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Show THE OGDEN Refreshments sewing quilt blocks. were served. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Prout of 1011 Capitol avenue, were pleasantly surprised Monday evening when members 1 W.B.A. of Silver Reviexv'No.. gathered at the Prout residence. The occasion was the twentieth wedding anof Mr. and Mrs. Prout. The niversary time was spent In music and frames, while at 10 o'clock dainty refreshments were served. Sixteen guests - were Wler Clark. Kent Millar, Bernlce McDonald and Beth Thomas. Mrs. Fred. N. Hess and daughter. SatFjeril. returned from Pocatello pleasant urday morning following ofa --Mr. and guests visit as Mrs.' Young. While away. Miss - B ' Hess gave an address at the Vatic hotel. , Mrs. J. B. Egan of Oakland. Cal.. Mrs. . G. T. Covington, Wheelwright, Pettes-rewIs H. Mrs. Rhea .Mrs.'G. visiting in Ogden as the house guest Welsh. Miss Montella Parry, Miss Zel- - of Miss Eva Erb of 2S Twenty-thir- d , la Covington.- Mrs. Frank Keyes. jr., street.- Mrs. .Walter Brown, Mrs. R. W. Cather, Mrs. Mrs." Elizabeth Wheelwright, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Williams. . forThomas Wheelwright, Mrs. of Ogden but now of Redondo Wheelwright. Mrs. Alex Wheelwright. merly at the noma Beach. Cal., are visiting 2241 Mrs. Guy Vaughn 'Mrs. Watt E. Lloyd, Jackson of Thomas Hemmlngs. Mrs. James Drysdale, Mrs. Ida avenue. The and Mrs. Dinah Ohlson. bride 'received tmany beautiful gifts. Miss Grace Burton left" over the Mrs- - 8. M. Browning and daughters Western Pacific during the week for Francisco, where she will visit June and Louise left during the lat- 8an Miss Anna Burton, and her sister, ter part of the week for Nev., Carlin, relatives. other where they will visit with M. Browning.' for several weeks. In compliment to her father. J. H. J. .W. Nichols and family, and Miss Martin, his wife and daughter, Mrs. Eva English of Pocatello have left for. B. F. Rhodes entertained at an afternoon party Saturday, July 9, at her a trip through Yellowstone park. home, 501 Thirteenth street. Mr. andg Mrs. Rachel Fowler and daughter Mrs. Martin and Miss Martin are In Ogden from Augusta. Georgia. Edna of Huntsville with Miss Gladys Walter Erwin. -t- , he-house J.'-T- . i Mr. and Mm. H P. . Peterson - re- -, turned during the later part of the week from an enjoyable trip through J . Yellowstone park. Mr. and Mrs.! Horace Sullivan and small eon, Chester, left Thursday for their home; In tOmaha afte "spending-twweeks Visiting in, . Ogrden as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Sullivan. Horace Sullivan is a brother of the 1 . i local - o , drug-grist- - : . e. .; , - Employes of the W.' H. Wrights' dehunpartment store with about one dred other friendsi enjoyed a picnic luncheon and' social at. the Hermitage Monday evening:. Upon the closing- of the business, hours at o'clock. em ployes of the store and their friends were driven in autos, furnished by the management to the popular canyon resort,, A basket luncheon was served on the dining: pavilion at the Hermit-ag-- e park. Three immense bouquets of flowers adorned the tables. Following: the serving: of a delicious and appetizthe ing luncheon,' 'the remainder of "the evening in dancing. , Other members of the party enjoyed swimming. Qne of the best and most Interesting features of the evening, was the singing of some of the songs, ' sung, at the 'community sing in the store every Tuesday and Friday morning's- At a late hour, the party turned to Ogden and are eagerly looking forward to another canyon picnic. About two hundred and seventy-fiv- e - - . ' . t K 0 Little Treats That R efiresh and Delight Hol-roy- d. -- vU-itin- I TITLE MISS MARY ADAMS, who celebrated her seventh birthday anniversary high-qn&lit- the very last word In endy. SI to S3 Best Electric Bulbs od g-o- a Box Light of right power and "color" is important. Use only Tungsten, Maxda or filaments lamps. We have them in low and high power. Expert Photo Service Proper equipment and careful service give best results possible. Kodak films in all sixes expertly handled. In at 9 out at 6 For the Ride and After Wed-1- a Bpotits and Chamois for, cleaning and polishing; and for your comfort and pleasure, goggles, veili, hair nets, Tacuuxa bottles, lunch sett. If you haven't these on hand let us supply you. After the ride brighten up : -- Home Sizes 40c Bathing Aids In tub, under . shower, la lake or stream, a daily bath Is refreshing and the pleasure is Increased with proper equipment. Bath sprays, soaps, sponges, talcums and rub downs we have them Quality drugs spell purity and strength, and curative value. In our prescription department the very best drugs are combined with care and knowledge to bring about the result your doctor expects. your complexiQn With FIRST LADY Creanv Skin Cleansing Bleach and Face Powder Miss June Jensen ' was the honored guest at a surprise party given at the home of Harold Carmack Tuesday evening, July 12. As the guests gath ered during the evening they werfl given the choice of partners for the games. The time was spent in ing contests, social chat and "fortune 'telling. At a late Tiour" a delicious luncheon was served. Those present were June Jensen, Uthe Ball, Wanda Hobson, Hazel Halet, Helen Brobst, Wilma Sharr and Mr.' and Mrs. George Taylor,-HarolCarmack, T. Atwell Parry, Rollle Wilson and Howard ' y Canterbury Creams nesday afternoon. Miss' Adams entertained a number of her little friends at a birthday .party .given a$ the home of Mrs. S. P. Millar on Patterson avenue. ; : f 1. iV gUi of delicious otU, with Ice cream; or a novel sundae from our rpeclal list. A & tide treat try & box of car iwecUneaU. We especially recommend Among the many lawn parties of the early summer which have attracted attention was one given by the members of the Eighth ward mutual improvement association on the lawn of the beautiful residence of Mr. and Mrs. II. B. Porter. Numerous Japane lanterns. were used for Illuminations, castTwo ing a soft glow over the scene. hundred guests were present Including : a A bi . - M--- 17,-192- 1.2 2 Members ef the Ami sewing club entertained In honor of Mrs. D- L Stine Thursday afternoon at the Lor In Farr park. Mrs. tine is to leave in the near future for "Houston. Texas. where she will make her home. Two tables of cards were enjoyed with honors awarded to Mrs. Curtis Allison. Bewinr was also enjoyed as were cards. Luncheon was served at S o'clock. - party-enjoye- d were present. present, . - SUNDAY MORNING. JULY STANDARD-EXAMINE- R NONE BETTER at low prices. galore v This' Week's Special Doriot's BsLth Salts, 59c . I . t-- ' ;: .': J ;, ' .:. :; :. ... :, I'm i d .Barton. f park. "'',",-In honor of Miss Julia Noble, who :wlll go today on a mission for the L D. S. church in Great r Britain, Mrs. Chris. Flygare entertained thirty-fivguests at a shower Wednesday afternoon at her home in Ogden canyon A social afternoon' was enjoyed and at S o'clock refreshments were served on the lawn. Mrs. Flygare was assisted by her daughter, 'Mrs. Claude Coray Miss Noble was tendered a' farewell party Thursday evening in the Fifth 'ward amusement hall.- A concert arid dance were the features of the enter-- : tainment. Mrs. J. T. Tinsman of Chicago, whq is "visiting relatives and friends in. Ogf den and Salt Lake for several weeks is a guest of her brother, F. W. Mat ; rrtnsciiirnoN specialisto Store" 'The Nyal Ogdsn, Washington ' ':) ii - f We Phone 288 " J. W. Nickson and family will leave today for a tour through Yellowstone . v3 4' Ave. 2479 Deliver 1 ) UUH e. -- 1 A vj One-and-a-Ha- Story Bungalow. lf t - ; s .. - thews. . Mrs. J. J. Phliion of Saskatoon, Canada is visiting her, sister, Mrs. W 8. O'Brien.- Mrs. Philion Will remain a guest at the O 'Brien, residence JCQr 4 1 , 'X"? W - sometime. '.c , t:U': '..." as1" "v.. '" Mr. 'and'MrsVb.r,; JV'Shafer 'of '224i Madison avenue announce the engage ment of their daughter, Gertrude L..to Harold G. Hutchens. ;' The .' wedding? will take place In the hear future, i . ,.-Miss Maud West and Mrs. D. J Shafer entertained at a miscellaneous shower on Saturday, July 9 Jn honor of Gertrude Shafer, a bride-eleof this month; The home was beautifully decorated with flowers. Music and games were enjoyed throughout the evening.' At a late hour "a dainty, two -- course luncheon was served by the .'hostesses. About, thirty guests were present. Many beautiful and usefulpresents were received, by the nonored guest. .... ' A i " 11 li I f II 1 "V fc I Tt i I I w T 1, ct . 1 . ( - W: . wmm s' m - E - , Mrs. E. R. Smith and her two daughters, Mona and Sue Smith, are .enjoying a vacation at Arlington, will remain In the heart of the Pass of Salt Lake .have just returned Rockies until September. from a month's tour through Oregon. most of their time at Baker ... Mrs. Gordon Sutherland of Salt They spent relatives and friends. , City, visiting Lake spent Tuesday in Ogden as the - guest of Mrs. Royal Douglas at the Mrs. Gertrude Coolldge left Ogden Virginia. last Sunday evening for Caldwell, Idaho, where she will visit, her parents. Mrs, F. H. Mulcahy is visiting in Dr. and Mrs. D. N. Smith for the com-Texas with her sister. On her way ing three weeks. Mies Frances CooK home, Mrs. Mulcahy will visit another idge.f daughter of Mrs. Coolldge will sister in San Francisco. Mrs. Mulcahy be the house guest of Miss LaVon expects to be gone for about two Fowler of Salt Lake and of Miss Claire j months ,..,' Mills at the J. M. Mills country home, X' e. e Mt. Ogden Farm, during her mother's Mr. and Mrs. J. Albert Erickson absence. and Mrs. LeeRue Lammers leave to- day for a three weeks' - visit to CaliMrs. Mike Malone and daughter, Lo- .' fornia points. retta of Salt Lake were visiting in Og ' den with relatives last the during W. Mrs. Iverson Charles Mr. and with their three sons and Mrs. John week. Greenwell will depart Tuesday for an Regular meetings at the hdme of the '. automobile trip to Kalis pell, Mont-- , members of the A. M. I. club where they will visit at the home of various been have discontinued for the sum On L. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Keller. mer, but outdoor meetings will be held , the way to Kalispell the party will tour the various resorts. The first of Yellowstone park and later will visit at these meetings will be held Thursday Glacier National park with the Keif afternoon at the Lorin Farr park. : . r lers. The Ladles' Auxiliary to the O. R. C. Miss Jennie 'V. Madsen was hostess held their junior picnic at - Lorin, Farr .:to the members of the O.H.T. club' Sat Children, Friday afternoon. park SSS9 at home. afternoon her urday whose mothers are members of the avenue. was The time jQuincy spent order were royally entertained durln In Kensington. A dainty luncheon was the afternoon with games and th were hostess.' Covers served by the amusements the park afford. laid for Miss Vilate Stewart, Miss Lu- various delicious basket luncheon was cille Tribe, Miss Afton Petty, Miss Zola A served in the evening. . Wallwork. Miss Yvonne Fuller, Miss Marlam Woodbury and Miss Gweneth The Women" Benefit association of Moms. the Maccabees entertained at Junior picnic at the Lorin Farr Announcement is made of the mar-?rg- e Friday afternoon. Games were of Miss Cora Powers and John park enjoyed by the kiddles from J o'clock e. f sFlf The wedding took place until 6 o'clock, '.Finley when a basket Monday. . Mr, and Mrs. Fife are luncheon was served to dainty jast them" the by In Yel their L'enJoying honeymoon trip ' mothers. lowstone park. "They -were accompanv. ' and Mrs- William Nash. ied by v Mr. Dorcas The Young Ladies associaMr., and Mrs. Fife will 'On their return of the English Lutheran church at home to their friends at 26 tion will be. entertained Wednesday' eveninTwenty-sevent- h street. g-by. Misses Edna and Blanche i: Twenty-sevent- h lawn .'One of the enjoyable parties v street, f of the week was given for Mrs. Mattle 'afternoon and evening Collins, last Monday evening, by a theOn Tuesday Sunday school and church picnic renumber f Xriends. Mrs. Collins is to of the Lutheran church will Heave soon for "Long Beach. .: Calif,, be held English Lorin at Farr Park commencto home. Each inhere she is make her at-o'clock. Supper will be served Ikuest did her- utmost to make the eve ing Tiinr one to- be remenrbered,.by Mrs. between 6 and 7 o'clock. Collins. , Refreshments were served by Mfss Mary Adams was hostess to a iMies Mattle Preshaw, Miss Maud Stev Miss Mattie Wysong. Later in number of her llttlefriends last Wedns and -afternoon at the home of Mrs. the evening Mrs. ColliHs was presented nesday box of bon bons from her S. P. MUlaf on Patterson avenue when twitha she celebrated her seventh birthday friends. anniversary. V The, little gueets showtn The home of Mrs. Walter Brown, ered their hostess with many, pretty Harrison avenue, was the scene gifts and spent the'tlme in enjoying appropriate to their years.- Late rof & crettv party last weaneeaay art games ernoon. when Mrs. Brown and. Mrs. in the afternoon the little folks were Frank-Keyeentertained at a snower further delighted by the serving of t a uuver wneeiwngm, tempting luncheon. A pink and green Mrs. in honor of Iformerlv Miss Odessa Covington. . The color .scheme was carried out in tho time was pleasantly spent in playing decorations, with pink sweetpeas cencards- Mrs. Tiratt E. Ldoya or iiivereix, tering the table. The guests present WWash., favored the guests with three were Ruth and Florence Browning, ocal solos. At the" close of the after- - Ethel Jordan, ; Helen andVlrglnia "tvoon-dainty luncheon was served to Simpson, Helen CHlrk,; Inea "the following guests: Mrs. Oliver June and Eleanor Clark, 'EllenAllen, and '. Wyo-The- , -- " . .. , . their-an-nu- al r . ' Wal-berg,l- - 4 -- " . t25 - s ' - ' a . . y 24 Following an afternoon given entirely the ward bishop and members of the to recitations and choice musical s. stake hoard. An enloyable program lections, games and social chat, u was given. Bishop II E. Lund of the luncheon was served by the hostess at, Fourth ward led In community slnc- o o ciock. xnirty-tnre- e guests were,ng. v ocai sojos were C. given Dy jnrm. Mrs. W. Parker and Jensen, Cyrus present. , ' -Mrs. C. A. Lund. Punch was served Mrs. Bart Woolums and son. vHal, from a tabls arranged in the Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Faster of Salt Lake, were the guests ofMrs. in the (entertaining. assisted Hazel Willis during the past week. Members of the Britannic Mr. and Mrs. A, B. Davis, parents held their regular business meet of Mrs. J. G. Leonard. 2573 Fowler of ing Monday evening at the home and Mrs. H. avenue, and Mrs. D. Leonard Twenty-elxt- h 410 Fisher,. daughter Stella, mother and sister, of The hostess served light reJ. G. Leonard of the American Can street. freshments following the business company, left Tuesday mornirg for meeting. The of the their' home in. Indianapolis, Ind., after club has been social meeting a for wtsk. postponed tJast in three Ogden for the visiting weeks.' . The party left, by auto for Members of the M. E. church were the east, traveling over the Lincoln entertained by Mrs. Her delightfully highway.'" Both Mr. and Mrs. Davis 261 Harrisvlile road last were' well impressed by the western bert Wilson. at a lawn .social. afternoon Thursday country and western climate. Gamesiwere enjoyed throughout the afternoon and delicious refreshments were served. I tf. II ."' O W IsWagfSL'-:'- . : 1 , , rosi-pergol- - CL UBS FRE Members of the Heatherbell club entertained at a Junior picnic at Lorin Farr park last Tuesday afternoon. An feature of-- the ..afternoon Interesting was an account of the experiences suffered at th time of the Pueblo a. -- fal oo M HAVE flood by Mrs. Lochhead-o- f Pueblo. Several new guests were present, among them Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bin-nl- Quaker's Grouped Around Mrs. Beaton and Miss Beaton, and Eich-mon- d, Philadelphia recently arrived from Scotland. A delicious luncheon was served to thirty Spread Over TJ. S. . Members of the club are guests. planning to entertain their husbands at a picnic at Lorin Farr park on RICHMONT3. 2nd..' July 1. WhAt . August 12.' ars the prsnt activities oMhs Quk-ers- ? . Nubaa been Mrs. T. C. Iverson was hostess to merically, "ihs akrd recntlr. of Amrk," the member of the B. I. ,M. club aa thry are called, rs a small bo1y Tuesday- evening at' her home, 641 numberlnr about 115.000. but disWashington avenue, at a. party given tributed from coast to coast. Unr-lanIn honor of Mrs. Joseph Williams, a On th Atlantic coast x recent bride. Mrs. William was for New York. Philadelphia, Baltimerly Miss Violet Iverson. Four ta more and North Carolina yearly bles) were arranged for cards, prizes meeting: on the Pacific cojt. CaliBeing won by Mrs. J. L. Whltaker. fornia and Oregon meetln. Mrs. William Harrop, Mrs. Hyrum the latter axUndlnc yearly into Washington and Mrs. Walter Jackson.. At and Idaho. Inland states In which Harrop 11 o'clock supper, was served. Shasta Friends are wetl represented ar Ohio, daisies and pink sweet peas decorated, Indiana, Iowa and Canas. rVVO CAPITALS. the table. Covers were laid for twenty-five American Quakerism h two capiguests. Mrs. Iverson was astals, the older and mora consenraUrs sisted by Mrs. Leonard Pie.tlett. at Philadelphia, the newer at , The Happy Hour club met Wednes- miles ofInd. Svifuln a radius of 100 Rlcnmond are to be found day afternoon at Lorin Farr park. The pf American afternoon was spentin kenstngton and aprroxlmately a , picnic luncheon was later served Quakers, While Intensely individualistic In to un club members and two guests, Mrs.' Grove r." Boyd of Long Beach, principles and practice. Friends are learninf how to unite for accomplishiCal., and Mrs. Edward Bowland of ng; worth while tanks. Otherwise . Porto Rico. could not have Joined o readily they In perfectlnr the of the Mrs. Sam Welch was hostess to the American machinery commitFriends Berrlce members; of the L4v Oak club Wed- tee, with at Philadelnesday- afternoon at her home. 15S phia, whichheadquarters has a done Capltor avenue., Fifteen members re"5 Work ln Europe. monuments! wers present and spent the time in The majority of American yerly I MS 1 , -- H-lcnd- s - Nr d. , - Rlch-rnon- Qno-four- Fa-Jard- o, th d, ' v. Sf SBf one-and-a-h- i Cf alf two additional bed rooms. ; . ".. '.. e, - r story bungalow attractively designed and planned. The overhang ing roof shelters the porch v.'h opens into the library. The dining room and one sleeping room contain bay windows. chep is conveniently arranged and located and there is a small rear porch. The bath room is desirably situated. There is space in the upper story for Here Is a TOO CAPITALS q M U meetings are united in a national the Fir Tears Meeting of Friends. ln America, which carries cn a comprehensive and rrowlng- work at home and abroad. The headquarters of this orrantxatlon are located In Richmond, where the executive' staffs of the national boards are housed In their own office bulldlng ACTIVE OX MISSIONS.' Friends have lone been active la foreign mission work. Few as they art in number, their missionary efforts weJJ nlsh encircle the glob. Including work in Japan. China. India, Africa; Syria. MttUco. Central Amer Lea, Cuba and Jamaica. At home a principal concern of Friends is for the cauee of International peace and good will. Thetrs la regarded here as the only religious board on body having a national peace. Just now it Is very active ln tine fight for universal diarmanrf"nr-SIAXon. - k . Y ' SCHOOLS. In addition to s number of private schools. Quakers support secondary ten colleges, not including Brm Mawr, which, is controlled by a board of trustees composed of Friends. Taeae colleges are located at Uaverford and wrthmore. Pa.:. Guilford. S. C; Wilmington, O.; Richmond. Ind.; la.; WJchita, Kan.; Central City, Neb.; -Newberg. Ore., and Wfcll-tleCal. One of the big events of the Quaker year is the annual summer confer. enc of Toung Friends conduciad at a, r. Oyde Smith Adamsr. Architect. TVlIaon. of minoia. la director cf 'examinations and and F, L. Crone, formerly director of the Philippine school aratcm, la director, of school houae ccnatrucUon. A new untveralty called the XJnlver alty of Technical schools has been created. Its branches are engineering, EDUCATION IK PERU eciencee. Inagriculture, pedagogical dustrial arte and commerce. The leal UNDER. AMERICANS three fcranchea are rerpectlvelr under the direction of H- - O. Lull, of Kanaaa; LIMA. Peru. June 10 VtrtuUly the n. C. PhJUine and Dr. William K. system of Peru ia DutJB, formerly of the Unlrerrity of entire now under the direction of Anvrtcan Texaa. Fourteen other American profeeeors proffMors, who were called fcer rerehave been dlatributed among the secaa to educational complete cently form movement begun ten years agt. ondary . co 11 e g ee. oo The foreign educational experts are , to develop the errUm, from the primary grades to the university. In ac- NAVY UNIVERSITY cordance with the special needs' of PLUGS UF HOLES each section of the country. TJhxtor Harry Erwtn Hard, formerSoly eecretary of the NAKCT. United France, July If. Btatee ancy and the of form ciety erlr connected withwasthe Philippine undar fire throughout moA university, ehoeru by PresmlHon. the war. has plugged the' Kola in ident Xeguta to direct the reorganiza- of waHa. enlarged lis faclllUea and Its tion. Ioctor Hard has been appointed la education him and of under general opening lta doors to American, and are more than 20 American profea-aor- allied atudenta. Irnroe diaielr after the arrolatice several hundred American The country ha divided into crncer and men were tulrntd to three regions. The regional director the unlveralty for various ccureea and are John K. Breedin, of South Caro- out ef this coctact wlih a large group of foreign students grew the lda of lina; WlllSam W. Andrews, of and Glenn 1. Caulklna. of developing auch work. Wsahlngton. F. B. Frauldlng of Ver- Nancy university la reputed for Us Aiont. U dlrvtor St librartea; 1 M. application of science to Industry. Earlham college. Richmond, under tha au7icea of the Toung Friends Board of the Five Years Meeting. It Is attended by young Quaker men and women from all psrta of the country. oo. Pan-Americ- an ed-ecatio- a. ln Maa-aachuaet- ts. studies |