Show BK E Metals li jc i SILVER liar 47 50 k i t COIlER 12 cents 8 lb i L SMI AWS WS iii GREAT IMEK OF or THE THEIs ii Is Issued Mondays M and ond Thursdays end i COntains all a the Ih cream of Dally end and andI I p Wo so pay 4 1 per cent Interest per annum on U 1 to tt Trust Co Joseph F F IreI dent George M Cannon Cashier UTAH AND HANK paid on savings W F It Armstrong prest vice t irest re t J 3 R I Cain cashier A machine of at pure clean kneads our for Dread No veat from the tia human hands and body makes inke It unclean All hI grocers Nell It Shipped nil all over Utah DIAMOND COAT COAL 61 fl W 2ND SO 50 SOe 1101 e 0 I Co Cn CoM M I West Second South Tel Everybody drinks water the that made Colorado UTAH LIQUOR CO SO 50 MAIN vi 1 rf re to e the vol volume ume of testimony tr ir favor of hoods S r you would for no o long de delaying laying le lu take tak thu effective medicine for that t tili fr Hp t Irom which you n r It nl ill other humor nd cures euri all th lr tuai 1 and outward effect Toll Tab t 25 2 per cent off Mens Woolen Under Underwear Underwear wear pee ee show window Nicol Crabbe Co Main Street SECRET SEbRET SOCIETIES n P 0 c BENEVOLENT and Protective Order of Elks meets each Wednesday evening at 8 C State tato St Elks H II B i a 1 a Il aA IlA A W Secretary WANTED noon 1001 BOV nor LIOY Must Mu hats hare Apply II Now N owl it rosr iOSI ai cook tn Mormon family Address 1 P PU 0 U o 83 bull lAke City eity HOOKS BOOKS WANTED FAIl for or InI We bur buy or of alt all kind Mormon hANS HOOK 74 B Second cond South Lre UTAh TUNI Co IRIC PM for Iron rubber copper truss etc eec TeL H THE NEWS A limited the tha edition ot o ih Dictionary for or Utora Bar Price POSITION AS er br liv competent mani o experience S lu H Murray Utah HELP WANTED AND AN VEHICLE and ac ae 35 5 or under U Li 0 Miller Idaho stat in ing und salary WK w WORK OH OiL MONEY Wo We help tree free team and labored always Employment 0 K let 1st bo to West south DO 10 YOU WANT DO 10 YOU want help Go to Agency Moved So o SIGHS SCENERY ETC 44 41 ST SUat Sin banners etc ew iio CO TA Tel all torti 04 V Third South EXPRESS w OALI XO NO 6 lIES IES ha O stand U 0 a 8 L depot WHERE TO STOP MANITOU AMERICAN AND ANI KOItO tidal steam heat heit near moderate TIlE THE FURl f W Y tOX Modern family anti and lintel hotel ne new r t Vest 1st South CLAIRVOYANTS CLAI MADAME LYNNE palmist and md 4 J W 34 South TIN AND SHEET IRON WORKS w A Iron topper r Tin arIa Gutter ani Hoof Ing Tel BICYCLES AND REPAIRING FITTED 13 South Vet J A Meredith FOR ESTATE stI BE OUR is OP SITES nod end hornet Some Bom good bargaIns W V South Id L tIM hEAL ESTATE Oil News PAYING Wo We will nil build or buy bar you a home or buy bay you yau a farm furru or up Ut your It Ul pay to tIto or call on I lie Homo lt bait U Lako leu City Utah tt DE DF For vacant and property ranches und and farms farm you mint macI mo so moin sotie in tie Wu u havo liau the best bai ln and tho Ito Hit to select from Vi u soil sell on In It from fron IiO lo to 1000 Da 10 you want Como Come In soil It for you It ItCo Co US W v 2nd nd So SEE Till TILI NEGOTIATOR QUit 1151 of real roal estate bargains free at Courtney Courtoy JO TU W V tad fouth outI IK w YOU LOOKING 1011 A or ctr II it you wie to 4 sell your reid real o ut hold ins It will tIli bo 10 to your advantage to call on oa ma u A Kicliter IV Vc 1st So Tel Ml ir IF you WANT VAT TO rt A on Oil oni lot o for sea sen me tie I hays hare i soma cams 0 V W IS f Sad South Si MANY UK J AT U to So SEE Till THE Main flab REAl KEAn ESTATE ESTT Aft luttle luttie Dnn liroi red till ball Int Its U l FOR SALE o land hand good tIk located at Erda tar for halo aio or o 1 I 1 Law bon Utah Corn Fowl haled Timothy and Lucerno Ill Cora Cont Co Cu HO D W 2nd So IM x 1300 MONTH nt at Office 29 V 1 l itt t So III x a ORS OAS lAMiS at bouts bouW State Stata He Open Pon for br NEWS A limited number of the th of o tin th Standard o store pay FOR RENT room modern cottage ACT fl th Est East o 20 01 W 3rd So JUM COttage SI 21 W v Hii tI South 1300 1210 A t toom oon brick W V uil So 1900 light S W Vest So Oc acres land on sute M st pot pur note acre Heal Co 11 flain AN NEW 8 ROOM Ir ly modern house bouso care caro Newe ON MAIN ST Light dry under entire room rooms In W So 1700 and ui Heal Fatato luyt Oo MaIn Mala JJ u MONVIL Whits S V Y 1st letSa So St VACANT blOUSES 87 2 ALL AL AND red eI bail UP UI TEL TEt 27 FOIl FOlt FOR to depot and Main I A AUCTION TillS THIS AUCTIONS BALl Wo We have to vacate these by March Marchisa isa Wo cant find finO a so them are for sale salo at any old price Do not fall fail to see are us early Coop Hand store stern 2246 S State suto Street FOR FORONI ONE WEEK stock sock wo we will sell furniture carpets of ot cost New of 4 per yard Stalest St TERMS ON and IfO on f 1000 on j X L and Carpet Installment House 1 I A Prop PropE E fi M U ONION AUCTIONEER AND 24 State Bt St CURIO SEEKERS INDIAN AND furs pi gunie mo head souvenir and nt atE K Curio Store lintel DAIRY 8 CREAMERY KEYSTONE DAIRY ti EAST 1ST SO Ih Wl dealers In pure cream nut aut butter milk a Our moats motu purity ned nd CARPENTERS AND JOBBERS PATTERN work UK 11 J Williams E 1st 5 y WORKS RUGS BUDS MADE PEal FROM YOUIt OLD oLl OAR oi pots pets Edward laby Prop W tV So o Tern Tens Tenso pie le o Send for pamphlets 1 x OPTICIANS lWE TESTED free H II 0 0 D U R B OH 0 at J H s J Jon a aten ten Len Sons Sona Jewelers U 53 Mala iaIa St Stir ir II A WITH ALL VT Sa S Main St Salt Bait Lako City Utah No charge for examinations examination Work Vork guaran teed Prices reasonable s sv v i Optician on an 73 W V lit 1st Ha us Special ground to order Eyes Byes examined for glasses free OPTICAL CO 20 MAIN MAI Bt St Opticians and nn retail Oculists prescriptions flUe same day a as received Complicated lease duplicated Grinding on premises SHOEMAKERS JOHN most Solid comfort f for or tender or de do formed tea feet G W South CASH REGISTERS I S NEW Oil SECOND HAND TRADE or terms Co Ca 41 K k eon 2nd So BAKERY OAKERY ZIONS AND LUNCH PAR PAU lor br 75 5 West First South fine quick service prices price PLUMBING AND HEATING TAYLOR PLUMB PLUM 11 InCo itU Halt Ead South Temple St Lake City Utah D 13 w IV JA JAMES t 1 lAM IAM plumbing steam hot water contractors CJ C E 2nd 80 So St SO CARRIAGE SHOPS PHIL SHOPS haro bao removed to 15 t H S State Stata DONT LIMP w WHEN YOU CAN GAN nn MADE TO WALK straight and no pain pilo Wo take laris Caste of feet anti and Insure comfort 11 II 0 too ins W South uth Temple Tens po CASH REGISTERS NATIONAL CASH REGISTERS OS OScar OScar car tales cales agent for Utah Ex Expert pert cash register repairing No 1 Main t tin FREE FREETO TO NEWS READERS OP THIS RC EN titled J to a 23 nr lor i FRt printed with their some name antI aad address li 1 bait balt Laki Clay City h F McCur 3 t II I n De Ita vI Deser i E R RJ J i RIC 4 P fi A U a h hal al DENTISTS DR nfl WILLIAM M tt t MO and Ml 01 t DR THOMAS Main Street Sall Luke 01 c MIDWIvES LIZZIE l l attends nIo be I v r an after V a her homo If 0 i Refer fe D r e MONEY To 0 LOAN HM T ti rt tola Stocking Loan Co It j J I 8 ilAl IF w YOU NED count your Star Hun I to South Street u MONEY i in r nn 0 Il P FJ FJON ON PIANOS oit DO removal l MONEY SALA SAl IFo ra on 00 their belt noto without t payments r m f tH Cherry room D I I V n a nd ho St l lP Ca id 49 go Main City P and farm cent J L iM S HOME MONEY TOrt FOR IK IL p Co 38 35 AV V Bo So FOlt HEAL ESTATE OP Ai Co OH W 2nd So ELECTRICAL HIGH CLASS WORK II all Its branches pt from a medical battery baIter to ti a r trio hIght plant Pull lino In of at tie ee trie jj turfs tires We every lob S Ss It Uki Electrical Supply Co Wl il j 8 S M liBi i iT No t tT T 0 CONTil AC Constriction work of all n kr House wiring and nr dime I no at r prices The Th lat bat it et In t el S noah fixtures 64 CO Main St 1 1 i I My TICKET FET M E UPS k ti is cold and No Mala St S F II 11 Manager CUT PT fi TICKET OF flee fice 15 W V 2nd South St LUMBER DEALERS a OEO GEO P F FELT A CO fence tence lumber shIngles shingle lath lai si s toti etc Cor St So anti State T Tel l 1 WATCHES AND JEWELRY For Fir Main st t HEa i CIA Jl 0 LIW K W Hitters ia hot HENRY A fine Coo s I el ci Watches and Jewelry 1 l F 1 rt So S Si S SPECIAL STOVES TAKEN DOWN ANt AND STORM STO for the tho s season uon Hodman Van Ion Ca THE DESERET NEWS NEW WILt WILb I limited il number of the thi latest til t Dictionary Once 5 CLEANING AND REPAIRING S WORIC SUITS TO 10 A il J n 7 State St BOILER MAKERS 5 makes and repairs repaint steam tout boll antI smoke stacks etc Rear Bear IH W Sa SAFES 5 HANK AND VIBE Sates Branch GI B W o tn MOVING AND REDMAN VAN M on f M SI W V South Money finite and a ie proof u CO and 9 Phone Hi 3 PERSONALS 5 S pAw manicuring etc Full Cf Alto Turk n racial meat Tho best beat of 01 V floor The Tho Sanitarium K 2 W rt tOt S FIRE PROOF STORAGE MITCHELL VAN ANT AND T H W Sort SCAVENGERS S ft SALT SAIT fl LAKE Telephone i KEEN CO First South HIM STOVE REPAIRS J T Lovett all 11 kinds i f S ve V P stores bought and lold Ml ti I SPIRITUALISM S S If WE Wl WA or no pay par ae I anti Arnoia 10 East d oath BUSINESS CHANCES THIS BEA BEAtes tots tes procured under South 15 at f K dollar Write for tot Cor u blanks bylaws ant and forms t I troi r rno noe late t Asit S y o of Beadle Deadle Oo 00 South Dakota TYPEWRITERS CAt g |