Show Youthful It ii jl II ii au ii Ia r There IB Is n a small fo l boy 10 living In this oily city who I If ho lose 1010 tile lid life lo come MOia just JUNI retribution tion will wIl grow roY mi Ull to be lie a II great grell cler chr declared Jones Iono For Vor l or some time tIlls my lilY lY wire wife lout has cl n a t yellow that has baa no ni earthly excuse for living hut But lut IO thinks that ho 10 In Is I th tho dog dogIn do aO doIn In II tho the city ly and nom most of ot her hol time him ILIILI hll and his hie hl dirty nose c Finally the tho dog dOl came Oll no mi I unbearable to 10 mo too 10 that I re resolved r solved to end tho Ihie Chancing to 10 meal n somali small MII boy bo onO one day dayI I II I Saul fuld to tD him a See Bee here het tiny boy ho do you want scant to 10 earn earna a II a Flute Bure Hur sold ho he hoWell hoI I Well oIl then fald I 1 to 10 toray tomy Wol Ill you t go I 0 up 11 my ray houie watch nit and anti tho the yellow cur that yoU vou will alit 11 find hang hanging Illg lug ing III around there thier When Whon you got get ot him hilmi bring hll down to my ny office and get Bul Bulon your on dollar Within two hours ho the boy won was wo back backwith Ilk backwith with wih tho cur CUC tied to n a rape roie I What will wi I 1 do tin with wih him bo boss ho lie nuked asked otter after I paid him hima hll a I r dont care caro I snapped drown If It you 01 want nit to tD That lat night I discovered my I wife In tears and was IU Informal sobs lob that poor 1001 dear little Ille was WIS Tho Tue ho nt n lay day 11 sho Shia hail an ni tm Inserted In nil lIlt 11 tho thin papers 10 0 for his bin return The Pus third thin flay day abe Rho met mel lid tun joyfully at I t till Ihl door and announced that t had hinti ben been ben found Where Shere t I ako concealing a n aA A little boy 0 brought him him back she he hen answer n I a V It t kind of o a n boy 1 I asked sue BUS a A boy ho with wih tho the i mint t t tars hint t I t over saw M on 10 a n ahoy boy hoy 10 I t rave trae him MO 00 It being hoing all ni I t hall hail and Blid 1111 told him If ie would go Il down and alc alit KO I see you 11 that 1 I know knew you ou would bo ho 1 Kind lAd in tf t AIM add 5 to 10 it tt I nut But th hay lioy show hw tip OIl 1 As Al n I matter of fort fArt tort I 1 th lie Idea hl a lu ho would I r oI nt t him ti 8 5 If I ho hI h would call Detroit Pre Flee n |