Show october 10 tvs 1 I1 Z N COMMUNITY 1 pa-ys pays e 1942 V J r r I1 T AC CHUC hk chuchak M i J 1 S E I1 53 t 1 aj i i 1 r 1I c i I1 goto T ro roto ti au the jaia ita v tro as cha channion th tho3 arler ith tiro ada instl 30 sept 50 tila current proc of anith ani talal at 4 9 3 tho co j activities qc eyo oku oka to bead TM rev 1I kyo va head a elal described sz action VHS to ltd T week ity which orl v I ali tho adult edue t by c binl vill bork follows thic thi on a prcy iraca riber of ahn tion tbs n lu gs ic tha cirota I1 li rota a somber linuaafe A 0 o f members of this Js committee ioA staff section i seit tr lith catholic S SP iut TJ fujii buddhist cit no i ith topaz city K izar orata Prota o av nt affo dc f dv th kizar abenth say almost al noat fully settled tho ioraa Aao ia sec- is busy tion i ilic W lionizing a organizing or ram dasi nad aion to ffid nd id i religious iou ni lit ro tine re eted at bills time v atoa nP almost SW pa si one squer within ons n 40 sons anila certainly boj corta self staff section at present ebors m headid temporarily 11 ii headed 1 1 ay 77 direr Duritir the chizo L li bf lix lifa 20 1 ho enter- dances and 23 cog goee co borvice aroi fro 9 a an latov av aita S C chairman at 10 tsuji mrs 9 K 1 to be conducted conductsd 1 for ga ill an 0beo ppr fattier father by sept froe from sent pm on L T 1 errico dvv mar Sa ve from hag rom lind 53 noro und opened c irv atvill b- i opar ain ir comins wee iti ia other via comin saturday 1 ron rori lih ci 14 i T L 3 spP akina church su gey school from 9 am rev KY raan tian i chai sD oaker chairman akai eaker clish kai su at 10 a0 n sunday rev J chair U k jK C C U 37 s- 1 TT is h 1 TiT 1 li c ral Q clasil rian ASO v nin I1 as ji r asli r arnin 01 F al ap11 1nt 11 o rec and ard ath school from oth jn 12 m first mit it ir R C A T AT iroff DAY reo i aso in geo chaira r m trint irlm 11 pli yM 03J TT ajril cit JriL hii unary j f- r at ES ii githiri aith iri arran lri evl time arru l chairs 0 raj ia noe tinas ir also lj 1 thir 6 0 roy its 1 j G fron 10 am ab kec r aice at sunday matadult 3batorvice Kuro kava ci suzo kurokawa or et TT kashima speaker speak cp na ae the rhosa at vendi rhose wore vendina asked ser vicos services ondina or chip intha roup croup activities most of its come 1 ker fsr g oolf uail ler arrivi ia Gr tha ne retr if t t hac 28 from 16 1 a service ktt hoc anq K Kui chii naan rev Ku mate nata speakucate ya asato atsatt day Sa super v v w t as follows 4 arf jle yrjo 03 su Z lutalca Makayema pi oribel ool r ill ploys be vill illlly rill d ily by 1 vis morly of th formerly orly forn tl for bacr oc or iest juve y ie fujii da ar J ex an i aas L ond and byy bp be emp in the roloyes iri employed cin 1 nd i e 1 I1 r rid tha 0 r fielis thara lyy c1P has ovata kim rim ii g on wednesday 1 thah 36 56 chirch T the need for leadere 01 leisure the ulc oj ship in tho cirlo i evi dont evident aca ably I1 C Y ka tsu T rv an 10 a n speaker church sunday amoto kin rt Sservice e 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athletic handi handicraft crift ma- ervi eruinantnt fi d to this I1leai 11 frispiOs airo 7 due to duo I1 ck of lck the equipi abent obeta said tha halls to brido sro aro re a bride players ro nl aers that piruz po C Y will ber itic tall 1I vill kimio alli k nd that and mothr J r ot of tha coan unity shortly will facilitate limited ss int of j va 3 1 artly ren out by the purrs with th adaist d be a cn dodov es division vill bo divisi r s aam Pero ac ilce3 of the apan lj to r j sidenia iderits to par coon s guntli ira n Dur iri division divi cion durin own equipment r ve t tir 0 ori sir IT tisie tha re- to alie roc lwills until the deot tn etc 0or divi iraz 0 o re time ailt rg 0 o je sla aidU tra HIP till th a hal to all di ta cl hall1 siona sic ll action jr ir loyl thI if j r k I q to r illa ruf t ia we vie r jr r 3 trustin IV 0 alyk 1 frill lv artz on labond ond oart 7 la pond coar h cam community 53 v unity or ha cor 11 ancl thi hrAvOIL ouli aho ard LIZ c As alic 01 f id ellks 3 ol hi devi rl ilien ic ian t ir nii 1 fc OY 11 A te 1 3 01 A rrt 1 4 A |