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Show Also in this section: weddings t It 1- tr4 tt f jf. V Sunday May 26, 1901 R&v Bi JLIUl vDfi) 11 B4-- 6 4v tbT ?, J The Gina Bachauer gold medalist w in-ner will perform at the Shell on July 5. Frederick Weldy, above, was fifth prize winner of the 1986 Bachauer Interna- tional Piano Competition. X Many groups will be featured in an ethnic showcase Aug. 3 at the Shell. The Dons, above, from the Mexican Gomez Group will perform, and Chasquis, below, with their unique instruments. ' T !o J r&5 V X tsdl J : Hf ( ' J Man-cha- fS fZ4 j xPT0 ' I . ?. j I I i WVwZS NSfej, Oscar Hammers tein and Richard Rogers were a formidable composing team in the '50s and '60s. Their hits included "The Sound of Music" which runs June 2 at the SCERA Shell outdoor theater in Orem. Robert Peterson will play Don " Quixote in "Man of La at the Shell July T - '-11 1 -3 W Xt II i J j !. '-r.- 0 H. ; mTf' irF t'i U j I '' ifeS" 14-2- 16-2- 4. ravel around the wor Id in 90 days a t the SCERA Shell or If you don't have the time to go around the the money world this summer, consider the SCERA Shell outdoor theater in Orem as an ideal place that will bring the four corners of the world to you. SCERA President Norm Nielsen has gathered talents from Russia, South America, Central America and throughout the United States, and selected stories from Spain and Austria to create an "Around the World in 90 Days" showcase. Stephen Sondheim's Tony musical, award-winnin- g "Into the Woods"; Robert Preston's stirring of Don Quixote; the first public performance of the Gina portrayal Bauchauer International Piano Festival winner, and an encore performance of "Elvis" are a sampling of the Shell highlights. The regular season boasts 12 events available at season ticket prices of $21.75 for adults and $13.75 for children, or an average of between $1.15 and $1.81 per show. Individual will be $5 for tickets at the gate adults and $3 for children. The Shell is located in SCERA Park. Shell season tickets are available weekdavs at the SCERA, 745 South until June 14. State St., Additional attractions offered at discounts for season ticket holders will be the Miss Utah Scholarship a Merrill OsPageant, June mond Pioneer Pageant and Fireworks celebration at the Shell on July 24; and a Michael Martin 225-256- 9, 12-1- 5; Murphey concert Sept. 16. "Our strategy is to offer high quality shows at outrageously low prices," Nielsen explains. "Our first objective is to deliver commuculture to a broadly-base- d nity audience at less than two dollars an event. We believe if parents would start bringing their children to the shows while they are in grade school, by the time they graduate from high school they will have seen major musicals, comedies and other plays that have left their mark on contemporary and classical theater." New for 1991 are the management talents of veteran director actress Syd Riggs. This Orem thes-pia- n who shares her talents at Orem High School and the Meridian School is contributing those talents to 14 Shell events. "Every year we like to think that the new season is better than the last," says Nielsen. "With the addition of Syd, with the exciting quality of our performances, and with an expanded sound and lighting system, we can confidently make that claim again this season." (This year the SCERA is enhancing the outdoor theater's capabilities with nearly $27,000 in sound, stage and lighting improvements.) The season will open June 14 at 8:30 p.m. and continue through June 22 with a perennial favorite, Rogers' and Hammerstein's "The Sound of Music." Jerry Elison will continue his tradition of opening the Shell with an acclaimed musical. All musicals will run daily except Sundays. On June 24 the Murray Symphonic Band will perform and bring in Russian pianist Kira Merzhevsky Tolstik, and symphony conductor and master flutist Vladimir Tolstik. The National Coggers Festival, 9 scheduled for June and July 3 at 8 p.m., will showcase some of the nation's best doggers in the 15th annual national fest. As soon as director Dennis Cobia presents the Shell festival, he will take a select group of doggers to France and Spain for specialized performances. When the Gina Bachauer piano golf medalist is announced in Salt Lake City in July, one of the winner's first performances will be at the Shell, at 8:30 p.m. on July 5. Sondheim's celebrated "Into the Woods" musical will show the pleasures and terrors of ' happily ever after" when it examines classic fairy tales beyond the normal conclusions. Shows are July f r 1 28-2- 12-2- 0. A cultural legacy will be highlighted in three separate shows Aug. 1, 2 and 3. The Aug. 1 show will be a variety show; Aug. 2 will bring a concert gala; and the Aug. 3 concert will be an ethnic showcase. m nil Photos courtesy of SCERA Shell Robert Peterson, who performed the lead of Don Quixote in "Man of La Mancha," will reprise his classic role when he brings the venerated masterwork to the stage Julv 16-2- 4. SCERA Shell Amphitheatre, now in its eighth season, offers a wide range of cultural events to enhance valley's community life. Dr. Robert "Von" Moody brought .. 3nell for generous crowds U i . -- .r!r,r-- . n r- - , , inn ,n,n mum ,fc,iiM- i - - T t Robert "Von" Moody, doctor by day, Elvis by night, will return with his popular rendition of the famous singer with "Elvis Lives II," Aug. 26 at 8 p.m. at SCERA Shell. "Elvis Lives," an Elvis Presley impersonation concert. He is being brought back by literal popular demand for an "Elvis Lives II" concert Aug. 26 at 8 pjn. Hillbilly Hootennany '91, a popular bluegrass and country ensemble, will perform Sept. 2 at 8 p.m.; and Charles Lynn Frost's presentation of the comedy, "Greater Tuna," will conclude the play season with Sept. 7 and 9 shows at 8 5-- p.m. is The Shell Outdoor Theatre season part of Family ong celebration City USA, of family a yearlvalues supported by Orem City, The Daily Herald, Utah Valley Community CoDege and the SCERA. For additional information ' the SCERA at S. con-ta- ct |