Show fOR RELEASE OF MRS Mado to to be i Royal Clemency S CAMPAIGN N Tofu 11 I U II II II t I I I lie 0 U dispatch to tor rt h r im London L MH s sA hM f Is to bc atm for Ma ay ddn ncy t I 11 V ok d A Mrs Ira May Mayr i n r duro Tb n tI teu n l with trl eek III n r IhO ha jaIl gat Cr r tho 1110 purpose of oC w r Ir al the thc crown for tor her tr t tl the pros pr it II 1115 bren be about euch UCh a 11 e d f owing to o t et has b pot ot I dward VII ot of hi bt tJI fl tIt quit tr the I v 10 hr that Is 1 to say sa 1 1 i 7 i i I MS MAYBRICK ri I Mm i a pot o ten tum Just lust More Ur r h r views his majesty may per pcr entertain on the question of the guilt gIt or punishment of oC Mrs Mra Maybrick II 1111 Is not the Intention of her friends to conduct the latest campaign for tor her re release reIme release lease Ime oa on n lines to t those formerly adopted ted One of tf f the supporters of ot the Baroness dt de d s Is Mr J II H Levy lel The he e chaIrman of ot the Personal of the tho National Liberty club dub lie He hm haa had bad several sev ral con tilt Mr lIr Choate Chate on the prop e my y of Gf presenting petitions to the thO crown r Choat Choate declining officially to tak take part pare In such luch proceedings has lia scared the friends of at Mrs Mm il lie be C will Mil do everything he can n In fn l his private capacity to further theIr ther oc t new departure In the latest st M n tb the of ot Mrs JI JIe II brick bick Is J the e of ot news pl r adoca It t Ury said tOT lor te o nn aM 1 are arc grateful to our m actuating such support it H We 10 cannot help feeling II hal to Terr earnestness may somehow w defeat its own object Inder Icer the deemed circumstances Wc ve 4 It best merely to the un tin la ys a 0 e a ns ne meriting I the and on this ground l to don donN king to grant her par h bit err to the vili 1111 ho he heMr e home hono e this week secretary Mr tr |