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Show ) Devoted to no Party or Faction But Just to All. BRIGHAM CITY, BOX ELDER COUNTY, UTAH, THURSDAY, JULY 14, 1901. VOLUME X. LOST OPPORTUNITIES Report of CAN NOT BE RECALLEDI 'wlfj1'1? Joe Zimmerman is complete and interesto ing. o CANNING Wynn L Eddy An Increase of More Than , One Million Dollars Over 1903. The county auditors report sent to The Brigham City Canning Co. made an experimental run last Fri- the State Board of Equalization last day and Saturday in canning cherries Friday shows the following valuations cases of of the different classes of property and raspberries. Twenty-fiv- e each were put up. Mr. Pierce, th assessed for the year 1904. The valusecretary, states that the company ation for 1903 is also given. cannot make a financial success in canning cherries at the prevailing prices but raspberries are all right, though the demand is very limited. The company is preparing to can all the apricots it can buy, and is advertising for the fruit. Nearly ali the tomatoes canned last year have been sold, Mr. Pierce says, and brought a good price. The canning of tom ltoes will begin this year about august 20th. City Council The Mayor and council met In reg t.lar session Tuesday night. 1903. 1904. $ Real Estate Improvements Persl. Property ... Live Stock Railroads Telephone, etc... . Total 2,358,104 12,306,241 870,253 564,887 683,030 354,190 647,458 830,514 3.830,929 3,124,961 105,807 S 8,495,581 $7,291,922 $1,203,659 Increase for 1904 The total acreage of land assessed this year was 1,287,630, the average value per acre being $1.63. There were 19 mining claims assessed at a valuation of $2,085. This county now belongs to the fourth class; three yean go It was in the seventH. ... 10.00 Studebaker Bros G round rent, Bowrinfc & Kaiser. Brigham City Pharmacy James Knudson M Hanson & Sons Jenson Brothers Stohl Furniture Cu WH Clover H N Bowring .' McMaster & Forsgren R L Fishburn & Sons ... . Larsen & Reeder D Rosenbaum J R Bywater Cbristeqsen & Knudson N C Mortensen & Sons Brigham City Canning Co W H Boothe B F Boothe Merrell Lumber & Salt Ce Bank of Brigham City First National Bank C Holst & Son Boden & Graehl 10.00 The treasurers and recorders fi- FREE NORMAL SCHOLARSHIPS. nancial repoit was presented and a Of the fifty normal scholarships committee was appointed to audit which the state paj s for, two has same. .been apportioned to Box Elder county. A resolution was adopted fixing the Tliese will be awarded before the 10th rate of taxes for the year 1904 as of Sept, to the most suitable candi5 For contingent expenses, dates upon the recommendation of mills and for electric light purposes the county board of examiners. 10 mills on the dollar on all property; Let our high school pupils, eighth within the corporate limits of Brig- grade graduates or young teachers ham City. who wish to qualify fully for the high Owing to complaints having been 'caiiog 0f teatiherlu our pUbilc scliools made, the marshal was instructed to seize upon this chance of four years' enforce the ordinance providing fur free schooling at our state university. the closing of unnecessary business on Applicants may send their names to Sunday. the County Supt. giving ace, post , office address and the schooling you It was decided to place power lights ou Main and First East have bad, or years experience in teachstreets opposite the tabernacle. ing. Angus Vance, Dtp.' Supt. Other routine business was trans- buy shoes made by BROWN HAMILTON dont buy shoes right. you BY W t t We Guarantee All 4 4 N. L. HANSEN Ever; Pair, jS H Jones Will be Filled Within IO Days, as we will have a large shipment in at about that time, and orders will be hlled as they come in first order will be filled first, etc. To all those who havent ordered, now is the time to get in your orders if you wish to get one m of this shipment. t Yours for good goods, IDS. F. HANSEN FURNITURE CO. 44444444444Mi4IM4'i44t S DRINK m 5 00 Brown Christensen & Knudson per Brown Christensen & Knudson per J. P. Larsen C. D. 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.C0 4.00 4.00 ifi lit 3 45 14.15 R. L. Fishburn, Jr., Elected. Considerable enthusiasm was manifested In the election of a trustee at the school election Monday, 332 votes being cast. , ns We are in the market for apriMicah Garns, one of the early All persons having the settlers at Fielding, was down on tor sale will find it to their business Tuesday and gave the 2.00 advantage to call on us. News office a call. He says 2.00 cots. ?.00 2.00 same ?. 1.50 Joseph Josepbson Lindhotm & Company N P Hansen 1.50 1.50 1.50 C D Brown A W Compton John A Brandis ,... 1 Brigham City Canning Co. 2 John L. Pierce, Phone No 65. Secretary. 60 All persons wishing to make close up contracts for water The following contributed $1. each: or from Hammonds canal are direcH C Christiansen, W S J C Gasberg, 1.50 - Taylor, Elias Jensen, M Rasmussen, J Jobanson, O C Jensen, Claic Chiist-enaeT R Thomas, N J Valentine, A W valentine, Charles Cbeal, W W Brownson, John McRoberts, W K Morrison, Roland A Madsen, E O White, Dr. A W EnBign, C Simonsen, Lorenzo W Andersen, I E Pribble, J W Valentine, J S Perry, A T Rankin, H J Hansen, J M Jensen. Jr W T , R L Jensen, John Funk, Lorenzo Petersen, Nelson Bros., Mrs Emma Lundgien, Ephraim Mathias, W B Jensen, II Rasmussen, Edward L Hansen, J D Call, Frank Losee, Samuel Carter, Fred J Holton, B P Newman, Jos N Stohl, J H Butt, Heber Smith, John Holland, O W Snow, H E Laiseu, Norman Lee, Victor Madsen, P PSig-garP E Keeler, Charles Wight, Knudsun Bros. The following contributed 50 cents each: John Burt, Amanda Anderson, Walt Madsen, Henry Pulsipher, E W Nichols, Fred Kelly, Mel trude H Stohl, Edwin Gilbert, Emmett Bros., Ogden, 4 cases soda water. Total Receipts $333.50 ted to call on Lorenzo N. Stohl n, The trustees auuual meeting held at the court house last Monday afternoon was poorly attended as usual only about a dozen taxpayers turning out. LOANS, Clem Horsley of the board of trustees presided. The financial report was read by Trustee Geo. W. Watkins EDWARD B. KIRK, OGDEN, UTAH- at Brigham City who is author- ized to represent us in the business. Hammond Canal Co. tf prospects fur an abundant crop of all kinds of grain and vegetables have not been so favorable as this year since 1898. The peo pie at Fielding are putting up a fine amusement hall and are generally prosperous. A good wickless blue flame oil stove for sale at price Guaranteed los. F. Hansen. tf , first-clas- - HOUSEHOLD General that $39.83i. L. R. Heffner and others of Ogden filed for record with the county recorder of Box Elder County last week, FURNISHING - B usincss and invite our friend (especially those of the Great Bear River Valley) to call and see us when wanting anvthing in our line. We will carrv an up slock of FURNITURE, WALL PAPER, AND RANGES and assuie you STOVES CARPETS, that our prices win be the best. ' Trusting you will come and see whatr we Jiave, we are yours te - 2X3S2 BinjMTjsvgaiBaBiianaa teaching school at Park Valley for several years past, and who recently moved to this city with his family, was operated on last Saturday for appendicitis by Dr. Rich of this city and Dr. Rich ot Ogden. He is getting Arc You Going to Use Lumber in any quantity? so, you will find it to your interest to figure with us. We have a half million feet of first-clas- s, stock,' well-select- and everything you want in any quantity. We guarantee out price and agree to meet any price on earth X Cedar Lumber for Water Gates, Culverts, etc. X along quite favorably. tire A Large Line of the Celebrated Invincible Fly-Pro- of jlf You Wire Doors JUST RECEIVED. .. For Fire Works To Brigham Military. band.. 40,0m Brigham baseball club Horsley & Sons per Brown ... 9.80 Fishburn & Sous per Brown.. 6.30, Stohl Fum. Co. per Brown ... 2.10 M Hansen & Sons per Brown.. 4.40 1 50 A. M. Nelson per Brown 1.50 Amanda Gleerup per Brown rLet us figure with you, we can serve your interests.- - are considering taking a Policy of L'fe Assurance It will pay you to Investigate the.... - Equitable Life Assur ance Co, of the U. S, Wilson Lumber Co., Tremont and Bear River City, Utah, " PHONE IN TREMONT of N. L. HANSEN you don't buy shoes right O'lVe Gurantee Every Palr.j Sr QARTHEY ' DUMfiECK, PLUMBING. 1 219 TELEPHONE 82. - Salt Lake City, Utah State St mi Of BRIGHAM THE CITY CAPITAL $50,000,00. Accounts and Correspondence Solicited, All business given prompt attention J. M. Jenson, President. LORENZO N John Pinghke, Cashier STOHL JOSEPH N STOHL STOHL BROTHERS. Loans, Loans, Loans, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Room 22. Telephono No. 22 FIRST NATIONAL SANK BUILDIN&. e Dr. L. H. Berg Dr. L. H. Harding DENTISTS WIDERBORG BLOCK, - Brigham City, Utah. DO YOU WANT Loans on Real Estate at owest interest; Homestead Entries and proofs; To buy or sell Real Estate; Titles examined and conveyed, Reliable legal work; CONSULT FRED I. HOLTON. Utah, Brigham City, ABSTRACTS. Three points to think of when you Abstracts ot Title bo Real Istate: I. Completeness; 2. Accuracy; 3. Responsibility. dence. been If 5.70 shoes ABSTRACTING, cessfully performed by Dr. Hard CONVEYANCING and NOTARY WORK ing of this city and Dr, Rich of And can give the promptest atten Ogden. The patients condition tion to all work in my line. is very favorable for recovery. CFA11 business Intrusted to my care os. A. Christensen, who has Is Xreated with the strictest confl Go,, TREMONT. UTAH. $ 4.00 If you don't buy - The value of an abstract depends on range 6 west. The notices com- THESE THREE VITAL POINTS. prise eight sections of land. I luvue &n iamlnattoa of the metb Michael Erdmann, the aged od adopted to secure accuracy, aud of my ability to make wood any loss caused by error or omlsuioa in my abstrao father of the Erdmann brothers, underwent a critical surgical operI confine my self exclusively to ation last Friday which was suc- UTAH, Stohl Brothers Furniture twenty-eig- ht notices of location of placer claims in townships 6 and 7 north and we have opened np a at TREMONT, some 5; To The Public..,. u to inform you after explanations were made by the chairman In response to questlcns, the report was unanimlous-l- y adopted. Miss Bywater read the statistical report which was also adopted. The compensation of the trustees was fixed at '$1.60 each, the same as last year. A motion of Deputy Supt, Angus Vance for the establishment of a kindergarten department at as early a day as practical was carried unanimously. On motion of Oleen N. Stohl a hearty vote of thanks was unanimously accorded Clem Horsley, the retiring trustee, for his faithful services In the past. The financial report showed a balance on hand one year ago $6,956.24. Received from taxes $14,809.15. Received from interest and other sources $402.05, making the total receipts For male teachers $3,200 was paid and for female teachers $4,475.05; for furnishings, library books and free text books $2,822.12; for repairs and current expenses $812 82; for compensation of trustees, $480; for Janitors $773 43; for bonds and Interest, $5,115.-4for uthcr purposes $79.25. There Is a balauce on hand and invested of $4,407,30, making the total disbursements $22,167.44. The statistical report showed twenty teachers employed the past year, 6 male and 14 female. There was a grand total of 898 pupils enrolled of which 410 were boys and 452 girls, all white. There were 1033 children in the district of school age, 512 being boys and 521 girls, making the percentage of those enrolled in the public schools 864. In addition there are many atteudiug the mission school and others taking an advanced course in other cities, so there are but few if any of the school population over 7 years of age but that attends school. There were 337 boys and 374 girls promoted from grade to grade and 7 boys and 22 gills who graduated from the common school. The average compensation of the male teachers was $66,6bl aud of the female teachers Da-vis- works and fares of two committeemen to Salt Lake and di 7 35 tabersa Decorating 43.30 cle, float, flags, etc 2.00 Box Elder News Eruest Horsley was placed In nomi2.00 Box Elder Report nation at ttie Democratic primary held 3 60 Miscellaneous last Thursday night. R, L. Fishburn, Cash on band 35,25 was the Republican candidate as Total disbursements $ 3)3.50 Jr., noted In last weeks News. The members of ail of the Fourth of The voting took place ?t the court July commitiees are requested to meet house from 3 to 8 p m., the trustees at he court bouse next Monday at being the Judges of election. Both 8.30 p. m. to decide what disposition parties had carriages out bringing in shall be made of the funds now on the voters. hand. Mr. Fishburn received 312 votes and Mr. Horsley 21S, making. Mr. Fish-burNOTICE TO FRUIT majority 94. Two ballots were thrown out. GROWERS. sf-eet- 2.00 2.00 2.00 street Freight aud drayage on I Knudson. & Comptons Art Gallery. fare and hack Cash for taking down flags on SODA FOUNTAIN prlce.jgj 20 PER CENT on all 5.00 5.00 5.00 2.00 2.00 Jos Jensen Johnson Jens P Larsen return I 5 00 2.00 2.00 P J Koford, meals for guests Merrell Lumber et Sait Company, fioatand lumber. Expenses of orator of the day HE! The Eddy Drug Store, 5.00 DisBUHsEMENTB! refreshing summer tonic served at the At of ' a p 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 200 C A 84 is our Medalions, Colored Pictures and Picture Frames. Picture Frames Made to Order. 2.50 2.50 2.00 ......... Chas Foxley My shop located south of Horsley & Sons at the low price of 500. Money can stand for twc years at 10 per cent. I also have two city lots for sale. Apply to H. C. Christiansen, the tailor. j 14-- Noties. Take 1900 Washers for Back Orders 5.00 5.00 3.00 Gidney Cederstrom, barber. ... F Ruughcore N L Hansen. ...... ....... ...... J A Christensen Carl W Nelson Dr. G F Harding Andrew Funk J A Edwards For Sale or Rent If you dont 7.00 300 fol-'lo- acted. 7.50 3.00 W G 0"Well, that ESTATE We are now offering a special discount 10.00 Box Elder News Dr. E A Rich Win Horsley & Sons - .. $4.45? and A M Nelson B Christensen 15.00 10.00 P J Koford Bank Building. 20.00 15.00 Academy Music & Dancing ASSESSED VALUATIONS. FRUIT. The Brigham Canning Factory Mak ing a Test of Cherries, Rasp berries and Apricots, ..5. for REAL Report Shows. Fruit Jars, Rubbers, Stone Jars. $ 25.00 A. Richlns Wilson Bros 42 PIECES EDWARD B, KIRK, OGDEN, UTAH What The Financial and Statistical LAIN DINNER SET OF hECEIPTS: Stohl Furniture Co., First National Crockery, China and Glassware at prices that fair'.y astonish buyers by their littleness. Ask ourcustomers if it is not so. What would you think of purchasing a fine PORCE- The following is the report of the auditing committee of the receipts and disbursements for the celebration on July 4tb: HAMMOCKS carried TRUSTEES MEETING. WE HANDLE the finest Committees. We are making a special sale of 'fine and durable HAMMOCKS at remarkably Low Prices. This is good value and should NOT be MISSED. The line of NUMBER 13. The Strongest in the World, OFFICE. it IDS. W, HINSON AGENT. Norman Lee, Bonded Soon: 35, Abstracter, First Nat. Bank Bldg., Brig bam, t7ta Farm for Sale. 18 acres cultivated land with watertight adjoining Garland sugar factory. Will sell all or part. See David Larsen at Garland or Fred J. Holton, Brigham City, $100,000 to LoAti at c per cent interest on improved dry or irrigated farms,.,. Fred - Holton, Office Room 23, 1st, Nat'i Bank Bid |