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Show iroatlti Notes. leaving a faucet running io his room, that the rains deceoded and the fl)ods came, .an t the water went through the floor and' ruined the frescoed ceiling of the parlor below ($100). Being superintendent of an aqueduct when he is at home the geueral should have understood better the workings of those . so Persons who work hard, under known of must twenty years of age, should be al lowed, ten hours rest iu bed. The J.i,. (Wtock miui-- arc tenanted health of girls is sometimes ruined by of rats, which tl.e overruling mothers. i. t'l:ou.a-rJtill iirwi.JV Always air your rooms from the not anemiM. n Bjinrrs will air if possible. Wiudows outside A history of circuaist-nce- s. Dj are mads to open,' doors are made to tiic rodent family and shut this brch of the truth of which seems nil over the face Pp'oad difficult of apprehension. their rapid the liuaiau Every room must be aired from withof ihe earth, wherever every passage from withiu. would prove, intensely out ce hs iroue, Let it be always borne in mind fill a lur-- e ;f,r,stiuL'. aud uii-that cold air is not necessarily pure, volume. nor is warm air necessarily impure. is easy In all ordinary ailments and acci In the days of railroads it dents secure quiet of body, compo introduction bat , ..(.count for their sure pure air, pure water, W thev could have been transport and (i mind, loud at regular intervals bimple coun ed over 1 5i)0 miles of little a being hungry all the time. a journey ol several mouths try, on should be compelled to Children They also duration, is a mystery. be out of doors fur the greater part mailt; their appearance soou alter the of daylight, from after breakfast un and when the couiitiy was hettled, til half an hour before sundown. were jieneU lunntoiateiy mines Wo do not advice a warm bath maduthtin their abode. The lielch- tut we swarms with rat, oftencr than once a week, eruiiie and consu must t facts. Each nature i,o hold high carnival in tha ds mm should bathe in a manner which, ertid drifts and nniurg the many ce from observation and persDual ex. live timber.--on the Tiny eayed does him the most good. retire ol the min. rs' lunches. Where periment, In of health and disease each matters are employed jeveral hundred uien his be must Immense own rule. from their aud eat their dinners is mischief daily done by ignoriuc liocli bickets, which they carry this which is at ouce the levels principle, with them, th down into the dictate sound a of policy aud of com pieces of nifcit, bread and other artmon sone. icles thrown away would soou be The more sife-- people can sleep the rewere oti'.'tisive not ome they moved or destroyed. Here the rats sooner they will get well. Sleeping vulture which in the daytime, it before noon, en Hep in, and like the ables them to sleep better the follow walks about the streets of a tropical ing night. city unharmed and feeds on carrion, r'uu is worth more than physic, he kiou removes all traees of the and whoever invents or discovers a the bones being picked feast, even new source of supply, deserves the clean. For this reason the miners name of a public benefactor; and do not molest the rats and they have whoever can write an article the most free license to ruu up aud doru the laughter-promoting- , and at the same shafts, scale the timbers and hold time harmless, is worthy of' our court ia the very centre of the big and respect. bonanza. gratitude A big mine, 1,500 or bad a It is plau to be always tak- 2,000 feet in depth, is a very paradise for the rat. In the dead of ieg medicine; such persons are never winter, where the thermometer on well. A teaspoon ful of blood from the the surface is below zro and ha? prevented many a fatal nose his brethren above are crouched of apoplexy: hence a nose bleed under the corner of some buildiug is sometimes the safety-valv- e lalf frozen to death, he is luxuriof ing life. ate in an equable temperature 110 w 115 degrees. In the heat of sumMultitudes bring on themselves mer he can seek the be horrors of a g drifts dyspepsia upper where the air is fresh cool. and He by drinking large quantities: of cold las no fear of traps, nor of cats or water at their meals. attar eucmies. Infants and animals never, have lie feeds regularly1 nd is never molested, aud as long as dyspepsia if let alone, for nature is theomstock is worked he avid his the wise apportioner. Thus it is with descendants are sure of an abode, une- sleep. ... Nature, herself sleepless, qualled for ease, comfort and securiwakes us up the moment we have had enough, if we are not tampered tyVirginia Chronicle. with. . Swallowing ice freely m small lumps is the chief treatment in inCommercial Value of Cour- - flammation of the stomach. Itis a fact not generally an 1 drifts tl..lt the tralleries s - ht dt-se-rt ly at-tac- k lile-lon- In one of our largo hotels a yonng n his a very large aalary at room ?prk. lie has the faculty of stow-la- S people away in all sorts of untenable places in his. hotel, and JwiJS the guests feel happy tibout politeness "and good humor ;;v,e;rueu'pty stout, 0f the shoe Leather Hank, is celebrated hnancial success for and for his in-- " Alible good nature. He is never Jtajumbest.hc a kind word for When they are rush- bMk. Mr. Stout tune to say, -- Take a 8t leisure in a moment." 4 J &VQ.tLe L ??meintothe p.ened nk the other aa account- - iitTW7 " be bfwnso jou are 't Ss have a depositor iajjivu. tinuj k0h bank for many years. V 1 Costly Hospitality. We are not sure that Boston upon a late occasion wanted to sec General Graut; but at any rate she paid roundly for tbo rapture, the honor, or the bother whatever it might be. The keepers of that renowned inn the Revere House, have rendered their ill for boarding and lodging the general and his tail; and the lesson which it teaches is that you cannot have Presidents et. al. for guests without making dreadful inroads ino the municipal money chest. We have perused the particulars with a kind of awe. 'The cost of keeping P. G. for four days was SI 20. Belknap came lower; hc, like Itobeson, General Jewell, Babcock and Wilson, is rifted at $10 a day, or 0200 for the whole illustrious crowd We do not know what there is about Secretary Delano which should make him more expensive; but whether he ate, drank, smoked, bathed or slept more 1 no society to hardly money enough than the others or not, it is certain than hia keeping cost $18 a day desk which "I 88 more than common secretaries. vd 5 busineFS 10 do. He During their short stay they connd sumed wine cigars valued at off.'hat .thw I $13G.2a, and there is an item of $12 oedT for extra meals, with a large number of fires at $5 each. The sum of S3 25 appears, being the cost of ordered bringing up the President's trunk the from the depot All the meals, we ch note,,were '"private," which doesn't ; he and say much for the sociability of the party. ,.. Wa really do not like to .lor!- - Sauci- - think of all tbeso jolly follows eating pdoos tw v solitary and alone. Babcock, poor 3 man, without meaning it, ad led concago Commercial siderably to the "dcui'd total" by eu1at.he Xi feP'k Mrtctl J P0t . water-fixtures- Picnicking Under IMflt-cultie- SOMETK.KC s. YOU The Turners of Redwood City held their annual picnic yesterday iu BelmoBt. The Turners of Sau Fian-ciscAND IGI1T TU'NNING. J with the design of attending gPEED th picnic, engaged the steamer Mil- Oupled with immense power and dura-biliiton S. Latham to carry them to BelThe ouly straight nee'lle Sewwhich condone tbes Maskine mont by water At 8 o'clock in the ing OUGIIT to KNOW o, But the glory of this big bill was morni.ig a gay and happy assemin its ultimate charge: "To blage, numbering about oOO ladies banquet and to Presideut Gran, and gentleman, boarded the boat and one paity thousand dollars! ' However hungry, started on the trip. Owing to adwe think we should attain a tolerable verse wind, tide aud Provid mce the mud-flat- s oT seuse of repletion just by reading boat grounded iu the afio 3 o'clock the the bill of fire of that banquet with Belmont, about the aid of a French dictionary. Even ternoon, with no prospect of reachthe strawberries were 83.50 per quart. ing the solid land except by sliding Theu $480 for flower, bright along at full length over the black mud. Fiually some people ou shore flowers, to strew in the conqueror's the predicament in which path." Then 50 for rent of pic- perceived tures to hang up in his room, with the steamer and the picnickers were 17 paid for insurance against the in, and a small skiff, capable of seatPresident's looking at it too hard, or ing about twenty, was procured, and after soma difficulty dispatched o the falling into it, or against the superf- y Observation andfrv: great escntiHls. ti tice have detnonHirated the fact, good sewing cn be done on all firl-clastuackines. Tben the enquiry arise?; Which Machine run the lighten! s THK WUEI. Which Machine sew the fastest? TI1K WEED. Mnchino has the handiest pliances? Which ap- THE WEED. with Qujpry Can you ew, successfully, No. 8 cotton? Yes! OX THE WEEi). Saturday being tbo day which culls miny from tbo outlying towns to Ogden City, I shall make it a point to bo luous water, perhaps, from General steamer. It was leaded with ladies found in my office always on Saturdays. Bibcock's basin. We read in auci- - and headed for the land. It had not OFFICE AND SHOW ROOM O.N ent history of the luxury of the went more than half way, however, A. 11 IS ltoman emperors well, this too before it was discovered that a skiff OM the to J. Opp. Tithing Yi seems to have been a very Cesarean would not sail over bare mud with a N. B. I N ST M time. We condole with Presidents do come hi"h Tribune. Boston. Y. ' ISulIct Proof. Any quantity of fabulous yarn have been spun abo'it the thickness and itr penetrability of the skull of the African, such as the one about the aged colored man who, passing along the street, was visited by a brick dropped by a playful child from a third story window plump on his head. "Madame," said he to the mother of the darling,' as in answer to the bell pull she came to the doo, "I have no objection to your children amusing themselves, but I don't like U have my hat smashed." And then thsre, was that remark able old stand by that dear old Prof. McMurtrie, of the High School, ol blessed memory, related year after year with peculiar uuction and a laitk only born of continual repetition (he must have once had some doubts about the talc), about the colored who fell four stories downward through the hatchway of an unfinished store, and landing on his head on a pile of bricks in the cellar, just rose to his feet, filled .his hod with bricks, rejecting a few his head had crushed, aud cheerily shouldered his load up the ladder to the astouished bricklayers above. But these are totally eclipsed blot ted clean out by a veritable affair that happened last night at Dupon ccau and Locust streets; Charles Anderson lind Henry Decc-.er- , about 7 o'clock, there fought, and policeman Lawton, of the Fifth district, interfering, "Anderson hit him 6avagcly on the head with a club, and then ran into hu house on Duponceau street, just below the corner. Policemen Norris and Boone then arrived, and Lawton then went after Deemer, who had ran down towards Spruce street, "and Norris en tered the house in search of Anderson, and had a hot time, for Anderson hit him twice in the head with a club, and three colored women joined in the assault, one of whem, named Sarah Anderson, sliced around the polioe-man- 'i g head with great industry, within a hair's him on the neck breadth of his jugular, neatly laying open his cheek, and finishing with a Norris long gash acress his crown. and Anderson shot drew his pistol Did it kill forehead. in the plump him? Not a bit of it; for the ball, although fired within a few feet of Anderson, just flattened on his skull and then fell harmless at hia feet. By this time Deemer, escaping the pursuit of Lawton through the labyrinth of alleys arouud and about there, had got into Anderson's house through the back way, and at once rushed for Norris,. who being just then in the shooting line, blazed away at him, the balf lodging back of his ear, and this ball was afterwards picked out, flattened, by a physician with his fingers, and the victim's skull found as sound 3 a dollar. The officers hod-carri- er crowd aboard. The ouly alternative was for the passengers to disembark and foot it through the mud to the land. The ladies gathered up their voluminous skirts aud bravely struggled along, sinking nearly to their hips iu the soft mud at tvery step. In the meantime the skiff returned for another load, until fiually the whole crowd was safely landed ou shore. A more ludicrous 6ight was never witnessed. The skirts of the ladies served to conceal their tribu lation, but their faces told the tale The pantaloons of the of misery. men, some of which were white when they stalled, were coated with soft black mud. To make affairs still more uiscrablet the iruolo party were compelled to hurry to .the station, that they might catch the last truiu for this city. S. F. Chronicle. ' The Constitution of New Hampshire contains a religious proscriptive clause No person is eligible to the office of Governor, Senator or Representative, unless he is of the Protestant religion. At various times attempts have been made to strike out the proscriptive feature, but they J. . Comjmiiy, tMiOw vorth Reading fas! worth Ee?!3 ' VEYES! J f3h. A ! SAVE YOUR Eestore your Sight! ' "!. TliEOWmi jonr EPECTACLES, 11 y our Illin-- 1 atreading nl PHYKIOLOUY AND ANATOMY of ho 1 KYE8IU11T. Tells how to lleatare Impair- cu vision and uvcrworkca s,)rthiiw tocare Weak, Watery, Inflamed, aad Eyca, and all other IMs of I he Ryes. Kear-Slght- e't WASTK AO MORS NONKY BTADJUSTJlfO TtUGK GLASSES Off YOUR KOFB AMD HIS FIGURJ SO YOUR FACE. Pa mphlet 10O of Mailed Free. Send yoiur svddroM raffia to us alao. Agents .Wanted, f (leats or Ledies. 13 to 10 day frsaraiitsea, seat tree. Write ImaMtliatalr, DR. J. BALL & CO., p. o. bo wi So. 91 liberty Bt Vsw York Citj, 1'aU particulars u I, I. " THE "LIGHT RUKFttHG "DOMEsncno have failed. : i vm - A. W. BROWN & Cc. wj FIFTH STREET, OGDEN. Dalrt ia In calling the attention of the put!ie BOOK & SHEET H I U S ts our machine at this uoie, C ! "DomoMtfu" 3InclIues. Musical Merchandise, Keep constantly on hand a full of We have nrl-me- n, sold them in all parts of the country and for sU ihe varied purpoek ef rewingtaai whether in city orcounUy For Family D. Basses, lHanosf Vlolonctilosf Organs, Accardeons, Viot.au, Violins, Fifes, l'ictolos, Flutes, we cannot refrain from referring to cur buainesn of the last year. We have sold a large number of the , OR Manufacturing Purposes Banjos, Guitar AND REPAIRS ef all KINDS BLAMC PAPLU, lilJtXU HOOKS. MAJtD JtOOKS, Are. We unhesitatingly claim that they hav. fully answered the requirements and the expectations of ihe purchasers. iVb WUlioat exception th all tt STOCK riulia, t LOWEST Ol BltUXQS tiMt PRICES r and are ia continnl receipt the very publitMtlnntiSo VTAJT, ltt f Hook fcul Sheet Muxic.ftt New York 1'rlco. A gentn 37-l- to many minds incredible. The faef in, the inventor ittrUd right, and that ibe machine should be superior is only the natural result, and explains the extra- ordinary lead which tk.'a nocbine takes with the public over machines long rs garded as the best. . . . Tl iicHuiiMu Til inupirntea laioinr"" w Domeftic" Paper Fashions furnitbed m (Eneloso Stamp) DOMESTIC "VICTOR" 31 ti o Ii 1 11 OF SUPERIORITY a are claimed for the "Dome!ic" peems fifee. for tb Celebrated Sewing That any Sewing Machine should ha B(i many. a - Maibd pott paid on rtcript of tath. c. A GEVVINQ MACHINE Companj 180 Stnte Street, Chisago, (Ojipouile Fluter Uouce.) OBSTACLES TO XI1KRIAGE. HArrv Rrxrrp for lovm men from met l vf terror Hf)i Attunes ia early lift. (bo ( Machine ha utr leen morn Sattufactury lit (he Buytr. POINTS now reinforced by policeman Manb.HMl Korel. IrHNviixirtiU to Marriuca Nw MJ reDvem-cr- , Stir ivMod of Myers, and arrested Anderson, markable roinlli. Uocke i.iid (Irciilnri and the three females, and they tif. in "IU nvlnix-i- . AlrM, li'VAKP ASSOCIATION. No. 419 North Ninth St.. I'liiwlel-jiaiwere all. LiLcn to the Fifth dittiiut I'a., an lafctituuuu lmnLR a liill re ,,i;Ut((m station house ani locked up. Phil, lur hrn"rable cuuuuct aud yrofiM'fUl ei.iil. adelphia Times. were M. S. Weed OdDEN CITY. A Gem T, A. P. PERKINS, Agent cut-tin- . K AOBNT FOR NORTHtKN rc-hi- T. lit JOSEPH0rrfen ; Affcnt JllK UTAn, JOHITGOrr, Cf tj. Wnutcd! -- |