer to market his produce no WnceBw officers who had easier previous riding exOnly two equad Minneapolis ever had fcttd bringing him closer to hi market, and thus reducing food costs. of had Paul perience. and Pro ft them accidents, Where actual figures were not obtainable, liberal estimates were made. All oil, parts and service were furnished by Lueck. Two collision accidents totaling 35 are Included in the service total. ..$134 Repairs, service, oil 176 Gas (30 m p g ), gallons 70 ($10 per month) Depreciation GOOD ROAD FUTURE AIDED. , The highway duration conference, held at Washington, C., marks an I. in good roads building in this country. It brings nearer important step forward a proper recognition of highway engineering as a new and profession offering a wide field of opportunity, for the young highly important engineers of the counwho are an try seeking for opportunity to qualify for this type of work. The fact that fifty schools and colleges sent to this conference indicates clearly the interest which instructorsrepresentatives and investigators are now in manifesting highway engineering problems. The of the importance of good road building on the part of the educationalrecognition institutions of this will be reflected in the years to come in the trained men who graduatecountry these institutions, upon whose shoulders must rest the further developmentfrom and improvement of our highway. AUTO Radiator AND Hood Cover g WORTHY GIFTS one Whether it he forFather, Mother, of the family or. a friend, a gift for the car will be appreciated. We can here offer only a. few suggestions of the many our stocks will ulOWi interest license ADJUST IT FROM THE SEAT- - THE LARSEN ADJUSTABLE RADIATOR COVER enables driver to easily and convenient ly regulate motor at the most efficient and economical temperature. SAVES GASOLINE AND BATTERY motor runs down your battery, wastes gasoline and increases carbon in your motor. The even temperature maintained by the Larsen Adjustable Radiator Cover enables the motor to start easily and quickly. A cold CONSTRUCTION Made from the best weather-proo- f imitation leather material and lined with a heavy high-graused throughout. Every cover guaranteed to fit the de felt. Superior workmanship car it is designed for. HOOD COVERS Hood Covers made of the same material - 15 - ASK YOUR DEALER and furnished for all, types of cars. construction-an- CARRIED BY ALL AUTOMOTIVE 10 City motorcycle tax .$409 Total This gives an upkeep cost of $ 01$ per economical mde, extremely protection when ground covered is considered. Guaranteed Three Years TAXI FARES LOW. Although the price of gasoline In Brazil is considerably higher than in the L'ntted States, taxi fares in Rio de Janeiro are much lower. Gars rent by the hour at only 13 milreis, or slightly under $2 at the present rate of According to statisticians, there are. about 12.500,000 automobiles registered in the world. No. I. R. MORRISON, General Manager S size .... size ... GENUINE WEEDS Ail sizes priced from 3.-Inc- h $1-7- 4. inch 52-- 4 $2.00 order customers will be given prompt and courteous attention. Mail $3.25 up. East 4th South St. REI NEI WINTER FLUID er. DwC Doee not evsporato Per gallon FORD RADIATOR few left at, each r COVERS ... A $115 Y. In an effort to further reduce the hazards of automobiHng, the a railroad has promulgated rules for auto drivers: ths When approaching the railroad and before crossing the tracks: 1. Kn down. 2. Shift into lower gear to prevent atatling on the tracks. 1. Look in both directions. 4. Listen. 5. Don't to beat a train (Wer a crossing, try stop if a train is approaching. 0.- - After a tra'n has passed, make sure that no others are approaching from e.ther direction. Penn-sylva- Alibis DO YOU KNOW that ajl of your common battery evils are elimiThere is no water nated should your next battery be a MAC-DRto be. added from time to time. We eliminate the buckling of plates, which relieves the owner of many expensive repair bills. No separators gives us also a more efficient battery by about 20 per cent. We ask that you place the battery in your car and FORGET IT. No danger of freezing is another big feature. The best in batMAC-DRteries is the THE MAC-DRSTORAGE BATTERY COMPANY x Railroad Promulgates Crossing Safety Rales SKID CHAINS REDUCED JOBBERS! 4 n, Y. Y . . Phone Wasatch 3822. tL 9 V Distributors for Utah and Wyoming. 56 East 4th South. . Salt Lake City, Utah. |