Show ottly july 31 topaz times 13 1945 page 7 y 5 7 tiv D 0 y B industrial of inew industrial ssoft season which bell ball is A NEW neff me the IMUs UZIAL LOOP scheduled to begin as soon as more balls can be purchased will find several surprises many m any form potent TO BAT TIE T STAR NATIONAL ALL ALLSTAR t KAM al11 W seasons will be re combined to blk strial winners will probably team up with the E Tow atas electricians cy tomatas atals crowned king of expected to the combine american league ents anong the AA with will sary with commissary the Commie project a and for made are ken 7 1 varkin in sout souther herii utah manager cy tov toil ata is expected to leave exec ted also amo P a nnin the being nur chase of purchase gold and silver balls for chaid ps the next seasons champs A BLK john sohn hinted PUT OFFS landis baseball czar has that the block A I1 only teams issei circles this which vation of a CES P sus ota C sambo LT IF CT OF BS minute as tor fo be 20 12 takahashi IB SS last kaz hiro hire 26 tate late 11 11 kuwada Kinvada jackson tn kuni min 19 ishida ishii 12 19 Ki Xi kozo tamura star studded br sup supported ortch bv senta tive representative tentative depre souad will vill be hurler hid ka 1 probability fujino stated fur- all i be coir the following vetposed of tho eran players P C G eichi adachi j yosh frank nakao ab nobe kobayashi ab tomy nitta JB IS SS LF IF CF RT RF BS hideo george masuda shami nakao kaz kariya cy naka nakao0 SUNDAY has reyosh bik blk tosh up hardball pick pickup hardvall har dball nine will while onori managed the placed aki asai behind the comer home plate rhile nen comor battle the selected cardin- sport at tanforan team td succeeded al lean this sunday afterpractice is expected to frank nakao has succeed and noon at on fig PM on dia biond commence isac asai diamond as soon as the yosh ishida 15 it was stated Varkin lavardin ishida left for La ring is built GAME s 20 19 sam thi thiss lt has ro is well remembered by issei for his share in su16 s mo back in san francisco CES will of 11 by infielders george Se kakihara of 11 ro ring ties Naka noto of 12 and cy 20 of 21 and by outbe constructed in the vill amura of high school area opp- fielders ike na Lamura mura of 20 ken kita 23 the size of 12 kitamura Ei tamura osite block 25 the proposed ring rine is about and sab hori of 11 twenty five lest touted chuck kakaes feet schare in area and two feet in ele- blk roster will in fujino healed that 14 14 are undisputed champions ions ther that fifteen truck chip chivions of their respective loops loads of sand and soil are blk 5 commanding tie the have already been genuisi eastern circuit and blk tinned to together sether with five 43 42 resting on their south- loads of pure sand ern league laurels besides fujino Su jino other GIRLS SOFTBALL directing the ovedirect issei with ith all the girls seen rall sumo program are G tussling regularly its a Shimaraoto secretary and mystery why a girls loop C treasurer been started bv to changes lows RF L y llie subject ori- I1 league play offs will be ents most ancient sport held next week is slated to make its iniof the 4 single A loops tial appearance in topaz only in the western and soon reported P arted in it was re northern circuits will there be a struggle for top places in the estern estem league blk 53 winners of the at 1st round will probably meet blk 31 the north korth ern loop will vill in most likelihood find min hin Shi nodas 29 men 37 aien scuffling with 57 at up the line lino lineup chuck kawano sumo plan ed pr F or broj oj e c t one of the diamond 15 the first fracas was planned for last evening on diamond 21 co managing the challengers will be bl blk jitiro nalamso and blk ab ab sumo at 1 on a now v PU buck short visit buckshorn nobe has relocated in chicago and roy fareharano botay nakata and maloto nao al oto have departed hao Ia loto for the orchards in la be the the GOLD RALLS FOR SOFTBALL plans tilt row night it L coop op with the co probably the will vill play lone rwolf olf hospital 4 ft all ill tussle instead team jas attributed this was to loss 0of manpower team man mn teddy lida iida has jaeee cintr city left for salt lp squads pre- combine elk MA LA announced CES dicted to opponwas with blk the second exhibition will be played tomor- tional league feited the entire block AA circuit crown to its strong administration ten the ex AA will unite with tho post office esquard the paced single A education cromton is by hurler dave crouton un newly the nahas for- CROWN TO A coiass bl expected of the he scheduled neriman ration nation league play cf al loague aff to de Gion ship terinine the cha championship of the block AAk league a picked national all star FORFEITS indu- the architects Z 0 due to teams AA Y L K B BLK last of Y BRY TABA A T for instance single A tens shuffled and it SS M a |