Show N J te s y 6 fc no 1 r 1 yi 1 1 cc 3 JU M E E RESIDENTS k rsm DEN TS SSEE E A SONS fa FIRST SSNOWFALL NOW FA LL S SEASONS I Ct ti athe ss i J v v- i is wever however though on the ground itsthis s ahira ira Iievin avins evin E 23 is if seen m yr 1 ilia added I accumulate more 11 12 5 D had hac lots ith that snow wednesday ednes day fallin in topaz N vet- 3 od to sod i ima in reports the morning afternoon lasses classes jhb aholo wore nnot conducted in th econdary s and tary condary 9 elementary elo elonen visibly tb cue cile of th was vas no new it korur ai many 0of one ann onu 1 aa bed A bcd Kaw ihara F faiumi kawahara ai SN in ite le seendisappointed 11 I1 l 1 V snow jed hs residents in said franciscan this resident tho the enow ano to others erans hl topaz hhidl its first i iori in moran d to and first ufa3 lif 1 7 IS r rt 1942 29 october 1 s S affy TY H E C T CITY THE V W abc ri i fi topazz utah 53 la tr A T AT A 9 PD DD vol 11 i 4 schools school o lin D Car lisl r i-john carlisle superintendent of educathat inasmuch tion said chat des ti as classrooms ire destil arn the pretuto of stoves at tile schedule dule sent tho school sch 1 the of fun skiing on tho see snow again uto a gget chance chanco t pacific coast ranges I1 hope wwell il winwest of raa t hor would dep ind for nd to a arsa those antic enticing tilize li r extent on condoil ter sports lir charles r1 arnz 1 expressed his itions project A C CU to a promise abr a re the tines NAY hope that roil this snow be reii white ahil out on circulation christia s ra rather jlmes jennings Jennin gp head of tho placement bureau de today was told mathez all j a rs by jelly ident uresident H eej in n point nothing snow lived vint is clard this gold I1 had a goud gol d hunch that that the group of counciltah practically all my life wont to elta men who thia snow is nothing nav it would arow today yopep this coal tuesday to shovel coil ill of th ai otar native of utah so NY avy a contrast non ther iii viewpoint fo reports Ddivision av fa found jonii stin rr Li sion put snora cst ajr i in v ant out to sa j ehst hid sonn hura ajr so soon slid 1 I I1 at L 11 rinr TT T 1 c the atle if of it MOE mcce Ar pt r dac scrib R A F elmr ji c I1 I1 ofton wa we so sack TN J twenty venty S hi yua 11 i GO 00 conI din dia y no ita as long as snow sno haj until I1 ae ne let 3 cip t as 11 iain illiain ilill pi 0r from fr more ky IY arrived at afternoon six ay op orly ata dalt D 1 most era larz au ant c 86 26 cct them tham tolt olt reached remaining b driven by were housed in the apartments of 1 the city in th ciarJ ajr 4 la rala arrivals berj mornin l ata rt I1 C TM OM WELL O blLE akV tho alst of taj with th th 1111 d 1 blann ar for topaz coi J dayy amply aniply 3 wils ils fl ji hobt nr jr chiff mon sion taj city will bb j to th U Ai pp owr over trens un UD 11 tons of coal n f s in froia a dalta compare fis from alts atcy nou sura marg 21 its of th huroy and auprly divisont s varol trucks isbey can and w jd with water provided wat sr providad it C ans today by capt in awai lW dyar of thi I1U agina rs HF dyr A 1 one ond boll will furnish sufficient v atur adur for thi entire center captain byor said the viator is very good ond vary soft and has no 40 salt cont ant further ther water its hard per nasa parts hardness being only million the third well wall lies 1000 ft south of the batar lowr which is to the ost of the city kropar it was dug to a depth of olad nd will ap abo gel adwill ft Ig t per par igear t tho wells anre birke 1000 ft apart re in line S lost ir J baat ad lost cors vjra located the loat tho nd ex antor sy and in provo errs to at least 2 orrs Adnas day b sch r ach bl T THIRD bonday on fujikaa sis thu vall known sujit sarv d evnin martha and blossom jn tho of taj santi anit socail tn lf r depart rt th c r tntrir the others also hald kajy positions it tho the b 0 actually carload 1 trr cars th tha tracks tr sported thi- n inzat to topaz where the on th tion officials transported trin ij oro cess was conducted at tho on the placement euild action procesa re aJi phrae readi t chith 1L hnud TT waro cans 5 carloads of ct co sevan 30 inta An Anifitans o d the the tho lonerg a part in cy of cf included in last include P i to topaz arc comina but av comin ord r tho but avcici center c fintor th j head of st suction action star s cit 0of f bodny iy it ay youa you 1 story for on as you ably fr at C thu end ccolumn 01 MU find a as plans truck crop pleas is thisine 3 this a upon arsh story vo for th city citess dia halls ir taij ht T altar ls atar Is V 1 avor |