Show H AND ti nt Manager 8 S H of nt the Denver lenver Hlo lUo lute has returned d from Ien 1 er erV V t I R 1 hi superintendent of ot lining fIrl and hotels hotel on III the Oregon O on Line In Iii i down from today It lh the time Shied Blunt Line and 1111 the lite Itlo lUo Ot now nol have big of ot morn men at work wo k and tr h Tho TiLo Oregon Short Une Un hm h lie com corn laying baying steel I on un the Montana from Idaho ull HOUth Thu la 11 I the first f t this weight to 10 be If put down on OR tin Ih ii illusion I with the exception of 01 a II n abort Ibort through hInter Heaver cunyon t Mr no H and nil patty of ot New w on ru HI Rio timid Graude No 1 thle timi In 10 thi th hr private our CM After round the olt to an n organ orvan K nt ilL th thy they Ihl tn n I their way Ia In tn thU Ihl Manager r rl on of ot the th the Itlo line has the Ihl ap tf f 4 t Ham nn RR In dent of o till the A Itlo Hlo anti and I Hlo lb Grande Sout to 10 1 nuo BUl BUlJ J ell r F 1 W V goe ota to 10 0 the tM th lolo Cole ratio rado Mr cornea com hoot J m the Kansas city II Southern South road read roadA d doA A oA 4 by I the tM thi Inter t linto Commerce how that t during the three ended Sept 10 30 1 19 lit tt there hert were Ml W 3 i kIlled gaul and nd i 2613 Injured In train t Other kinds Of or accident lu those tho cue sui by b employee employ hll et t work ad 11 4 adby by In iti getting ua on t or oK 0 o etc Nt bring the total of ot r M al ties up to UW the lie Ih kin kill 4 numbering Mi and the Injured 1112 1111 Manager ld n of the Denver Rio Itlo 0 Grande has hag refuted the r of ot t tIm Denver Rio hands Grande fw for A It 10 iO per cent Increase In 11 acts made mad un ott unI I der Instruction from the tho th head bead of ot the l national organization and th the traIn rain mm have laid the matter metter before beto the tb e x cull officers of ot tb Ib the bold lines at ot ott t Ft St t It Ie Is In that no ao fur CUI further ther then nation action will be taken by bJ l y the men 1100 menI I until s a definite Is II r a hed at oJ lit fit Louis Loute and aM a n strike v only onty be de declared dared as ns n a last bet |