Show t E AMUSEMENTS The Tho advance ad eau for Cor or the time Symphony orchestra concert U Is no now I going on ut at uthe atthe he the box The cent s place Wednesday night when hen Mr r Shepherd rd i will with wave wae tho time baton over j 1 men the largest lar st aggregation of or local instrumental tel tal artists that ever bo been boen n brought rought together In the form of an nil orchestra tra C C C CAt At time the Theater heater tonight t Gilmore prevents the tho comedy of ot Uha ranny of or Tears Tho The Is III limited to 10 0 one une evening only uniV C S SPot Pot For Sake the meio drama opens Its on at tho Iho Grand Orand this timi evening eveningS S It would imy Mr r Stephens Stephen n or Mr Ir lypor to 10 get In touch with It It H It E EJohnston EJohnston Johnston who bo lame hOlt d for tor a 11 spring tour of ot three j notable R rd le De Henke Mme mIme And ih time celebrated lender leader DUM 1 state stab that this thin WIll a flying trip westward during durin lh h month of er May coming only ni as far fur IU as I nver Tho e three inca artIsts could bo bl guarantee Ill that would induce them to push on to Halt I if it f the matter mil tier were rere taken up I f I Time The Kittle reaton at atthe t the tho ho Tabernacle Friday evening u t 5 The Time Russian pianist will not come to Salt I lAke ike afur all sit leuMI cn fe k iho h ha had l been negotiating hInt r mIne a date here heN have received Ivd a ii eli teli In them fiat mat Salt Snit I has iia to 11 tobe tois be is skipped and amid calling nil mill nf K ns off err Is in particularly n iii tu to the beat gentlemen who imul t liable lIa le for tor a 11 number of 1 hill ii Hr Mr Ir II n K I Thoma one oue of ot ih tim rpm rm I of ot tho the Deseret l Dramatic n aie ft n telegram today t y from front Mona Man H et r of at tile tio m saying that thai th ic lit iii Untie Buitte lost W wa M lI end aaI I The wording of f th Ihl dl i was WI III I 1 an n In im imm m n e success staging emm 1 j oit fIce 12 1 curtain alln as h 11 rii Tt piny iday III will bo La given ht mind emd matinee n wt It will be lie given at Falls F will KC see c It on oni Thursday nl nil Helena lI len will h It Ii on Friday and Saturday afternoon and an i ht Pit After fter that It has ha a 11 five fie weeks bH king through the northwest st hl It I 1 drop rop down to San I about Ui l tIe Ihl time tho the Tabernacle Choir will m be thle thu me |