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Show Hallkb. McBPnr. The union of hearts and bands between Mr. Gus. llaller and Misa Sarah Murphy, daughter of Dr. Murphy, of this city, tosk -- 'lK CTEKT EVESINO, Sunday excepted. place on the 24ih day of last month. To the newly wedded pair the congratulations of their friends are offered, with BY TELEGRAPH. AMERICAN. ' Albany, N. Y., 6., Gov. Dix's message was presented to the legislature He says the condition of the State is generally gratifying. The debt is small, educational institutions are well managed, laws are NEW YEARS GIFT. DELMON'ICO RESTAURANT AND HOTEL. OCDEN UTAH. CITT, - ' E. ' ' LANDT, Prop. Board per week, $5.00. B1, 50 cte. Single meal, H. ' cu. 60 RESBEQIFEB. ' At ' -' Opposite V. P. R. K. Depot. WALLACE'S JOHN BOYLE Confectionery Establishment, Board and I.oda-lnBFIRST SOUTH STREET. prr da J ft 0. heartfelt wishes for their success on the enforced with renewed vigor, and great Venice. Bbow, that at half past journey of life. criminals are brought te speedy exemS S'S plary punishments. He guvs a history There is the choicest stock of Vhnry Confection iarday las., the thermometer Wills. ery in the Territory. All cheap Persons desirous of having their wills made, of the robbery of the treasurer's office, for the Holiday. will please call on Mr. A. Pratt, at Deseret Tele- and exculpates every one from a guilty ,t0 27 OX AXD AFTER JANUARY 1st, 1S74, degrees graph Office, Ojjilen City who will make theni out intent d at Corinne, but is there Phelps; says txctpt JUST CALL AND SEE HIS WINCOV. legal and cheap, on the shortest notice. no doubt thai defalcations would have ' A THE .5 ORDERS !IEI!CH1D1$E been if the treasurer had been prevented diis Citt Data Stoke. Attention at his post. He discusses the panic and on the time-tabl- e i lamed by A new rected to the new advertisement of the currency question, and expresses him-se- lf TALLOW AND GREASE. uu road, will U" "ecu has Driver built Mr. Store. emphatically against any further City Drug ZIOX'S will business in this city, by expansion or inflations of currency and nst. Most of the changes HIGHEST MARKET PRICE WILL EI up a first-clas- s 4,11 ' in favor of a resumption of specie payTUB : road. The to attention west ead of the strict energy, enterprise, ment. two. or d.y 2Jiffl b. pbHA.d duty, accommodation to customers and Detroit, 6. 'Will be received only In lt , . Two men went adrift on a block of ics prompt settlement of his accounts. He For Rough or Rendered Tallow, Wash-incton- ." ni.TAIL 1)E1AKT3IEXTS. in stock all he claims in his adver- in Saginaw bay. Dec. 81st, and in keeps Scene STALE BUTTER, the succeeded in reaching the shore, but in "Be! hind tV. II. HOOPER, Supt. tisement, and those who want the arti- a nearly exhausted condition, And all other kinds of Grease, at having cles enumerated will find them of the been without food and nearly perished ZD. with cold. Six men, who started out in best quality at the City Drug Store. . SOAP FACTOllY, invMtieatK1 f of the a boat on Sunday to find them, have not Workings YES!! YES!! tani History ofisfloverncent Ward. 19th Mill been from. heard Adjoining l'ugsley'a Some excitement was Runaways. money squa.me, ot Leading etc? AUo sketch. Boston, 6. y two on the street created by T.mei. Foreign Minister.. Bogus Judge Howell to day declined to grant AMD Informers, etc., Dy iawara teams dashing up - Fourth Street at a the motion made yesterday that the Utah 'TTErtto Agent tor books tremendous pace, keeping side by side bearing upon the specifications 8.S.GAUK, Globe Hotel. & till they turned on to Main Street, when against Jordan, Marsh Co., should be Rock Spring, FAMILY GROCERY. $ 9.50. from the other books in the separated 10.00. turned over and the team one Delivered, wagon and Fitch Thomaa po:sessioa of officials. "" PEBSoSAt.-H- on. 7.60. Coalville, the galloped into the Tithing yard and was are spending Lake, 8.00. Salt Delivered of hi, wife JOSEPH C. GRAHAM, FOREIGN. brought to a stand. The other kept on said that he prois Coal. Clean Good It Warm .Keep by Getting wiBlerinOmaba. 6. Madrid, near - - Ogdeu. straight up the road, and pulled up Diplomatic representatives of Spain, YARD AT U. P. FREIGHT DEPOT. Fifth Street, posed settle in that city permanently. mill.. The danage. to the first Farr's the has resigned al Paris, Brussels and Lisbon, have reOruVra left at Douglass' Meat Market will be Mr Charles Ketcaum rNVTTES ATTENTION TO HIS NEW AND Union Pacific wagen, was one spoke and a reach brok- signed. It is reported that Government pronifitly filled. the select stock of of tendency; a spring seat smashed. will remove the Capt. Generals of Phil, to the other, succeeded en; be will PIXCOC1I. and ' Express Company, lipineg, Cuba and Porto Rica. It is '. hurt. AXD PEOVISiOSS GROCERIES lately of the U. Nobody Horseman, Ed. Mr. probable tbut Gen. Jose De La Concha by will of General be , appointed Captain ; . !, g. Express Company. . Wilson Irrigating Compant. We are Cuba. C " PRO BOXO PUBLICO! CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST. The disarmment of disaffected volunin receipt of a communication signed by there is a the "Trustees, Superintendent, Presi- teers is going on quietly everywhere. Remember that Ward School room, . o Malcontents in Yolladollid and Malaga FASHIONABLE a gh dent and Collector" of, the (Wilson Irri- were m!erf Biht exceptThur.-"iSowS'lS"6t- dispersed before the troops arrivIBW1N.,; gating Company, in' answer to the letter ed. The Madrid muncipality has been DRESS-MAKIN- C. T0A30 AXD CHERRY CREEK of "Irrigator," but it is too long for pub- reorganized with Carvolajal at the head. Teasdel lication. The main points are that the London, 6. As Obliging Fi.-Me- sm. from the vicinity of CartaDispatches touched not are writer guesses "Irrigator" to be J. B. gena report that the besiegers, inspired 4 Co., Salt Lake City, Fifth Street, . - - Ogden. Their gtore.stocked Sewell. the ; ON A JJP.W of times. new of PUT redouble HAVE order the UNDEltSIGNKD the Company things, tight by by PREPARED TO UNDERTAKE ALL KINDS of Stages which will hereafter be of general that the said Sewell took a job on the their efforts to reduce the city, and at TIIE IS oi - ., ... with a splendid "assortment witk canal about Jan. 10, 1871, worked a few the same time the defendants seeui to merchandise, is always thronged have taken fresh courage from the belief FASIH03ABLE NEEDLE-WORwith the RUN SEMI-WEEKL- Y customers, and their urbanity days and abandoned the job; that the that the present Government is unpopufor ladles and children. accommodating clerks reason there has been no exhibition of lar and she"', lived. They have recently politeness of their between the above places. and both ineffectual but made classes several all fiom desperate, as draw patronage the Company's accounts complained RECEPTION ROOMS UP " STAIRS ' sorties, and have hoisted a black flag sexes. Their success is deserved. of by "Irrigator," is because the said over the fort of Goleras. Leave Toano Mondays and Thorsdays. left the books and accounts Leave Cherry Creek Wednesdays and SaturA Madrid dispatch to the Standard reimwounded 200 and killed UOLTHER, to next was days. ee it persons ports Geo. Whitehead's in such a state that jg-Sdisturbances fit the before Zaragosma audithe that them to unravel ; possible FASHIONABLE TAILOR, Advertisement. and Valladollid were suppressed. The tors found book accounts opened and new Government intends to soon add Time, Through in 24 Hours. Fifth Steikt, Oqdkn, Books, Pekisdicals, &c. Messrs". unwarrantable credits made, and that 100,000 men to the reserve. JTalf a Blseh Wul of Main Street. Creek at connections close make Cherry Stages & Patterson, of Salt Lake, the Campbell Secretary had had the audacity to with Pioche, Hamilton and Kureka Stages. Good Workmanship Guaranteed. ClothA Convict's Faith. v, oar thanks for coBies of the best fix the salaries of the trustees, etc.; that ing Cleaned and Repaired.lM-iFIRST-CLAS- S ACCOMMODATIONS. ntguines for the current month. These the said Sercetary had charged $150 a A prisoner in the Missouri penipjbtm keep a full supply of all the year, besides othsr credits, for services too weak to work, and who tentiary, jfkt periodicals in English", and which could all have been performed in had the run of the yard, one day km as well as books, stationery a week; that whole sections had been asked the Warden if he could be al' ml school presents in immense varMOFFITt GOSSETT, left out of minutes of proceedings, to the lowed to cultivate a small corner of .? Proprietors. iety. great detriment of the Company; and the enclosure. "What, do you want that it is probable that the ex:Secretary to raise?" "Cucumbers, sir." Why, F. F. MAM,';.-.- . fi'S '?T?1 ?'1 Ujin SnriAi. fli.nn. Attention is will not only have to speak before the can't raise them here, tho other ' Agent, Toano , " ; MITCHELL, you called to the announcement Board but before the Court, before all particularly Agent, Cherry Creek. prisoners would steal them." "No, of the Secretary of the Union Social the papers of the Company are obtained. 6ir," said the man firmly. will They " Club, that a We have no comments to make, as this not steal one of them." meeting of the members "Well, go will be held at the usual place to. matter is only of interest to those con- ahead," said the Warden, "if any of T. BROWN, M. D. morrow night. We regret to learn cerned with the Company and not to the your cueumbers are stolen don't otr.e that Mr. J. F. . .."i nirnnwiu I tmnnOTPTHTPt IV to me with your complaints." "You Graham, the efficient Secr- general public. will never hear from me on that 1 .Alumnus of University of Va., Graduate of etary of the Club, intends to tender his Kicbmona Meaicai tonege, a., w.iuom ' From this morning's score, sir." The cucumbers were ciau Condensations. of that office, and that it resignation and Surgeon to College Hospital; Fellow of Medical Society. will be planted, watered, trained and "culti Va.After a number necessary to elect a successor, Herald: of years practical acquaintance c . I - I.' .. . y. U'lilani ad to attend to other business. It was rumored on the street in Salt vated, and an immcns9 crop was the ... States and Territories has located permanently at the as received bad As result. fast, however, that telegrams Lake, parties .niw, Ogden uity.anu promises nrsv rituw and most improved methods of Allo- that the stock of the Emma fruit ripened, it disappeared, and the the latest announcing au in Charivari, A gentleman ueparijijui w who a: patnic xreaimeui mine had taken a sudden rise 3 to 5 Warden; became convinced that the li'ed with his Salt Lake Medicine, Surgery and Mid- bride, night be owner ior sola the it of news the eince share uqunr, produce, fore last, was wijery. received on his return to pounds per recent rich strike had reached London. or some other contraband artkta. The natronaae of the public Is respectfully eg . , , , . city, by his friends who tendered . ; directed the man to be watched, solicited. , lie Herald the of The "gushes' Tennyson wo i serenade. The instrument s used was umecieu in me a:t Oitlce and Residence, Slain Street. over a Salt Lake romance, in which a ana nnany ne on the occasion wero more remarkable his cueumbers to the hossecond edition of Enoch Arden figures as of carrying for the hideous and discordant Bounds and giving them to 'the poor the hero, A youth and a fair maiden pital . which fellows who, in their sickness, craved they emitted, than for haamony. CH love a bouncing boy fall in naturally 'in pans, Not one had been stolen.' horns and them. p faithless the fruit of their union the bells' a were cailed into requisition deserted wife does not decamps . spouse with such marked effect that the joyous Fourth Street, Ogden. k a break her heart, but changes her name A Stagkound Following H fa ridegroom opened his heart and p to Sea. Buck purse second WHITE'S OPPOSITE BARNARD i treated his remindful friends to the a second time much fruit by the eg e p union everything going smoothly, when LUMBER YARD. refreshments of the season, Durincr the recent camp hunt on ; K 4 the hero break upon the vision of St. James' Island by some of our citO Beef Prime Mutton, Etc., , curtain drops explanation izens an incident occurred which is M Tsligraphio Notes. Mrs. Rose the denouement off until further noGood Cat and Low Price. without a parallel in the an put perhaps Ctiaton, ': operator of the Deseret Teletice. .' nals or hunting, ana aeserves to oe 2 graph Company in this Another large audience witnessed the recorded. A lanre buck, closely pur city, is absent a Silt Lake, where indisposition pres- performance of "Rip Van Winkle" last sued by that famous staghound, Old ents her from 11 ' sut w attending to the duties of night, and Mr. Heme's performance ex Ring, belonging to Mr. Hopkins, taoffice, , to out took water, and headed hibited much ability and great art. ' Pratt, Esq.!, is at present acting as From yesterday's Xews: sea; the dog without hesitating boldly AMERICAN Perator of the Deseret 0) Deputy Marshal McAllister sold at followed him in his voyage over tne APPLETON'S Telegraph Com-P"i- y eti oo waves." treacherous in this "dark and in.'. They city. He will be found at auction, on Monday last, N tours, on duty at the office. terest in 600 feet in the Flagstaff mine, were watched with intense interest by XEW REVISED EDITION, the hunters until each was a mere Mr- R. to S. S. Walker, for $C0. M. Wilkinson, late of the Z. C surface of the sea,and " the & 1, and upon In Cache speck cattle In many places Valley, Is the best ferroerly of the Deseret line, STS Entirely and totally ""a til but in others they are until they were finally require succeeded Mr. Morrison as feeding, After s&rne time,when manager view. to lost . welL !5 the East Temple Street office of the doing H was supposed that both dog and ui e The election of municipal officers for it "Meret W Telegraph Company. 1873. and beginning July, deer had found a watery perhaps Will be iiwued if Salt Lake City, will take place on the each. 8u0 16 of ia toIs., pages O a bloody grave, in mortal com Dai, or Complete J second Monday of February. small ob SOLD ONLY BY SUBSCRIPTION. devoured a bv sharks, Wn "i. L, A. A fine audience Messrs. Loeber and Little have had a very was discovered, which proved to MsemMed last A chance for the million W bay a complete evening at the City Hall littlle "spat" which ended in the return jectUld 35 of ton ironi nis long library without feeling the cost. A saving bo returning H Itmg enjoy a rich W entertainment, which ing to the former of property attached swim, much exhausted, but reaching cents a day boys the complete set. Mow is the time to subscribe. a promised by a lecture from Mr. the to by the latter. But in the sore safety. ftJLfnl For all Information, Addrets, Xiclll9en, before the Young Men's From the Tribune: , ROBT. II. VAN RENSSELAER, s greater surprise ot the speetators,aiter 'rary Association. The subject of . Business men are beginning to make a time the deer also appeared in sight, 09 Ogden, -lenoicgj" was ably treated, and their calculations for the spring trade, Agent for Northern Ctah. jjIBICTl right for the shore, on reach making "J instructive points were presented, Mr. Hurst, formerly proprietor of the ing which he was shot down by one amused and interested the audi- - Saddle Rock w Restaurant, made $80,000 of the hunters. While Mr. Nicholson did on Ophir stock. He purchased at a low o. mat phrenology was to be consid- - figure and seld on the rise. A curious result of a runaway 9 an advanced con-"the W. FARNSWORTH ll science, of it from Alta for at Sioux City on Sunday occurred Shipments yet ore, tri greatly to the solution of many week, have been small, but it is nought morning. An omnibus team with a Pfoble us on GOOD COAL TO THE PEO-. ITf ILLPLE8CPPLT of Ogden , at the lowest rat, Delivern. . 688 Waa eiudies ot nature, that some of the mines will short! com- 'bus attached ran away and finally "ell received and is mence shipping again as soon as the took to the river. They jumped into ed at the U. P. depot or in any part of the city. JOHN TINCOCK "7 spoken of by all who and the entire outfit Apply to had the roads are packed more solid, and the a laree J d77-lof being Aj.nt. under the ice. snow becomes hardtr. present. j disappeared ? Salt Lake City, NOTICE. II A3 REMOVED Ulg KXTKXSIYK cf STOCK FURNITURE ' to ins ; EAST SIDE 3IAIX STREET, OGDEN, - UTAH. , Mercantile Institution, I- CASH Oil OAl, KE1V WOODS, ! JUST IlECEIVED. y 0 J. 0 ROCK SPRING Il IT W COALVILLE Salt Lake City. CALL , COAL. AND . INSPECT. i JOHN BOYLE, PARPE & BOESSEL . ft' . f Imported Furniture ever offered in this city. JOIIX .d76-3r- a. ; IVZaiTooxis Tho Best and Cheapest GRAHAM, STAGE IjINU!. L. J. KAEE, 815. WATCHMAKERS & JEWELERS, MAItf STREET, OGDOf "Watclies, Clocks, JEWELIIY, PLATED & SILVER WARE J , CUTLERY, SPECTACLES. Guns, Pistols, l AND Ammunition. Repairing Keatly Executed. NEEDLE CARTRIDGES. GUN CHOICB TOBACCOrTnd .. variety. in great CIQABi dsl-l- y ! City Drug Store. MAIX ST., OGDEar, If JIU sV J- -r E. . . . tf 8 fuzzy-guszie- s, u w Pi 9 riht JL, M. VJ f n '! ' - Patent Medicines v ! WINES, .PURE GINS, I J--- -- ! WHISKIES, ; INE COGNAC jBRANDT; Case Goods, ruintM, Oils, Turps. YarnislieSf GEOCEIIIES. Fine Stock of . Perfumery and Toilet Articles , CON8TANTLT ON HAND. Prescriptions Accurately Prepared. JtST Call LOOK HERE. -- at a :. THE CITY DRUG STORE! d307-- ' tf Cycloptedia. one-eight- h : 5 A r UG- s,' D 0 BUTCHER SHOP. dinner-- t Dealer in m O ja, O - GYCLOM DI A t : i .it- I 1 air-hol- e, LULIBER ,VU1UH II till i i 0 0 YMD, UiU D1AUJ OGDEN, I REIGI1T DEPOT. SEAR U. P. WHITE PINE IiUiuber, Lath, and 8UiisgIcs, - e J. NEW of tli best quality, . on Iltiml In Alwnys Lure Quiintitiew. Tit Jl u it allVn i 'lion noti in in TmvTi vuvujau. am CALL AND SEE. W. D. 1Y1LLJAJL&' tf - |