Show pro issup pre ho issue no taj 2 67 pla to tolas 6 SANTA ANI TA ca th utah ity J NG H ing C LOTH BASIC A basic distribution of cnair B octo brt 10 october D UP A APR R 0 I I1 1 clothing ordered in V S kVES R I1 bern ben ann rr n contingent queed tuesday ray in the DELAYED city the dis tribu ting staff will work all day sunday and fifty five hundred rind f if ty former t get the packages to the f arzer san franci sains ar- to santa anita from th anter rived thursday fron re quickly as resident resi dentz sg and were settled in blocks 33 34 and loo of 40 in- xo ible the rork Is VTx creasing the wa to mig arenide ato tie the meted to be in majority of cheffi ahert vire those who rho former the firpi arman 10 darr 3 firt san francisco to be evacuated from szn frencis0 the tanforan workers group scheduled to arrive n tomorrow to morron has been deloyed delayed until furt lher notion acor further ding to the administration adm ini they will remain to do emergency gency work it wana s rp mer norad further details cre not available avail oble ble the sr nan anita contingent left arcadia Wednes wednesday dry morning ntt q AIM at at and the ind fars t bus bis arrived here a th firpi Thurs dry tho irria ln first little after 1 alvF34 thursday at dining hall 3 bind n 35 75 wore through before the infh vie duction process which inss curried out at the block H td U induction center among the group pre n ac P u 7 I d yafeu fre 3 arrons benr 0 0o1ld sr ano yujiro yn Y madak hiro inouye hirosh the youngest aniban tas a 2 donth old hn anby by pt the be h onored at tonight bored ht a bents bonig rill saturday ddance A new shi ok 26 nce at dining ho of 11 hll has arrived and rill be records hns used on phlp fill this occasion chich will be for couples only the community activities section aps sc iod p special rally for the P roup sunday na from YO at bining hall 34lt duri ic tye part of the eventhe first biart ing inmembers embers of the c rr be inbr staff troduced trod to the no ne comers coners by charles F ernst project dir cetor director this trill be follops follo pd by a Drofiram of informal en 1 anty orn wall cornwall ul aho U sa T r al 11 i f j V r i 71 lv s WA kym W W UM r 7 7 A auf ry iC fr I1 L te A KT pro- r and nd fasio should brini0 his call end shaul bring im slip rith him to the claim alf rare warehouse bouso located north of bloc 3 must be noted noard said 11 I 1 T L it 11 fohir tanforan clothing T CA executive that were reorders order the ceived in mixed lots andd piled up in the TO ie likeit aty be ml late order ers rany receive their packages bo therefore ly that axy who se rho I ordered those fore ahn by arry order there endly 1 it no exchange illthe be clothing tat nt made wide recoilede on goods co godi di if not ordered go codi gp shlimon toshinaga Sh lilon ur urn rector Toshina ven that recommended with rith made be p tey yay pg0 K rejected I1 A of chances returned tu ned and to total tal i of 3 31 will is I1 su pd issued EDU C A T lbs bo be 0 fi I1 1 y t 5 ll 1I ac h I1 U i tec J x ohp auja 1 9 A taa i i J I1 t on ww ak AA T ra j aben the head of the family is notified ed that ihna his order hns his arrived he apri E chief of in his rendit l ons of af irish akl art alo gram cossacks sacks of hanfor ai ill be the Cop othor other numb rs I1 T I1 fabor s C ny any of goods returned since returnedtbi mont and lon the lie an d housing Divin rt rs will be divinson the C V C Y I c 0 a C1ity thi Vici tine t he this ind as si s in ith the evolution of the educational cat ional curriculum is po bert E gibson assistant and director of education rind acre fotion for the TRA ithrom fron our vie pointe anny dyste mast be responsive to tait tast peo needs of thet gibcon spid wio 1 cek coro muni ties should be left corr to determine their 0onn 0 1 plI program I ra arnt t to help in the process of evolving it ho believed that the ile education1 an on rryl gee 1 4 |