Show SELECT STRONG PLANTS At a recent of the New York Horticultural society F W Card of the Island experiment station gave nn address on the growing of Fruits with tho soil ii mid It must be drouth resisting and full of to glow good On high thero IH less from crops are less affected by fungous I would never plant bush on sod ground I would plow mid cultivate If It wk necessary De p Hulls hold more moisture Humus In thu soil will hold thi put It In better admits of u clear percolation of air In tho soil tita bp manuri cover crops are tho menus of providing the humus for planting only the plants that ate well grown and are from plantations An experiment which I made shown tho Individuality of From a plantation of rasp buries I selected five ot tho strongest and five of the smaller und weaker ones They wore all given same culline n record of the yields of the plants wag kept for Tho five strong plants yielded 75 per cent more than tu small plants the fruit was larger results Wore obtained In straw strawberries berries Tho evidence seems conclusive we should always propagate from plants Thorough tillage the use of cover crops 1 find to Cultivate to the moisture not to Increase H In our best cover crop to sow with our bush hulls Is crimson clover We In Its use mill we have nn acclimated variety now f il with It Study your plants in n m tn their habits of growth Judicious spring pruning U Utho tho best ui tho fruit |