Show yj i ul ff TJ jj i 1 U 1 f l RESIDENT Kcal 1 r 1 ii bf 1 7 i t 1 hhis TT youths brother brothsr iwao taj ccritical the itier 1 th tauno demily was first notified of th soldier by t arain ain fream condition of tho 27 year old so on receipt of tho aa the birjj th baia Sn ollin a minn jt pon fort knollin mad 71n th Corr ily quickly madi amusements orrin amm 8 pi ision to arcuro a bi ot 10 r th biot brother for thi malfaro Tir ao to th bidd of to eo and tho inn mr ir con fird at thu station hospital nt ib fiort the youth confirm bielling ingfi bnell nellin tho pair 1aft ft topaz on oct 15 on oct pard I1 V j from iwao stating that h had ar ia a 1 dd d to giau blood transfusion 0 o standing anding was also asu c by another sj in al that yr transfusion th was n c ernst for tha aiu isao s nc sary declared arod that ird iijj ard chance for has help to hadj arv d d T stoian jwj klc c A STO vl 1 T I1 I1 N Y s- I1 r 1 y tri I1 uc k crops truck tuno sianu tt it stated up hapij copl but our dupar ably neyr it w wa 3 will t industryy wm find start in ir topaz b rdialed chief all division at i C I1 i to call particular there attention to it an l this ia will se vill be the farnt of thhase t I1 clar storis corollary item to story d-in ota hs dan has this the following farm news to report As a armed with ence litho tho productive figures ures on OI 01 possibilities of other RA e acts 4 projects lo cn tion broj relocation agricultural experts crime here recently and me met with thy thu cites agricultural di vibian to coordinate the farming tannin paz enterprises of to- with those of the other centers the experts aged and donald were BH EH reed R fr sibin from the trl Aagsjon Divi at division riculture ri washington DC C i m David pon sr and robert S davidson mir san from the francisco bisco ro fran tj officio iceal dional danial ota by roscoe 3 Agricultural of th tha a rol the principal coralu sion reached by this P ri cultural conference was eri at that CO acres aco will kill be doted to truck crop plan planting conscription for rucj it by riidu nt of topaz and ra ari i foj brair to ara of jn toi in d pro j 0 j livestock iod f aft th ro0 many ork rs vill will a3 1943 3 seminar or L 1 in accordanci with th j chur ak i af 510 now nov had a ap eipper ddeop appreciation to had groat doal deal by iZ pit s letter rived in time arrival lr dir T 1 iv 02 9 7 2 younger 1 l 1 1 to a plucky U t n cumo death CUM army despite spit in the US amy de i 1 V t bro dash across thurlo dosh brothers topaz from country to ava the fro co s hi lit S his w the wira vir noti hinr tho family m 7 pac on oct death of the dath of isao isso prato to r shortly on tha haals of i ful lott boels ofa L c s 7 di ct by brajt bernst the stricken charl fash DA SH hii r 1 U ac rt fuik I1 r ra evolyn by Kiri rau ls 0 V CROSS L T IK IN I1 r14 I1 n nt As y s for nd ird w 0 o cct to arn bP roj rn st inird bl ti sugar 01 privately feuz sr beets privatuly oi fall ao ill prevent any harv sting that local labor oct area thaa project tho of a similar cron bell de clon within th AR AI at this conjt of in was a doc decision ision rosula rosult clana alis tiis by i ar o crops rs al ference agricultural national thi division asti Asri cultural ri th j dera cons special acid ir iceal RA r pr aid nu A sun jer field of lover thomps R ar tion i flo an 10 introductory address by li was plan Jr 11 appreciably appreciable to ill size turned th seminar pro aari for ra was rari ll Jat rill ris as d project iod for 1943 ni for thu the planate nd tion on tha specific cropf plant clarification sun tile from the ext acted lc ry sui berj oil extracted cabbage carrot the list included broccoli cab cirr ot cclury 1 av jaaj A V Z 1 W s i 0 T V as sub flow chipes cub p a rutabagaa snip boang boans sni flo r seeds P een pan green cd c ib tom ito bat c bc cucut r statute for linseed oil irish potato tomito some ata blos will be daiy STO soine v egetables diy und and pran onion turnip sweat squash par on w grown curn addad h re to be dehydratare aias curi swiss ch rd radiah and it ed and sent elsewhere for sw strawberry potato be bs hadj with that briels laith it 0 o by th armed for uusie tha U and 1 j ar und cs d by ferrars in this rj bill stated th t in addition pyrl thum ion has indicated thai that generally the soil of cantral sion wy btbp produced ra show co J to utah sho acial fertilizers acreage to be sup u nura exact supply or sn rio tho gly the hafi project bo absurd has bc ln of lar of th laru tham bein suba as for which is reputedly 3 nourishing a haro soil hara oct to the aunt of skids act ax aunt extracts acm obtainable abla bagin in luta march or aarle obtain first planting1 will begin lut of th tha usually dos not ruia a april ball sslid id As killing frost us danily ar aej benum crops end until ibiddle planting ader ender t of i of may th thi cheif actwill bbj dalf y d till sui r utilia idd is th chit n nt a di r d insect i b ive could rc made raade no pr n rj definite dictions bacall finita s p 0 c 1I ray s wh which i c h aar e spohl farming ro ions ssPprays garding conditions to travail in tho farmin io d to aarmed the ally v of tho stat boxt fall bill admit admitted annittod that choth sr tho ori trop ict ha re will hadj suf project broj sufficient fici it labor for its own corcos 1 as c D C flors 1 1 c harvert remains ira certain ain cal fronts |