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Show Tim E2 THE HERALD, Ptot o. V 850 850 850 BURSTIWUM R! CITY FORD IS BUY BACKS 850 KtUJ 850 IXSS 260 o eat GREAT VALUES OH FORD FACTORY Oct iL SnSOre. S SAVE THOUSANDS OH THESE LOW UILEAGE BEAUTIES .'pw, $S6 poot. oary af Cat sr. 3 tsa. tease LOT ns a Que ffr. Ape-- enc-- y. ITS SCO SPACES 5 BOn 2 305 Svs- - Locr f- it -e I 11 ? .- - ZrjGf Caster W- - par. Rs &3!. "75 L3 1 tip-ou- t De As.j-fca- T?5-7ga- S2 NASruA ry-- P G Area. nc lari Af, a"vi, . t55CC vc fiw y 22S-229- tX70. 3 n 373-641- '2 0 C&e jce-- do Htve . te - - m . ' , de-- V-- 1 l is? iay 2 170 ; y; 7C1S23 9CC fana 45-- 5 D Dtftvec P3c ea-tj'e- s cr cai '''s 'i4'. s'9 pa" c a giZeZK as 430i Peccec Cal ja-- i creiuT- Pvtl.s -- 5X sis qsiu , j r& 495CB 225-- REPOSSESSED J 6 Ace- co,nt-- y io' 35 rn to Imaicing exc P'Oc Easy 0"e' access pcer fca2s & Exec tvome - e-- e FG, ar r Lo'y s'pcs iOfES , nome tn lease, sa.po,rr!S pop 275r f714i ,r Oaf V Al 3-- RE 22V 500 er Home 9Sac 1a' .$l36 5 ac rec to; f.e" Ceca' Wes PE ESCAPE To peace & DELIGHTFUL. i 4 Ace lot ove'ioof.s Lane & at ' 111 f l SEw!ai' T1 I "tlj sfTT liAWfl . 11 V , riiril I BALANCE OF FORD FACTORY WARRANTIES 1 ONVEHICLES. .OO0rS poer g'avemu.wj ros, otti vis'.as Easy terms 8"t 37&-59S- 0 is wooo-tenc- e RE 78S-6C3- 225-50- M expansioi 225-932- 376-868- Eves 2 ie:3-c- 0 PRQPPRt NE OREW Nea' WordPer- LOVELY n 224-896- Horne wiand-scapeyard in Spanish a bth. 2 'parrn For unfm Psrnt. iceal for fan or retired coj-pibsmt. yojnc firusnerj 3 S62 4QQ spa. ga' PV p'ung 3 3DR( Brier: i- fam rn. exfa lot Inoscpc spr!Kr -1771 N Sage Hen RS Ig snaoec fned (No''n'ioae! $69 90C patio $59,000 Drive oy 9 488 S 1350 E Provo. tr.er, Cal! for appt cal m formal iott. dining alK-o- 3 372-Q74- l'i coruefripo-par- rrns. ! Assumption roan $110,000 Arr " a FOfiSAlE w.'bsmt. new carpets walls'paint, nice nprhood $54.900obo See at 112 5 N 300 E PI Gr PRIVATE Parly wants to older buy discounted home regardless o condi-tio- 225-914- 9 apafneT. 375-074- 6 NEWLY Remodeled 2 story, 3 bdrm, 1 ba. Indry rm, I6c SECURED 39.500 Call Ec EAR' BANK S v DISCOUNTED Maisel; Y fect AITW 850 sea!iTB Psti! for Fk Only n fully-fnc- 3-- I'O.AK HILLS 4 pprm 3016 oecf wai ta. 27-'i- 0-r- 623-850- 1 aft 5 375-268- 2 489-824- 4 580 N yVe!t-e- Bill Nepni 623-46- 2 7S5-623- C BEST buys ir Sa'ipete Cc 3000 ac mtr, p'op 2O0 ac in $43,500 bd'm home, central air. astuma 970 ble FHA at W 300 N. Provo. Call for appt CUTE Home with great location S price 5 bdrm. 786 E 400 S. Orem, $52,500. Owner anxious! S .'E REALTOR FEES S56 epriclr, cool- CUTE 2 831-564- ?. o '! ''C A.Esjf'e 4 30RM. 2 ba. 2 car gar. FhA ioa" Oniy S99.90C Tnts'll sel; ca! Ec La- - c fnee yo cvra patio, grt ASA tansel n'p'nc d 70s 364 W 'o'TT.a ajio 6-- 5 REDUCED $3000 ! none in Spgvl se PE i--4 rm a"of c.'tcnen. stove. carpon. wdojrning Aipi'ie sett.ns PV cvrd patio. 500 WOODS acre 1 pp-n- -i - rm. or rent 4''s Pa Rent $1500 fc v r at 373-lhjP- Q Exec Call 3 bdrm home iVs batn 1am rm. oecK, horse stalls, nay Darn. tacK shed, sprinkler syst. swamp cxoier on OWMEP E bdrm, er. 1ncd yd frrasepd. 2 car gar v opeoer, RV prug immac cond' $95,000 798-4- 1 972 E Maple Dr 373-232- 2 See Pnoto p,e 3 tn-iev- fan-- -- p 5 SP FORK: Sy oner 2300 Sa t prtc. 5 bdrm, 3 pa. fin psmt 2rw knctien. gar sc loapec ' ex'.rjss a; $295 000 finance 'iaroe pok." OR tease option fo'E S'550 nc 2000 hi 560 y app' 500: 224-S99- 6pirs. frurt fees, nprnood, $70,500. 765-- 1 H7 5er 5pm bos. 6 ip 3 - pa i"c 275-305- 6 fee cove'ec a 0 O'e ' 350 O"' neaE nils ca'ptr.s 224-23- .a- -; 6-- 4 asei i3 Qy wcoc stowe ei rtdsepe sp'f.i' s'S 60 S ajic . Oe-T- i 7".5X; tr 373-"6-5 Pa -- e. Caii to rt Const OJiiO CfR Hprrfe or as Sp fori; 0O0 Ec Vai Cat 765-633- S -p p-i- S3C-.00- f 35.90 E 225-- '' ant-- s Lot Ot. 224-899- AVAILA3LE--- JUST Bjiidtng a brarid r 4 evel spin m great ME Orern toe, 3 bdrm, 2 ba. fam rm, piok om cotort Cnariene 756-l7- Pd' f 76 000 r.w"y( ptn, Q-n- p't oc r'p' wwnzrxi s" 5 c-- con"r l;a SO " sacre oo Lane pay so; 225-- 1 coe3 0y l acre in oorrri, Th ba Call Ati F Only $2-50CTR Hrwies 224-99- 3 fawfeler. V;n:"E 49-954- AiS-it- iMV.ACUE A'n J""' c:e" Srxpa- -' V mG-it- e pa' tSTTS Carlee 4 ajnea S9.5X sp""es i?73 N AX E can 3 E CS-lp- ty.'e proe S'O.A'iE UN"S AL S'ZES . JUST a.itp pian. pre, neeoe some wrxtt Saitaqum, LH 375-0e- 9 ) rieip GREAT 5 barm home, AF, owner ig tot. ol cona aniciou. 756-617-2 168 600. or 3 CTR Hornet 2-- y txe- 4-- IV oo-j- 3 Heatrieridge 2 pa -. 3,,jsuse E DC DEA ace, 75Ae35i BES" Bjy. Best LacaifO". 2 to-"2 M conoo f 20 JS tMOCT A 330 340 -.- 5 "S'A iKiy- 22S?5X' 1 2 EDRM, oood good Cvrsl-afi- , -- a v-- c 1 oa s O'e" cc .E ; apt. 7 A.6TJ1C tjify 5SWc8s vs 00Q ec ??vip & 2 &2 1X65, 2 :s- - fc2 nRS !15 Svy CE Cat VS' 6 fcs- -; PCJ TXrfJ 37- - -- 1564 is tldutlit ! Spry APEA, Lov-t- y 5 bflrm 3V OCT, boc home 00 quei cuoetac, tocaww. CWier tea. g EPA Cascaoe W F Wyw 375-6- 1 56 a. yyyuri - 1 fca 1 4 A 1; N xg cio&etc, ficor pan. 10 mot. GPAHDV7EW GrarG' c 3 r"C Vr joi jP 5 $55i0 acre eac , bd-- 4 6- -t i&22 - 226-4o5- y n 26'p - Rc?3 P; .joe MoiKcrr '69 "JT oo- 0rr cOn. mastr VauRed Orem are H59 a 3 30 S fjarofen COO $T5 at te ani E Spvl. 1 K Vji f- e 2 75-A0- ' 0 Gos-e-- fias i CT rgnf$ TiVO rtewnes 5 u coos s 4 cs-!n &1 ace tS7,900 Cat ea!rr-23- gat2 OiO & tec toss jite. tas. fjtajtoprnt. carpo r'ieas, tre KVr 2 3 2 bm tx-J- 1 HUGE 224-241- 2 rc 123 Wa"Jey FCC B.1 Seas 3AM S-- Oe-- n pe. Drt ES- 01 3 225-454- AAI ire. es loc, 23 2 Da tw K 4.0O0 1 2300 M 2 ta" 4 g tcv 360 Dorm. TATES pa-- Pc f UuELWOCO x FOtlALt MGHLAMD 4 290 7 L261 360 e j: 798-649- REMOTE, Pristine setting 5.25 acre ranchette. 3140 sa ft home, 24x42 barn, rngated alfafa. Only $142,000 Call Ed Lane for Man-se- ll 30. RE ar 225-150- (eKHk) 0 - z i bf-.y- I Build new small home. $55,000 lot includ-eWILL d Call 224-163- 375-615- 0 0 ffl DEMAND THE EEST! or with me, LOWEST PRICED SEDAN IN schools, S86.900. eves u MAKSELL AND ASSOCIATES? m lM.llMHill.llll a FACTORY TO DEALER COST PLUS 2.8 INCENTIVES MOST CAR TROUBLE-FRE-E ifj it'C ri acq SR'Jfift OwOO it's a fact.... People like to do business with the people that do the business! '91 j3 4 DOOR T , . 3 COROLLA CIVIC cHj FACTORY TO DEALER COST PLUS t i BMFnMMMMinw-wjiLi- FACTORY TO DEALER . llll 111 Ml PHI jj rim 510,388 INCENTIVES 2.8 INCENTIVES v 4 DOOR i j '91 . HONDA i Ask The Sellers Who Have! ni nniiMTtn HONDA r. 375-360- SHOULD YOU LIST YOUE HOME WITH "ALL NEW HATCHBACK r p n 91 TERCEL ciyic ?! 1 ACCORD 4 DOOR FACTORY TO DEALER COST PLUS 2.8 IKIHPNTIVFS f tWTI I iIijU CAMARY j 4 DOOR FACTORY TO DEALER INCENTIVES $7488 7' Z7 HONDA blAlb, 225-150- Sfnes, PHEASANT GREEN fi r 1 .. SPANISH FORK S37.500 Attractive Oioe' home large livinc room New rool 2 bedrooms bath Good location with 2 WD JLjj--Lijiiijim'"'- "i r " n ti""-- "- - mm large snaoe trees OREM $79,900 Great home in a " MILE HIGH MEDITERRANEAN Beau lilul slorv nome will' unequaierj viev, 0' 4 bedrooms 3 Cains vaiiey Naijra lanOscaping wth matu'f- - 'reb impoheC tile & much more wonderful family neighborhood. Close to schools 4 bedrooms 3 baths 2 car garage SALT LAKE CITY $59,900 Completely refurbished up and down duplex Possib'e owner financing 2 bedrooms 1 bathunit For All Your Real Estate Needs EIC3EE3 t: I.- 96 West Center. Orem - 226-- 1 199 ESTATES custom executive home Exclusive area oy goM course Deorooms 3 baths. 2 car Excellent family garage with storage nome ISTATI0N WAGON TRADE-IN- OREM 0 $279,900 TRUCK ACCORD 235 a. UJQfdley '91 r 226-343- 9 days FOR Saie By Owner Beautiful Victorian home in quiet SW part of Provo. Sits on wrtncd-iback yd. oetached dbl gar & workshop. mi, wood burning stove unfin bsmt. 1800 sq ft many more extras See tc app'eciate' Asking 98 000. can arrange financinterest. Call ing at 5' or drive by 776 W 200 S. Provo 226-873- 6 375-710- 0 many extras' Mike 225-884- 2 SUMMIT REALTY HONDA 756-359- 1 Orem 4 bdrm, nghbrhd, neu-trcolors, vltd ceilings, 2 frpics. party decK, close to dramatically. Let me help you determine the current value of your home. For the results you expect, call me today! $g5gg 2.8 INCENTIVES, Buys well-ke- BY Owne': 3 ba. great Before you sell, remember the real estate market has changed COST PLUS this spahpme in Leni. 2 bdrm. fam rm. wood stove. Ig fned lot. da; garsnop Won't last (c2Vwr) Ranae $44,900 cious, 768-384- 4 home List your BART ANTHONY FACTORY TO DEALER 765-391- 4 TWO NAMES YOU CAN TRUST WELCOME BlVK FINANCING 110 West Center, Orem - 225-466- 3 224-132- Kent Gren 0 , MmiWWW Baroars Hotrods 224-868- 6 377-064- 8 376-855- 8 370-705- 9 m B W1KII4I. |