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Show 5fa jfen-ittttftioi- BbUih4 KVEBT KVKNINO, g.ndaye excepted bT th Oqdxi Pobushisg Cotnixr. diaries TV. aai Penrose, Editor Buaineaa Manager. OQDEX, U TH 5. CHIVALRY IN THE U. S. SENATE. Oakes Amet has found an January 7, 1874 PERVERSITY OP THE PUESIDEXT. ' , and his The nomination of Attorney-GenerWilliams is most likely to be consigned to a deserved fate in the secret recesses of the rooms of the Judiciary Committe, there to rest as a memento of the stupidity and ob stinacy of the President. For the first time since this administration came into power has President Grant met with a persistent sppeeition, in giving an unqualified sanction to his nominations. So deeply had his mind become imbued with the belief that a' truckling Congress would refrain from disobeying his mandates, that he has with unwonted prodigality and lavished his rewards Upon pampered favorites, whose merits are'eonspicuous solely for mediocrity atfd indifference. ' With the exception of the recent appointment of Minister to Spain, he has not made a single one, to a prominent position, that can commend itself to the endorsement of the nation. The members of his Cabinet have been selected without regard to fitness or adaptability for the most responsible offices within his gift, The weakest of our public men have been accredited to foreign powers, aiad their appointment will bo a lasting reproach to the present Administration. Surely, thero is not such 'a dearth of commanding ability and sterling merit in this country, to justify, the caprices of the President in bestowing the honors of office to incapable partizans and conferring a premium upon ini ..;; ; i : "i i capacity. It ia an auspicious sign r when we see the President a servitors pause be fore they give countenance to the conduct of their chief,, in defying public sentiment by dictating a most objectionable nomination for a station that is regarded with holy and unaffected reverence. But the persistency with which it is urged, is evidence of the fatuity of those who scorn the expressions of condemnation which come from every class of tha people, as unworthy of regard, and as feeble and evanescent symptoms of popular dissatisfiiction.! If Mr. Williams were actuated by a lofty and delicate sense of pride, he would have parried the blows which an indignant people have directed against him, and saved himself the humiliation of invidious-criticis- Flanagan, to which he has been ex-Cloibd Got Mr. I " al . " dS3-- fun-lovin- , posed- - - in nominating his friend from Oregon to the ermine of the most exalted tribunal in the land, it is not probable that he will recede from his false poHis proverbial obstinacy sition. Whai he forbids the presumption. calls firmness,, sensible people call Bullishness. No man was more distinguished for firmness than- Aadrew Jackson, yet, when he nominated Roger B. Taney as Secretary of the Treasury, and the Senate refused confirm him the only objection being that he was a Roman Catholic he gracefully yielded- - As a more liberal sentiment gained ground j he - - Pooblo i- PURE DRUGS & PATENT MEDICINES, Perfumery and Toilet Goods. -- PAIXTS, OILS, TUICPS, YARXISIIES, BltCSIIES, A FULL LINE OP Groceries ! Groceries II. d70-t- f. Propr. .: Old Cognac Brandy, , Fine Jamaica Hum, dS9-- Fine Article of Old Tom Gin, , ... NatiYC Wines and Liquors Foreign and ' CIGARS, TOBACCO AND SNUFF, r HOSE,: KENNEDY, RED JACKET, PLANTATION and Wliolesale nn.c3L Itotn.Il Prescriptions Accurately Prepared.' JG WILLIAM DRIVER, Prop',. ,92-t- f 8. HORROCKS, W. T. BAKER, HORROCKS Ogden DEALERS IN STEW STORE, NEW GOODS, HAGAFS Inter-Ocea- THE CHEAPEST. V Produce Taken. ,. THAN W. UTA.II Istik-Ccia- HOTEL,1 The Finest House of Entertainment IN OGDEN CITY. ness at nis old stand between the ; AND WITH PIONEER AND CITY DRUG STORES, EXCELLENT ACCOMMODATI03S. Main Street, Ogden. . I. THOMSON, TV. DOMESTIC AND BROAD-CLOTH- . For particulars apply to A choice selection of FOREIGN j Eligibly Situated, busi The undersigned has OGDEK. S, BEAVERS, SCOTCH TWEEDS, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS, n Etc, Just Received. PURlPS!PUmP8! I. M. STUART BEST AND CHIAJ Suit t nr sinale aarments made 1 ESTFOR SALE THE FORCE and LIFT to order in the Latest Style and PIMPS for deep or shallow wells. Also, Patent Points for Drive Well Pumps, with snitablt at the lowest prices. fitted and upon Iron pumps S g SATISFACTION GUARANTEED T. W. JONES. n piping, terms, at Offden. reasoa-abl- repaired Workshop. Tithing; Oftl N2"" E. P. BROWN. General Produce THE Magnolia Balm A ""EW APPLICATIONS XAXE A Pure Blooming Complexion. Purely Vegetable, anfl its operation Is seen and felt at once. It does away with the Flushed Appearance caused by Ilc&t. 1 atigue and Excitement HealsauJ removes all Blotches and Pimples, dispelling dark and unsightly spots. Drives away Xan, 1'recklaa and and by its gentle but powerful inllugnc nUes the iaded cheek with It Is Bun-bur- n, "' p THE F Sprb and a Row. The removal of John HorrockV saloon yesterday was the occasion of a Bpree and a fight. It ap pears that Harold Henniger was engag I0UTHTUL BLOOM AM) BEAUTY. 'Sold by all Precis's a id Faacy Stores. De rest of the crowd, and some ed with-th- e of the boys considered that while he jot,53rarir!icc,"l.'i.TVork drank with the rest he did not perform A TO RENT. JONES DIMSELF AGAIN. THAT Shurtliff has Institution. He Plain City has gained many friends during his mer cantile career in Ogden, and we expect to see him in the business again shortly. Messrs. Higginbotham, Child & Co. have taken the vaoated premises, one door west of Z. C. M. I., and will .use them for their tinware department. d8T-l- y THE FAMILY. makes apecial efforts to render itself acceptable to the famliea of ita patrona. To COUGH STOP thia end everything is rigorously excluded that could possibly offend. The religious and moral CENTS MAILED TO MB, I TEN OR character is guarded w:th especial aare, and its J11 vnu.waint tol tinff hrtW VOll Can aim is "to tncourage the true, the beautiful, and cure cough within 48 hours after following your the good." my prescription, which is simple and will not cost INTER-OCEA- N you anything for medicine, .as it will show you that you have the remedy witb'"' reach of your JONKS own homes. fi. A. dbl-Zis the paper for , Box 79, Ojden City, Utah. THE REPUBLICAN, Til iS FARMER, THE FAMILY, THE MERCHANT, THE PROFESSIONAL MAN, THE MKCHANIC, In Literature, General News, Foreign and Domestic Correspondence, Local Reports, and all that goes to make a first-clas- s The ; New Everything; Ixter-Ocia- n mas-ae- BAKER. & Slain Street, General Merchandise. CHEAPER Periodicals, azines, Pictures, Albums, Stationery, AXGOSTCBA BITTERS. - 7" z W. SHURTLIFF, MRS. MeCLUSKY, JJtcJMiapVs, also; . NEW STORE. - ! Genuine Old Scotch WhisUcy, 3IEAURE BY THE " STREET, . Boot and Shoemaker, his portion of the Work. While attempt ing to assist after the counters were ta & Nortl-ffGStfi- ri ken in. Messrs. Jones and roulter told him to go away, and after a few words the former took hold pf him, while the latter Btruck him. Mark Elmer attempt. The direct ronta from Omaha to Chicago ed to oaell the disturbance, er, as som and the East, struck WITHOUT1 CHANGE OP CARS. say, assisted in it, when Heninger appointed Taney as Jadge" of the him on the head with a board, gubse-nuentl- v Joeetth Hunt and Heninger had Two Daut Tasouaa Traixs leave the Vissotnu Supreme Court, and never was an 1 t y and each were fined $5. Ems, opposite Omaha, npon the arrival honor worn with more dignity and a set-tof Train from the Wset over the out Jones, sw.orn was against a complaint illustrious juaist. grace than by this er and Elmer. Further particulars UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY. If the Senate should adhere to its Poult will be given resolution, to let the nomithe direct rente, and 112 Miles shorter Ciap RAILWAY. 4 To-da- TJt being apparent than the lower lies, Saves i Honrs in time, nation of Williams die a natural and and inauree connections with all Eastin A will5 admitted to probate ern Southern Kailwaya, passacbe would an it nnlamented death, engers having choice TflTiln liaa this odd Drovision : "In ef Rontee ast of cut to its on indication children part of Chicago. ceptable my case one or the other loose from the trammels of power shall be put to btate s prison, or 3A0G1GK CHECKED TUBOCGH TO ALL EASTEKX cities. other house of correction, for bad and place, own her or his conduct, through Pullman's Palace Sleeping Coaches run ' coffins f,u fnr the term of one Year, such sell will I you through to Chicago without change. "Grangers, shall have but 5 children or child in the CEO. L. DUNL.AP, cheaper than any other uiau Gen. Bupt. Bluff man for their share after they are twenty- B. F. PATRICK, Council is a what city," Pass. Act, Chicaeo, old." , one years advertises. C-- a, AND COMMISSION Dr. LEE'S Commercial and Familj Newspaper, It is not '''' excelled by any publication in the coun. THE COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT la conducted with great care, and everything possible ia done to make the market reports such as the farmers and businesa man of the Northwest can rely upon. THE AGRICULTURAL DEPARTMENT ia carefully edited by gentlemen of ability and experience. has by far the largest circulaThe Ixtib-Ocia- s tion of any newspaper published in the Northwest ...... n.nr. than Fi H I PnatnflWi. distri t buted iu every State and Territory in the United Stat ml in all the British Provinces, and in numer ous Foreign States and Countries. Supecriptiona are aolicited from all part of the world. .While the Isteb-Ocsaespecially represents the geat interests of the Northwest, it is S NATIONAL NEWSPAPER, one that will be found interesting and useful to f tne globe. It treats Americans J n every par aims upon all subjects, and in editorial discussion abuaa. to be candid, dignified, and abave personal Terms of Subscription. DAILY: By mail (payable By mail (payauie n.nii i.ukvniiiA Daily every other Z.UU "w extra. WEEKLY: Single copy, one year Four copies, one year Ten conies, one veal i" ' zayu one year ' Twenty Special arrangements made witn country for clubbing with their public lions. L M.iBAf ran fie Sent DV i. draft, monev order, express, or rejistered letter, at our risk. H UTAH. d!7Wf P.O .Box 24. TOR PAINS OF ALL A Wonderful Never-failin- Remedy. g MERCHANTS. TRY IT! TRY ITI 4 l'.'".JX .V.. 'AT Sold by Z. C. M. I. AND ALL RESPECTABLE CLASS GOODS FIRST PRICES FOR CASH. LOV YOU CAN DO NO BETTER THAS goods at WALLACE FOULGEWS, EXTEXSIOS OF Where BLSIXESS. J. Stanford, GENERAL MERCHANT weU wsorttd you will find a , Stock pf , Groceries," Wry oods,;V Uoots and Snoe, , Croekery - f . Hardware, - etc lroTisions, Store, Drug Next Door to City 1 ' t ugaen, uiau. J1TU Fifth Street, Ogden, CONNECTED THE STORE FORMERLY aa the City Bakery with his Dry Goods Department, and baa stocked it with a full line of Groceries and Hardware. HAS In HAH FIRST XATIOXAL BAXK OF gait addition to this ht will run WARREN A FIRST CLASS BAKERY. lake CUy. PRESIDENT. HUSSEY, - - ANTHONY GODBE. CASfflER. in Itac. Oldest itanldiig InstitnUon Families guf p'ied with Bread, Cakes T.rnUT Allowed os H D"081 and Candies ui the best quality. -- ttendc Cotleetioua Prompttr Address IXTER-OCKA- FIFTH STREET, OGDEN, A 12 oo iu advance), per year in aavance, ior wa m..... O.06 in arKiinrei. iter anarter day (tLree tunes per week) per year Paper for Bnoday, per year dOO-l- Celebrated Antidote KINDS. MERCHANT! Shipping a Specialty. EXTERMINATOR! o, , Store! Drug City MAIN OGDEN. -t closed out his entire stock of goods to the The President boasts of his firmness, and his- devotion to the friends who have been faithful to him, and even though he "may be convinced that he has committed 3 grave error vz.'- w. s.' read; g ; " ! d90-l- . , IS MY POSSESSION THE IHAVB dene ri bed untinala, which, if not claimed and takes away, will be sold to lh highest responsible bidder at the District Stray Pound at Ogden City, Weer C., Saturday, Jan. 17, 1W4, at 2 p.m. , One snrrel 2 year old mare eolt, bald face, little white on left hind foot, branded JU combined, on left thigh. One brindle heifer calf, nnder bit on right ear, hole and swallow fork in left, white wider belly. One red steer ealf, crop and aader bit in ri?Ut ear, swallow fork in left, branded S on left hip. One red brocklwi faced steer cal, white belly, lute on tail and shoulder, crop ia ritlit ear, iwallow fork in left, blotch brand on loft hip. Wni. N. VI KB, Mstriet Pounilkeeper. Olden City, Dec. 24th, 1873. dW3- -l l NEW RESTAURANT. The Orleans Cuop House! NOTICE. , . !N"otice. FIFTH Et.; OGDEN. is name gist Flanagan. Totaceo. Brrrv'" Who is Flanagan ? to fame he is un' t). H. O'HARMETT, Prop'r. known, but along the banks of the Rio Grande the rancheros hail him as a sort of demi-goa nondescript NEW DRUG STORE, suddencharacter, an adventurer who On Fifth Street, ly appeared among them as an orderly to King Scott, the railroad monarch," and a tender to the Texas PRIStBlIlKIi IMGCHT, Pacific road. How he ever obtained AXD CSiLBl IS 11X KIKB8 OF a seat in the United States Senate MEETING 07 THE "UNION AST8INRS8 will be held Thursday Drugs, is one of those mysteries which "can JL'erfuinery, evening, Jan. 8th, at the usval place. A full atii requested, aa business of importance Toilel Articles, be penetrated only by those who are tendance ill coma up before the meeting. Mtalionery, g. J. GRAHAM, Sect'y. familiar with "the ways that are Flue Cigars, etc. dark and the tricks that are vain." , Also, The tactics that have of late years UTArJ NORTHERN RAILROAD. FINE BRANDS OF LIQUORS been introduced in the reconstructed Traina Leave Logan daily, at 7 JO a.ra FOR MEDICINAL USES. Traina Leave Corinne daily at 3.00 p.m. States, are unaccountably effective ""' CI1A8. NIB LEY, Stock new and Complete. in producing a discipline, that old General Freight and Ticket Agent. Sam Houston never dreamed of, when MOSES THATCHER, Gen. Supt. he handled his scarred veterans at San Jacinto, where the "lone star" LIQUOR STORE. was unfurled over a victorious flag OPPOSITE WALKER BROS, field." But then Flanagan was not East Side Main St., Ogden. . AT THE OLD STAXD. there. Threw doors south of Livery Stablv. Texas was nolly represented in the THE BEST IMPORTATIONS OF " MAIN STREET, OGDEN, Senate yesterday by her chivalrous Orders promptly filled. Repairs neatly WHISKIES, BRANDIES, Senator, that is, Flanagan. He sumexecuted. Wines, Ales and Porters moned up couTage enough to lattgh Give me a call '' at the taunts of the demagogues AT TDK VERT LOWE8T PKICB. whose denunciations of the salary grab bill and the lamented head of THB M. E. SCHOOL WILL OPEN MONDAY W. CJLARK, The school will be made aa the Credit Mobilier, were like the intertating aa ianext. possible; strict attention will be instruction of the children by Misa noxious exhalations of a putrid mass, Cn to the who has already proved herself to be and efficient aa a teacher. Terms. $1. thorough offensive to his nostrils only for their per month. Welcome all who- may desire to L. N. B. LONG. smell. He soared above the petty come. L. considerations of unreasonable faultDEALER IN finders. Instead of eight thousand UFIIOlLSTEItY. dollars, the salary of a member of ALL ITS BRANCHES, CARRIED ON BT IN the subscriber. Workshop over the Post Cosgress should be ten thousand. One door west of Z. C. M. I., Ogden. fflce. Entrance by the alley between C. Wood ausee's Office Post ? the fix did he and not twice ten at it Why Goods of the bast quality at the lowest possible THOMAS WILSON. prices. His modesty and assurance are at Sept. Srd, 1873. Produce taien In Exchange. fault. Ames, in his opinion, was one of the best men he ever knew.' Did ) The best house for the countrj trade. . not his colleagues wince at this MIDWIFE AND PHYSICIAN , S blocka East of the Tabernacle, thrust? To give force to the declarI87S. 1874. THE LARGEST CIRCULATION N THE ation of his faith in the virtue of ths OGDEN, UTAH. . NORTHWEST. ', he his bill out of salary pulled pocket a roll of greenbacks, and triumphantGEORGE W. TURNER, THE INTER-OCEA- N C. B. McGregor 4 Co.), his that exclaimed drawn he had (Late ly POR 1874. - - - Ogden. Established less than two years since aa a repsalary and intended to "make hay Fifth Street, resentative Republican paper, pledged t maintain while the sun shines." the principles and organization of the great National Republican jiarty, the has Mag- attained Books, s a circulation and influence with the Perhaps it may be imagnned bhat comto to voters it tbe of entitle its approach , mencement of a new calendar year, and to prepare Flanagan is merely an eccentric and &c. for the preliminay work of the next campaign, the shadow of wuicb is already casting iiself upon the personage. , His dignified I CIGAIIS XSlt TOBACCO. in the confidence that its friends will country, need no other specific pledge tor the future than colleagues may not have been edified Wall Pupera of tha Best Pattern, has been given in its columns from day to day duby his ranting, although they might ring the past eighteen months. Since its first it has maintained the position of an taken for publication the of the Subscriptions Papers day have admired his pluck in advocating dlS3uij Local, Eastern and Western. THE LEADING REPUBLICAN 'NEWSPAPER aa unpopular and odious measure. gSfCaBb paid for Egge and Chickens IN THR NORTHWEST. to which it Was assigned by universal assent In But his vapid declamation meant the excited canvass which resulted in the second and triumphant election of President Grant. more than they are willing to THE FARMERS acknowledge. If thuy were brought was their earliest, aa know that the it baa been their stauncbeet and warmest, friend. to the confessional with the hope of the is It emphatically organ of the people in tbe best sense of that term, believing in the fullest absolution, they would admit that he protection of tbe rights of the many against the encroachments of the few. It believes that all only expressed the feelings of a large chartered corporations should be held to be subservient to the power that created them, and withnumber of their body, but they lack out an infr,ingment of the Just rights of others it unin as the courage to speak out insists, and will continue to insist, that all corporations enjoying special privileges voted to them measured language as the sans by the people shall serve them lairly and justly at a compensation allowing a reasonable profit is his aad name culotfe'of Texas upon the actual capital employed. apolo- d, "Wednesday EYonins:, Estray Jr t-- t Chicago., |