Show HACK PU I II U Senator Ilin titi Big Ma Mu Jetto or State fHAte Senator Benator A B H LewIs Lewie of at tho th Majestic propertIes In III the tIle copper bolt bol I of Heaver county returned home halite morning after otter spending two to days looV ioP 10 Ing after the Internals ts Of Or that lion lIun He lIe stated thru things are moving un kI I ing lur nIon very well velt at till this iro a and at Itt th nW nI smelter smeller i Of Ot the Old Hickory mine Mr r Lewis Lewi 0 states that the con us ItS development work progresses o The Pito construction of the smelter is III sm J JIng hip Ing pushed ahead with vigor Some y WB was roused reused rau etl by tho hue failure of or ma flit material tend to arrive |