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Show THE HAIT LAKE TRIBUKEUNDAY jtfOBNIXO, FEBRUARY 16 (r All Planes at Camp Harry Jones Join in the Search 1 L New Arrivals at the GreenewaHj Store Our Union Metal Standards Again Chosen by Salt Lake City The very latest patterns and finest qualities in Wiltons, Axmin-ster- s and Velvets., A wonderful selection, bought at the new factory prices, which are 20 per cent lower than last season and marked for quick selling at a still further - for Lieutenant Pearsons. EL PASO, Texas, Feb. II. Airplane under order to fly a close to the ground a possible not to be In too great danger, which have been, in the air most of the morning, have obtained no Information concerning the whereabouts of Lieutenant Pearson, lost aviator, or his plane, which is believed to have been wrecked In the Pecos valley, it was announced at 2 o'clock this afternoon at headquarters oi the air service border patrol at Fori Blisa. Tha machines, flying In pairs, took tli Be air at Fort Bliss. Marfa, Sanderson, Antonio. it Kto, McAllen, iatredo snd San Thev will get gosollnc was announced at Marfa when the tanks get low, accordorders. to army ing All ax sllable airplanes st Csmp Harry this morn, J ones at Dougiaa left here early ing to aid in the search lor Lieutenantz-Pearson. Sajt Lake City is soon to have eight blocks more of White Way, the kind of street illumination that has made her Main. Street nationally famous. Our sturdy and- - handsome Union Metal Standards have been onee more chosen for the projected installation. They were selected only after an extensive and investigation of many types of standconi-parati- ard, in many American cities. ' 20 Per Gent New Baby Carriages Fiber New line of Baby Carriages just in, Lloyd two-yhe- The extension, to the citys street lighting system will require 112 standards of the design shown in the accompanying tut. These stand- ft '1 , nr ards are made of highest grade pressed steel and fashioned after a specially made design, el , for . 20 Per Gent Reductions . KlearflaX LEGISLATORS TAKE UMBRAGE. AsJEFFERSON CITY, Mo., Feb. I women sertion that "half-cla- d capltol buildnlng about the halls ofthethehouse aJudiciary ing was made before here Missouri of the legislature committee last night by RepresenUtlxe John S.heara Dyott of Howell countybillduring at aimed ing on an injunction LINEN RUGS c JKf atest styles and colors, including gray, ivory and blue. Also a splendid line of the popular sulkies. Our entire new baby buggy line also offered , quick selling at ih - ilo METAL COLUMNS Reductions SAX ANTONtO. Texas. Feb. II. Belief that Lieutenant Alexander Pearson, filer, lost in the sageJr., transcontinetai his brush desert of west Texas, la making wav to some outlying post of cix'ilisa-tlo-Inn unharmed after smashing his ship the forced landing is held by air sarvoce officers In San Antonio, The last seen of the missing airman was when the postmaster at Saragoea, astation In Reexea county, sent a teleEighth arm' gram to headquarters, at thenoon Thursday corpa area stating that at a lane airplane passed over several thousand feet In the air headed eaat toward . the Guadalupe mountains. ths army, Forty of the beet pilots In are coverwith observers In the cockpits, ing more than 500 miles of the route across the worst terrain In the country. It Is not knowti whether , Pearson had water or emergency rations with him when he left El Paso. He has flown over the course between Is this city and El Paso many times and of thoroughly familiar with ' the nature the country. i , the embodiment of beauty and service. Each siandard wille adorned with three Genpral, Electric Co. are lamps. - Showing ths latest er but these are not included at aals prices, as they are restricted by Union Metal Standards are preferred in hum dreds of cities and towns, not alone for their superior adaptability and beauty of design, but also foT their rugged resistance to sun 'and storm and ofher features that make for absolute safety. They will serve through many decades, with never t a sign of cracking, warp, ing or splitting. WILL NAME SIOUX FALLS BISHOP. ROME. Feb. II. The Vatican has preof pared the papers In the appointment a bishop for Bloux Fails, B. D., which Is expected to be made at the coming secret consistory- - As there are some formalities still to be settled, however, no announcement of the name of the appointee has yet been made.. . We invite town boards and city comn.. ions to investigate Union Metal Standards, Complete information furnisx.U on request. UNCHANGED. SINGERS CONDITION BIRMINGHAM. Ala.,' Feb. 12. Tn condition of Madame Louisa Tettrsslnl. opera singer, who was forced to cancel an engagement here last night hecause of sudden Illness, showed no ment today, according to her physician. Bha is suffering from a throat affection. which ha reached one ear. saraae sum - 3 I f 4 Os T Thirty-ai- x t I Boy, page Mrs. Cleopatra Emerson! I know how Cleopatra looked I know the style of wile She used to hook Mark Antony Upon the River Nile. An Oriental fox she danced, , t Did Cleopat, the dusky; And with a smart she filled the heart of Mark, the Roman husky. On old Nile days once more we gaze. Their sway they now resume For in a languorous Emerson Is stored their sweet perfume I any Emerson dealer to treat yoo to ths new Emerson dance hits listed below. This list is your guide to the latest and bast in current song hits and dance hits. 10127 YOU OUGHTA BEE MY BABY Comedy Bong.. EDDIE CANTOR Give Ms s MiUiea Beeattfai GMe Cherecter Sena Irving Easterns I033S CRAZY BLUES Steele A Blah Seng. Melinda Lee Comedy Seng AL Bernard g Bmast Here ISJM MY MAMMY Arthur Fields Novelty Seng .t.. (OMr-OI- ) Novelty Bong .Irelng Kauftnaa 1(017 ROSIE Fox Trot Plantation Danse Orchestra Exact reproduction of design of Union Maui Standard to be used In new city Installation. Records in Polish, Italian, Jewish snd German. "Blues-Chareet- er ........... .................... Kentucky Blues Pox Tret.. mis BKOAOWAY BLUES Now and Tkaa Pea Tret. Pox Tret ................... STEEVELLPATERSON HARDWARE Wholesale Distributor Salt Daks City, Utah. Merry Malady Mea Merry Melody Idea Salvia's Neveity Orahastra CO. cmw. 4 VZ 2 SlItLUguty lUephOXWTMlXfte f Men From Bel- gian Freighter Safely in Land Boston Port BOSTON.. Feb. It. The rescue at sea men comprising the crew of the thirty-el- x of the Belgian freighter Bombardier, as their ship was going down, was described today when they arrived here on the steamer Mount Clay. The latter bound from Hamburg for New York, but diverted to this port, was formerly tha German commerce raider Irlns Eltel Frederich. With decks awash and heavy seas crashing upon them, the men of the Bombardier lost two of their four lifeboats when they tried to leave the ship on Wednesday nlorning. The chief officer manager to put off with ten men In safety and sixteen men got away In another boat. Meantime the Mount Clay had glut oxer a lifeboat and picked off the men who remained, among them Captain Mathes of the Bombardier, who wae last to leave his shtp. Bhe sank soon afterward, the crew believes. Ths Bombardier, formerly operated by the shipping board as ths iris was carrying a general cargo from New York for Antwerp, when ehe encountered a hurricane Monday and sprang a leak Buffeted by the storm, the seams opened snd water flooded coal bunkers and engine room extinguishing (lies, putting radio apparatus out of commission and washing coal Into the pumps which became clogged. The wireless was restored sufficiently to send out feeble distress signals that called the Mount (Clay f'f.y mllee away. T Cuban Sugar Crop Control Put in Commission Hands Ask Hear also Emerson 310-12-1- HAVANA. Feb. 12 -- Control of the sale and shipment of Cuba sugar crop has been placed In ths hands of S governmental organisation known as the sugar finance commission. This commission, appointed yesterday by President Menocal, conrlets of seven members, who will receive no compensation. The decree appointing the commission directs sugar buyers or sellers to tilo before February 20 sworn statements covi he ering all foreign sale contracts agreements must stipulate that th product they cover la to be refined or used by the buyer, and not sold or offered tor sals as crude sugar. Inf r( (Ions of rules will result In refusal to Issue permits lor 1920-192- 1 further shipments of aircraft examiner regulating and red'sflcttng avlatore. , If It Is Impossible to reach an agreement as to a ruler. Regent Horthy will tne asappeal to the country, break up sembly and Issue write for a new that Hapsburg Adherents Cause Trouble for Regent Horthy British Columbia Preparing t .. Hor- for Stringent Liquor Control BUDAPEST, Feb, 12. Admiral thy, tha regent, today adjourned tha national assembly Indefinitely, because et the Incessant clashes over the question He of restoring ths Hapsburg dynasty. Invited the party leaders to a conference. at which hs personally advocsted cillatlon, emphasising that It was necessary to enable the legislature to proceed , with constructive work. All factions agree that the question of an occupant of Hungary's throne is the It is understood country s sole affair. a C., Feb. 12. Btrlngent VICTORIA, control of the liquor trade In British Columbia Is provided In a bill prepared by Premier Oliver to be Introduced In the provincial legislature next week. The premier, In outlining the measure today, said It would abolish bars and saloons, prohibit sales to minors and pro-xtfor the establishment of government liquor etores in large centers whlcn would Illicit be conducted at a small profiL de buying will be mads a punishable offense, with the municipalities receiving 50 per cent of all flnee imposed. The propoeed bill would place the liquor business under control of a new nonpartisan board. URGE SHIPMENT OF WHEAT. GREAT FALLS. Mont, Feb. ,12. The marketing committee of the Montana State Union, American Society of Equity, recommended at the annual convention here today that 200,004 or 209,000 bushels of wheat be shipped to western and coast markets immediately. The, report was The report adopted by the organisation. also urged that the 1921 crop of wheat be to same sent the In Montana markets, where It was declared that from 10 to 20 cents a bushel could be saved to the producer. -- Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday ft 1 i for the next three days, to introduce superior service to more people, our optometrists will examine your eyes and tell you the kind of glasses you need, absolutely free. This is your opportunity to find out whether you need glasses or not at no cost for examination. Back to 1915 Prices! reduced our prices to so help us keep them down I prices down, we have honestly R. B president of Ihe Ameri Hawlejf, one of the memtrers ol can the eommlsslon. declared that the Hunan had government adopted the plan "to save the eugar Industry of the Island " "Ths Cuban government," he continued, "seeks not only lo defend Ite own Industry, but also to defend the American consumer against abnormal condiIt Is not the purpose to hold or tions hoard th product, but st all times to It offer freely wherever It la needed ht th lowest prevailing prhs'ltth worm market," AftMi'a.f iLE fAV 'LkOA4' WaXl day. HA I. KM. Or , Keh 12 a legal holiday In Orraon bydaya Is mad bill passed by the legislature and signed today by Governor Olcott He also signed bills providing for organisation of a board flyers b)fore-th-wa- r J- basis. We are helping to keep Come in and Have Your Eyes Tested Free 2 Busy Shops M i '27G So. main'. 109 So. Main ' W t k J an aw; s 1 A |