Show HII 14 mm Day IIII In III I a till lift 0 House I It 50 lon Jan Jon was waR com coma day lay In the tM th houlf and utter netel the time reading of or the time journal time the speaker SlIeR leer several to move morn the of or if bills under susien elon slon of ot the rules A bill was pawed to grout grant a 11 right of at way through the time Fort HilL Bill military mill yes res to the Oklahoma Western railroad A It J bill 1111 to revoke the sentence of ot court martial against Klist First Francis S 8 Ninth cavalry who was dis dismissed missed OO from the tho army in itt 1875 and to tu tokU kU liU imi appointment anti and retire retirement ment as all a 11 lire lr lieutenant aroused alou ed some semite While time the house was di dl dividing dilding viding upon the demand tot for a n second a l photographer In the tue public gullet gallery took u 11 i photograph in tilt The Ilie gia to of oC the time flash Mull some semite of tho time members nd Mr Mi 11 Sillier of New York died cried out Mr 11 Speaker I 1 thought It wax wat a n bomb Mr Lawrence of Massachusetts In of or the time bill lull for time the relict relief of ot Lieu Davidson void said time the bill would do dou doIL u IL act of or justice to a deserving |