Show page topaz times 6 july tuly U id birth RATE RATE vv g DEATHS TOPS with all meMEETr CALLED re- of a 13 REUNION Y 1 V I I 1I i1 1 1 v i S i 1 the atmosphere 1 latest statistics 31 51 typical 43 45 calip Y for its leased recently by the ho- boys between the ages of enjoyed contemplated reunion rally spital administration re- 11 to 15 years numca camping vealed the to who raping boys total that attended excursion tal their at the for in preparation ber of deaths since septer i as 57 37 of this number ber vwas sponsored camp anteduring the week of lope july 18 to 24 the topaz tuly alca ma will vail hold a special meet in tuesday night from fron 33 at roc 53 8 the Y 23 were males and females males ft the birth rate 14 were antelope camp last week under the leadership of 9 Y men the boys were divided into 6 groups each selecting such names as of the center totals ute confer chil chit triple blackfoot hopi of death cherothe of that toll the trica th tad fujita nine nales and 47 fo0 kees and white clouds board pointed out that all fifty nino koji murata and aulgo camp leaders ana an tent capca- malesto have been born persons inouye were caan directors date ptains should participate bains tains rev S been have shimada chaplain tha treated at th in the discussion which ir camoo mayor mickey cam an suzuki avertho dental clinic and will ail cover plans for the KaTja camo cajio ahara age Kaiv of and harry hara 1838 individuals scheduled for reunion monthly being attended editor are re boing tuesday august 10 to at the outpatient out patient detrips were made to the par ment trient of the hospital trilobite fossil field to part SUNDA SUN DAYY SCHOOL partment teak of mt swazy to clinic also there are the peak S TA FF EXPANDS STAFF an 0old id indian cave and to 1024 who have received eye teaching of the tea chinE staff examinations 1701 other interesting places one of the impresprotestant sunday with recommendation for the programs was was vas campfire camo who augmented have sive and school fire this lenses 1504 on evening fy when held friday had and week by the add 8 of addition i lasses duplicated a minced recognition was awarded to repaired tes enn aired reD teachers9 it yas teacher 5 leaders and 15 boys for rev JT by hev moto GIRLS PASS co cooperative leadertheir operative the new nei instructors inA D EXAMS taikich they aryon oishi FIRST AID ship and spirit which clude blissoss itilaryon rhoda girl students of the showed during their one sumi ashizpincy camping awa aliye tsuta- bieh school physical educ- week of cam was agnes As supervision who mho 11 ation success ba ko toba the ay classes mori hay to y a honda and chiyoko atsu typical leaderfull passed their stand- under ard first aid examinations ship the program adopted zaki recently should call for was flexible and instilled BEET WORK PAY WOK their certificates at the in the boys the happiest F READY FOR BOYS office iff the principal moments of their lives topaz high school boys next vee miss tane they will never forget the said mau 4 1 I1 1 ok mho were cd recently employed employ on 35 A T ams bcd sc hee dc augu-st z day afternoon auguet adams S en adans aid alden vocational agriculture te acner teacher stated that the boys will tau be paid for their work wark BIRTHS izula a rirl eirl urs tes to 29 6 july tuly i mi e uie 32 to airs yc 1 10 girl TO IA a boy orji girl mrs ta- to 13 8 0 mrs C interesting july 27 CH dutches UT CHes 6 r it hhe C f air ti AM at 5 MONDAY 44 standing commi- i 23 and 27 2 morning 32 school dining hall 52 AM aat worship frosi from 10 AJ at dinall classes from 32 with rev ing hall hal 1 52 rec 8 with rev Z and rev sermon speaker and T yoshida high chairman 28 nugent chairman and at rec 38 rec rev 1I kyogoku Kyohoku ser- school fellowship at roc with ath 33 PM 55 PH from mon and miss hideko ga va chair chairmen mn from 1045 ald with rev S al at rec sanada 28 ser- CHURCH HURCH CATHOLIC A service sato and E mon masa hasa from rec at roc with 14 father sunday school meet ino ina from Q beggy e BUDDHIST CHURCH SUNDAY kt sunda 23 2 B sav o ato irs shi 31 8 0 tuly july 27 lar a LS 1I SUNDAY miye matsuyama rca Matsuya july 26 a boy ISHIDA ISHI A to ishida 1 j shiko Taki cuchi 28 6 C 22 a airl suly july 23 to hrs fujiye labe abe 39 10 E tuly 25 july 85 a and a-pproximately SOO stu- experiences of their stay dents will receive certifi- at camp antelope are asked to cates it was reported tad fujita lard county 32 report to 52 IZUKA exciting instructor am e miya amemiya in the thinning and weed ing of sugar beets in hiline or 2 PM WEDNESDAY rom er from protestant SUNDAY at rec rev 33 rosary pray- PH PI at rec 14 CHURCH holy communion all with from 8 AM sunday Tor asawa school classes from at rec ttee AM alvL from 22 midweek bi WEDNESDAY ble circle from fron 32 12 CD with rev 52 hiros lecture PM E on the at sue ro- mansal mans SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST SATURDAY sabbath bible ALT at rec AM school from worship from 14 sabbath 9 30 AI TUESDAY cottage bible PM school from 8 PY WEDNESDAY meeting from 8 PM 0 prayer |