Show RP uto 03 CIL 91 M C SS M M ST Z by A IJ harry hiroshima hirashima 5 A ji Y we he ra kawahara and harumi ka cogs in the of the most vital cops works divipublic chinery the is chi city achi desuch which essential includes sion pa as maintenance and operations and and roads on construction irrigation find division designing acting chief of the 11 R watson of irrigation who among the top men lawrence B taylor is also ai page pae 3 1042 pendfendbe done by ahr washington and availabing orders from expected ud vas expects ility of mati rials the work was wan van not reto start about giov 15 done vealed whether the work will be dono on tract by contract to caucasian work rs or by workers rc the resident st ruction will it the head reuben ra s s are in the division ere maintenance mulford construction 7 K hutchinson Wood holl deray woodhall davies electricity signing and walter dball chief clerk M 29 converted from one of awaiting completion of ess they will serve PPs where tory the lebor labor rare toshi tory are labon and warren watanabe they arc conducting end io preliminary work at the present liae PLANS although SCHOOL PLANTS urh the general Altho layout of the schools has been planned by the army engineers the actual con M henry october the warehouses one is tims clory laboratory jJ Li ay ar v 1 1 1 J altevlr tejali v 0 i 4 cr nuge system drainage the irrigation and drai and reconstructed reconditioned watson indicated that his division is is being acres of land will be ready by at the peak of its construction period and chief of every bider hajime fall survey with experienced residents manning ore workers many resident section especially design and construc- the ane work area the surveying l d fit fi fild the excellence of the in le tion lie the water supply for the coiT3 produce wor produced taken care of by the 1 wells on v winterization of is bin deia end pumps however during peak demend and 2 the weeks division homes for the past arany sn army cn the expected was until trouble bourd in of the wall has corral ted 50 a iorg T on army rs amy bagan construction engineers the sta lo with lions lotions sti will hive a t fult alli their contract obligations by storage tank this frnk callos of alcous storage capacity of lainsg the materials necessary coap of ra thi to as oscr bcd falous th arc ant arr carpenters and volunteers re carer aters t the arc nt tank ajia ged in this activity further Wwotcn currea occurred the damous which oc son scid tnt t- qt oil stoves and chimney e du ing the first weeks were due to induring in comp haat been in dur fluri L flub ant za sta four more carloads of stoves adequate transformers lut the permanent stallau llau and ailed eru err have been ins are on the way hr he added ere will engaged in a multitude of other pro- lighting difficulties hencel orth vili blow to miner bc confined fuse wor borki rs of probably be otharr ri aident workers tb oth krs jects nrc th should cs lighting with outs troubles the cooDe with cooperation ration all the di in dision division arc build- be reported to the block electrician Apri agricultural cultural division electrician coops and brood- according to sam ing chicken brick chic kr CL photographic and f 0 rem n er houss and making photo T 10 a stall profile gc surveys su vs drainage of canals and draina sy rc of tho taking c re the imm diata ro who bho arc th rs the 01 th city ore needs of arc cOnstruct and tables for constructing benches ond 1 w AW y W y yA li i t J i nr FJW i V I 1 li 7 ta acro cra are arc nt the stion li craw crew on re rappairs and another sirs ngineer inear is sanitary 0eng building a coal loading dock in del tatsu install city the charge of in 41 77 30 hp arc 2 50 hn electric ed at the station are vats to dispose of the pumps and largi vets waste water carpenters past month the corp 4 V for the pest arni producing mass furnioffice been have A pincas and other bunches ture tables J oradn orajian is ee of furniture cabin t wk r fjforu e a c work rs arc attempt george kaino but waw x tecc more departments ants in the jainti ncncy n to i nerds of the present berds tarchitect uss sato and section ero end cro plumbers under frank itte ficenn like scraw under Y oto architect b for ruan tidd iwgeor georgc george Q K gc under george cn 0 mineral boilen aj designor cr tracei design and ond rr s pG galozi ft rs r ki saski ki ri t f tthll future coq by d br inc aing plans no beine sai others ar to mary kuwata is the secretary of puto tu jinto uno for future con ad un nd strut 13 th tl chemistry end bacteria blic works division 11 plumb alum duc j k I1 4 1 1 aji fc rit ints jr |