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Show gtta gnndiotu Pmbilahed XYI&T EYJtNING, A Boy Falls Off UOTIOB Bundaji excepted --- T4:i i of His Seat. i i i u H " Buffalo, drew a tremendous crowd. About 10 o'clock, when all were intensely interested, a little boy, wh kad fallen asleep in the gallery, tumbled off his seat. Somebody shouted Tight !" and this outcry being misinterpreted by several persons, who, not understanding what had happen- , ed, and imagining that the building was in flames, raised a loud cry of " ire ! In a moment there ensued a scene which, baffles description. The audience en masse arose to their feet and made a frantio rush for the doors. Shrieks, curses, screams, intermingled with groans and cries for lielp from the women and children, were heard on all sides from the frightened, frantic mass struggling to escape. Men and boys threw themselves from the galleries to the floors below. Others, many of them women, sprang for the windows, and endeavored to climb down on benches which they had thrown out, but finding this means of escape unavailing, boldly precipitated themselves to the ground, a distance f over fourteen feet. Weak children were hurled to the floor, and, unable to rise, were trampled upon by the surging crowd; women fainted, clothing torn into shreds; strong men, forgetting all in their desperate efforts for safetv fought, swore, and spared no one 'n their attempts to reach the door, lhe news spread like wild Are, and many who had friends or relatives at the entertainment hurried quickly to the One woman carrying a baby scene. was thrown down near the door, and for a few moments the swaying crowd pressed and trampled on her until Special McCulloch, by a hard struggle, succeeded in reaching and disenE'acins' her.. Two fat females of eourageous and daring instincts jumped from the front windows on to the crowd below, who were of the epinion that it was raining something heavier than "pitchlorks." An alarm of fire was struck, and almost tne en tire force were promptly on hand, and performed efficient labor in alle viating the panio. Upward of twelve persons sustained severe injuries. THE SFTN"EST AT THE L, DEALERS IN ALL KIXDS OF GENERAL Ogden Junction Office WORE Mepps, Popltns9 Nouveatttes, PAELOR AND COOKING STOVES, Corded Alpacas, CHARTER STOVES OAK Jacquards, Delaines, Flannels, IS EXECUTED A Full Line of A G. WHITEHEAD Large Assortment of For Gents, Ladies or Musses SPICIAM Limeys, etc. Exclallge. Fourth Street. Ogden, Doors From 25. O. BOOTS AND SHOES, OF THE LATEST STYLES IN A A AU kinds of PRODUCE received in Carpets and Trimmings. IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, MERCHANDISE, Ever offered in this vicinity. Silks, JOJB C. M. MAIN STREET, or Jfe GENERAL DEALER IX wear. AND SHOES, LEATHER AND AT THE LOWEST PRICES. SHOE FIXDIXGS! PRODUCE TAKEN. CASH PAID for Hides. Hats, Caps and Clothing I NEATLY EXECUTED: EEPAIKS a P. O. d88-l- y Superior SStyl GROCERY HARDWARE DEPARTMENT AND r. 3VI. BOOTS - Box 28. Complete in every variety. Order Books, -- MERCHANT TAILOE! :o: J. - - FIFTH STREET, TAYLOR, OCDEIt Two doors west of Main Street. Z. C. M. I. Stove Department Receipt Books, JUST RECEIVED. A LARGE STOCK OF CHARTER Bill Heads, Future Millionaires. letter If we may eredit the observation is inevitably an ascending and descending scale in families in regard to money. That is to say, ' wealthy young men begin wVioro friolr far.riflrs Ififfc off. and end where their fathers as business men began in poverty. . It follows that our millionaires of the future are the young gentlemen who are at present skillfully conducting the onerous details of the peanut, candy and bootblack trades. On olever little is mentioned as one of the eoming gold princes. Having noth- $n? but the Dower and determination to work, he borrowed a little whil aso $25. all of which astonishing for tune he invested in "matches.. He presently sold his stock at a good profit, paid his debt, and began busi ness nntrammeled, putting every spare dollar in bank, and being now a quantity 01 the possessor ot ' wortn matches $?D, ana money to besides give him daily enough comfort. This is the sort of boy to know his catechism and never go swimming on Sunday, and naturally to grow up rich and respected. OAK, ERA AND OTHER COOKING NEW MONITOR, STOTES. M neto Stock of Fall and Winter GOODS of the test qualify. Which will be Cut in the Latest Fashion! Heating Stoves of all Descriptions. Heads, TINWAEE d ef a Boston writer, there of ALL KINDS ... ZION'S Tisitlng Cards, EVER CARRIED CALL AT TEASDEL & Co's, ON IN THE TERRITORY OF UTAH. East Temple Street, '...) nt AND EXAMINE Ball Tickets, ' Arising from a uniform system of dealing principally with Manufacturers, buying in Immense Quantities and i selling on the Closest Margins. - - Salt Lake City, THEIR CHOICE STOCK, SELECTED WITH THE GREATEST CARE IN NEW. YORK, BOSTON, PHILADELPHIA AND CHICAGO,. Consisting: of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Shawls, Yankee Notions, Etc Hand Bills, in immense Variety, PARENT INSTITUTION AT S. L. CITY. Clothing Hats; Caps, Boots and Sheea, Groceries and Hardware. "Wholesale and Retail Meal Tickets, Shipping Bills, dltf AGLE HOU S E MERCANTILE INST'N. IVE Doing the Largest Business Business Cards, " - W. II. HOOPER, Superintendent. 105-t- f CO-OPERAT- Ahd Made up in the Most Approved Style, Show Cards, RLEES' SEWING MACHINES! DEALING IN Monthly Statements, EVERY DESCRIPTION OF MERCHANDISE THE There is one reason why we should wxrrpt to have tne present troubles nrJt.h dnmfistic servant ended. It is heranise women derive so much pleas Every, Variety of ore from discussing the subject iinnn two women together, and, it makes no difference where the con rAraation starts from, it will be per around to the fecrty certain to work hired girl question before many elansed. Vfe have seen an 1df.rlv house keener with experience in nonduetina- the talk in the right ,i;,t;rn Wnt into a discussion of of the Pythagoras and the doctrine tmnsmisration of souls, and switch eff the entire debate with such expedition that an unsophisticated listener would for some moments have an conversation referred to the of Pvthasroraa as a wash and er ironer, and to the tendency ol AH OrdeA. Bnqulrw, BemltlMieM, , ibonM two to tafce UM uanng.r, to ddreesd b heathen philosopher that TWsdavs out of every week. And vilwhen a woman has an unusually burns who up the lainous hired girl, her mixea the butter, coal, wastes reher stuffs and the in biscuit, hair lations with sugar, it is interesting to W. hnxxr Rtft elories in the supe- of riority of her sufferings to those as sue her neighbors, and now, r them Vlfl floats over her misery Max and feels gwd about it. cnoX, v. v. Box a a . Adder,-- Unrivalled in the Market. In consequence of the increasing demand for the aboye machine we hatt appointed The Hired Girl. 3 STOCK! .r.n ug jttiLU NEXT DOOR TO Z. A recent concert ia Kehr's Hall. match-mercha- Mm ' NKM Mr. J. GrJEt..NX Call and examine At the WORLD'S FAIR, VIENNA, was awarded THE SINGER -- SEWING WHINE STANFORD Our Agent for Ogden. at his Store, d-l- y TT i'"i'JT STJtLJiH J-- W. fl. CHILD, N. C. FLYOARE. OGDEN STEAM This Institution is the SOLE AGENT for Utah Territory. EXHIBITION AT OGDEN. SA3IPUES OJf min-ntfiaha- ve i i i 5 ; i . t RAILROAD WORK! - AND Studebaker, Bain and Whitewater SEClNGHliIS1 FIHST-CIiAS- s" Rcapers,2Eowers,Siilky Kakes,Thrcshing Machines et C. Lumber Yard. EVERY DESCRIPTION OF ACRICILU'IIAL HACII1XERY On exhibition and for sale U MAS CFACTUKEKS Sash, Doors, Blinds. Work done to Order. A Full Set of Woodworking Machinery in Operation. PLANS Commodious Branch Store in Ogden the Friends are in no wise inferior to Northern FadHtiea far auppljing our ttose at Sali W. II. IIOOrER, Superintendent. 22-t- f s j Sep Window Frames, Cupboards, Milk Safes, Tables, Sinks and all Kinds of Carpenter BARNARD WHITE'S YARD, FOURTH ST.,OCDEN. PENROSE, Ioor and OF T.nfcrA h ESTIMATES OF BUILIMU) ON REASONABLE TERMS. Orders addressed to Office FLY CARE& & CHILD, Contractors ana Mill?, FiftH Street, Ogden, e BuiWers, z- - c- - M-- Grnttr7 121-t- f |