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Show THE OGDEN STAND SUNDAY: MORNING, JULY 17, 1921. I mm IBLESAL ARD-EXAMINE- R JAPAN'S FUTURE EMPRESS groups J2l rf SEEK LOAM HERE '" Z- - - 0 - A j uneratinff m Encouraging Features Seen As Financial Situation of .Dozen Cities Being Probed ..z. Week Is Summed' Up zzz'Jz.'By-Policsvndicate J-;.- . New Service) 16. DevelopNEW YORK, i DETROIT July 16. A monster.au- - ments of the weekJuly in financial VUli- -i tentacles with tcmobile theft in syndicate not were lacking ' fPntnrM hut were neutralized or reachingwasinto M dozen states, being probedk by police in offset by industrial conditions which two states tonight. Twelve alleged further liquidation. members of the "syndicate" are under precipitated statement of the Lackawanna "The are arrest while detectives searching Steel company for the second quarter here and in Minneapolis for ten other of the year disclosing an enormous isnown members, of earnings as compared The syndicate, said to' be the ma- - shrinkage 1920 with the period, and further rechination of a former Detroit police- duction: of operations and wages by man. died its trade for a year with other steel thoae rendered producers ." Hundreds of issues to practical immunity. vulnerable selling especially ?w-automobiles were stolen, taken into pressure. another state and sold by members of OILS MORE UNSTABLE. the ring. Their activity led through ' MinOils became more unstable because Michigan. Indiana, Illinois, Ohio, rallied parnesota, Wisconsin, and .in several in- of Mexican conditions, but into Missouri tially on publication . of President stances, it is charged, ' "" Iowa. and Harding's statement strongly disap' The syndicate', according- to police, proving the proposed import taxes in maintained headquarters in Detroit the tentative, tariff schedule; and Minneapolis, transferring cars Hails, which manifested improvestolen in one city to the other, for dis- ment during the previous week in connection with Secretary Melfon's plan-t- o posal. RECOVERED. CARS fund their obligations, fell back on Ten stolen cars were recovered when reports that the necessary congressional appropriations might fall. police simultaneously raided the two of headquarters today. In the raid CALL LOAN'S UI the Detroit headquarters police arrestof money were reEnormous ed seven men and recovered three cars. leased from sums investment sources, but The prisoners gave their names as the demand was sufticient to keep call Samuel Cardigan, Thomas Miller, Per- loans at Hix to six Princess Nagako. center, is to marry the crown prince of Japan. and per Carrie cy Hansom, Joseph Cloudy and to She is shown here with her father, .sister and mother (in background ) cent. rate also The lower applied and Carl Thomas. ,Panby time loans, although slight concessions ZThe police are Investigating the sup- were made where Liberty bonds served arriving at the imperial palace to view movie of the crown prinn? was position that the Dansby woman cars. as collateral. in London. used as a "lure" in the theft of new Several offerings corporate police-madarrests five, Minneapolis a ready market, although suband recovered seven stolen machines.- found scriptions to the French loan proThe prisoners were Fred Fluff, for- moted several months ago by a country-mer member of the Detroit police de- wide syndicate, were still obtainof the "brains" and partment alleged able. Carring; Frank W. Cardigan, James HeAn interesting feature of the interdigan, Irving Siska and William national credit situation aside from the in witt. Tho two Cardigans arrested weakness of British and most other ;. Minneapolis and the one here caught European exchanges was the an- are brothers. nouncement that powerful German FASHIONABLE DISTRICT. The Minneapolis headquarters were financial groups had instituted negolocated in a fashionable residential tiations here for large loans. of this project ranee from J district, while the Detroit office was Estimates one to hundred million dollars theFull Social Value1' of Coal Want Millions ill Interest on 'fifty district. business located The ring's activities were revealed and the proceeds are to be used pri Loans Paid fol-- ; marily for the purchase of grains, By Union Foreign Explained through the arrest of Lockhart, ton and Lawcopper. the theft of a machine in to Soldiers President ooton,! Mich. Detectives traced the car.' Z.L-- ' l, ' mid-weste- rn - : -- dim?! . . ; L - -- " 1 w - km - - -- on-ha- lf - For $10 down and $11 a month for only 11 months you can place this e SENAT HEARS1 RAINBOW VETS STORY OF B AHL ACTO N OOMUS ! EdMC RANGE le YOUR TOME ; - cot-Jawi- ng -- a confession, they say. implicating OFFER $2CC0 FQR other, members of the band- The sim- -MEDICAL ATTENTION ultaneous raids here and in MinneapoUs followed. Detectives tonight were seeking; other "agents" of the "syn CHICAGO, July 16. The manner in the dicate'' scattered throughout which man will attempt to assist his states, in which, it plied lis trade. fellow creature, for financial return O0 or otherwise, is shown in the number of replies received as the result of an article published a year ago which erroneously stated that Benjamin Hyde, ,ato retiredonecontractor, would give $1,000 who could tejl him how tu any obtain sleep without the, use of medl- j I j ' July 16. A blUe pencilled Congressional RecWASHINGTON,' ord, appeared today with its accthe personal clash yesin the senate over recom- terday ; mital of the soldiers' bonus bill heavily censored. Comparative peace and calm in the Record as well , as. the capitol -- atmosphere, succeeded the storm which raged within and without the chamber. Expunged from official, history were most of the tempestuous between Senators Republican, North Dakota,; and Reed, Democrat, Mis- souri.t.The Record was silent on Mrt McCumber's invitation to set- ; tie differences "outside." Also lost. ' to history were Senator Reed's remarks about "blackguards;" it being' understood that the stenographer's ringside . report had been blue penciled by lthe principals themselves in the ' Interest Tof senate decorum; ount-of The article misquoted Mr. Hyde. who suitering from paralysis agitans, and more than 3,000 letters were written giving him varied lines of advice as to how to sleep. Mr. Hyde has recently made another offer of $2,000. but in order to avoid answers from irresponsible persons, lie has confined tho offer of the reward to "physicians of good standing." His condition is that the cure permanently free him from tremors and muscular contractions and enable him to sit in a-- chair without having pains In his back. i , ex-chan- Mc-Cumb- er. GOVERNOROF N. D. MAY BE RECALLED : FARGO. , ! JERSEY CITY, N. J.. July 1 6. A rent strike among tenants of fashionable 'apartments was in effect today under direction of the city authorities. It was launched by James F. Gannon,' Jr., director of revenue and. finance, at a mass meeting in protest against notices of owners of o apartment stenanted by people that rents would be raised October 1. Notices of the' landlords were given to city authorities and the and upport- - of the admeting ministration in resisting increases was pledged. well-to-d- r Gov- against ernor Lynn J. Frasier, Attorney-GeneraLemke and John Hagan, commissioner of agriculture and labor, have been reported to the headauar- ters of the Independent Voters' asso ciation, it was announced today Petitions filed and tabulated in the Fargo contained 45,935 headquarters tures at noon. Eighty thousandsignasignatures are required. l- Even Rich Balk I at ; Latest Gouge Landlords -- 16. D., insure a recall election OO , N. More July than half the signatures required to . ' win-Fel- I ts oo TOWNLEY MOTION DENIED BY JUDGE I ST. PAUL. Minn-16. Motion of counsel for A. C.July Townley, presi. dent of the National league, and Joseph Gilbert, formerly league organizer, for in their case growing outreargument of conviction in Jackson county for violation of the state espionage act, was denied by the Minnesota supreme court today. The defendants were given a stay of thirty days to apply to the federal supreme court for review of their case. They are under sentence of 90 days in Jackson county Jail. They were tried in July 1915, and have been denied various appeals in state courts. Non-Partis- an ' . . vice-preside- b-i- -- ng . 000-mln- v, v. ! taxes non-unio- - j $50,-000,00- taxable one-fourt- GIVEN! HAD. SPINET. Ni:V VQP.K. July 16- - The actual Death of Harry Hawker Due condition of clariru hou bank and i to Sudden Paralysis trust companies 'for the week nhowa in Air that they holJ $13,22.040 reserve In excess of legal requirement. Thw Is a decrease Of J20.775.6SO from last LONDON. July II (Dy The Aso-elate- d week. Trees.) Harry O. Hawker, the The statement follows: famous aviator, .wher on ActuRlr,ondltion: ti kllleO lxans. discount, etc.. J4.44$,048.-00- Tuday suda suffered rrobably dcrease. 155.307.000. C.tsh In own vaults: Members F. II. den stroke of paralysis due to spinal bank. $76. 01. 000; decrease. $,49S.-00- disease which caused him tolos control of the machine In which he wst Hcterve In F. R. banks of member flylnr nd crash to the earth, accord-Inj- r. tsnks. $48,372,000; decrease. $1C.$17. to tsMlmony Introduced at the 000. over the bodv today. nanus n own Mule vaults: Hesn" and trust companies $8,811,000; de Testimony ooncernlnc hi physical condition came as a surprise In view crease. $531,000. Reserve in depoBltarles. state banks of the fact that he was entered In Ihe and trull companies. $8,442,000; in- 260 mile aerial derby around Jndsn today. crease. $127,000. A physician stste4 that Hawker had X Net demand deposits tuberculoeU of the spine and that the $35,020,000. de disease had prorreed so far that a Time tlepotltii. $214,632,000; very slight movement or strain would $8,227,000. crease, Circulation. $32,345,000; decreaae. be eufTlcIent to cause a rupture. The physician said he thought $418,000. X United fiUtea depostta, deduct- Hawker waa seUM with parelyale. The famous aviator had been advjd ed. $15,201,000. to ro to bM eighteen months ago. h Affcrejcate reserve, $500,225,000. but be ha4 peralited in TyExce3 reserve, $ 1 3,212.040; de- onserted. . . ing. 50. crease.- $20,775. rew of Hawker's knew the fHents Bummary of state bsnka and trust a had aviator disease. smiling not deadly York In New Greater companies Included "in the cleatinjr house state- lt, 0; 0. in-Qu- i $S.S0,-760.000;'incre- gon INDIANAPOLIS. Ind., July 16 President John Ll Lewis, of th United Mine Workers of America, In a state ment issued here today. declared David Robb and 'other, representative of the union '"had been ordered by the state militia authorities" to leave West Virginia where a strike has been in progress some time, and added that the union will: afford every possible protection and assistance" to . the men. They were . arrested last week- - and charged under the governor's- proclamation of martial law with unlawful assemblage.' "These men." said the statement, "have committed no crime. And yet they were arrested, toimprisoned in Jail and then ordered leave 'the state, merely because they are representatives of the United Mine Workers of ' America." . -- . i!L' ' Sf - f'BEOZ' V&eZp&T Z .. PACKAGE OF GOODNESS v' YOUR GUABANTEE of Butter goodness is MAID 0' BUTTER the butter that is "made from pas-- ' ftcurized earnpure butter, delicious, with its natural . ; j , payor. Master butter makers make MATT) O V CLOVER, in..i the., modern, sanitary creameries" of the ."West and Northwest. It.is butter perfection; good for little folks, JncLgood for grownups. All Maid 6' - Clever products are ' GOOD. . etc, $ 10$. 230. 000; Loans, discounts, $ 2. 4 3 1 . 0 0. Gold. $.m.400; decrease. $t.00. Currency and bank notes. $17,632.-10decrease. $511,900. New Deposits with F. It-- bank.$1,110.-40York. $51,385,800; increaae, d ecreaae- 0; " . . BUTTER, EGGS, CHEESE iutualJCrea From Grand "Junction, Colo.,to Seattle, Wash. J I ' f V'' $2,353,515,300; Increase,1 Ctth la vault, ".. oo . WASIltNGTON. July Utah nearly Manufacturing In ten r doubled during the years end-Ininwith ltl9, and the capital ' vested, la manufacturing lndua-trie- a more Increased than lto Isto a bulletin ier cent, accordingsued by the census bureau today. This w a in the face of the fact, that the number offellmanufacturoff 2& per. lng establishments . cent dutipr. the decads. census bureau bulletin The ahowa tho i following" important facts: The valu of tnanufac- Increasedfrom tured products 1109-t341. $10.-$0- 2 $22,033,212 In In 1111. the last ysar covered by tha mannfaxturara" census. Capital Invested in manufacturinc ' eatabllahnuxnta lncrtaej from 111.000.043 to $178.621.27 ..'These establishments paid la waxes $$. In 9$f.$5) in 1101 and $17,111,112 1911. an Increase of 91-- per cenL and materials The supplle -- - o P 3S9 Twentyfourth St E 4 ... ; and.-ator.- r s; W. BATT.S WINS. TORONTO, uly 1. W. Iiaea ofi California, won the Canadian men"e open singles championship today b defeating E. L LeT. his learn mate." . -- 4- -. 4, 1-- -- 2, $. so rbronJded there Is every reasnn" Although It Is net o lon to believe that Irnoe expreaJy t out on hta timcmi search for the Fountain of Youth at the instance of a woman, Ilecause of woman's untiring' Quest for wntlnoM youth, tbsre has spnirxg vp a great boat cT "beauty speclallsla." The mMern bautr has become an Institution In America. And literally hundreds prtor of tens of cosmetics art yertjr old to women ambitious for youth. tdoes femtninlty strive valiantly to Tbrourh the i(rttif lha a4anrtns: yara and to keep Father Tlma from penning- puih bis auto- graph on their facaa. Hoerevsr. retaining youth Is not rteceaaarL'y a matter of facials" or faca tinkering. It is not neeaii!y a matter of eoUl creams, thlngenta. powder or rouge Jt may be alrcply and solely a matter of bodily elasticity. Youth is bodily elsstlclty. Asw is bodily rigiilty. By keeping the body elastic, youth Is retained. The increaelng rigidity cf age Interferes with the transmlaalon "ef vital energy through your trve system. Youth, health and strengthare yours only so long as vital energy la not interrupted la its transtnlaaVon to every body part. , There is no way In which ymj can keep your bo4y elastic Into the far reache of tha reara Uut there 13 a war tn hlrh you can the InenUWt rlgVlltjr of ags from interCertna? with the tranrmlst'.oa of vital energy throughout your body. Interference with transmialon of vital energy taually occurs at the spine. It Is her that all th main trunk Ilne of tha nerve syatera . pass thorough and between th movable bones of the spmal column. . ... le The science of concerns wjih keeping Ue do not prr aralnt th nrre ann- I spinal bone In place mo that -' intarfer with tranamlaaVcn of vitai eTjergy. The rirWIty of r the tooea. th corrals Chiropractic stantly tends to dlsplac splnai i . . - Mariuf acturingf In Utah Doubles In Past Decade National 8 RIGA, July 1C.' (By The Associated Pre..) The Irxveitia, cf Moscow, nay that an official app'sl to al! cltl- rena of -Huila to aid In alleviating suffering- caused by famine, a!gned bj all the rotmters of the government, places the number of starving afnot leaa than 1P.OCO.000 In the various the Volga, in the province Tartar republic and the Chuvaah territory. These, say thw appeal, can- not exist until the next harvest without aid. The famine Is characterised' a a national calamity. According to an American relief expert In Il!a. the cost of completely this number from crut'.3e cf, Jlussla would exceed $40,000,000 monthly. oo . - Commercial Bank quired to Relievo Distress in Nation , - COAST BANKERS TO HOLD CONFERENCE . ' $43,403,100. --oo- WASHINGTON, July 1. Pacific coast financial and economical prob lems are to be discussed In San Fran clsco July 28 at a conference between coast bankers and Adolph C-- ililler: of the federal reserve board, it was said today at the board. Mr. Miller is now on the coast studying credit needs or industries. It was said, and after the San Francisco conference Is expectea to report to the board and suggest steps to afford credit assist ance wnere necessary. In- Cash In vault, $27,153,200. Hanks:' today, '. .A $42,$I6.100; depOKlta, Trurt companies: ings Account with us ; - Total Deposit. Don't repeat it thU year open your Sav- Re- RECAPTURING FEMININE CHARM 0. $5,214,800. interest. Month - l : . $40,000,000 a ment: . . crease. $141,100. DO. Klmlnntjnc amounts due from reserve depositaries and other banks ond trust companies m New ork: City1 and Unlte-- 1 Btates. ant money along with it. Suppose every family had part of that "pleasure money" put away in a Savings Account at this bank, drawing 4 per cent Wouldn't the satisfaction of being, ahead prove to be the greatest pleasure!. MINE WORKERS TO DEFEND OFFICIALS ent ae. o ture sought to buy is RUSS STARVING J ers How Much of Yours for A Luxuries? TEN .. MILLION i K - - NOTED AVIATOR CONDITION OF nt. ' . ' LIGHT GO. UTAH POWER I 1s ' three-burne- , ; cines. At this price you can easily afford to cook in this modern, convenient and comfortable way. r Secure now this popular cabinet type rangrc, with cooking surface, large lower ihelf and easily regulated oven with I 11 : . Story of Senate Scrap Censored in Day's Record "WASHINGTON. July 16. A first CLKVKLAND. Ohio. July K. Th" hand account of the gun battle at j u v . ini'Ji Matewan, V. Va., growing out of coal I a I. nil ill' u i I r . strike troubles was given the senate Investigating committee today by Sid ln svsljn of their annual convention Hatfield, chief of policw of the town. hero today. Thty passed ft rolutinn. who took part In the fight with the however, recommending early collecSix charges flf tion of the accrued Interest on the alprivate detectives. war debt to the United States and homicide still are pending against j lied use of the money to pay the adhim. th 'The mayor issued warrants for ar- - justed compensation for detecThe resolution pointed out that the rest of all the Hald tivfs who came to evict miners' fam- ' allied debt to the ITnlted Htatei ilies from their houses." Hatfield nald. amounts to ten billion dollars nnt th.it "I we?nt to serve the warrants and ar-- j one and a half billion dollars are now rest the men. Albert Felts, the Nader. due as accrued interest. A resolution wm adopted demandturned the compliment on me and said he had a warrant for me." ing adequate and efficient care for disSTOttY OF SHOOTING. abled service men. Colonel George R. Ieach. former There were thirteen men in the Felts Hatfield said, adding: officer of ihe I51it field commanding party. ' I asked the mayor for warrants; artillery, now mayor of Minneapolis, because they were violating the townj was elected president for the ensuing ordinances bv carrying guns. V hadi year. . Other' officers elected were: been informed also that the warrantsi Honorary president. Matt A. Tlnley. for throwing these people out of tneir Council Bluffs. Ja.: first J. Iientley Mulford, "Washington. houses were Illegal.'' H. B. Avis, counsel for the opera-tor- i, D. C. and' chaplain. J. Hollid.ty asked Hatfield If he had not been DetrolW to At th close tif th" buinsf nepsion "Instrumental in bringing in rifles." ne fhe delegates stood for twenty wronds the Mingo field. The'witness saiasold. In alienee as a tribute to the dead of was now running a store which . . . the divisiongunsCOThe cost of his legal defense was paid, the witness said, by the Unit NICHOLAS MURRAY ori miners. Ienial that any of the 12.500.000 BUTLER HONORED unon in spent by the national miners' troubles connection with the srrlke PARIS. July ie. The title of honwent for arms, was made by C.crona--F. orary doctor of the Academy of 1'arln i wa conferred Keenev. union president, under upon President NichoBfor Avis, counsel axaminatlon by P. las IJutler. of Columbia uniMurray the operators. . The money was spent, versity by the Unlvernlty of Paris at colonies Kennev said, to support tent, the, to him at the reception ' in which. 11, and their fam- today. The title heretofore Forbonne has not ilies were housed. been to foreigners. granted FULL SOCIAL VALIK. "What do you mean by saying that mine workers are entitled to the full social value of coal they produce?" Chairman Kenyon asked the witness. "It means that a man should re ceive all the wealth that h creates after payment of the running expenses, transportation and a fair return to thej Hint IWlU.unu not mean takingj answered. "It does iwfci, the property away." He agreed with Chairman Kenyon that the union was endeavoring "toget the method of compensation adopted rather than the present system. " Uncle Sam collected VIOLENCE DENIED. over $5,000,000 from Senator Stirling. Republican. South Dakota, asked If the union men did Utah people last year in not use "violence, intimidation and n alone. men to' to Join: luxury threats get . the union." This means that 0 "No," Keeney said, "that Is not thej policy of the mine workers. was spent for "What would you do to a local union that were which resorttd to such tactics?" Senpleasures ator Stirling persisted. - approxi"I'd expel them." to a family mately $500 The committee looked into the syssherwhich In tem h Mingo by of five," or deputy i iffs have .been employed by private of the average family concerns. James Kirkpatrlck, a depuincome. ty, testified he had received a salary from the union as well as his official pay and named a half dozen men, he Today trie pleasure that The said, the coal operators employed. said-nthis immense expendino system was longer In effect, he J - from $4,000,000 used nearly $$.000,000. in-ree- d 10 , ever-!nrreaji- ng 1 Chh-oorart- ltlf thr f ,. " delect ' . a C.!rcr rac?fe have would have and health rootK If yea beauts, bona adtuste'-- l properly. Mcr ardl more owv keep your spina) ' . very day are aurptmntfng lh efforts of. th!r favorit OV try Jt? specialist by taking; Chiropractic adjustnvnta. Buppo tr : Phones: Bes, Dr. Se Clark CHIROPRACTOR Office 3S3 Hours: 10 to 12 m., 1C3-M- - ; 3 . 2441 Hudson Avenue to 6 p. m. t t |