Show i ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS Martha Washington Directors Chosen This Morning MornIngs WORK DONg DONE DURING DUllING YEAH TEAR om In Ii Ire Iren neb Debt I In lie of or r I it II At the tho annual stockholders stockholder ln of oC the Maltha Washington Ml n IJ company op operatIng In which won tins held this thin mourning the tho fol tol following fo lowing dl were cho chosen n nd roll P AV W 8 Duncan Joseph Ob r A It 18 Carter COttel M II It n Brother and ond K J Snow Know The file now new board Is In to meet late la te this nt and will wm probably with tho the of at the tile two nr first t named mUlled ni us and acid vice Ice ro re 10 anti and all 13 E J anuw OH UK rind and treasurer In lil hi Ide report of ot the work performed during the thee i Post at t year fill Becy Secy sold al worm DONK lONI DUPING tHAn YEM In tho the i a t 12 15 months montha wo we hove have hu c run runa a IL from rout the bottom balkan of ot tim the new lIew shaft 1 test fett tu to it cut the tho Antelope vein voin oln and tho the main Martha vein eill Ue WI Vt united drifted on the tIes Mai tha vein eln 3 f feet ct from train the Crosscut to connect will tier the th level of ot the old ohl and drifted ZiG feet fe t south making a total of oC fret feet on tho main mull Martha vein velI velIOn On the tho Antelope vein eln wo we drift feet south from rota the tho crosscut cro 10 feet north making a total of 3 feet feat Vo We arc aro down 98 S feet leet from rota the he MO 2180 24 foot fot level In tile the winne on the tho Martha vein cind 50 GO foot leot from Crom tho the 30 2180 foot Coot level In thin the wInce on the vein We Wo heave have run a n drift 67 oj feet south louth from the tha bottom of or tho thee on the tho An Antelope n vein Wo We have two upraises on thee tho Martha anti and one ont one oM the Olin Antelope veins Ins The total number of ot feet of ot work performed In drifts winces etc during the yew year toots foots up to 10 1636 feet the cost of which line has brett been om EXPOSED IN MINE We Wc c have han from front J Ya to 3 feet reet of ore oreIn oreIn orein In tho lie f tuce c of or thee tho north Antelope rein which carries cAlca from front 12 to 16 ounces In III silver from SUI to 2 In III gold bOld with a 0 little copper and lend lead lendIn In lit 11 tha the drift from iota tho the winne wo ic leave have Just opened up two feet reet of or ore ON the most niost of ot which Is 18 a 11 shipping prod lift u t Assays of or thin tItle ale aro being made mado madon n nl nm w hut but at nt present nm am unable to re me reo 1 the Ihl values value In the whiz from front the thi 2110 level on the tho Martha vein we wo WeIn hay In from two Iwo anti mil to three cot fuet of ore 01 which will run from 30 20 to 40 ounces QUn 8 sliver with the thee values In III crupper anti And gold Nearly all nil of oC the Ihl drifting han ban been lieen In low grade ore ort of which we e have hil n I treat Ir lat amount In sight Hight In both bolh tho the old mad and now workings PROPOSED It wa was suggested tOd at It thIs thin that tests tet be made maule of oC this ore with the view II of or n a small entail conc ing plant TilE THE FINANCES As ia to 10 the thi He C Snow Sno report eel ixl that when the thee pending us II s collected In anti and thit or ore are now extract J 4 III ID enough will be 00 realized tn to practically clear up nil all tho he com corn t At t the tIe suggestIon of or Mr Snow n it of ot M II It Broth or ma and John McKeague was Will appoint ol Ot to tu audit thee tho books Th rl meeting i ai d of oj very cr har hare |