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Show ti r 4 - wmmm Second Section PROVO, UTAH COUNTY, UTAH, SUNDAY, JULY a.-- d Mr. D, A. .Went of Salt take, The Misses Ethel and Verda Rad-ma- ll with his children and other of Salt Lake spent Thursday relative In Pleasant Orove on Sun- In Pleasant Grove with their moth- day. vls-lU- .8," 1928. Everything For The Home AtD.TjR, Furniture Stores v '. Mr. and Mra James Peterson and Mr. and Mrs. Rex Cummlngs and and 'Mrs. H. L. Robertson atMr. and Mrs. Buys Cummlngs of Mr. tended the show at the "Victory" in Heber were Tuesday guests of Mrs. Salt Lake on Friday, ; ' :., ,. . Byron Adamson. " ' ; Mrs. J. J. Hayes of Gait Lake Is Mr. and Mrs. John S. Holdaway spending a week in Pleasant Grove returned Tuesday from a two weeks with relatives and friends. trip to California. The crowd enjoyed a Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Jense are party atfollowing Saratoga Monday evening: YellowMessrs. enjoying a trip through and Mesdames, Dewey T'. ". stone park. Adamson- ,- Byron AdamsonrClar ence Hilton, Richard Walker, H. C. ' Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Halllday and Robertson and Clifton Clark. BathMr. and Mrs. J. W. West of Salt ing, luncheon and dancing. filled the Lake were guests of Pleasant Grove hours, relatives and friends on Sunday, Mrs. A. C. Anderson of Salt Lake Mr. and .Mrs. II. S. Walker and entertained at her home on Tuesday children of Provo .visited Wednes for Mrs. James Peterson, Mrs. John Mrs. with Walker's Mrs. day parents, j Souiter, Pete Jeppson and Mr. ana Mrs. J. i. Harvey.. Mrs. Maggie ChriBtensen f rom Pleasant Grove. Mrs. Archie Maxfield spent the Week end in Salt Lake visiting with " Mr, and Mrs. ST B.Smith and her sister, Mrs. EUsa Broomhead. - family and Mrs. Harojd Smith spent Friday in Salt Lake. ' . Mr. and Mrs. Marion Hatch and Mrs. H. Eaton from Vernal are Mrs. Al virus Gleason of Salt Lake a vacation with Mr. and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Archie ' Mrs. Clarence Hilton. -t-Maxfield this week." i . ' ' '! j T V, J ) " "V HE new; home or the old home has many problems to solve when furnishing. Let D. T. R. Co, give you a helping hand. I ' - - ' ut la ,al 1 M- ing A FTER f in ' . Mrs. C. R. Crandall of Los Angeles, Calif. 7 """MMfcliiiiinn, i..... HKiiiiiMiil'i"1"""1 thejedding new home. the It should be lj - Mrs. Florence Carter of Garfield is visiting with her father, Mr. James Nelson. 'M f&Pa"tS Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Beck were Dr. and Mrs. B. C.. Llnebaugh dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. have as their guests this week, the Beck at Alpine on Thursday. doctor's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Jacobs, Mr. Llnebaugh from Louiston, 111. and Mra J.'D. Thorne and Mrs. Miss. Lucille Chipman of Salt Karl Banks enjoyed Monday pleasLike is spending her vacation with ing in Salt Lake. 7 her grandmother, Mrs. J. L. Harvey, -- S v !wiwfiiir Miinftwiii injur Mr. and Mrs. Archie Maxfield The Misses Mary Jense and Ella were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Complte reorganization of Scot Halllday went to Salt Lake Sunday Sterling Bennett of Provo on Tues- land Y&rd may result from the third to visit with Miss. Laura Walker, day. degree methods Its operatives are who Is convalescing after an opera sid to have usede in. questioning , , tion. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Nelson and son Mi8S Ircne Savage, above, after Ray visited in Salt Lake" on Sun-- . 8he4wi1 been acquitted of an ofMr. and Mrs., C. A. Sundberg and Hhv lense wun sir lco money, oeiow. " Miss Viola Thorne from Idaho Falls ,T.r r,r T M""pv is Tirominant in political cir. are spending a week with relatives The J. L. Harvev famllv en loved ' cles, and the case has been aired In In Pleasant Grove. s reunion in American fork canyon Parliament. on Thursday. There were preseat Mrs. Gertrude Westrope of Provo Mr. and Mrfl T T. TTorvov "Mr onH Provo canyons Thursday, visited here Tuesday with her moth-s- r, Mra L. P. Harvey and children, Mr. J Mrs. Jennie Johnson. ' and Mrs. Robert McCohrte and- son 1 Mr;' and Mra Angel of Levan from Pleasant Grove; Mr. and Mrs. spent the Fourth in Pleasant Grove Guests at the John Van Wagoner S. R. Chipman and ' family from with Mra Margaret Marrott, Mrs. home on Thursday were Mr. and Salt Lake; Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Wal- Angel was formerly Miss Florence Mrs. Arthur Jenkins of Salt Lake. ker and family from Provo; and Marrott Mr. and Mra W. C Harvey and Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Radmairof " Mr. and Mrs. Niels Fugal are hap-b$- daughter from San Jose, California Pleasant Grove, Mr. and Mrs. Law rence Radmall from Ogden, .the rrlval of a new baby Mrs. Mary E." Starks of Moron Misses Verda and Ethel Radmall of is visiting with the, Llnebaughs. Salt Lake enjoyed Thursday in Pro " Mra B. Drlggs, Mrs. Dwlght vo canyon. ton and Miss Zelma Drlggs enjoyed Mr. Clifton Walker of Salt Lake Mr. and Mrs." Lawrence Walker Tuesday In Salt Lake. spent Thursday here with his wife, from Eureka were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Heber Gardner. Mra Verda Hilton Walker. Mrs." Margaret , Marrott and Mrs. E. R. Halllday of Salt Lake, Mr. And Mrs. Owen Halllday and and her sister Mrs. May Driggs of daughter LaVern are visiting with relatives In Provo. family and Mra Clara Bullock and Arizona, are spending a month in Mrs. Jennie Johnson enjoyed Thurs- American Fork canyon visiting with Mr. and Mra Erval Halllday, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Peterson of day in Provo. - Provo, Mr. and Mrs.: Mr. and MraW. CTHarvey from Ernest Olsen "and Mr. and Mrs. Hay Winters Mrs G. W. Larsen, who was oper- San Jose, Calif.,. were guests of hon spent the week at Strawberry on a ated on at a Salt Lake hospital or at a dinner party given by Mr, and Mrs. L. P. Harvey Wednesday Monday, is slowly Improving. . fishing trip. evening. Thellvlng ' rooms were Mrs. Margaret Anderson is visit- artistically decorated with roses, Thursday dinner guests at the home of Mrs. Sarah Atwood were: ing in Salt Lake with her sister. while a large bowl of sweet peasjn Mr. and Mrs. William Atwood of Mrs. Alvan' Anderson.7 various delicate shades formed an attractive fablellecoratioh. Besides Bait Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Mavberry and Mrs. Lynn Wagstaff -- Mr. John Banks of Salt "Lake the guests- of : honor ' there were spent Thursday here with his moth- present Mr. and Mrs. J. L.' Harvey ofLehL and Mr. and Mrs. Robert McComie er, Mra Eliza Banka of Pleasant Grove; Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Ethel Drysdale and Children Miss Elisabeth Greene, Miss Ruby S. R. Chipman, Miss Helen Chip-ma- n Beth and King were guests of Mr. and Reese Chipman-o-f Salt and Mrs. Fred Shelton of Lehl on Harper, Eldon Johnson and Llovd West enjoyed a ... horse-bac- k ' , tripl Lake, and Mrs. Helen Heiselt of Thursday. through-th- e American Fork and American Fork. Mnf and Mrs. Elton Taylor and babe enjoyed Thursday In Provo vlsiUng with relatives. . Easy Monthly - 'g . - II y easy UR ayment plan will "help you. Use and enjoy furniture as you pay for it'. -- t y- Women Nowdays Choose MJieJSestLinoleum , " A large Room Suite, t uuMiunier- Dining Mr. Pete Christiansen and two sons Spencer and Jean" from Ibapah are enjoying a visit in Pleasant Grove. ' . ' '. "v ' Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Ryan from Heber were gUesU of Mra Bryan Adamson last week. V' ' Supt David Gourley and Principal Kar4 Banks left Saturday for Berkeley, Calif, to attend summer school. .'-- ' .. - a, t.H .. Mr. and Mrs. Clvd - RiiroI1 mrA ... miss cveiyn uison, miss ore- family who have made their home, belle Huber MlldrVd and Miss In Payson for more than two years. Pace, who are working In Salt Lake nave gone to Eureka to resided were home over the Fourth. 1 - Clare-nhol- rwjj.j-rahtind" Canada, has been ' their children of Eureka ; . here with her sister. Mrs." visiting Vernon holiday "vacation herespent this week Stanton and w 1th realtlves in Sant-aqui- with Mrs. . Hank's mother, Mra ; Henry Barney. WillmaaCarter Jr. came down The marriage of Miss Pernio from Bingham for his Fourth of Jensen, daughter of Mr. and Mra July vacation. Charles C. Jensen of Spanish Font,"-t- o Theron Miss Martha Davis entertained a Mra David Sargent, son of Mr. and Sargent of Payson, too, number of her young friends at a last Wednesday In the Mantl ' slumber party Tuesday evening. . place The temple. young couple left after for the canyons of M, "ana Mrs. Quayle Dixon ov Southern Utah for their wedding; L&M .in4 Mr. and trip. They will -- reside In tromaiyrf Eureka spent the Fourth The bridegroom is employed Payson. hr wli h their parents, Mr. and local Skaggs, Safeway store. at- the Mrs. Heury, Jeppson. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Spencer and Mrs. Eugene Peterson of Ely. family were down.ironj Magna for. Ne.vada4a-here-wlt-r hennolher, ; Mrs. John" E.Huiahr"who is ill. Independfence day. rOther -- members of . Mra Hulsh's John E. JBetts o fSalt Lake was family have been here from Salt the guest of . Mr. and Mra Joseph Lake during the week. : , Bingham ever the Fourth. 'j - tz'zp-- n r j n& r Lino- - -- e h- : , Cooking Pleasurer With A; - 1 - American Walnut finish, antiam French design is a real value for you at this un usually low price. .V invite you to see it. I r I. M I v.. How I enjoy-m- Such ia.the explanation from Tihe lips"oir . I l $99 50 Mohair 3-P- c. -- Living Room Suites A wonderful Living Room Suite covered in rich mohair. Davenport and 2 chairs, sturdy con struction . ....... ....... quality and style for "Oh! Kange." chappy, housewives winter months " . UAAf, M. M M LI U EMM MM m m m A Haddorff Piano for jour' home. The choicest of all furniture. You" . lerms A IT7 1 A TC rSfe, 1 " pm mm At Provona Beach A iuu.ll lld VI ' It, -w- -t MMlV 7 -- i mrm VU grea IT Splash in the waves of Provona Beach. fine! broad,: clean sandy beachr Bathing suits, bath houses and every con- venience. The ideal place to bring the whole family -for a.SwimrJump in the car - - it. only takes a few minutes to get there. Drive straight west on Center St. - Nimmm I hi J ' ' During summer months - - during a Monarch. Electric does Vita work. ' ' V . '""'v-- your , A Monarch Ranjrc For Every Home "T i ' t i j r ". tiie - j . "TOP viiu-ftwP t Dbirip viri HUUnii ill vlj ufti t one-pric- e iiousk "-- ",'TOV EIGHT BUSY STORES -- SprlngvUle ; ;'. ' r' Co. Dixon-Taylor-Russ- el Busy Furniture Stores, Eat Your JLuncheon In. Cool Breezes c '. income tin it' is paid-.- You use and enjoy your range . Tas "you pay J or it. g,- Under the" Trees at" Provona Beach ", TKere l . A Monarch Range can be easily purchased. A small payment down then.a payment each month out of ""Tit's - Electric And too ! This modern convenfencVia within the price ,9?. "T home... Let ua show you.--,-- ; f Sunset Bathing Is Great The-swimming-is new Monarch irr-- Buy On Our Paymgnt PlanXVXV! '...: . ' y i tril I I . at Taylor her vaca- Blanc and children from Murray are spending the week with Mrs. Blanc's Mr. and - Mrsr Neils Swenson.parents, . - Mra-Ijeall- et Mrs. Ben Bishop Heber A. Curtis left last Thursday for Los- - Angeles where he. will attend summer school at the University of Southern California during the tu;xt sl weeks... . .; Mr. anil Mia. James Wignall and Mr. and . Mra Guv Slmnn. family-let- tearly tn the .week; for Fish Lake, to attend the annual re- Bur ley, Idaho, visited here last week" Mr. and Mra union of the Andrew Sproul family, wicn. meir parents, ... which-wa,.t. held during the Inde- John Spencer.. pendence day holidays. Mr. and Mra Vaughn Livingston and, baby are here from California Melvin Wllnoh, superintended of for an indefinite stay. school district left last for" a six -- Mr. ahdTTIra Albert Friday f Allispaw weeks summer school course. He and children ofvBurley, Idaho, have was accompanied by Mrs. Wilson been, visiting here with relatives and sons, Dale and Gordon. ' Mr. and Mrs. Will IFolland. and vt, the guest. daughters of Mr. were guests at the home of Mr. and tsireet Folland's sisterT Mrs. E, R overrule Fourth. Mrsr-it.- : A. Porter last week Mra Seltzwas a --college classmate of Mr. and Mrs. Shores. LovpIrss of . " Mrs. Porter several years ago. Mr. Blackroot. Idaho, spent" their holi- - : Seltz is president Of the SeiU Packvacation Mr. with Mrs. day Will -and : ing company. . . McClellan. Mr. and Mrs. J.. A. Clayton Salt Lake accompanied them Mra Anna Samuels Smith, who and ofwere has been visiting for several weelts home on guests at the McClellaff Wednesday. with friends in Payson left Tor Salt Lake to visit for a few days beMr. and Mrs. Elmer McBeth and fore returning to her home at daughter Gall, spent the Fourth in California. v Salt Lake with relatives. They're simply wonderful! Rugs of every description - - ---a pattern for. every roomJn. . - jT- lenm for Every Room . Miss Aids Fugal, clerk Broa, Provo, is enjoying tion this week. rr Rugs aud' In-lt- . .T.' xi ii'-r-Tf Only the bestJinoleumwill be used by : women of : today. They"; ask for Armstrong's because of its l.panf if..i o and lasting qualities.Buy,j Linoleum at D. T. R. stores. ; Armstig1: V' - -- " - '" Charles H. Dixon, assistant cashier of the State Bank of Payaon, re. . turned home Synday ayening from art eastern trip made in company with a group of Utah Bankers who went to Philadelphia to attend the National convention of th American Institute of Banking. The trip required seventeen daysdurlng' which time all of tne' larger cities and greatest points of Interest in the east were visited. They war royally entertained by the Bankers association In all places where stops . 1 were made.. , .... . honie. lMrsLBcrlWhitehead,ff : Mrs. Margaret Adamson Whittle. a recent bride, was the motif for pretUly. arranged shower given by her mother Mrs. 'James Adamson, assisted by Mrs. Florence Sjoberg, hiss ueneva snoeii and Miss Clara Blackhurst, on Saturday evening. Garden flowers f various shades artistically decorated the entertain. Ing rooms, where a program of mu sic ana games was enjoyed, and a tray luncheon was served. The guests were Mrs. Gertrude Westrope and Miss Ruth Coleman of Provo; Mrs. Myrtle Carlson, Mra Margaret Wilson,- - Mrs. Maggie BhoelL. Mra Clara Bullock, Mrs: Jennie Johnson, Mrs. Norma Adamson, Mrs. Florence- - West, Mra Mau-rln- e Mrs. Boren, Mrs. Simper; Gladys Christiansen, Mrs. Sythia Johnson, Mrs. Maud Admson. Mrs. Margaret Adamson, Mra- - Stella Hardman, Mra Hannah Halllday, Mrs. JR.. West,- - Mra FWman - Mrs. Edna Newman, Mra HlUman, Mrs. Blackburn, Mrs. Sjoberg, Mrs. Oar-nThorne; the Misses Verona BorenrArdensrAtwood, Ella Halllday, Hilda Oscarson, Helen Weeks, Luclle Paulson, Thelma, Louise and Ethel Shoell, Elva Cullimer, Ber- -' nice Allred, Jewell Llnebaugh and ' June Van Wagoner.' Halverson of Spanish Fork, took place last Friday ' at Provo. The young couple will reside In Spanish. V ... :. Fork. ,: XJKSW I - t The marriage of Miss Valentine) Simons, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ' Grant Simons to Allen the-Neb- a--- -- of the most delightful of th ummer 'gathnrtnga waa the birthday party tit lovely Mapla Dell arranged in hohop of the. 78th birthday of Mr&.'ilary Gardner by her children, andgrandchildren." Sixty memberi of the family were In attendance including three groups of four generations. During the afternoon hours the party enjoyed the amusements of the park including dancing, bathing, "boating, fishing and group gamea A delicious picnic supper waa served at tables under the trees, before the return "trip a a happy home.Theright kind of furniture has much toNdo in making a cheerful an happy home. -I " Mrs. L. PHarvey had as her din- ner guests on Tuesday Mr. and -- One . , ' PAYSON SOCIETY NOTES' - r- ien Second Section Ill Brit lsll Scandal PLEASANT GROVE SOCIETY . ' . PL Giwve-NephI v. Payson '- Heber 'Ajn. Fork .. ; : Bp, Fork '. . , - |