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Show J .pr " i. fI if" V' ' ! lfc ' ' ' r s ' Daily Herald THURSDAY, MAY 21, 1964 Utah Coumity, Utah ? BBB i Five of the six honor students who will participate at the commencement program next Thursday at the Orem-HigSchool auditorium at 8 p.m. include, Ema Jo Bascom, Michael Buckley, Paula' S IF ! 1 FRESH LEAN OREM HIGH HONOR STUDENTS h r Rasmussen, Lynn Watkins and Doris Christensen. Conrad Shimada, not pres-se- nt for the picture, will also participate as an honor student on the pro gram. Orem High School Slates Graduation Rites May 28 OREM "Quo Vadis" (Whither goest thou?) will be the theme of the Orem High School eighth annual commencement program next Thursday, May 28, at 8 p.m. in the school auditorium. Diplomas will be awarded to members of the graduating class by J. Murray Rawson, president of the Alpine District School Board. ticipate on the program. They include Conrad Shimada, who will offer the invocation; Ema Jo Bascom, who will give the benediction; Paula Rasmussen, Lynn Watkins, Doris Christensen and Michael Buckley, who will all give short addresses. ' ' S - A ' Baccalaureate services will be held Tuesday at 8 p.m. at the auditorium. Robert K Thomas, chairman of the Brig ham Young University honors program will give the baccalaureate address. Utah Trade Tech Picks New Officers Editor Named For Newspaper At Spanish Fork AMERICAN M. Student At Sp. Fork Wins Writing Contest FORK Sunday, May 24, beginning at 9:30 a.m. in the amphitheater on the school grounds. "Johnny Appieseed" is the title of this year's production and tells its story in song and dance. Over 200 children are participating in the various parts. Colorful costumes will add to the production. The children have entered in to the spirit of the program and are doing an extra good job, according to their directors. If Mother Nature continues to cooperate, the amphitheater will be even more beautiful than usual with spring blossoms. The school department, under Mrs. Grant Ingersoll, principal, is responsible for the program. Directing the play is Mrs. Loren Jex; Mrs. Wendell Kirkpatrick is directing the music. Mrs. Max Ferre is in charge of the costumes; Mrs. Norman Geert-se- n is responsible for the properties. Assisting in various capacities are Mrs. Ernest Hind-leMrs. Earl Robinson, Mrs. Harry Jerling, Mrs. Joseph B. Mulliner and Mrs. Jess Thome. An invitation is extended to the general public to attend the CHUNK STYLE c A N S XT' GIANT PITTED Y CATSUP SWIFTNING SHORTENING HUNTS 14 OZ. 3-Ibm mm m V m OLIVES Y NO. 1 TAIL s. m mm MI mW y, DAIRY AAAID wmm Is HALF GALLON Orem Girl Will Take Part In Mexico Program "T, t;. lSSSV't Y DILL PICKLES m, GRAHAM CRACKERS Y VIENNA , SAUSAGES ' 1 OVEN FRESH MNECREST Payson 2nd Ward Plans Benefit Variety Show Seminary Of American Fork Elects Officers p, " Student Officers Elected by Juab Junior High nd ted Li Boy Scouts Gain Smith. The other officers were, selected by the faculty, the new president and the studentbody Eric' E. Stewart, 15, son 6f officers who have served this Mr. and Mrs. Urban Stewart year, of which Beverly Bowen of Provo has been awarded is president.; These officers ine J&agie bcout Dadge in a are Robert Mecham, vice pres- Utah Stake Court of Honor ident; Shonnie Beck, secre- held recently. tary; Mary Storrs, historian; Eric is an active member Mary Ann Ellison, business of the Provo 14th Ward. He secretary; Tcressa Mathews, is the first Eagle Scout in the second year representative. . 14th Ward for several years according to his scoutmaster we is presently serving as To junior scoutmaster in- Troop Eagle Badges -- Be 48. Girls In Pep Group - Duty To God Awards Given AMERICAN ORK Dutv to God awards were presented to Dennis Nelson, Robert Stef-fen, Grant Williamson and Ernest Wilson by the LDS Fifth Ward. AMERICAN FORK Kerrv Lewis and Randy Brooks were awarded Eagle Scout badges in a recent court of honor meeting. The boys are mem bers of Troop 708 of the Eighth - ward. Kerry is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lewis and Randy's PLEASANT Verlyn Olsen, 14, son of parents are Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mr. arid Mrs. " Verlyn Olsen, Brooks. received his Eagle Scout badge Kerry, 15, has earned three at the last Timpanogos Stake individual priesthood awards. has served as patrol leader Scout Court of Honor. of the and now is junior assistant Douglas is a member, Pleasant Grove First Ward scoutmaster of his troop. He Troop 22. He has served as has .42 , merit badges, one senior patrol leader and patrol bronze! and one- - silver . medal leader and is an eighth grade I Randy, ,15, has three in student at the Pleasant Grove dividual priesthood awards, and has been a patrol leader. Junior High. 714. " AmeriAMERICAN FORK will again can Fork High School, of a have girls comely group comprising the Pep Club for the -- next school' year. Forty-eigCavettes were chosen, according to Ardena Beck, advisor, by a trio of Cougarettes from BYU. The Pep Club girls are always ht Bn?impcant:imit c'choolac-tivities-,' epecially f during I the and contribute lot to tba iehoci spirit, fiflflMf? Lb VzJ D ?) va U F&p German Lehi at High and Larry presi dent; Gar Paula School and Spanish h at Engl i s rett, tar Fork Sheryl Americ a n school. She High has selected nette repo ((' (( v DESERT BUTTER (' staley'j WAFFU P.C. ASSORTED SCHOOL BOY I sl 46-o- z. Honor Comes To LanguageTeacher the 1 FREE spring program at Utah State Training School will be held rs athletic WRAPPED The ,. y FRESH TOPPED Spring Program Lehi High Students Pick Officers BEEF BY THE PrECl Utah Trade Technical Institute, which holds two student-bod- y elections a year, has named Charles Goodyear, 21, STUDENT PREXY Bill FowS. 1st E., president of the 457 ler, studentbody president for 625-ember studentbody. next year at Lehi High School. Elected at the same time was SPANISH FORK Heading SPANISH FORK the staff selected for the Span-- i Stanley Galetka, Alpine, vice George G. King, senior at Spanish s h Answer, president. school newsSchool student body constitu- Fork High School, has been paper of the tion provides that the student-bod- y notified that he is the winner program. o s',? Spanish Fork president be a second year The fete is to be followed by High School, student. ducted in con- a meeting of the parents organifor the 1964-6-5 Since courses open to women with zation of the school, which is nection ) year, is are one year courses, this in recent to be held in the auditorium. the Hat- effect Ronald stuthat the proscribes A model UN i field as edi- - dentbody be a male LEHI Bill Fowler, son of Mr. t president conven t i o n 1 tor. Assistant student. and Mrs. Don Fowler, has been on the Uni-veeditor will be The fall election is elected studentbody president to the open i ty of M aur i n e distaff side for election of a for next year at the Lehi High Mr. Hatfield Utah campus Cope. School. Other officers include female vice president and a Lake in Salt will a of head They group secretary. He will Citv. Mr. King " and Mrs. B. J. Lott, vice presi- - duce and C Mr. is of son the a Goodyear receive portable typewriter publish the school dent; Rosalie Fox, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John M. Good as his prize. Colleen Piper, 16- OREM the coming Mr. and Mrs. Don C. Fox, sec- newspaper during Lnd. A fresh The contest was for all jour- year-ol- d Indianapolis, daughter of Mr. and son year. Young Hatfield has serv- year, retary; David Featherstone, was man auto at mechanic Each meet. he the at nalists Russell Mrs. U'lTl, Piper will partici of Mr. and Mrs. Mont A. Pul-ha- ed as business manager for attended Indian University af- asked to write a newspaper in a student the publication during the past pate exchange proprogram chairman; Scott school conven- gram in Mexico this summer. ter the from about school. graduating high story style Jewkes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. year. tion. They were told to imagine Miss Piper, who is complet Ruth F. Andrus will act Lee Roberts, business manager; as had as that just ing her junior year at Orem reporters they faculty advisor. and Naomi Colledge, daughter for their meet "covered" the High School, will leave June 15 of Mr. and Mrs.;. Evan L. Colnow writ- for Hermosmo, Mex., wnere were and newspaper ledge, historian. ! she will be a guest in the home ing a story on it. had he notified was of a Mexican student until late George won in a letter from M. Neff July. While there she will study Smart, press chairman for the language and customs of the convention. The letter stated people. The program involves Jit , mttmn: I4 Round-uPAYSON that his story had "caught the 'trading places with a young 4i Rhythm i a variety show sponsored by spirit of the model UN Assem-th- e Mexican student who will spend Payson Second Ward, will blv" and that judges were time at the Piper residence in AMERICAN FORK -- The be seen in two performances, "pleased with his accurate ana Orem while Colleen is in On Friday, May 22, a matinee brieht use of the language president of the LDS semincomthe for Randy Kerry will be presented for the chil studentbody ary He is the son of Mr. and 1964-6- 5 be will school dren. Curtain time is 4 p.m. An Mrs. Frank G. King of this city year ing Susan Smith. evening performance will be and for the past year has Susan was given Saturday, May 23, 8 p. been editor of the Spanish Fork selec ted by m. Both shows will be at Park-Seco- Hiffh School newspaper, the of the faculty Ward church. "Spanish Answer." the seminary The show is being prepared for this ofby a group of young people and fice and was NEPHI Richard Linton, son is good entertainment for people of Kent Linton, has been electpresen of all ages. to the stued as president of the Juab Proceeds will go to the Sec dentbody for ond Ward missionary fund. junior high for the 1964-6-5 sustain-Eric Douglas FORK-A AMERICAN signal year. Miss Smlfe ing vote of Other officers elected were, honor has come to Kaye I. Cox, the students. She is a daughteacher of Spanish, German ter of Mr. and Mrs. Leland and English. Mrs. Cox teaches Brough, vice m lAflfFPX Training School Students Plan Tenney, Brigham Young University student who has served both as acting city manager in Orem and as adwith assistant ministrative Orem City, has been granted an assistantship at the University of Southern California at Los Angeles. Mr. Tenney, who completed an extensive cemetery study and developed a perpetual cemetery ordinance in cooperation with City Attorney H. Vern Wentz. will work at USC in the graduate school of public adrninistration, where he will be a candidate for a master of public administration degree. Mr. Tenney will complete his services, with Orem City this week. be presented throughout the program. Principal Leeman B. Bennett will speak briefly; welcoming address will be giv will i i Jack variety of musical numbers en by Michael Van Dorn, stu- HEADS STUDENTS Charles dent body president; recognistudentbody presition of class project, Betty Goodyear, dent for next year at Utah Christensen, and presentation Trade Technical Institute, forof class members will be by the Central Utah VoHoward Bitter, senior class merly cational School. president and Richard Clark, senior class vice president. V ft3"" A PREPARE FOR PRODUCTION Mrs. Lydia Kirk- - , Patrick, left, music director, and Mrs. Loren Jex, play director, prepare props to be used in "Johnny Appleseed" production scheduled for Utah State Training School Sunday. Scholarship Granted to Orem Official Six honor students will par- J) r : ,v I ( secre- - Jan y; Parkin, r t e r; ry, g I sports Sper-- r 1 s' man- - in aeer: Ronald Richard been from a large Dalley, boys sports manager. Mrs. Cox number of Dale Bird, son of Mr. and a German Mrs. Lawrence Bird, is the attend to applicants Institute this summer at bourn outgoing president and was in )) ern Illinois University, Car charge of the program. bondale, 111. The institute will be in session from June 22 to Aug. 7. Mrs. Cox will have all exoenses paid: Teachers of German from all Is over the nation will be enrolled ) and the entire activities of the EPHR AIM Devon Blad, Sa who ii students two of one on is in lem, sessions will be carried will speak as honor graduates German. The program is sponsored by at graduation rites on May 24 the National Defense Educa of the LDS Institute of Religion ) tion. Act. and is part of the na-ti- at Snow College. Iff government's effort to -14 )) improve competence in foreign New York City is host to million, American visitors every languages Jn the ' United - " tl year.--- 1 States.' if . DDirCC AT BDftUft CTrtDC r Salem Student Honor Speaker -- flo,!d dunaays r' i V rA U f V I --J ) ennn iitah'q iniArccT iubtf hvviiiyi wwi vmcK w dunaays OTH WPST nnrJ TFNTPR STREET c- Tht J nntt anaroximatelv cxt or below our wholesale cost to which we add only 10 ot time of tstet Tl mArehandisA 1 VtAvmrimA iarlcmd 'u f'vk t |