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Show PROVO EVENING HERALD, SUNDAY, JULY PAGE, FOUR -- "BOOTS-AN- D NOTICE OF SALE The Big Hill Mining Company, principal place of business, Provo, Utah. NOTrCEThere are "delinquent stock, tipon the following described No. 9, on account of assessment levied on the 4th day of June, 1928, the several, amounts ijet opposite " the names of the respective share!'f holders asf olio ws: TTf-f- , " Cert. ':r ' !4 m he ei m it 173 Freda A. Drissel 225 J. ft' Brown ' 746W. ft. R issUer"-- , I 5.00 5.00 5.00 W. "ftv RossiterT: W. Rosslter 500 600 1000 500 H. S. Pvne . . . Polly T. Roberts... 1000 itf Estella K. Biersach 200 70 Wells L, Brimhall. .1 100 748 749 752 27 86 ppi nd tld iin " St . . 4.00,' WI' TAT .r . . I Hi- . w - ,xrv .0UR THE PATSY? : SPRIKGVIULE -- hows YpM ? ; DAIRY CONFAB ; ! All I u t r tfV - ( h J . Ftt w W ld 1 son-W- i v . - - 15i Arthur-LrvtngMonr- U is uri n de 'or fh-- . in MM) ..... '. 1' n ct It Co. B. Cole 645 64$ H. B, Cole A Co. 67 jack Falshaw . . . 7ft Luxford Heath , , 7iaLRalph A Badger. 726 B. M. Roberts . it tii ' ,rt d 5:oo 5.00 ..' 5:00 5.00 ' 5.06 5.00 1.55 .16 10.06 500 500 450 45 500 50 ' 5.00 - 5.00 4.50 .4? 5:00 4t 4.50 - 746 Buclah K. McCal- - lister TU v 753 Thos. A. Bailey 10 67 50 450 .67 4.50 4.50 ' 10 00 Edward W. Carter . 1, RHnhallMnno " " . inn 50 ( 5'0 -- j N'. nthon ...... 92 811 Wells I. Brimhall. . 500 -- 754- "V f-- n, r'-"- " -- 4 5' 5'' .92 1 d t - n g fa y r ; -- y 1 1 - 1073 A. B. Cowley 300 3.00 8.00 .1075YenaldaFaulkner5OO ' .n 1076 O. Raymond KniBhtTrrTr.33571 k s CI n - r t ..500 - . M IC t E '( I It stick3J of the chicken while her motherland sister get all the white meat that, is the role played by Marion Pavies at the opening scenes of "The Patsy," which opens today at the Paramount theater. How through the aid of her sym- .m m y r - 1 m .1 - 11 5 d 1421 J.- - E;, Stctn IKS J. E. stein 1458 Bailper ttrr 1493 . W. Hyde . 1.113 WB;ndley r 1000 ....... 600 ....... 1000 1802-In- - 1558. 1 fl Mr. Phillip Edwards and Mrs. Dot Edwards f visiting In Orem this weetf. re Subject,-Wyomlngra- Miss JZilphlJLouder-o- Logan- - Is f visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Louder. ' It's Differerit Everyone Else Does QUALITY Shoe Rebuilders : 208 West Center : ' -- "Heal Service" "LADIES" f?- NOW PLAYING Salt Lake's Greatest Entertainment JVhat ;-- -- GEO.K.ARTHUR- in "CIRCUS ROOKIES" - The famous ' laugh team in a, picture r bigger 'and -- ?- better---- ever before, 7Cream - . World of-th- eL VAUDEVILLE er v -- " tat-ter.- OUNT Now - : with Helen Sullivan & Co. ih "GOOD NIGHT' Showing i W.Smith .,.,S00 RAYMOND - BOND Cast 5.W Phillips, BunMacIntosh, Patricia Caron and others. JACKS & ' ' . ,v ' . - A Nautical Sprays front the Fouri-- . ' tain of Youth. SUNDAY - MONDAY - TUESDAY - J- - WWKJ '..CfK 1 dm 1 1 1 : : 1 imMMmH mm STRAND - MaricJ5re?' 1 -.- mm .rpnee uiflJ if you're an to knw rnitniit t - yure.i 4 . One beautiful bound' movie star book given away each night this weik (excepting Sunday and Sat-- f ALICE; urday.) MELVILLE hcr 11 try.i h.. best DOROTHY LUND CO. is taken in the WARD & of Llggett's Grape Juice. Oply ripe tasty' Concord, grapes and pure cane jugar are used. Just like grapes- MORRIS & FLYNN FLAVOR! jare - from the- vine. - freshly- - LoveTale NEWS and ODDITIES THAT REAL GRAPE r manufacture " QUEENS ' Comedy Milke and Ike in "CASH CUSTOMERS' l:, ,ing - faster and , funnier, than .. INTERNATIONAL ' a Hoi of' Laughs! .KARL DANE and - 81 : It s 280 295 721 275 255 SHOES! for The Coolest Place in d 250 645 LOOK AT YOUR MENJOU : in j if I '. "SERVICE Mr. and Mrs. Parley Olsen daughof Salt Lake visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. T. You'll Like ADOLPH j ter and son ' 10.00 ;50 280 88 65 255 r. firii-K- W.-1- Brimhall.. Smith .... Stephen and Don Jepperson ol at Brigham City have been visiting the home of Mr. and Mrs.-- Pan Jepperson. . Jas. A Pollock 1563 Welhs ft. 15G8 Eliai D. ; f Child, Cole & Co "'V"'S0 L Ray t Co.w,J06 - 156t Ashley Rartlet r- j. HOOF llARKS ZiT:: TXrr.'rTr: ti Catnnand,10O 225 John Martin ....... 100 J Friday..- - JACK DONOVAN : L w:H. Hanson & r- -Co. AV.r--TOl1559 Mrs. M.It Anderson 1560 Mi A t. Chipman . . Mr. and Mrs. J. Ralph Pgvldson of Salt Lake were Orem .visitors 7 . -- Hi. T1554'Thoa. H. Hinckiey7:"255 1555 C. H. Jackson I...Z 6fl 'i ; 15.1ft 1.157 the week. . 1536 A. C. ...... v;8itor8jturda,y-- Miss Nellie Harris visited friends and relatives at Bingham during LL Joday Only h GLENGARRY "10.00 1540 J. W. Bran . . 1541 Edward T. Jones A542John FV SnvderT JM4 Ripgs A Griffith.. 1545 Otto Schmitz ,1548 Child, Cole 4 Co-. . . 1550 W. E. Stoker . . . . 155JTT. G, Warnirk . . , Jack.JMerril and. Bismarck Craw-fortof Paul, Idaho, were Orem . 11524 Zella B. Wakefield, 250 1532 4an Monroe 610 3538" ' 1.139 -- It ... . u: i BONITA visitors during the week.' their' er lindw6aujghters--n- d adventures in the fields of matri-' mony, tt cetera. PIONEER DAUGHTERS MEET As the embarrassed flapper who SPANISH FORK, July 7. Camp socles to win her slBters beaux by No. 2 of the J. Wylie Thomas chap the via. her personality developing ter,-- Daughters of Utah Pioneers! Miss course route. cbrreHpoAdence I .. 1.1 T L. . . i T n n Ifnln- - will meet Thursday afternoon, July 11.. HnnA "TuL-Zlil" at the home of Mrs. Lily Rowe. i. 770 an" order bfXhe board of diicctors, 1564 Mrs. F. HTSutton. 70 The histories of Mrrand Mrs."X)avld' TOjntnaT)rBrShej , r: n "' n J l c a uio , nunc luauv ill :95 made on the 4th 95 1565 C. L. Whitney ; . will be given and an internrd" ...... ........ 1,000 200 oi.tit Morgan day of June, 1928. socially ambitious souther, registers 1566 C. L. Whitney .. 95" .95 so many shares" of each, parcel of 186 Uwhard B. Shep- true knockout Orville Caldwell esting program is assured. a 5.85 such stock as 585 1567 R. K. Cobb A Co, may be necessary will 3 0W 6 00 is a handsome and urd v. capable leading 2.90 be sold at the office of thC 1568 R7K, CobbJL( 290 company. 17tf Cforge A.Sh panl.20.000 40.W jiian," while Lawrence Gray does 100 ' 1. W 1569 Wm. F.Russell . Block. Provo, Utah, on the 184 Eihma C. Knight . LOW 2W equally well in his role as the other Shepard 6.W 23rd 500 1628 Wells L. Brimhall day of July, 1928, at "the hour ISO Emma C. Shepard. 1,000 2 W suitor. Agnes Christine Johnson has 10.W of2"S)'clock 1000 1663 W. L, BrimhaU,, " p. m., to pay. delinquent, IKft Emma C. Pheimr. LOW "Tw turned' out an adaptation which 1718. Mary Er Ashworth. 6Qp 5.W assessments thereon, together with 181 Emma C Sheqard. LOW ' an slows lliever instant from up 500 -- 5W 1729 Walter --Bandley-r 2 00 start to finish thetpstof advertising and expenscr Wl Kniina C: Hkvfmi!. 1.000 1742 Mrs. Anna B. Flem of the 'sale. 1S3 Emma C. Shepard. LOW 2,W 10.W R. B: ALLEN, ing ...... .......,10W And. in accordance, with law and ' 1743 Mrs. Anna B. Flem Secretary. an order of the bonrd of direct"FOrUFLl'SHER" 2. W Office: 200 NOW PLAYING ing ...... Knight Block. Provo. Utah. ors made on the 4th day of June, 1744 Mrs. Anna B. Flcm- 15 Pub. dates: July 8, and 22, 1928. 1!2, so many shares, of each par Probably every motion picture 2 00 '"g cel of such ttock as may be neces- - fan enjoyed "The Collegians" for 6.W 1745 Fred Rasmussen.. 500 N 0TIClirT)FT5..l nt TVIll suiit-He the office of K'.iy. 6.W 600 1790meP Pett, Jr. ' the company, Knight' Block,. Provo; ance. BOO 1797 Imer Pett. Jr. ..... 500 Middle Swansea Mining Company, Uluh. on th 23rd i Those of same will enjoy 1928, people day July. 5.W 500 1799 Imer Pett, Jr principal place of business. ' Provo, at th Jyni r sL .2jo'c1qc1l to "The. FourfluaherA which isnow at 500- 5.00 Utah.- 4m,, w : : PettrJr assessments, thereon. the Gem theater for the same rear . 600 5.W '806 J. M. Jensen NOTICE-Th- ere are delinquent pay delinquent r on. 1 is youth, bubbling, gay, some ".1 Wells L. Brimhall.. 6W the described following stock, ,Dg und ,xptiniHg of tne B.WjUpon times serious and often frivolous. '17 Wells L. BrimhaU. . 5W ui atmuui v. aonv.iBiurn iiKj. ia. "The Fourflusher" With Marian It E ALLFN 5.W levied on the 4th day of June. 1928. 818 Wells U Brimhall:: 6W Nixon and George Lewis is unusualSecretary 1819 Wells L. Brimhall. . 5W 5.W the several amounts set opposite ' orfi(,e. Knlsht Block. Provo. Utah, ly entertaining. It is a rare combin 1820 Wells L. Brimhall. . 5W 5.W the namea--of the respective share - - : Pllb Jllly ,B and 22,' 1928. ation of dramatic story and comedy. 5.W 1821 Wells U Brimhall. . 5W H us Nixon is pretty and enacts B.W Cert' 1822 Wells L., Brimhall.. 6W her role with: ease, while Lewis is lO.W 1838L Walter Johnson. .jlWO No..i Namc.x tw., Shares, Amt.j a sfitf xnxv -- ' if very effective- in his roler playing 1824 Wells L. Brimhall.: 5W ' 5.W 25 George Jones 2,000 $ 4 W AT SllOWINO THE STIUXD with the same inescapable charm ' 1823 Wells L. Brimhall.. 5W 31 J. Y. Bywater .... 5.W 1 W 5W' a. i $ which tivwle ' him so popular In "The 1836 Charlotte Fitch- 35 Ethel A. Shepard . . 6.0W 10.W . Collegians. 10.W 36 Joseph A. Shenard 5.000 10 00 'Johnson... ,.10W appeal, action, The story a well constructed and 1845 M. G. Shea ........ 5W 5 W 41 Jos. P, Megrath ,10.0W 2Q.W. patliua, plut, suKpcnse, thrill the- - is taken from, the play of the same 5!W 60 Richard B.ShepardOW 1858 Wells L. Brimhall:; 5W 2.W 01'e the elements that,"' flistinguish t!tlo hy Caesar Dunn, noted Broad " " 1861 Wells L. Brimhall 64 Richard BrShep- 5W 5.W the la tost IMille production, "A way playwright. 1862 Wells L. Brimhall. . 5W 5.W "'"rd 10 WO 20 W Ship Cdmrs la", at the Strand Sun- It Js about a. young shoe clerk 1863 Wells L. Brimhall. . 5W 5.W 5HO Onv. Moudav and Tuesday, as the whose rival for the hand W..A. uingrora ... .000 of the 1870 Wells L. Brimhall. . 5W. 5.W 73 J. Y. Bywater t 2.W 1,0W production of the current iJlrl is the son or his employer. 75 Richard A. Shep- 1887 Wells Lv Brimhall. . 5W 6.W The. leading characters po& These bv Lewis. Miss 1894 B. W. Pixon ard v. . . . . -- . . . .T.TIO.OW 20.W s'aonv 3W 3.W tiayed by such capable screen art- Nixon and Eddie Phillips. Of course, 80 T. W. 1896 B. W. Pixon ...... r 60 .50 Prltchctt ...20,000 40f0 as Kudolnh Rchiklkrant Imi.e tn.iyoung man eets a break when 1899 Ralph ABadger-4- 0i 1.01 ' 4nmnr. ser, Robert Edeson, Milton thejown banker accidentally loans 91 1898 Raiph A. Badger and Louis Natneaux: ensm.: mm jio.OW. But. that Isn't the enn, 5Wfii2.W 153 WHElmtrACmCL--2iMUom1904 Wells L. Brimhall .2W Richard B.Shewrd 5W l.W exhibitors and their patrons the fin It's only the beginning and the pic- 1932 W. H. Child ,, .e., 5W 2.R00 5.W 156 W. A. Langford 5 00 f:t film entertainment offered, by lure carries this out to a surpris 1936 Geo. H. Watson ... 500, 6.W 15? Emma C. Shepard . 5.0W 10 W t a the tn recent years. ing ana inruiing denouement .14.W0 2S W .Tnc gtyry haa 1945 Bessie G. Penny .'.1015 10.15 162 George Jones hutnaa Interest 1954 Wells L. BrimhaU.. 5W 2 W from start to finish. Every 5.W 163 J. E. Johnson ..... 1.000 picture a storjrjo constructed that each 1955 Wells L. Brimhall . - 5W 50 Wtrvn l 6.W 188 Tr H.-25,OW four-flushre!lsh"Peter Plecznlk s sub character stands out In bold relief-log- ical because his dreams They thought he was a 19.16 Wells L. Brimhall.". 5W 2.W line patriotism, his ' trust In and 5.W 166 J. Q. Bywater ..... LOW and convincing. Interest In 1958 Wells L. Brimhall. . 5W 3.00 love for his 'adopted country, and their fates never 5.W 187 Eleanor C. Shepard 1,500 were big. lags and the sim high speed comedy of an ambitious young 1959 Wells L. BrimhaU.. 5W , 5.W 168 Richard B. Shep-u- .. confronted with a new Jife only to plicity of, the theme -'- will - strike 1961 Wells L. Brimhall .r 5W ard r: . . . . 20.00 5.W deepest sorrow. Here is home. shoe clerk. . A pretty girl and a score of mirth provok1962 Wells L. Brimhall. . 5W 5.W 1963 Wells L. Brimhall. . 6W 6.W ing complications! Sparkling as a new pair of shoes! 1964 Wfclls L. Brimhall.". 5W "5.W 1965 Wells U Brimhall.. 5W 5.W 1966 Wells U Brimhall.- -. 5W '" 8 0C 1967 WelU L. Brimhall. . '6W 5.W GLORIFYING AMERICAN YOUTH f 1968 Wells L. Brimhall .7 5W t 7 5.W 2013 Wells L. Brimhall. . 5W 5.W includes Addie 335.71 1077 Lottie H. Knight. .33571 335.71 1083 P. J. Falkner . .1M . 250 . 2.50 1088 Thos. John Ill 1.11 600- - - 6.00 1105BW. nixon 1115 Ralph A. Badger. . 500 COO 1130 Ira L. Newcomb .'. 500 5.00 1131 Alfred P. Pilsbury 275 2.75 -1136 P. C. Cowley : . . . . 300 s.oo U37 H. W. Poscher ... 500 5.00 1138 H. W. Poschci- 5.00 1147 E. Ci Pavies . ...150 1.50 1148 Jas. Oreserson . . . 50 - .50 1165 Royal R. Woollev ." 500 5.00 126ft-Well- s L. Brimhall. . 500 500 1265 Wells L. Brimhall. ""500" 5.00 ' 12G7 Wells L. Blimhall.. 500 5.00 J274 Wells L. Brimhall.; 500 - 5.0C 2048 Geo. 1281 Florence P. Ray ..1000 10(10 1283 Wells L. Brimhall. . 500 5.00 1288 O. P. Eliason . . . . .. 500 5.00 1375 H. S. Pyne m. , 500 5.00 1377 Wells LRrimha!l,-50- 0 500 JJH Wells L. Brimhall,, 500 5 00 .p t -- 225 . ' i ! Holden Harvey Cluff , ..1000 1000 Harvey Cluff Rueda PaxamabJcn-Ht- . 15B 1.26 "" "sen z :. . .v.T . 8.15 315 P81 E. M.' Paxman 4.50 91S Mrs. M. C. Barnes. 450 500' 5.00 923 O. F. Steffen . . 5.00 500 93T Walter Bandley 5.00 500 978 W: M. Havenor 8.00 9 B Wells U Bi lmhall.-- . 500 898 j. L. Denham 1000 10.00 100t-W- . M. Havenor .... 900 900 1003 Wells U Brimhall.. 450 4.50 1030 Joseph Rupper 1000 10.00 1032 Mrs. Edith Snyder. '500' '5.00 100 1067 O. F. Steffen 1.00 y 1 814W. 5.00 2.25 10.00 10.00 . 8t5l 871 8f MM f MW3IQN DAVIESA'THE PATSY' A girl who always gets the drum Sprlngville Thursday eity night, A. V. Nelson and Will Whitehead, chairman of the farm bureau dairy project, and chairman of the city council, frespecUvelyrmet with their "commltteemealid Tr. (J. T. Cannon, of the Toung university, and Will Nuttall of the central dairy committee, and County Agent W. J. Thayne, and Investigated ped igrees on some prospective bulls to be purchased for- Sprlngville. PediInvestigated grees an thoroughly by the men and plans made for Investigating other pedi grees and securing .other information on bulls to be bought in the state and some from outside the state. 'Z- i The reports given at. the meeting, will show there be four Jersey blocks organized at Sprlngville, and one Holstetn block. The committee men at last ' night's meeting and those who are responsible for furth ering the plan in Sprlngville are: C. V. Mendenhall, Ottis Wjorth, A. A. V. Nelson, ' Will Whitehead, Heber ' HouU, M. A. Boyer and ." John Boyer. "i"x: Sentiment among these men at the meeting was to have bulls of at least 7W pounds production back of them and from some of the best blood llnesavmllablK thl Is done It will mean that Sprlngville will soon be one of the leading dairy sections of the state. ...... - Pincrec, Jr. ..450 741-Joh- '. U:liJ3k? , '"V W tOUR OM ' pathetic father she turns the tables .ooouo,oo 6lUackFalahaw : WV tW .: on her feminine relatives and gets the good things of life for herself makes one of the most entertaining comedies of the season. The Patsy Is a tale of a true-to- life American feinfly father, moth 17. -I- - Biersach . . . . 300 428 W. M. Havenor ...... 500 414 AV. M. Havcnor . . . . 600 45p Jos. P. Thompson. . 533 504 Wells L. Brimhall. .'600 Bll Wells L. Brimhall. ,'500 500 631 A F. Acord '538 A. F. Acord . ,500 585 W. M. HaVenor ... ;.5ob 588 W, M. Havcnor ... 500 155 596 Arthur Brewster 16 59t Arthur Brewster .612 Edward W. Carter. 1000 4 I J "Wfe t. - 4l6 W. - a. IK lio 0 Thompson. .. 87. 100 403. E.M. PaxmaU 404 Rueda Paxman Jen 40J - ,5 sen mrrr-s'.'rtT- S il rpi:. U - K S5 Jos, I fo- . ......... -m -- te ii ...... a it t. 0OD 175 17S Niels Anthon' 222 James W. Holdcri . 500" 223 Jos. I). Thompson.. 400 - 228 J. Smith ....,..1000 500 259 Wm. Nutt 100 262 i. C Johnson 271 Estolle K3leVsach'.1000-29Mrs. Petrea Giles" . . 500 307 Wellu 1,. Brimhall. . 500. McCal- . Buelah 150 'lister . 357 Luxford HealhT."100 29 - 394 Niels Anthon a " ... . :. t - ' 40 138 M. F. Burson 139 jars. Maude. Bui 15? Arthur Livingston. . Th - sea i da iy 'ii ren :'.t. 200 200 , 114 Rueda Paxman Jen- . j ft 111 E. M. 112 E." M. k Reporter Mrs. L. V. Drags Telephone 480-J- S .:!r.r: Mr. and Mrs. . Marsden Allied, Larsen and Miss Vera Just-enseBlaine At a dairy meeting held In the of Spring C4ty were Orem hall at it B. M. Roberts Paxman . .. . 500 100 Paxman Rueda Paxman, Jen-- " Mr. mod Mrs. Bob Roberts and daughter Betty of Venice, California are, visiting at the home of Mr. . and Mia Fred Nichloes. j NEWS OREM ; 3.20 220 $ $00 500 ...... wjiijiiu tiT!. 1 By Martin Amti Shares. Stockholder. No. n t u die "HERBUDDIES" 1928 PATRICK Wltn KUUULfH SCHILDKRAUt eat- - picked 'if at the F6un-tai- n or ln convenient size "bottles for'serving at home. NEXT WEEK T ROSE MARIE LOUISE DRESSERamrobwioison. May be had . : V , The story of a man's love for and faith in the country" of his adoption a tremendous theme charmingly de- yeloped a picture admirably produced and every char-aVt' portrayed by. a capable screen artist. -- Coming. Soon MAE' MURRAY Y - In Person er Hedonist Drugs JTia i- COMEDY, NEWS reap rtSiimw. |