Show DEATH YOUNG WRITER William G of Herald Staff Consumption END ENI OF C a as a War Caries miser Amid Anil Overused Ills William the author of time tho Chill coil Crims column in M th Halt Lako Herald died hid lait night nt At 9 U ut at hi lila hornu road mud this tho of one of tho thU Stars In tio local now noiva Those vho rend read lila his column of witty und amid pointed humor thought they thoy vor the thu of a full ull of vl vIgor or the work o itt a hand that lint held with u It strong grump life anti many of Its radiant prospects flat But on tIme tho contrary sunny Bunny rays emanated from very v ry shadows of the thu tomb That Jy y heart luart was trio ono lout bunt to bottler find ond limo tho trans par parent nt hands bore boro testimony of ut tic tha of an inexorable disease that would aim via tin I ta victim viol i mrm Y Q a was n born In lii the tho town of r Ion i Ontario Ii years year cm Ho lb time the public nubile schools and alti III n lIlt 1801 went to Iti Chicago whom ho wad im played as u ii ills vein ein to Hod In lills of torso that limit bo hia wrote for hM lila own omen mont Bomo or ur them fell into the tho hands of n ma friend who wan BO so taken up UI with thorn item that hint he lie te II I i White While thou then managing editor of Um Chicago Daily News New Mr While promptly them Item and asked for more immure then lieu wrote versa for Ito tho paper but finally by WP White to enter limo tho newspaper Hold us a it permanent profession So 51 he lie n ii reporter And was for a time line political editor the antI nt the tho outbreak of titus thu Spanish ho lie was to tho ho mont front OH as cof respondent He lit went to und mutt then therm to Cuba Ills liln from fr mp time the latter Place quito celebrated anti him us u ci young man Q of most monet unusual ability After the tho war he went back to the News Nans and anil later to the Journal In paper he lie conducted a column of wit end and hu humor humar mar mor on time tho front pane At tithe this a book of and alit verse was printed which became popular tho being by Kiwi and time tho verse versa by Mr Mm Jack Jackson son Soil sonA A over two years ago he became tu to time the presidency of tho Went Vest Park bond board and kept up tip lila his work on time the also The work proved too much for him Ibis His constitution b to break on era long lonu the thi horrible reality burst upon him that he hue had contracted consumption With a courage that tow fow men muon have ho Itu turned timed to tin tho West est In it search ot of at Lit leant houat an extension of life Ills mother was the tho only ono one ho had In the tho world ivorid mind and ho lie was the he only ono iho imo had to lean upon And for or her sake cake he lie laughed and whistled and tried triad to smile away the death like pal lot lop that was over his hid fate fade Two yours years ago lie went to California Ho lie Improved for n a abort time hut but began to fall again In PC lc tober UCO he came jo to Salt Bait Luke Lake with his mother and lie noami begun ti to IM feel IMa feela a of Isis his vigor Bo So ho accepted a ii position on th the Herald and served as a reporter for om a few tesy months Ho lie later was placed on aim the editorial staff and a short limit ago ho ito began iegan lila his funny column of at verso verse that began to attract throughout the country About two months ago he lie suffered an arm attack that threatened to end his life hut but h ha recovered and resumed his work worX on or the tho Herald On the let 1st of tIme tho year ho lie WAS seized with another attack that hint home bore the Impress ot of death and two days ago aga he Ime lapsed Into unconscious unconsciousness ness from which ho never mover recovered WillIam 0 I Jackson was wan a courage courageous Otis ous arid high minded young man maim Clean In Iii his bile habits anti and thoughts ho lie Meed the grave with a smile on his lips Such Huch a irian could not fall to tobe tobe be loved hovel anti and there aro many mammy who time tuo mourning lila his demise George Mason Macon a Chicago attorney the tho friend Who took his early to time the paper anti started him on ide ca on career reer will arrive In him Salt Loins City to tomorrow morrow Ho will take chargo of all the affairs attendant upon the ship abhi shipment ment of time the remains to Chicago anti and will do nil all ho ito can to lighten time mail load of woo woe that flint Is resting so heavily upon the tho lonely mother who watched her brave son eon with her heart In tim Item her throat struggle with time tho trim grim reaper until Ito tho latter conquered To her the sincere sympathy of the ho community Is ex ax extended tended |