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Show mmiinmimmmh . mmm.mm ........... .rnnartnnjwuui hih Wo men's Section PROVO, UTAH COUNTY. UTAH POLLY'S POINTERS Handy Sorter for Jewelry By POLLY CRAMER Newspaper Enterprise Assn. DEAR POLLY My hint is for the girls with lots of costume jewelry and no place to put it. Take about 20 (or any required number) of paper cups and cut off the tops until they are about three inches high. Put cotton in the bottom of each cup. Staple or tape these cups together so they fill the bottom of a box, in rows, side by side. Keep the lid of the box underneath it and when going on a trip, put the lid on and your jewelry will be ready to travel. Ordinarily, keep the jewelry box in a dresser drawer and when the drawer is opened, the jewelry is spread before your eyes, with no tangled chains. MRS. J. P. Service Group Hosts Party For Patients DEAR POLLY Recently I wanted to wrap my gift for a bridal shower a bit differently and since it was quite large, I had some trouble in thinking up something unusual. Suddenly the idea popped into my head to wrap it in shiny white paper (shelf paper would do) and then I glued on, at random, Polly's Pointers that I had clipped from the paper, I so wish I had thought of this sooner. I would have started a serapbook of the wonderful hints for her. EVE LYN hardware store and attached them to the garage wall at the proper height. Clamp the handle of a bike into each clip and the bicycle will stand upright and out of the way. MRS. E.S. DEAR POLLY We have no alley for garbage cans and they were unsightly standing in the w back yard. My husband dug a hole a little larger than the garbage can. The dirt bottom of the hole was left for drainage after snows or rain but he cemented the sides. After the cement was dry, the can was put into the hole. The lid was painted green like the grass and is even with the ground. Not only is an eyesore eliminated but the can is no longer turned over by the dogs. My husband says to be sure to make the hole larger than the can so after the cement is in, there is room to get to the handles for removing the can on garbage collection day. MY MAN DEAR POLLY Avoid excess steam that becomes trapped in a shower stall or tub by lowering the top of the shower curtain three inches on a second set of hooks that are looped onto the set strung on the rod. - Provo Service League enter tained Ward D-- 3 at the Utah State Hospital Monday evening with a musical program. Mrs. Raymond Evans, coordinator, introduced the following program. Mrs. Ralph Dixon and her daughter, Cheri, who sang two songs, accompanied by Lee Engelking; violin solos were played by Conrad Dunn, accompanied by Rosemary Dunn; accordion music was played by David Shurtliff; a vocal solo by Gordon Anderson and two vocal solos by Mrs. Richard Hope, accompanied by her daughter, Nancy. Refreshments were served to patients, members and three guests, Diana Lee, Kae Evans and Mrs. Basil Dunn by the committee in charge, Mrs. Evans, and Mrs. Dwight , Italian Burgers pound ground beef small garlic clove, crushed Yi cup finely chopped onion 1 teaspoon salt Dash of pepper 2 tablespoons melted butter or 1 Vz margarine cup catsup shredded Parmesan cheese Y teaspoon oregano Combine first five ingredients; mix lightly. Shape into 4 patinch thick. Brush first ties, side of burgers with butter or margarine. Place on grill, buttered side down, 5 to 6 inches above glowing coals. Brush with butter or margarine. Mix catsup, Parmesan cheese and oregano, turn burgers and spoon sauce onto burgers. Finish cooking second side (4 to 6 minutes). Yield: 4 burgers. Stroganoff Burgers 3 tablespoons Prepare meat mixture as di-- Nuptial Plans Told at Dinner Marriage plans were revealed at a private dinner party re- cently in Salt Lake City for Eveleen Lee of Provo and Robert Rothwell of New York City. The couple plan to be married by Rabbi Bernard Weinstein in Cheyenne, Wyo., on May 23. Two-Piec- Indoor Gardening Yellow Calla A Lovely Plant Here is a beautifully shaped two-piec- e, available in both regular sizes and half-size- s. No. 3364 comes in sizes VLYz, of months, shake the tubers out, separate any little "babies" that may have developed (pot these in smaller pots), and repot the old roots in fresh, rich soil. Within a short time, you'll again have the beauty of your yellow calla. Questions and Answers Q. Some time ago you featured the False Sea Onion caudatum). You to know that this like might plant has been in my family since 1825, having been brought back by my grandfather from the Isle of Pitcairn. Do you have any information on its origin? A. No; only that it is reported to come from South Africa. This plant always evokes memories for older people, as it seems to have been a real household fixture for many generations. 16, 18, 20,of22. takes 2 yards (Orni-thogalu-m sea-capta- in 14, Size 16 fabric. 45-in- ch No. 3296 comes in sizes 12, 14, 16, 18, 20. Size 14 takes 2 yards of 45-inc- h. Send 35c plus 5c postage for this pattern to IRIS LANE in care of The Daily Herald, Box 1490, New York 1, N.Y. Add 15c for first class mail and special handling. Free pattern is waiting for you. Send 50 cents for Spring-SummPattern Book which contains coupon for pattern of your choice. fragrance. Tubers (actually, the plants grow from flattened rhizomes) are available off and on through the year, since many times they are ready to1 grow after only a month or two of rest. So pot yours as soon as you receive it, using rich, loamy soil. Water heavily once after potting, then keep the soil just barely damp until growth appears; as soon as it shows, water enough to keep the soil quite wet all the time. Keep the plant in a moderately warm, partially sunny spot, and provide a pebble-tra- y to increase the humidity. In almost no time, the calla will beQ. Is there any way to get a its lovely new bright sansevieria plant except unfurling gin transwith leaves spotted green waiting for it to send out a this at and white lucent areas, sucker? I've tried rooting leaves loveliest of the one is it in just about everything, but no stage luck. foliage plants. A. Cut a leaf from the plant, Callas produce a perfect exof using sharp scissors. If the leaf ample of the aroid type in flowers is Z. elliottiana long, cut it into four-inc- h bloom; a rich yellow which is a lovely, lengths. Insert to half their clear color, and I am especial- length in sharp sand, being ly fond of the flowers' simple, careful to keep the lower parts ' rather severe form. (Actually, of the cuttings (as the leaf grew the part we refer to as a "flow- on the plant) down; if they are er" is a spathe; the true flow- inverted, they won't root. Do ers are tiny, and clustered on not water for about a week, then the spadix which arises from keep the sand just barely damp. the center of the spathe. I'm Striped leaved sansevierias will sure that by now almost every- not produce this coloration in one realizes that highly colored plants started from a leaf. bracts and spathes are not the The free Indoor Gardening real blossoms.) The blossoms and each pjant SourceSheet has been revised are will produce several flower and simplified. Most plants stalks during the season, so the mentioned in Indoor Gardening yellow calla can truly be called can be bought from a local a dealer, but if he cannot supply plant. notice that When you your themj ithe Source Sheet', lists calla is no longer blooming, and where they may be obtained. hew leaves are smaller than For your copy of the new Innormal, dry the soil out by door Gardening Source' Sheet, ' gradually reducing the amount write to Katherine B. Walker, of water given, remove the fad-- , in care of , mis newsnaoer. en-ed foliage with a gentle, twist- dosing a long, stamped, self-and addressed envelope. ing tug 'when it id fuHyjfry,ffost-reCoovriffht 1964 roots in a the cool, store I dark place. After a oouplt Publisher Newspaper Syndicate pepper prepared mustard Prepare large "burger" pat ties. Combine next 5 ingredi ents; mix lightly. Grill burgers on one side; turn and top with cheese mixture and finish grilling burger. Serve on toasted buttered buns. Yield: 8 large burgers. 2 teaspoon 8 Coterie Club Is Entertained At Wellington Home V ' J ng I - I ' MRS. JAMES VASEY women. at Win "I always slice potatoes for VFW Women Name Officers potato salads and dice potatoes for home fried potatoes." "Oh, no! that's all wrong," claimed her friend, "you should dice potatoes for potato salad and slice them for fried pota- Mrs toes." James (Bllieiean) Vasey was In an argument such as this, installed as president of the there's no middle of the road Ladies Auxiliary to Veterans of to take. You slice or dice them to suit yourself, or as suggestForeign Wars, Timpanogos Post ed by the recipe. 4918, Monday evening at the Another method used in poMay meeting held at the home tato salad making that is often of the president, Mrs. Mildred is that of marinating debated Brown. Mrs. Vona Houtz, dethe partment president, Roosevelt, warmpotatoes while they are with an oil and vinegar conducted the installation. If you have never Other officers inducted were dressing. tried it, by all means try the senior vice president, Joyce recipe here for Marinated PoPeery; junior vice president, tato Salad. In it the warm poJean Bath; treasurer, Garna tatoes are marinated in a Zesty Riding; secretary, Glida Pax-ma- dressing and then before just chaplain, Catherine Con-de- r; serving are tossed with real conductress, Dee Ann mayonnaise. Houtz; guard, Mary Larsen; trustees, Mary J. Cunningham, Helen Mercer and Mildred Brown; historian, Perchy Fred FORK AMERICAN THE PLACE erick. The members of the auxiliary contributed 38 dozen cookies to be taken to the Veterans Hos pital in Salt Lake City by the Auxiliary hospital chairman, Mrs. Vasey, as in connection with "Operation Cookie Jar." Plans were made to attend the district convention this week and the department convention to be held in Provo June 19, 20 and 21. The retiring president, Mildred Brown, was presented with the past president's pin by Glida Paxman. er By OSWALD JACOBY Newspaper Enterprise Assn. Here is a hand from the Charity Challenge Cup that illustrates the one great weakforcness of the ing two bid. When South Africa held the North-Soutcards in a match against England, South did open two spades. North responded South raised him two to three and East made the inspired lead of a low heart. South Playing at would have 12 easy tricks against a club or spade lead and the only defense that will positively beat six is so unusual that I doubt if anyone will find Down two. NORTH Strangely enough South Africa gained on the hand. The British South opened an artificial two clubs and North responded with an artificial two diamonds. Then they staggered into six diamonds and worked out a play for down three. Unless South is using an artificial two club opening, he should open with either a very or a conservative two A32 V64 KQ64 old-fashion- ed h no-trum- p. no-trum- three no-trum- p. North might decide to raise and South might three to six get norump if he conno-tru-mp medium) 1 cup thinly sliced onion cup sliced celery 2 tablespoons chopped parsley 1 teaspoon salt Yl cup Zesty Dressing cup real mayonnaise Cook potatoes in boiling water until tender. Pare and dice po tatoes into shallow dish (there should be about 5 cups). Add onions, celery, parsley and salt. Sprinkle Zesty Dressing over potatoes. Mix all together lightly. Cover with waxed paper and chill thoroughly, at least 2 hours. Just before serving add the real mayonnaise. Arrange on lettuce. Garnish, if desired, with sliced hard cooked egg, salami slices, and parsley. Makes 6 to 7 servings. Zesty Dressing 1 cup corn oil 4 cup vinegar VA teaspoons salt Ya teaspoon pepper Yz teaspoon paprika Few grains celery salt teaspoon sugar 2 tablespoons catsup 1 tablespoon lemon juice Yz teaspoons Worcestershire 1 The Mt. Loafer Cowbelles and the Spanish Fork Cowbelles of the Payson and Spanish Fork areas met recently at Oakcrest Inn for then annual spring luncheon. Mrs. Curt Obernhansley, Spanish Fork, president of the Mt. Loafer Cowbelles, presided. Mrs. Claud Williams, Spanish Fork, president of the Spanish Fork Cowbelles, spoke briefly. State officers who were present and spoke were Mrs. Lloyd Johnson, Aurora, president; Mrs. Grant Larsen, Leland; Mrs. Richard Probert and Mrs. Dwight Malmgren, Scipio. A toast to the Cowbelles was given by Mrs. Allan Cornaby. Miss Helen Simmons, Cowbelle queen of last summer, sang two vocal numbers and a vocal trio with guitar accompaniment was given by Brent Ludlow, Gordon Ludlow and Jerry Jones. Club Notes DANCING FRIENDS Will hold the final dance of the 2 cloves garlic season tonight at 9 p. m. at the Measure all ingredients into a Lake View Ward. "Finian's bottle or jar. Cover tightly and Rainbow" will be the theme. shake well. Chill several hours, sauce NINETEENTH CENTURY then remove garlic. Shake before serving. Makes Friday, 11 a. m., Riverside lYs cups. Country Club. tfaor-oug- ly to Buy v Iff p, t?sJk jS W it. West has to open the ace of clubs and then shift to the nine of diamonds. Once he gets off to that start, all he has to do is discard correctly in back of South. St JM953 WEST EAST AJ9765 VKJ9853 4k V1072 J 10 7 5 87642 9 A SOUTH POREC j r!'( SPMl mm I fl) Vf AAKQ104 VAQ A832 no-tru- slightly optimistic Marinated Potato Salad 2 pounds potatoes (about 6 PORK CHOPS Bridge KQ 4 zfX iTH -- v Both vulnerable See article for bidding and opening lead. tinued to overbid. 18 Is Magic Number NEW YORK (UPI Today, though marriages are big busiabout two million wedness are dings predicted for 1968 brides still are The 3364 modern marriage-go-aroun- Girls wash and wear cottons. SALE and Ladies cotton shorties, ' PANTIES Girls SALE rayon 1 Orden Totaling $5.00 or More at . . . University Cleaners 75 EAST 1150 NORTH 835 NO. 7th EAST PROVO LB. SEETHALERS colors. pastel 4 P' $00 STRAW HATS For all the CftC & SALE FREE On FRAMK $199 regular length. SALE... fowily. Moth Proofing and Summer Storage of Winter Clothing lb. $l99 ' CZ ft J PAJAMAS d for first marriages are for women under 20. Tradition stays in the form of the hope chest. Many of the brides have such chests filled with everything from towels to toasters by the time they marry. They start collecting such in their teens. !2-2- 0y DRESSES tradition-boun- d. finds age 18 the magic year. About half of the bridal gowns and wedding bands sold iJ MAY SALE up ANKLETS and girls, plains and A pair SlOO stripes. Boys SALE.. TW I for CORNISH GAME HENS - SHIRTS Boys sport, values to $2.00. SALE , 't $00 1 : e, Potato salad is as American as Uncle Sam or the Bald Eagle. Comes May, which this year has been proclaimed Salad Month, the potato salad season once more, gets under way. Although some potato salad fans enjoy the salad all whiter long, most of us consider it a warm weather dish. No matter what is ever written about potato salad, there is always someone who takes exception to it, as in a conversation over heard between two n; Mrs. W. E. Wellington was hostess to .members of the Coterie Club Tuesday in celebration of her birthday. Dinner was enjoyed on the patio where they enjoyed a view of the flower garden. Mrs. Wellington, president, conducted the business session during which names were drawn for "secret sisters." Plans were made to honor them on the unusual holidays such as April Fool's day or Washington's Birthday with a small handmade gift. The remainder of the afternoon was spent socially and with handwork. long-lastin- g, free-blcmi- f - Forcing Two Has Weakness er In Two Sizes a) Good Cooks Quarrel Over The Luncheon Held How of A Tasty Potato Salad By Cowbelles mt 4 v r The hamburger has become rected for Italian Burgers subeverybody's favorite food. Just stituting chopped canned mushhow many burgers are eaten rooms for onions. Spoon Stroeach year is still a guess, but ganoff Topping (recipe below) it's certain the number would onto burgers after turning first time. Yield: 4 burgers. be astronomical. hum It's no trick to make Stroganoff Topping dinger hamburgers. Shape the cup dairy sour cream burgers loosely into thick, gen- 2 tablespoons minced onion erous patties and broil them 1 tablespoon catsup. quickly over brisk heat until 1 outtablespoon chopped parsley they're crispy brown on trie inside'. and Yt teaspoin salt side and pink juicy A big iuicv hamburger, sea Combine ingredients; mix. soned to taste and topped with Yield: About cup. catsup or onion is mouth-wateriCalifornia Burgers fare and probably first 2 pounds ground beef choice for flavor. For something 1 in burgnew and scrumptious cup shredded Cheddar cheese ers serve Italian, Stroganoff, or cup finely chopped green next the onion at California burgers cook-ou-t. Every one is a hum- Yi cup sliced stuffed olives 3 tablespoons chopped green dinger! m. By KATHERINE B. WALKER Few plants give me the pleasure I always get from my yellow calk (Zantedeschia elhot-tianand in my opinion this has everything an indoor plant gardener could want except f Humdinger Hamburgers Provide Variety Eating BABS GIRLS I am sorry but we cannot mail reprints of hints that have been published prevJunior meats for your baby iously. Please clip and save food shelf make nutritious, those that interest you. POLLY quick sandwich spreads. For tiie older child or adult, blend meat with grated raw carrot, Share your favorite homemak finely chopped celery and salad ing ideas . . . send them to dressing to taste. Junior fruit Polly in care of The Daily Her makes delicious spreads when ald. You'll receive a bright, new combined with peanut butter or silver dollar if Polly uses your idea in Polly's Pointers. cottage cheese, to taste. Mit-che- THURSDAY, MAY 21, 1964 ng DEAR POLLY Having four whose boys bicycles were too often left lying just anywhere, I bought broom clips at the Foods and Recipes FLETCHER'S Each 368 W." Center, Provo, Utah I |