Show MINING MINI The Silver Sliver Island of ot Tacoma has a 11 ore or On tho the market Two wo ears of May itra Day Pity concentrates will bo IJo on tho tim market tomorrow One Ono car of ot concentrates from tram the Queen Quean QU Mill at lit Is l on market 0 Ore Q and bullion n settlements In iii this city elt Hy amounted am 1 to 10 T r Tt 1 t Jones 4 Co 2700 i 0 Co Mi 4 J MUrphy formerly superintend superintendent eat ent of the Dalton Lark Lurk has accepted n ii I similar position with the tho Sleek Beck The Taylor and Brunton sampler to today today day reported the receipt of two eats cars of ot concentrates from and two from and one car of ot ore oro from Ne No Nevada NaThe vada The Tho trail from Three Forks to the middle fork of lC tin thus Salmon river will be b open opeti In a II week eek The rite rood Is 19 now no open 10 to Forks so 50 that hint It II will riot not be belong belong belong long before entrance U Is I easy ena to 10 Thun Thull Thunder der deM M district James W Nelll Nelli tho tin mining Is making a n thorough examination of the lie Con COli property at nt anti and Is II preparing a n report which will willbe be ho b submitted d to tn lIsting Jl committee of It the lie Joston exchange W v II H III 8 received It a letter Ie Iter this morning from rom Foreman Woolcott of ot the th Shoba Sheba which l states that thero hero Is no change chango In ha 11 the face fac ot ut the old Sheba tunnel which has be been n driven In Ill about IB lr f ot Work In lii tho ho Jones slope stape has hAB advanced three feet feat f ut and good oro ore con continues muss to bo lJ from It Tunnel Lode Lodo No 2 has limn advanced five We feet teet and anil Is In ore containing good 1 values The Tho Iron tunnel on the tho surface has be been n cleaned out and an advanced ud two 1110 iso feet feel |