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Show THE BOX ELDER NEWS, THURSDAY JULY garland gossip. GIRLS GET REVENGE. Garland is still growing; quite a Milford, Utah, July lo, In retalianew building are going up, tion for alleged attacks on their repunumber of in and plenty tations seven young women of this place administered a severe whipping for more. The first crop of 0f room to John McKeao at 10 oclock last are beets staclc i the Krowng night. McKean, who Is hay is for agent the prospect is good for a the Continental Oil fast and company, was tor the factory this fall. calling upon his sweetheart at the large tonage commenced ripening and time of the chastisement, but, regardWheat has in a few days. More less of her screams and the expostulaheaders will start tions of her mother, quirt and rawhide will be harvested in this vicinity coming settlers ne grain used until McKean werevlgurously for some years past. cried for mercy. this season than was defeated on Our baseball team The feeling which culminated in and Smithfield in this Saturday, affair has been growing for some the 4h team bested time. McKean ha been prominent In local society and has paid attentions them. tonearlv all the young ladles in MilIf any of the towns in the county ford. It Is charged that after transre making calculations to celebrate ferring bis affections, he would make the 24th, they should drop all work remarks reflecting upon his former come to Garland companions, in that line and Naturally these remarks came to the ears of those Interested Monday, the 25th, for we are going and it was decided that the alleged to have the time of times and everytraducer should be punished. with their families are invited. the Tremont the 9th, body Last night Ada Jennings, Lottie time at our Sunday Barton, Jo Sherwood, Mollie Forgle, school conference last Sunday and the Marla Hutchins, Ella Hutchins and meeting of the S. S. Union board in Rose Jones held an informal meeting. The sentiment ex. Each was provided with the afternoon. quirt, raw-hior similar Implement. A scout were that pressed by those present that McKean was calling on reported would held in be the union meetings Miss Pratt, the daughter of the San Garland hall each month for the Pedro station agent. The party walkbenefit of the wards in the northern ed quietly through the darkness to stake which will be ap- the Pratt residence and found part of the the object of their search sitting on the preciated. We had a fine de Old July 12, i94- Settler. - SUPPORT SCOTTS EMULSION asms as a to cany the weakened sad d lyjtem along mill tt can find rm support in or jlnary food. bridge Send for free C9-4- 5 t1 SC3TT ft BOWSE, Chemists, New York. Street, tad Si .oo ell dnqgUts. l'rl It is stated that no less than 11,000 men are annually securing a military education in the civil schools young and colleges of America. And that instruction is being given under direct supervision ot the govern- the the ment. The pill that will, will fill the bill, Without a gripe. To cl eans the liver, without a quiver, Take one at night. DeWitts Little Early Risers are small, easy to take, easy and gentle In effect, yet they are so certain In results that no one who uses them Is For quick relief from disappointed. biliousness sick headache, torpid liver, jaundice, dizziness and all trou bles arising from an inactive, sluggish liver, Early Risers aie unequaled. Sold by the Eddy Drug Store. The Filipinos now touring in this county are unable to keep up with the America pace. They beg to be allowed to take a midday nap as they do at home. Several of the commissioners were taken ill in Boston and did not feel able to go to Lynn to see the marvelous process of making boots and shoes by just pressing a button. One of them has had the wit to say that the Filipinos are a very small people, and that they lack the vige r of soul and body which enables the to Anglo-Saxo- ns wonders. It accomplish such is a question whether they will go home contented. Volcanic Dust. stated that over 2.700.000 tOfiB Of dut fin- - 'c from Cie Sou'rl?re 'olrand in St. have fallen on th 0 td ict. The cust. executions, ha been found to have no fertilizing value. It Is American Gold. The United States furnished $80,000, of the 1295,000,000 worth of gold which the world prodorrd in 1902. Colorado produced $28.0t-- (M0, California $16,000,000 and Alaska, $S,000,- - b00 porch. One of the attacking party called to him to come out as they wasted to speak to him. McKean replied that he was engaged. Thereupon the seven girls surrounded him, dragged him from his chair, threw him down on the porch and began to thrash him. Miss Pratt stood by screaming at the top of her voice. Her mother, drawn by the sound, attempted to rescue the young man, but was unceremoniously pushed aside. After the castigation and when the blood bad been washed from the cut In McKean's face, he, In company with Mr. Pratt, went in search of the town marshal, hut that functionary hap pened to be very busy in a remote part cf tbe settlement. Application was then made to Justice of tbe Peace Kizer for warrants on the charge of assault, but tbe Judge persuaded the complainants to think the matter over. Sunday School Union. District Sunday School Union meeting was held at Garland Sunday, July 10, 1904, at 2.30 p. m., at which the followlngschools were well represented with officers and teacheis: Beaver ward, Bothweil, Colllnston, Dewey-vlll- e, Garland, Ea9t Garland, Penrose and Thatcher. Visitors from the General Board were: 1st Asst. Gen. Supt. George Reynolds J. IV. and J. Y. Bennett. Roll call showed 13 members of Stake S. S. Union Board present and over 100 officers and teachers. Stake Supt. J. D. Peters in charge explained the object of meeting and plan of work. Supt. Reynolds, Elders Summerhay and Bennett gave timely Instructions on the work of the S. S. Union Board and weekly faculty meetings; asked all to support the S. S. board in mak-- it a success. Officers and teachers then marched to their various departments and the outlined lessons for the ensuing month were prepared and treated on and department work disSum-merhay- s, Box-Elde- r cussed. After reassembling It was resolved to bold this meeting monthly for tbe e'ght schools In the western district continuing to hold the one in Brlg-- h im City, also monthly for all tbe schools from Honeyville south. Bishop Grover extended a hearty welcome to the visitors. Tbe visitors were made welcome by the good people of Garland, also by those of the various wards mentioned whose schools had held ward S. S. conference In tbe morning and had been visited by members of tbe Sunday School board, all coming together at GarThere never land In the afternoon. was a time when the dust of the valley bad been flying ou so many roads at once or so large a number attending meeting in Garland. The spacious All left hall was filled to tbe doors. feeling of God IDAHO. RICH, The baying season is now on aDd the crop is light. Beets are looking well The Fourth passed off quietly. There is quite a goodly number ot Utah people here looking for homes and some are tuylDg. Good! send them on; we will take good care of them. We want them as we are farming too much land and we will divide that Is 6ome will divide and others will sell. The races at Blackfoot were good. Tbe station belonging to the horseman Riley Kent did well. The horse was not In the races as be is a new horse without a record, but he will down some of the best of them at the fall races. Mr. Kent will train on the track until the fall races. M. July In the French army each officer has his fixed price and he can marry only when the bride elect brings the bridesum adequate to the wou!d-b- e A colonel the rank. costs grooms bride 150,000. Week Hearts Indigestion. If you eat a little too much, or If you are subject to attackB of indigestion, the stomach expands swells and puffs up against the heart and shortens the breath. Rapid heart beats and heart disease is Kodol Dyspepsia tbe final result. Cure digests what you eat, takes tbe strain off tbe heart, cures Indigestion, dyspepsia, sour stomach and contributes nourishment, strength and health to every organ of the body. Sold by the Eddy Drug Store are caused by That physicians should be accorded the confidence of their clients perhaps In a larger measure even than clergymen has always been pretty generally rec ognized, says American Medicine. This confidence is, indeed, freely bestowed In a good many directions, sometimes in fact, to an entirely unnecessary extent The physician Is frequently made acquainted with internal family matters which have absolutely to bearing upon the case for the treatment of which he had been called in, and which are, therefore, not of a nature to exercise tb slightest influence upon such treatment. In thl way the physician Is sometimes drawn Into the position of general family father confessor. Be will be mad the confident of the husband in regard to thing which should b kept a secret from the wife; the wife reveal to him things of which the husband la to know or suspect nothing; the daughter pour the little secrets of her heart Into hi more or less unwilling ear on the understanding that he must not under any divulge them to her parents; and the young man appeals In the strict eat confidence to the doctor with regard to his experience, or, rather, lack of experience. Th picture la complete of enough without the special mention the cook and the butler, And as the medical father confessor no more than th re Clerical one can betray tbe confidence unenviable the In Is posed In him, he conceal position of haring something to of the practically from every member household with regard to every other Nelson, J30 Jy28 The Eddy Drug Store of this paper No Pity Shown. asks For years fate was after me continuously writes F. A. Gulledge, Ver- Attorney for Estate, June 30, 1904. who are suffering with indigestion or dyspepsia to call on them at once and get of case terrible a had I Ala. bena, PROFESSIONAL CARDS. a When all bottle of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure If Piles causing 24 tumors. you knew the value of this remedy as failed Bucklens Arnica Salve cured we know It, you would not 6Ufier an. W. NICHOLS, me. Equally good for Burns and'all other day. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is a Teeoherof stage sad tenor dancing. aches and pains. Only 25c at The thorough dlgestant and tissue-buildiOffice at residence, Cor. 2nd West and tonic as well. It is endorsed personEddy Drug Store. Forrest Sts. ally by hundreds of people whom It Brigham City, Utah. has cured of Indigestion, dyspepsia, Notice for Bids. palpitation of the heart and stomach E. FOXLEY, Notice is hereby given that troubles generally. Kodol Dyspepsia CHAS. ATTORNEY-AT-LAsealed bids will be received by Cure digests what you eat. It Is (Deputy County Attorney) the undersigned clerk of Box pleasant, palatable and strengthening. Office at Court House Elder County, at his office in Brigham City Utah Brigham City, Utah, up to 1 2 oclock noon of July 18, 1904, for the furnishing of all material necessary and the construction of the following wooden bridges in said county: One bridge across the a wash on county road between sections 2 and it, T. 10 one bridge across the canal on the county road between said sections 2 and 11, and N.R.3W.; City Bell Express Delivers Freight and Express to All Parts of the City Orders Filled Promptly. Charges Reasonable Pulsipher, Henry THE OLD RELIABLE TELEPHONE ANDREW FUNK, Architect. DRAYMAN No. office over N. C, Mortensen & Sons, . . . Utah Brigham City 54-- 5. J. Said bids are to be for each bridge as above and to be according to plans and speciN. R. influence of progressive In the great Sunday school work. 3 Vv. D. BROWN, Stake S. S. Secretary CHAS. HARNESS STORE ATTORNEY-AT-LA- Practice N si For(2J$KaV,&, Ancient Artificial Eyes. ees wire first used by th era, Egyptians long belore the Christian with artificial Artificial Mummies have been found eyes. They were fashioned of gold, ver, copper or Ivory. Discovory sil- Money back If It fells. RUSSIAN Firewater, Is Nearly Pur Alcohol. er Trial Bottle free. sohll-vowit- z, AyersPills Ayers Pills. Ayers Pills. Ayers Pills. Keep saying this over snd over again. Nicknames for British Warships. The best laxative. Want your moustache or beard BUCKINGHAMS a beautiful brown or rich black? Use nm m. u mwmms e a 1. aau. w mum, x. b. & Rio Grande AND THE Rio Grande Western. Tickets, reservations, and full information can be obtained from C. A. Walker, General Agent, Chicago & North-Weste- 204 South Main Street Salt Lake City Utah 41 Connecting at Ogden Union Depot with all SOUTHERN PACIFIC and ORECON SHORT LINE TRAINS ..... L. BERG, JR BARBER, Utah SHAVING HAIR CUTTING By. rn Brigham City, ATTORNEYS-AT-LA- I80 23c Old papers for sale at this nothing better to put under your carpets only 25 cts per hundred . office DeWITTS WITCH HAZEL SALVE H. GLover W- - THE ORIGINAL. -P- A Well Known Cure for Pile. Cure obstinate eoraa, chapped hands, skin diseases. Makes burns and scalds painless. We could not Improve the quality If paid double the price. The best salve admiral class, which he has dubbed that experience oan produce or that money the Aeolus, known at can buy. "Anyhow;" "Alehouse;" tbe Resolution, nicknamed the "Rolling Rezzy ; " the Barham, which bluejackets know chiefly as DeWItt'e le the original and only pure and and the "Old Immortality" or Witch Hazel Salve made. Look foi genuine "Immortalight," by which he Is wont to the name DeWlTT on every box. All othen Identify the handsome cruiser lately in are counterfeit. rairasiD rr eastern waters bearing a famous record X. C. DtWITT ft CO., CHICAOO. all have handles that suit and please him. London Telegraph, For Sale by Eddy Drug Store ROPRIETOR O- F- Llvery and Feed - Cures Piles Permanently Stables Rigs, Up-To-D- At All Hours.... ;" Hack meets all Trains at Depot. Utah Brigham City Early Risers The famous THE SCENIC LINE TO Glenwood Springs, Aspen, Leadville, Pueblo, Colorado Springs Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago and all points east t Uun. GEORGE R, CHASE, Direct connections at Omaha via The North-Weste- rn Line to St. Paul and Minneapolis. off the tongue, short, handy, and open to familiar alteration. The Howe, of the "Baa-Lam- Denver i Jack likes a name which rolls easily DYE - ... throughout. Vodka Is the popular Russian drink. It Is to the Muscovite what firewater used to be to the aboriginal Indian. It provides him with courage when all else fails and he will fight to the death for It. There are eight vodka distilleries in the new town of Harbin, the eenter of Russian Industrial and commercial development in Manchuria, and the Inhabitants drink vast quantities of the product. Forty-si- x thousand men are In Harbin. At least 40,000 drink vodka. The dally consumption Is 3,000 gallons, or about three-fifth- s of I pint each. That would make for man about five good drams nothing at all but for the fact that vodka Is about 145 proof; that Is, In each 100 gallons there are 7214 gallons of pure alcohol. Vodka Is as strong as three drinks of which will knock a man silly. For comparison, most of the American whisky sold over the bar Is from 90 to 93 proof. 20--21 ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW Praetloes tu State and Federal 00 arts end b ton United State Land offloe. Offloe over Rosenbaum's store. . Brigham olt y Utaft to Chicago and the East over the only double-tra- ck railway between the Missouri River and Chicago. Ex- -; cellent service In every particular. One of these trains, the Overland Limited, is the most luxurious train In the world. Electric lighted Vodka, the Muscovite Three-Quart- 11 the State-Cour- ts and U. ft. Supreme Court. First Nat- - Bank building. B. H. JONES, DRINK ev-t- ry For All Throat and Lung Troubles. A Perfect Cure s Rooms In Brigham City, Clerk. POPULAR Utah NELS JENSON, Joseih Jensen, j23 Jy 14 ... ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW sioners reserves the right to reTHE FINEST Harness ject any or all bids. Russian Ratal Actions. By order of the board of county and Saddle Exhibit Russia can point to only two oe commissioners. when hst In the eastons in modern history city will be found at 0, ANDERSONS D. CALL Brigham City, fications now on file in my office. The board of county commis- G. Administrator. - Nels Jenson, the readers one bridge across the Malad river along the line of the county road between sections 14 and 23, T II Dr. Kings Physician Acta aa a Sort of Medical Father Confessor Hears Many Family Secrets. her doting father is out some $600,-00- 0. Estate of Christian Nelson, de ceased. The pity of it all is she is the ton, around the basin of the great Creditors will present claims with is the Boston . which to reservoir supply daughter of an vouchers to the undersigned at tbe Two and one half millions of trees of the United States, and should have office of Nels Jenson, Brigham City, will be set out, and the work has been known better. She married much Utah, on or before May 1, 1905. below her rank . going on for five years. Martin C. ng - OF PATIENTS, Probate & Guardianship Notices Another American girl who mar. lied a French duke, by reason of tbe divorce which has been granted to Consult County Clerk or th Respectlv Signers for Further Information. her, loses her title, and bell-roo- 5, 1904. ships were in action. One was the d sirui tion of the Turkish squadron at Sinope v.hen the number of vessel was equal, though the latter were ?revly mfeiUr In size and The o' her occasion was in me Crimean Kus-li- a war, when the 31acl. sea llect did Repairing of all kinds In my line excellent service, but hardly of the attended to. Mall orders promptly We all had grievances against Mcot the of demanded ships and usuall'attention. have my persona! she her sank Kean, said one of the young women in imperial navy, when finest ships like coal barges to block Door Narthof First Natl Bank Bldg. First of the horsewhipping party today. the entrance to Sebastopol. West side Mein St. Brigham city He had been scandalizing all of us The Monroe Doctrine. and wa decided to give him a lesson, At a recent examination of young so over one felt bad young lady Why, men in England, three of the answer Nothing has ever equalled it. tbe way he talked about her that she to the question. "What le the Monroe of were: "The religion Nothing can ever surpass it. doctrine? moved away from town. America taught by Dr. Monroe on the The docMr. McKean left this morning and transmigration of souls. his side of the story could not be trine that people may be married sevOne that has to do with eral times." secured- .- Salt Lake Tribune. It was and smallpox, vaccination Monro." Prof. out by brought CONFIDANTS With the intent of conserving the of water, and preventing the improper use of the land, the stae of Massachusetts is planting a forest of some 3,000 acres in the town of Clinflow well-kno- tbe good spirit desires to be renewed and with the Page 5. 14, 1904 little pills, Missouri THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Or BRI9HAM CITY. The only Transcontinental Line passing through Salt Lake City Pacific Ry. The Popular Route to the ST. LOUIS FAIR member. -- And Points East.- - Brutally Tortured. A case came to light that for per- sistent and unmerciful torture has perhaps never been equaled. Joe of Colusa, Calif, writes: Golo-Li- ck For Night Was Her Terror-would cough nearly all night long, writes Mrs. Chas. Applegate, of Alexandria, Ind., "and culd hard I ? Pullman and Tourist Sleepers from Ogden and Salt Lake to St. Louis I had consumption I endured insufferable pain ly get any sleep. bad that if 1 walked a block I so from Rheumatism and nothing reliev would cough frightfully and spit blood, ed me though I tried everything but, when all other medicines failed, known. I came across Electric Bit three $1.00 bottles Of Dr. Kings New 15 years and t lers and its the greatest medicine on Discovery wholly cured me rth for that trouble. Its absolutely A few bottles gained 58 pounds. f it completely relieved and cured guaranteed to cure Coughs, Colds, La tne-Just as good for Liver and Grippe, Bronchitis and all Throat and Kidney troubles and general debility. Lung troubles. Price 50c and $1.00. DOES STRICTLY Satisfaction guaranteed by Trial bottles free at The Eddy Drug 1le Eddy Pryg Store. Store. A BANKINC BUSINESS THROUGH t SCENIC COLORADO WITHOUT CHANGE OF CARS. Safety Deposit Boxes For Rsnt DINING CARS Service a la Carte on all through trains. For rate, foldere, free Illustrated booklets, etc., inquire of your or addreaa nearest ticket agent epeolfylng the Bio Grande route, " Only SOc j m I A BENTON G. A. P. D., Salt Lake City, Ut DIRECTORS; Cars. Free Reclining Chair Cars. Everything John L. Edwaraa Dining Lucius A. Snow, S. N. Lee, James Nelaeo, For berths, tickets, folders, etc., address Alma Nelson, Nels Jenson, Peter M. Hansen. Lorenzo N. Stohl, John D. Peters Louis, H C Townsend, G P & T A Cashier. president first-clas- s. St Mo |