Show RESERVOIR BILL BILLIS IS 18 NOW DEAD I After sonic some objection on 01 the part art of at D H If I Morris Mr r Holmgren effected the lie Introduction of ot House Houlle bill No m 23 to II provide for tor mutual lire fire lre at n nt Insurance assocIations association which ha Ira wild salil hl had hind been earnestly urged by uy 20 turin farm farmers ers C FH The speaker appointed 1 ties AMon Axton and 0 Q W John Johnson Johnson Johnson son a IL committee to confer contor with a 1 like le I committee COl 1 I from froni the lii Senate ua us UI to the th advisability of ol passing Senate Bonnie bill bi No 63 3 the lie bill bi to create county stock In p The rue Senate amendments to House bill bi No 84 II relating to time thu funding of ot county Indebtedness were adopted arid and the thu bill bil paused bill No Ito 10 to prevent the tho solo sale of cigarettes or cigarette paper proved a n bone bono of ot contention The ma ins 11 report of the committee on public health wits was Wil that the bill bi be There was n it minority report however and lud It t was In iii favor of tie the pas pasI of rt bill fl I ll t the matter was wn compromised by the lt bill being tIled filed for tOl third reading Smiths bill ul Nu Ni was explained by h he author as 9 tanking making definite the tho til mat Int ter Cr of ot paying costs on 01 appeal Mr Ir cut Cul ut ler ier made madl a n kick klele on bills bis passing which emanated from rota the lawyers lawyer and ant which the time of ot the House did dIll not fully understand Mr Ir Smith retorted that t he lie did dil not hot care The bill Ji vas waH pro iro bono mono All Al the lie lawyers had ha to do iio to with wih It I was to collect the Uie fees The Tue bill bi passed by bya b a bole bate of ot 23 to 3 Philip reservoir bill ull which was ns de do e bated hated lOLL Inu night wino wim WIK again 1 In order on the tue calendar D H II I Morris II orris put Iut a ft I spoke in Its IR wheel wheel He lie did not mint 11 MC iee I where the money mone for the appropriations asked for tor for the lie building of ot reservoirs was Ins to come coins core from Mr Bench Hench favored the lie State paying some sonic appropriation towards the build bull Ing In of but thought IS 13 Per cent teaM enough A motion lotion to this effect carried ca I Mr Anderson thought that lint the lie water front from till nil ni reservoirs re built bui In this lila way ay should b lJ be turned turn d Into the lie i Ivors for tur the theIn tin In Of ot time the i Mr Air Gardner risked that lint Senate bill bi I No 32 covering the ground be bo substituted The lull bill was in In the tue til hands of this the th Irrigation committee and Mr Ir Anderson Alter ol objected to Its recall re ell The land commissioners should only sell Fel the lie rant grunt lands as ns reservoirs were ere built hult and there the was WR no chance of lag ing hl the fund under the terms of ot the Phillips Phillps lull bill hiI The Ihie he bill bi only received 17 1 votes otes for tor six short of ot the lie number necessary necessary essary ry to a pass lutes It I voting machine bill hi received hard knocks knock It I won was found that the tho bill hi authorized the us e c of ot voting machine machines but Old did not say a anything about their purchase pI In to a t Mr Hewlett elated that list ma mn machines chines cost coat In the lie neighborhood of or O This made members member wince Finally the tho bill bil passed by n it vote Ote of ot 34 31 to 1 1 Senate bill No 90 0 bi to the iho of flee fice fre of nf stenographer nf ot the th lie Supreme tl court nt at It n P salary of ot It 1100 Mr 1 Ir Henoh moved that the Senate cut ut from 1 1000 to 0 SO be bE b f Hither cut to O 00 mind and 5 the amendment was adopted The rime bill bi thus thul pawed linseed Ila ed bv Iw a n vote ot of ot 17 17 to i Howells Howell Senate bill 1111 II No SO Rt 0 providing the lie fees foes to be hi collected by 1 th he of if state tnt for tor services performed In his chico olce was Stas I I th this next on the of at State Stute Hammond who was wal wasi In r i tho ho House and auth ral who Vii o drew dw up f the th mil wan VRR 10 to HIP lie In tho tue law la tho his bill bi would 10 u II He HI I I 1111 one change In the bill hi wim ivas 11 the th elimination of or n a 1 maximum r t tim o tr fr In Incorporating of 2500 This proviso he h lii explained had lost to the ln 1 lat t tear ear about 2000 The American niel ter company compa w ul shortly file fill of incorporation If I this hUh bill bi became an tin In net that corporation would p III pay y to iii tl the tim State treasurer of fr 10 00 Another change In the bill WI wA n the reduction of ot tho the fee tN fur r papers from coma iO 10 tn to js 5 and provision w was n s made for tor tIme the flung r or f papers not oIlier wise provided for Cor Till rue bill tuii WI was SinS pa hi by h n a wile vote Ite nf ot 30 to 2 the he only amend amendment meat ment being to Increase the lie amount pay jia a aI able for Insurance In agents I from toni Ute 2 tc ci 35 5 DILLS BILLS PASSim PASSED Lawrences Senate bill bi No o ing to fraud antI and misconduct of of corporations wan IU the lie first bill hi acted arld upon thin afternoon The bill bi changes R the tho old ohl law by hy imposing a I penalty for tor forthe or orthe the Issuing 1 of oC if fictitious stock It U 1 by b n a vote oll of or 30 0 lo to 1 I 11 McGregors bill bi to provide for or mileage inline of oC district and all attorneys hoi ha ins boon been returned from the lie Senate with the mileage on railroads Increased 1 I to on eight cents as it I was wan fixed In the bill bi before amended to 10 5 S cents In the Hone was vas pawed by n a vote oto of if 31 It tn to 7 aft after r I f 3 come Comae ole demur from Hom Homer r Cutler ne Mr Smith explained that If I the lie I adoption of or the Sennie were not ot AI 5 the lie result would woul be that then theme would woul be bl no tie provision lon at a all ni for Th matter ot of revising the journal of ot the h hf Hou was tas WIS brought un by 1 Mr Ir flay tor tr rett rel who asked aked that tho th Speaker b l be as 1 C sedated with wih the lie chief clerk for Cm thin his a purpose The Tho Speaker er excused ex used himself c cas as ho lie expected eX to leave len ve town Immedi Immediately after the close of ot the lie session The motion was wal carried that one on member from each side of tho the House along wih with the duet chief clerk constitute con ti it committee to tu revise the tho lie minutes mind and ILd that he be allowed months thor they ont one salary for tor fo this duty dut It I will wil be bE the this duty of ot this committee cum mittel to see that lint the thu he journal joural show ho correctly the proceedings of the tho House HouseD 1 By D consent Mr Ir Homer Horer Introduced a abill 0 bill 1111 hil to tl appropriate O fur for a board of j consisting of the i iper of ot public Instruction mind and an two ladles ladies to carry curr on the free traveling library Ibran system throughout the State the tIme lon to be appointed by tIm tha the Governor Howells Senate bill No 33 as t providing r vr or r 1 by In the HIP Governor of ot the State of ot the bonds of ot certain State was passed unanimously lull bill bi to appropriate fur for this the purpose st of destroying ground squirrels and gophers Stile mine within an annee 81 nee mice of ot passing after JIM 0 had hail been be n ill iii II lowed for tor Heaver Bear county cOUlty which was sas 13 later Included In a general generl amendment Home fome merriment wits Wil occasioned by b a t k kte vote te t r allow l 1000 for Salt fal Lake coun county county a ay ty y That the measure Is a ii popular one was sias u by only 4 t votes being hll cast fot fol Mr Ir Smiths motion to out nut the enacting clause claue Mr Ir Smith later biter that he lie minis made his lila mo mae motions Ions for and to kill the bill bi for tor forthe s the purpose pure of satisfying himself 1 whether this was OS as a question of special legislation anil favored certain counties Ignoring th the of others otheN Ither Ho lie HI h had hai d established this his fact at least to his hili own wn satisfaction f The matter ma became so o mixed up U that lint a ii new nell bill bi wits ordered prepared which will wi be submitted very ery shortly short House bill bil No o 46 a allowing the tho D P A AM AM t M I society to a otTer offer ofer on Import cd ed stork stock was WIS as passed unanimously |