Show JAV t XO h object objector nf of fI y lt lo to In hi Null a rn u r of p m thoM thoi Iho who 11 lev that tiit I IU It motive noth b be political The Till Han nil 1111 n a from lo tu c t that dIres a station In hi the th and that thi t tho hl cordial 10 lal that Hint w rt Int to 10 II mV fie titi Ih way In fl for tOI ih the ut U this Ihl country to th c It H In III ly Hint inch LI u from train fn rut Il n lit III this thin 1111 Itoh hut but It II In Is not nol Unit flint nm some inch hope hol I Is II en If It MI si the sooner oon r ha Ih Herman Ormall IH In that Ih t unit tvr tI this the Ih better The rue In JI Isto n to 10 arrange tho the mo nuit t ent In honor hOllor oC u II tin ito amiable visitor who n tin nH the iop lOp of ot a n gran country and a aLIet LIet II ruler American Aln kans are lirt willing willingto to give banquets bestow lillo and make ope II ch H be he nu nH na oa they 1110 win but buL they do not that of maun tho thu nul NIlI leal ical t at or n it t policy poll I hut huh Is 18 and ul al Ways wayn 01 Wits WAS to lio ho fair to 10 nil AI the Iho world the fhe United Unit linn hits hn no ene ell mIe Bhe Ah ie does not need lIuM to 1111 by conc th of ot nay uny nation In r to 10 creole a 1 balance of ot possible merits The Tb nr nf the th In Is well w ll II by II who la Is I UK ew follows Wo tWo ft nrc Lit very t y glad to 10 Prince Henry earn om vir UH its und and we him utah H M royal welcome but hut If It h lie to stunk In iii under tinder the tho Monroe silt Ht w III will 1111 i IiI see M him whig ho he hi to 10 under this the I II I hite hilI no n that l 8 Any ulterior motive In sending Prince Henry lIem over hire here other than 10 to cultivate friendly rt improve h ii r If h hI he hopes to 11 ti secure on Ol ow to 10 loritt u II Hull Stalin n nin in II South waters na as o it result of or the visit his liln hi trip to tin th Ih i united will prove prie 1110 n it Hut hint It In is not to look for or any In ii the tho mil enil At the Ihk on 92 tho of February nry mado u Li formal AH as to th the object of his lilt visit Ho lie Huld In lii tt tt It It wIth will littered you OU I 1 know kno to nUt the nature of my toy m mU nils stun to Ut till uk The are na its II follows nu his tint tin emperor linn hits minutely l IIII I tho ami input dor do lo of tit thi Ih hla hili la is I well wll of th Ih fuel that your yours In is I a 11 HI Ills mo to 10 may therefore b be I upon KM IM an art act of courtesy Ith th Lie HIli one of idol rotation between Jorman lh UI Stilts s you bo tin 0 to time tho you OU Ott will find stich lC I u II ont one on till tile other them Mil hl 01 of the 1 Ill ocean Is U tin nil ti ft 19 is isto Iw le to look for ur or hidden purposes Ta o do so un J Is lii t tn I to 10 some extent the good I m 1111 0 1111 produced There Inn li liti no lit hourly hout Ie of this the prof po 11 hand haid If It ire et ll na as to the Ihl motive At It tt U is I enough to note lote that Ihal tIme the royal visitor About him an un of or good God eod h he went This should bring good results in Iii the further re nt ot the two to one an nn In III all cases where mutual Inter utI tetH con cnn be II without the In lii of the EightH of other nn nit Hint also nUo aie 1111 tho the friends of ot this rapidly developing country |