Show octo br 2 r 8BULLETIN UL Lk T A 06 8 1 A I t 1 i 1 A 1 f J D PO TOO ODO DO dsa7 tl J 10 movement 0N Tthee r om kemt pa from oct 3 from tanforan to brought nor ba- sons here rmaking pv total of arthur ea persons TOD the ton12 hed ta head oi of the housing 2 movements bp by girl number to thiis wore oro added 3 abby this infirmary and from section this week asked born at the Ttopaz nm ber were this number ota residents not to use elec- subtracted 56 sugar beet arkers or kors who left hero here for box begreen eller county and so at tho between the end of last reek the poptrical appliances 9 AM goinz city stood it persons unless vi- ulation of topa at 5 PM and 8 tally necessary contier ont of 50 persons from santa this week a contingent eaton tomorrow baton explained that anita reached here thursday and to morrow sunday oo from tanforan ending the mass s present elethe city expect ero expected more pro cites ctrical st eions are temp- movements to topa stations tow 7 PROBLEMS orary ones with a total cadiy the first group arrived the from the adny pacity of only kilo- housing department ans hard oress cd to provide famlacity F watts 1500 to the ilies of as compared kilowatt stations to mounted 23s 21 ith their 31 c and as m 0own rooms this geometrically with the arrival of each new permanently installed come in group ands and further the ne nerr arrivals began to cone A survey last reek shor- faster than their houses could be readied for occued that the circuits were vere pancy me direly pressed to probecame bec the do double vide even adequate shelter ind and bedding equip nent for carrying almost equipment nuch loss to satisfy the small fatheir nominal load and on the nor residents much au c oct 4 a major milies whose sunday PO harvy 7 so ns to tomu 51 5 couhose influx transformer was burned turned out ples and nd 55 families members fani lies of 73 mem bers on a single day eaton only 3 persons for baton warned that until oct 1 and families a the 1500 kilor tt stations last eok kilowatt ceding eek in contrast Pst to H4 persons for the ore preceding above reeks are installed the a bove be obregulations must ie to relieve the shortage of bedding equipserved to prevent a co- ment supplies were ere rushed here rhile arthur down of the salon mplete break breakdown eaton head of the quarters section explained I n t the equipment system was emph asiye right now ant to emphasize that nor th mo amy new bo to be neregular by meanwhile formerly ced re the reDIn used and will in rill me receive them ease the load the number sup olies as soon ns as we at c lighted and found there were edat of street lamps light stock reek end eaton took st this week s night have been cut down bblankets and 1000 corn in the topaz warecomforters doan cornforth forte eaton pointed out houses but no cotton mattresses ero available on but ny monday this partial dim out of Mond but he agreed with tho statement released the city was a dangerous last week by paul baker chief of the maintenance as no stove to the work of and operations division that there wis public stoves in C safety and fire sl the or tage he said the delay in installing stove shortage and temporary D a measure monsure apartments only was and control divisions STOVES according to that all apartments were scheduled to receive stoves the community welfare dipartitions monn llean hile alies forced to share a yere asking at least for partitions to revision families with me- single room were mbers and skilled in the following ca- lieve the situation but lack of materials find may noply to the caroen tors hela te tegories held back the work rork on partitions A planrec hall ning committee appointed monday introduced a propowelfare division li vision ent need of partitions approach urgent 30 for immediate instal- sal that those in ur bumber ber with rith which to lation of stoves children the housing committee for scrap aun chief cornwall 2 years and under aged build their own partitions and claude reported as was housing years division and over and of the employment and 65 ering the apartments to altering others who have doctors as investigating means of Pit Ka ahara harumi xa kaihara fe certificates testifying to accommodate the small families milies be K 7 1 11 HT 11 I1 1 1 their need to seal the worker installation of stoves the community council must ion workers residents roofing felt is being conducted accord- make the regulations bo be especially careaxt ng but to schedule chai raan of should iI1ing dr hirota chairman pas ring under aher passing then said the ful council oro visions are be- the special provisions incomplete ays and madoorways door ing made for these cases council is taking the openings chimney PUBLIC SAFETY division tter under consideration niniE for training pec and hopes to pola fired TN Trai poll the resiof public safety at pee which firemen opinions oT inions volunteer 11 this weak asked that dents for their oD eligible majo make ther thor oli any ar on the question trill all accidents and WARNING WASHING baton to fill openings in the arthur eaton bicle lost or found be reili ac-be ill regular ular force head of the housing sec- rep ported to them and that a aej to tion this week warned held 2 hours a reek re lost child be sorted parsons residing cording to bill Nokah pra the district warden rarden or to that all persons volun7 I1 with unin buildings ralph fridley division finished roofs should apke chief declared that there precautions against the are no regulations yet as poss ability of being burnto residents keeping pet det ed by falling drops of hot dogs and cats and that tar used by the construct the office fire fi- o chief 0 those teering should be over 16 years of ape are ap being e received at the are ar cast of the east house fire post office 0 |