Show 44 X T IV vol no R 13 15 E E L Y saturday july 31 51 1943 1945 segregates TO GO C P 1 13 STAT S ES EERNST STATES RN ST SEPT I I1 FACTORY JOBS IN job K UTAH TOPAZ relocation assorted W I 1 openings 1 segregates arc tentatively leave topaz on september 13 for the tule segregation center etwas it was announced today by first scheduled to me the group of for men and women are a- lake vailable in a metal work charles F ernst project director upon his return sc reis from producing screws company fro n the denver conference of directors at and bolts dorchester the community council 9 MORE RECEIVE has appointed a c chimi tt ee 5 repatriates to coINDUCTION CALL of operate with the residents according to the relocation office because of the variety of openings suitable to both men and women possibilities bili ties of family relocation through these jobs were expressed ijen workers wanted ineen press operaclude drill anress Lmassachusetts 1 I1 nine topaz volunteers administrative personthe segregation and including sono jho have al- nel in dy relocated be program rready aill bo notified shortly by hill- and will meet weekly with the projthrice ect director for 5 days beginning draft braft board that they will tuesday will welfare be called for induction inbo tors at 66 to 75 lathe to tho ITS army a my at their interview repatriates acthe US operators 66 to 1 l pla- nearest induction cr centers cording to george lafaman davics of tho the ting screw operators 66 next to start expected to loave loank for ahny types of factory ft fit douglas on friday auoccupations for women are ars tad hikoyeda ire gust 6 are george available at 46 per hour lien ien and women clerks and george kawata and typists are also need- others include includo yoshihiko executive segregation officer those anaiho swering NO and si are being segregated will be interviewed by august R TELLING STO STORY will ill ed HOURS HOUS hayashida chicago yoshino paul detroit aich frank LIa salt lake city and yoshi- CHANGED nig groups grouns stor telling story telli according accord Accordigg to dillon S ayer national IRA director tho the following persons 1 be segregated all persons who have 1 which have been meeting in f elementaryy school liand rocs 14 land braries and at docs 22 were by drayviere a ton B nuttall director of the su mor school pro ro the tho 20 taka cedar city formally asked for repatri10 john yoshino vill lo lovo ation or expatriation to I day anday japan and have not retractgan on E l ion michigan for Iichi ed their requests prior to probabvolun bore volunteer will 1 july be to added ly this list persona who an 2 all persons CHURCH YOUTHS ouestion 28 in the rc negative or failed or ro START NEW UNIT STAIT and fused to answer it changes in the hours of the 7 bregue 2 to develop plans for who hav not changed their organ izat ion beginning ion cLyY answers prior to july 15 cru atin an organization cro the croatan groups will hold their rcess which will satisfy the in- and who arc are in tho the opinion and spiritual of tho from 1 pai instead of tellectual the project director lotol tel 3 needs of the young people yal to japan 35 workers kors conin topaz the vior all persons to whom TEN BEATS protestant ference of the protasia the director has denied iatt tho NATIONAL STARS arance met night church metla leave clo clearance last in an 33 roc tilt problems facing tho which featured thu brilli the rz6 RELOCATE ant pitching dual youth groups affiliated sus ota with the church hore were eichi adachi and zus 20 re hare ive Natao tomimatsu person to tha block AA loague leaggo chan- revie led and methods sug- is the pion 50 30 squad defeated the gested for eliminating receive his indefinite AA loop all stairs them he left thursday leave 5522 friday on diamond 21 group inthe jor city on a th for aviin S second L the sanada rs hospitality offer with exhibition cludes cas will bo played to- eisses amy kajiwara haru fracas eigio hikido 37 2 B fr morrow qt PH on diaat mao is the son of iti kawahara rhoda ni mond 15 yoshi sato esther hr and hrs F tomimatol prior to aka 30 8 F bob alea anda 10 tani an tsu of 50 em was S vas firel he TIER departure arture ka ux den fujita bax ilin his bill 11 topaz az fire 61 thursday koji urata bill aloyed in the to 99 matsu bill oshina and priday 95 65 ura department urani atsu cram eram c 7 0 1000 7 irs 1 1 i 1 R v the pr howard TIT |