Show ELECTRICAL WIRE STRIKE The Pita electrical and time the tm cot failed 11 to connect Saturday on omu time tho agreement proposed nt lit t per ncr perIn day In and limo tho men were ett still out nt lit last accounts ee Time Tho ho employers organized d yesterday morning to resist the action of ot their employed and have formed the Tho Electrical Contractors Protective association With these thelo Prod l dent II n W v Nicoli secretary Hect C U B hawley treasurer 11 R H It Theao that the Iho whole trou trouble troubIe ble blo is III caused by agitators In fact men out omit of ot a it 1 jOb who havo IHlO put Pitt up UI this Job to 10 got get others out of their jobs jou In Intending tending themselves to drop Into tile tho yn Va nn ON SOOth soon ns 85 opportunity offers Tho The number of ot mon men really out on a U strike ID in l placed by time tho employers employer far farbelow farbelow below the tho number given out by the tho morning papers anti and on Mr NIcoli said that ho lIe doubted It If there thore were lr cu Journeymen at t the furthest thought though he lie believed twelve nearer tho the figure Tho tOI nn an Increase on the tue ground of costlier co times IH Is laughed at ot the being JI d the he ireal CaROl caHua belli Mr gays sayd a 8 ho he hohas helIne lIne has men inca wit win get et lily phy ns as high ns tie J 1 per lIer tiny day but they arC aiO skilled anti and rl enci men Inca and ho hum tines docs not propone to jimmy puy Pl y Indifferent help hell the tho same 01 on U help heIr Mr rr Holding Holt lug say zayn OI a there U ig I II loan I In the tho electrical titan t In nay other trade and that em Im cnn can nil to tn pity puy n it t gen germ cm CIa eul Mr Holding says nays lila his men mell hl I not struck And Anil are a nH as usual on a n 1 3 per tiny they He lie has hili two Journeymen und two tilo helpers The fill SnIt Lake Electrical I Supply company line han seven devon out Journeymen and all nil and the lias hils about titLe name lume although not giving thu anti and both concerns say Unit luLl they thoy tho can do very ery Yell well for fot some Rome time to come como without the Iho strikers us its there Is 18 little work doing In their line Blacklisting was wan broached at yesterdays meeting but no action wan taken The Tho strikers profess to have no fear t ar or alarm In tIme matter and lucre have wired unions In other cities clUe that there ls In a II strike on They Thoy also tile that employer will trill not 1101 venture to allow the tue work to be lie done dOh by non nOli nonunion nonunion union or Inexperienced hands They allege they have nfl aid In sight to keep them HIIm going for tor santo tUne time to come conic anti that If H they cannot connot win tIme the day Without help hell the tue linemen anti the time arc ure light trimmers will Indulge In a n sympathetic U cUc nail and there Will be bl darkness nt at night In the streets str until tho time end Is gained |