Show lOSHEN Now Noto Sunday III In School In III Condition Special Bimodal Correspondence Goshen Utah Walt Co Jan 0 Last Fri lirI Friday day evening a R very pry successful tare fare farewell well parly larty was wall given In honor of ot Bl EI ders dere Hanson and Warren Warron But nur roston roeton who leave for tor or the time Southern States Stated mission ml lon on the time 1111 A nice purse o money WItS was given till veil ti tp hI each amid by y time way WILY the time people turned ou It la 19 evident time the Elders Ciders have the tho hearty support of ot nil all The health of our town has been very vory good BO so tar far this winter Our dis district dl school Is In good condition SUNDAY BUNDA Y SCHOOL CHANGES S I Sunday School Superintendent Brookbank and Assistant were wera here over oer Sunday f and effected a n anew anew new organization in the cy Ca C of ot our school chool W N W was wan selected elected ns as superintendent Win Wm Allen as n first assistant Wm as an second assistant Our old lId superintendent Arthur Doll Dall Is II going to leave for tor Canada III In the near future We Wo dislike parting with him an ems ho lie has ban been blell a n very tI ey worker In III th time community but wish him hint success In his hl undertaking M |